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Justice Teens Comics
AcolyteEnchantment Magic (Places enchantments on people and objects) -Mirror Mirror on the Wall (turns reflective surfaces into a portal to escape through) -Flaming Bullets (enchants an allies bullets to burst into flames after hitting their target) -Super Strength (grants super-strength to any ally which last a total of thirty minutes)
AlchemPotioncraft (Creates potions of varying uses) -Bartending -Mixology -Alchemic Magic (uses scientific magic to create potions and items of magical use) -Strength Potion -Explosive Potion -Demon Side Potion -Love Potion -Transformation Potion -Elemental Transmutation (to change/alter a substance and turn into another one) -Chrysopoeia (to turn matter into gold) -Occamy (to turn matter into silver) -Boom (turns air into methane gas then creates a small spark within the gas) -Freeze Over (turns air into moisture which then quickly turns to ice to capture an individual) -Argile (a Homunculus created to gather ingredients needed for use) -Philosopher's Stone (rarely uses a P.S that's hidden within a universe ruled by Danni Ash)
American Kid IMilitary Training -Throwing Weapons -Peak Human Reflexes (to have advanced reactions better than normal humans their age) -Martial Arts -Shield Throw (uses their shield as a projectile to either incapacitate or harm others) -Stealth -Gunmanship (proficient use in firearms)
American Kid IIEnhanced Combat (Possesses near superhuman ability when in comes to hand-to hand fighting) -Peak Human Agility (to possess agility greater than that of normal humans their age) -Peak Human Strength (to be stronger than most humans their age) -Peak Human Speed (to be faster than the average human their age) -Peak Human Senses (to have their senses beyond most humans their age) -Peak Human Reflexes (to have advanced reactions better than normal humans their age) -Peak Human Stamina (to generate less fatigue toxins than most other humans their age) -Peak Human Balance (to have better balance than ordinary humans their age) -Peak Human Endurance (to endure more physical discomfort than average humans their age) -Peak Human Accuracy (to have accuracy at the highest limits of human efficiency) -Shield -Throwing Weapons -Leadership -Tactician -Martial Arts -Shield Throw (uses their shield as a projectile to either incapacitate or harm others) -Stealth -Gunmanship (proficient use in firearms)
Animal MorphFaunal Imitation (Animal attribute mimicry) -Animal Morphing (turn into almost any animal) -Heightened Senses (use of animalistic skills) -Enhanced Speed (can move much faster than the average member of their species) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Enhanced Stamina (body is highly resistant to the build-up of fatigue toxins) -Regenerative Healing Factor (increased strength in closing of most non-fatal wounds) -Enhanced Agility (possess agility beyond that of a normal member that race) -Clawmanship (proficiency with claws or claw based weaponry) -Claw Retraction (extend or retract claws)
ArmineEnhanced Primate Physiology -Enhanced Intelligence (intelligence that passes the normal genius I.Q) -Mechanical Engineering -Grapple Climbing (uses advanced gauntlets which allows user to climb on metal and rock) -Heightened Senses (use of animalistic skills) -Enhanced Speed (can move much faster than the average member of their species) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Enhanced Stamina (body is highly resistant to the build-up of fatigue toxins) -Enhanced Agility (possess agility beyond that of a normal member that race) -Enhanced Dexterity (precise control of body) -Grappling Hook (fires two steel cables from gauntlet which helps pull upwards or people towards them) -Knowledge Consumption (eats the brains of enemy to gain both abilities and knowledge)
AvacCryogenesis (Ice Generation) -Mixed Martial Artist -Cold Air Generation (lowers temperature in the air) -Cold Immunity (unaffected by extreme colds) -Solidification (freezes liquids to a solid) -Area Freeze (quickly lowers temperature in the surrounded area causing damage to threats) -Frostbite (freezes part of the body that's focused on) -Ice Pillar Drop (freezes the air above to create pillars of ice which can be dropped on the enemy) -Ice Ball (forms a giant ball of ice by freezing the air between hands)
