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The Justice Teens of America
Taken and Edited by Ghost Boy/Tobarious.
The New JTA Banner
Taken and Edited by Ghost Boy/Tobarious.
Taken and Edited by Ghost Boy/Tobarious.
Welcome to Sky front
Hello, my name is Kid Blurr, and this is a little story of the Justice Teens of America.
I made the J.T.A back in August of 2011, but did not begin steady recruitment up until December of the same year. The idea of only recruiting Sparks and Sprites (teens) was an idea that helped us stand out amongst most of DC Universe, and we found some very interesting and talented young individuals. The original idea of the Justice Teens however, was to defend lower level Heroes from higher level Villains.
As time went on, the idea for the League greatly evolved. We gained many new members, most of them young men and women, each showing a new side of the MMO world. This quickly changed the Justice Teens as I wanted to help the Spark/Sprite community of DC Universe by giving them a safe and comfortable League to be with, instead of with people who did not relate to them in the sense.
Over the years, I had met many people who would help form this league to what it is today. Each of them bringing a peice of humanity back to me as I got to know them. Unless you ask how I was in the beginning of the League, this doesn't matter. Now I can try my best to help them make the best of DC Universe Online.
The Justice Teens are a friendly league that welcomes all Sparks and Sprites in the game. We hope to one day branch out into other games to spread the same type of hope. In the words of a member before me, J.T.A Forever.
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