
Character Name: Cleo Ranft
Nicknames/Alias: Wikki, Wiggy, Om, Lazy Fuq, Shaggy
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: September 9th, 1995
Date of Joining: August 20th, 2010
Place of Birth: Burbank, California
Residence: Burbank, California
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Race: Meta-Human
Height: 5’11
Weight: 140 lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue | Purple when powers are activated
Languages: All
Role in Justice Teens: Clairvoyant
Relatives: Evan Ranft(Adoptive-Father), Chell Ranft(Adoptive-Mother)
Relationships: Arkeptu, Doc Sage, Kid Blurr, Tech Break, Young Fate, Frost Teen, PaPa The Panda, Dog Boy, Shiriken, Alchem, Heavens Archer, Black Ignite, Ice Tile, Stereo, Prodigyy, Sin, Psi Lad, Kinetic Teen, Grouping, Aug, Off, Lil Big, Lady Spectre, Mirror, Kid Shift, Trebble, Molly Thunder, Kid Shazam, Maximum Zero, Parasitix, Gadget Break
Education: High School
Background: Cleo was adopted as a baby, his mother was a 15-year-old high girl who was scared of being a parent, and alone. She would leave Cleo on the doorstep of a local fire station, after which he would be raised by the Ranfts, never planning to tell him of his origins. But life had other plans. When he was twelve, puberty activated his meta-gene, giving him randomly occurring omniscient knowledge. It was then that he learned of his mother, his adoptions, and what he considered, the ultimate lie. At first, he believed himself crazy, he was seeing visions, and learning things no average person, let alone a Human, could ever know. Unknown to anyone this would send Cleo into an emotional and mental downward spiral. He would fall into drug use to help cope with his abilities, hiding his addiction from his family, and just before losing himself completely, his powers would show adjust and help him break off, forcing him to stick to marijuana as his main vice. In 2010, he would be approached by Arkeptu, who was originally planning to use his body as a new vessel, only changing his mind last minute when Cleo admitted that he already knew of Arkeptu's plan and that doing that, would instead bring The Sleepless King to their realm sooner than prophesied. Months later, Cleo would be ripped through time and space, finding himself on Sky Front and in front of the Justice Teens of America. After meeting with them, Kid Blurr was wildly underwhelmed by his careless attitude and lack of ability to showcase his powers, but Cleo would still be allowed membership by Arkeptu.
Personality: Cleo comes off as a good-for-nothing stoner who hangs out around the Justice Teens because they feed him for free, which is actually a pretty correct assumption. His abilities act as sort of a crutch for him. Knowing everything and anything places him on another level from his peers however it also stops him from pushing harder to get what he wants. Not a nihilist, narcist, or anything bad, Doc Sage believes he simply just wants to be surprised. Anything that can do that brings a true smile to his face.
Dropped out of high school in the 11th grade
Plays his Nintendo 3DS when hanging around the team
Peach fuzz
Helped Shiriken beat Charm
Eyes turn purple when powers are active
Claims that people like Kid Blurr and Maximum Zero keep shifting the future of the Universe
Can often be found lazing around one of the 20 Watch Points
Powers activate at random and even he doesn’t know why or how
GPA 3.5 without the use of powers
Good friends with Doc Sage
Is slightly afraid of Mister Mindtrick as he cannot see his true form
Argues with Heavens Archer about “God’s” true purpose
Character Summary: An idiot genius, plagued with the burden of knowledge not meant for mortal beings. Wikki has a responsibility far greater than anyone could ever comprehend, one that would cripple our greatest heroes and strike fear into the bravest of men. Maybe it's a good thing he stays stoned all the time.
Appearance (for drawing purposes): Seeing as Wikki rarely goes out onto the field, he has no costume. He has a thing for skinny jeans and designer Ts. If he is out and about with the J.T, he carries an olive green coat with an adjustable hood.