BaddleSuper Strength (Strength greatly intensified) -Flight (glides on Earth's protons) -Invulnerability (immune to all physical damage lesser than their own) -Enhanced Senses (posses extremely accurate senses) -Enhanced Speed (can move much faster than the average member of their species) -Enhanced Reflexes (heighten reaction speed to maneuver out of attack paths faster than normal) -Enhanced Stamina (body is highly resistant to the build-up of fatigue toxins) -Enhanced Healing (increase speed in healing of all wounds) -Enhanced Endurance (able to sustain energy and life for a greater period of time)
Black GhostSuperhuman Strength - Ghost is strong enough to lift cars and kick them very small distances and leap across buildings in a single jump. Superhuman Speed - Ghost can run at speeds up to 100 mph Superhuman Agility- Due to his enhancements, Ghost is also as agile as an Olympic gymnast Superhuman Durability- Ghost can be thrown through cars and buildings with only minor injuries. Superhuman Stamina Superhuman reflexes- Ghost can catch objects in mid-air as small and fast as a fly Expert in Parkour Marksmanship with munitions; mastery of multiple forms of melee and hand-to-hand combat; Superhuman Healing Factor- Ghost can heal a variety of injuries at a rapid rate (the amount of time depends on the severity) Grapnel Line- Ghost holsters a retractable grapnel line within his suit Adept at stealth, Possesses a stealth tech belt that allows for high-grade optical and audial camo.
Black IgnitePyrokinesis (Fire Manipulation) -Magnificently Ignorant (to do the impossible due to just being ignorant -Fire Generation (the ability to create fire from nothing) -Thermal Immunity (unaffected by high temperatures) -Fire Immunity (unaffected by fires) -Fire Vision (shoots flames from eyes) -Fire Ball (shoots a ball of fire from hands) -Fire Breath (breathes out a stream of fire) -Fire Whip (releases a thin line of fire which can cut through metal) -Puff Puff Pass (fires a burst of fire from fist) -Instant Combustion (can cause instant combustion leading to the death of target)
Bomb ShelterFyrosokinesis (Force Field Manipulation) -Force Field Generation (to form barriers made of unknown energy to withstand attacks) -Platform Surfing (creates and levitates fields to help move self and others) -Bullet Storm (creates marble sized projectiles of energy to harm or peirce) -Invisible Forms (creates force fields which are invisible to the naked eyes) -Knockback (uses energy to push away threats) -Force Field Constructs (can create anything needed via the energy they manipulate) -Deoxygenation (removal of air when creating a barrier around an object) -Lift (forms a barrier around an object and lifts)
BronzeCubFaunal Imitation (Animal attribute mimicry) -Peak Human Strength (to be stronger than most humans their age) -Peak Human Speed (to be faster than the average human their age) -Peak Human Senses (to have their senses beyond most humans their age) -Peak Human Reflexes (to have advanced reactions better than normal humans their age) -Peak Human Stamina (to generate less fatigue toxins than most other humans their age) -Peak Human Agility (to possess agility greater than that of normal humans their age) -Regenerative Healing Factor (increased strength in closing of most non-fatal wounds) -Clawmanship (proficiency with claws or claw based weaponry) -Claw Retraction (extend or retract claws) -Swipe (quick swipe with claws at either throat or chest) -Stalking (predatory stalking skills used by animals) -Pounce (jumps on target from a great distance) -Wall Climb (uses claws to cut into objects and move around)
BursterPortal Manipulation (Controls where portal within chest cavity opens up to) -Chest Blast (opens chest portal to an area where energy can be pulled through and fired out)
C.H.A.DBrainiac Scout Droid -Flight -Uzi Cannons -Stealth -Voice Mimic
CannonballForce Field Generation (surrounds self with unknown energy in the fetal position)
CatipulaVertigo (creates an imbalance within the brain which causes the target to go through extreme nausea) -Nausea Generation (creates a sickening feeling within the body of a single or multiple targets) -Confusion (sets target in a state of confusion)
Chandler PriceReincarnation (to pass one's soul and mind into another body after death) -Multiple Lives (live more than one lifetime) -Retrospective Intelligence (regains all knowledge gained from each previous life)
CoffySporakinesis (Spore Manipulation) -Healing Spore (releases spores into the wounds and bodies of injured to speed up healing process and remove dangerous substances) -Medical Training -Paralyzing Spore (releases spores into the area which causes slow and temporary paralysis) -Sleep Spore (releases a spore which renders individuals unconscious) -Concussion Pistols
ColumnGreen Lantern -Flight (manipulation of anti-gravitons and directed molecular movement to reach the speed of light) -Environmental Play (the power ring can recreate a holographic environment based on data in its memory banks) -Invisibility (can render themself invisible by willing the ring to bend light waves around form) -Energy Absorption (the ring can absorb and store other energies without charging itself) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Wormhole (creates wormholes to provide quick travel or remove a target from the area) -Cellular Regeneration (the ring has an ability to heal physical injuries) -Scanning (the ring has a wide range of detection abilities based on the imagination of the user) -Galactic Encyclopedia (each ring functioned as a ready reference on most people's, stellar events and conditions that may have been seen by other rings or other Green Lanterns) -Ring Duplication (most power rings are capable of automatically duplicating themselves) -Homing Beacon (a homing beacon in the power ring can lead one Green Lantern to another) -Pocket Dimension (able to access an entire world within the ring) -Preset Conditions (commands can be stored in the ring to be executed at a later date) -Will Blast (fires an either harmful or concussive blast made of Will energy) -Will Beam (fires an either harmful or concussive beam made of Will energy) -Hardlight Construct (creates solid green objects made of will power using the user's imagination) -Universal Translator -Force Field Generation (to form barriers made of Will energy to withstand attacks) -Will Release (lets out a large wave of Willful energy) -Crushing Defeat (constructs a barrage of different missile types) -The Fighting Irish (creates a Leprechaun as a battle companion)
CorredorEnhanced Leg Strength -Goal!!! (gives an incredibly powerful kick strong enough to break concrete) -Enhanced Speed (can move much faster than the average member of their species) -Enhanced Jump (capable of propelling self higher and farther and land with little to no injury)
Danni AshMagic (Power to influence the course of events by using supernatural forces) -Flight (levitates self with use of magic) -Spell Casting (series of words or thoughts used to manipulate magic forces) -Soul Shield (creation of a highly durable shield made of ones own soul) -Warden Armor -Magic Sense (to feel all changes magic throughout the Multiverse) -Magic Detection (sensing the presence of magical energy) -Summoning (call upon a mystical ally) -Entrapment (traps an enemy inside a magical box to either hold or crush) -Magic Bolt (basic magic blast) -Magic Resistance (to be highly immune to magic attacks) -Flash Step (short burst of limited blinding speed)
David BlackwellPeak Human Combat (to have better fighting skills than average human their age) -Peak Human Agility (to possess agility greater than that of normal humans their age) -Peak Human Reflexes (to have advanced reactions better than normal humans their age) -Peak Human Balance (to have better balance than ordinary humans their age) -Peak Human Accuracy (to have accuracy at the highest limits of human efficiency) -Pain Suppression (ceases the brain's ability to receive pain from nerves) -Gunmanship (proficiency in firearms) -Pressure Point Strike (perfectly strikes an individual's pressure point to hinder their movement) -Sunstone Shard (turns user into a genderless Humanoid shape of space with Kryptonian abilities) -Badassery -Smoke Grenades -K.O Grenades -Tripwire -Tactician -Judo -Krav Maga -Capoeira -Savate -Yawyan -Grappling Hook -Stealth -Disguise -Dual Pistol
DexDetective Skill (Possesses great and finely-tuned investigative ability) -Peak Human Intelligence (highest limits of the human genius-intellect level for humans their age) -Enhanced Deduction (figure out connections during investigation and process them extraordinarily fast) -Enhanced Memory (can remember a number of things with detail, even after years later) -Detail Intuition (to notice and analyze the smallest details of any situation or action) -Pattern Sense (to pick up and analyze patterns within a person's actions or environment) -Lie Sense (able to detect when a person lies) -Truth Sense (able to tell when a person tells the truth) -Stealth -Disguise -Parkour
Doc SageMedication Control (Trained medical professional able to alter the use of drugs) -Medical Training -Chemical-Based Powers (gains powers through the use of certain serums) -Health Serum (heals people once the forum object has been removed) -Strength Serum (grants enhanced strength for a day) -Immunity Adaption Serum (causes the body to adapt to any harmful element) -Truth Serum (forces the individual to tell the truth to their fullest extent) -Possum Serum (causes the body to enter a state of near death until the antidote is used) -Antiserum (an antidote which undoes the effects the serums within the body) -Poison Serum (poisons a target which can slowly kill them for hours) -Enhancement Serums (a number of serums which can grant enhancements in one's body) -Peak Serums (a serum which grants the user peak human conditioning for a few minutes)
Dog BoySpell Casting (Series of words or thoughts used to manipulate magic forces) -Dog Curse (turns target(s) into a dog) -Portal Creation (able to open a physical doorway which links to another location) -Elemental Spell (cast spells that relate to the elements; Earth, Wind, Fire, Air) -PaPa The Panda (Main League Pet which eats anything to grow in size and strength)
Dru IdicDruidic Magic (Nature based mystical-arts) -Evocation (able to use varying degrees of nature magic) -Nature Control -Magic Detection (sensing the presence of magical energy) -Magic Sense (to feel all changes magic throughout the Multiverse) -Environmental Awareness (to sense the condition of the current environment) -Thiriokinesis (Animal Manipulation) -Vine Trap (uses vines to grab a target and strangle to death) -Elemental Healing (uses the elements to heal self and others) -Lightning Strike (manipulates lightning from a storm to strike a target as many times as needed) -Shape Shift (to change into any any animal form) -Fungokinesis (Fungus Manipulation) -Omnivore (creates a cordycep like fungi which is capable of infecting Humans and placing them under their control) -Virokinesis (Disease Manipulation)
DustGargoyle Physiology -Super Strength (strength greatly intensified) -Dermal Armor (turns skin to stone) -Flight (lifts and soars through with use of wings) -Enhanced Speed (can move much faster than the average Human) -Enhanced Endurance ability to survive without energy for an extended amount of time)
EladElastic Powers -Rubber Physiology -Electric Immunity (immune to electrical contact) -Thermal Immunity (unaffected by high temperatures) -Extreme Flexibility (allows for twisting, bending, flattening, of body and bones) -Enhanced Durability (able to take a great deal of external damage) -Enhanced Lung Capacity (can inhale large amounts of oxygen and hold for hours) -Expansion (capable of growing body and individual limbs) -Bounce (bounces off of surfaces when falling or crashing) -Flattening (capable of making self thin by flattening entire body) -Size Alteration (to change the size of one's self) -Reform (to change physical structure at will) -Body Constructs (changes parts of body to create shapes for different uses) -Malleability (to rearrange the physical features of one's self) -Bounce House (to reshape self to appear as a bounce house to catch allies) -Impact Absorption (to absorb physical and mechanical damage) -Puddy (to make self appear boneless and shapeless) -Big Boy (widens self to appear as a spherical shape) -Rolling (shapes self as a circle and pushes self forward reaching 10 miles per hour) -Hammer Slam (both hands form into hammers and brings down on target) -Sligshot-Shot (stretches both arms at angles and pulls back before firing self) -Woundup Blow (twist body numerous times before letting self go to repeatedly strike) -Disguise
EtheralSpatial Displacement (Move a section of space to another area) -Teleportation (moves a target or group from one area to another) -Dimensional Drop (moves enemy target to a hostile zone) -Grand Slam (drops a large body of land on top of someone) -Delete (completely erasing the target or zone from existence) -Safe Space (moving the individual or items to a place outside of time and space)
Exo TornadoWind Generation (Creates/Generates powerful winds) -Cyclone Spinning (spin like a tornado for both offensive and defensive purposes) -Vortex Cannon (blast wind towards a target to knock them back) -Enhanced Durability (able to take a great deal of external damage) -Air Lift (a quick burst of air to knock target off the ground) -Flight (generates winds at a safe speed to lift self) -Enhanced Intelligence (intelligence that passes the normal genius I.Q) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Enhanced Durability (able to take a great deal of external damage)
EzyietEzyiet: Fragokinesis(Explosion Manipulation) -Kinetic Charging (turns potential energy into kinetic which causes the object to explode) -Remote Detonation (can blow up a target from a short distance away) -Explosive wave (sends a wave of explosions in a singular direction) -Glow (causes material to glow a bright orange and become a source of light) -Little Rat (holds an opponent hostage and at their mercy)
FableStory Mimicry: Fable has the ability to adopt the powers/characteristics of any character in any story whether it be a myth, legend, folklore, religious text, or just a post about the epic powers of a superhero. As Fable grows his control over this power, he can choose which powers to take, and whether or not he wants to keep them. However, as he adopted the below abilities when he was young and had no control over his abilities, he has not figured out how to turn them off. Vampirism: In addition to the various mental and physical benefits that vampires are heir to, they also possess the ability to turn others into vampires as well. Each new vampire is traditionally subservient to the one who "turned" them, but some strong-willed vampires have been known to rebel against their masters. (This doesn’t apply to Fable, as nobody turned him, and he does not have the ability to turn others.) Enhanced Senses: A vampire's senses are enhanced far beyond those of a normal human being. Enhanced Vision Enhanced Hearing Enhanced Sense of Smell Immortality: So long as vampires continue to consume blood, they will not age beyond the physical state they were in when they first became a vampire. Invulnerability: Vampires are invulnerable to most forms of injury (certain exceptions apply). Bullets, blades and blunt objects do little to no damage to a vampire's body. Regeneration: In addition to being virtually indestructible, whatever damage a vampire does in fact suffer can be healed through the consumption of human blood. Superhuman Strength: A vampire's strength level is several times that of a normal human being and they are considered superhuman. Superhuman Stamina: So long as they continue to consume human blood, a vampire can function tirelessly without rest or relaxation. However, a vampire's stamina wanes the closer it is to sunrise. Psychokinesis: Most vampires possess some form of psychokinesis. Some are clairvoyant, others can communicate telepathically, some possess mind control. Particularly powerful vampires can control the minds of several people at once. Hypnosis Transformation: Vampires often possess the ability to transform into a variety of creatures or effects such as bats, wolves, rats or even mist. While their physical attributes may fluctuate during such states, a vampire's mental acuity is the same as that when they are in their human shape. A vampire who transforms into an animal may also benefit from that particular animal's attributes including razor-sharp claws, fangs or the ability to fly. Metamorphosis: Vampires often demonstrate the ability to alter their appearance at will. Claws Fangs Phasing Werewolf Abilities: Transformation: Werewolves have the ability to transform their bodies into that of a man/wolf hybrid. Lycanthropy Claws Enhanced Senses: Werewolves have enhanced senses in their human form, such as their sense of smell and hearing, but these and other senses are drastically amplified when in their wolf form. Fangs Invulnerability: Werewolves are invulnerable to most forms of damage, however are incredibly weak to silver. (Upon reading about this weakness, Fable said aloud that it was “foolish”, and thus when he gained the abilities of a werewolf, he subconsciously removed the weakness to silver.) Superhuman Reflexes Superhuman Stamina Superhuman Strength Draconic Abilities: Pyrokinesis: Fable’s abilities are limited to breathing fire. Superhuman Strength Flight: Fable’s ability with this is limited to sprouting dragon wings when he needs to travel great distances. Magic: Telekinesis: Fable can levitate objects towards or away from himself. Teleportation: Though Fable cannot teleport himself, he can teleport objects to himself. Rarely in use. Lockpicking: Fable can unlock any door through his use of magic. Various Spells Abilities: Hand to Hand Combat (Advanced): Fable has spent a very long time traveling around the world learning from the best of the best in hand to hand combat, weaponry, and swordsmanship. Weaponry (Adept) Swordsmanship (Advanced) Occultism Omnilingualism: As Fable was created by a culmination of magic, one of the abilities he inherently possesses is to speak and understand any language he comes across, however, is unable to do it casually. Indomitable Will: Through years of constant abuse at the hands of his mother’s witch coven, Fable has grown the ability to overcome a great many things, including severe physical pain, and keep fighting in the face of obstacles. Enhanced Intellect Limits: Superhuman Strength: Fable’s base strength is that of a vampire and werewolf mixed. His average strength is nearly 20 times that of a human in peak physical condition. (can lift 125,400 pounds/62.7 tons) As such, Fable has to pull his punches to avoid killing average people. Superhuman Durability/Invulnerability: Fable possesses the dual durability/invulnerability of a vampire and werewolf, making most forms of physical attacks ineffective against him. Superhuman Agility: Dual agility of a vampire/werewolf, able to weave circles around several experienced combatants. Superhuman Reflexes: Fable is able to react to a wide variety of things moving at great speeds, such as bullets being fired at him or the slowest run speed of a speedster. Superhuman Stamina: Fable can fight at peak condition for 12 hours straight without tiring. Enhanced Speed: Fable is several times faster than an average person. Constant Change: Due to Fable’s abilities, his powers, strengths, and even weaknesses can constantly vary.
Fallout BoyRadiokinesis (Radiation Manipulation) -Radiation Immunity (unaffected by radiation) -Radiation Generation (releases own unreasonable radiation) -Radiation Sense (can sense dangerous radiation within an area) -Radiation Empowerment (strengthened and healed by radiation) -Radiation Absorption (absorbs radiation released by fallout or explosions) -Radiation Blast (fires a beam of solidified radiation from hands) -Disintegration (instantly destroys and turns an object into dust) -Disease Generation (can cause tumors and other dangerous diseases within a target) -Fallout (releases fallout from body which can cause damage over a short period of time) -Enhanced Durability (able to take a great deal of external damage) -Nuclear Detonation (explodes at varying levels to the point of becoming a living nuclear warhead) -Mutation Inducement (causes mutations to take place within a genetic or physical level) -Heat Generation -Melting (can cause objects to reach their melting point) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Electro Magnetic Pulse (releases a small electronic pulse after each powerful blast)
Felix TaylorPeak Human Agility (to possess agility greater than that of normal humans their age) -Peak Human Combat (to have better fighting skills than average human their age)
Fire TeenFire Physiology (Body burst into flames which can last four hours) -Flight (reaches temperatures in which they can fly using the planet's oxygen) -Heat Generation -Fire Immunity (unaffected by fires) -Thermal Immunity (unaffected by high temperatures) -Flame Manipulation (controls the flames that generates from their body) -Fire Brand (forms two swords made of flames) -Torch (releases a constant stream of fire to hold back or harm target) -Burst (releases a 360 burst of flames reaching 500 degrees) -Melting (can cause objects to reach their melting point)
Fissure LadGeokinesis (Earth Manipulation) -Dermakinesis (creates rock like armor from skin) -Seismic Sense (uses vibrations to hear and feel nearby objects) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Golem (places self within the ground to pull earth around body and comes back up as a hulking brute) -Surface Splitting (to create wide cuts in the earth)
FrayPlasma Generation (Creates plasma) -Plasma Slice (releases a line of plasma which can cut through metal) -Plasma Aura (sets plasma energy around self to deflect most incoming attacks) -Electricity Generation (creates electricity) -Fire Generation (the ability to create fire from nothing) -Electric Blast (fires a dangerous bolt of electricity which could kill or incapacitate) -Fire Stream (lets out a stream of fire to hold back or harm target)
Frost BatIce-Based Weaponry -Ice Genesis Armor (armor which protects its wearer from the effects of the cold) -Ice Pistols -Freeze Blast (fires shards of ice at a target) -Cryo Grenades -Freezing nanites (releases a small army of nanites which release a freezing agent) -Ice Slide (freezes the ground on a slope to move down faster)
Frost BratCryokinesis (Ice Manipulation) -Sculptor -Ice Blast (releases a beam of ice from hands) -Ice Generation (able to create/form ice) -Ice Transmutation (turns anything into ice) -Ice Healing (to be healed by ice) -Ice Slide (slides forward on frozen ground while sitting) -Cold Immunity (unaffected by extreme colds) -Cold Empowerment (strengthened by cold temperature) -Cold Generation (able to create cold temperatures from nothing) -Heat Absorption (turns most heat that comes into contact into cold) -Freezing Rain (causes falling raid to reach freezing cold temperatures) -Ice Figures (creates figurines made of ice mainly used for decorations)
Frost TeenCryokinesis (Ice Manipulation) -Flight (freezing air molecules to push up and forward) -Ice Blast (releases a beam of ice from hands) -Ice Armor (covers themself in a thick armor of ice with high durability) -Ice Spikes (creates spikes made of ice as a trap or fires from hands) -Cold Immunity (unaffected by extreme colds) -Thermokinesis (Temperature Manipulation) -Blizzard (creates a whirlwind of ice particles to block enemy visuals and escape) -Skin Tone Manipulation (skin turns pale blue at control) -Cold Generation (able to create cold temperatures from nothing) -Ice Generation (able to create/form ice) -Heat Absorption (turns most heat that comes into contact into cold) -Ice Bomb (creates a compressed ball which explodes on command)
FuserFusionism (Fuses two items together to create an entirely new entity) -Flight (creates a personal field in which to fly) -Enhanced Speed (can move much faster than the average member of their species) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Enhanced Stamina (body is highly resistant to the build-up of fatigue toxins)
Gadget BreakGadgetry (Usage of high-tech weaponry and gadgets) -Peak Human Intelligence (highest limits of the human genius-intellect level for humans their age) -Missile Strike (hacks into nearby artillery and makes use of its missile load) -Overload (heats up the CPU in equipment, forcing it to short out) -Hacking (able to break into and then bypass intensively difficult levels of online security)
GgalTelekinesis (Manipulates physical objects with the mind) -Flight (telekinetically lifts self and propels) -Push (telekinetically pushes objects and people away) -Telekinetic Throw (to pick up and toss an object or person) -Telekinetic Enhancement (uses abilities to augment physical abilities) -Telekinetic Shielding (creates a telekinetic barrier around self to deflect incoming attacks) -Telekinetic Blast (releases a wave of telekinetic energy which can push back the enemy) -Telekinetic Sense (uses telekinesis to feel the surrounding area)
Ghost BoyMagic (Power to influence the course of events by using supernatural forces) -Flight (levitates and propels self with use of magic) -Possession (invades target's body and manipulate their actions) -Invisibility (distorts light around self) -Intangibility (becomes untouchable by using magic to remove all physical aspects) -Original Form (reverts back to demonic form) -Teleportation (to transports oneself over a vast distance within seconds)
HarenHarenkinesis (Sand Manipulation) -Dust Bowl (creates giant sand tornadoes which pull in anything nearby) -Sandstorm (forms a storm which can block out the enemy vision) -Quicksand (removes five feet of sand from below an area and leaves sand to cap it) -Sand Pit (opens up the sand below the target's feet which then traps them within and kills) -Solidification (causes the sands to stick together, creating a physical object that's as hard as stone) -Dust Swipe (uses sand to violently push and thrash people and items) -Sand Constructs (creates physical objects made of sand) -Sand Deflection (uses sand to deflect incoming blows) -Sand Barrier (forms a wall around self and allies to protect from incoming attacks) -Deoxygenation (sends small particles of sand into target's lungs, slowly choking them) -Sand Surf (rides on sand like a skateboard as transportation)
Hawk TeenThanagarian Physiology -Flight (lifts and propels self with wings) -Swordsmanship (proficiency in sword combat) -Throwing Weapons -Gunmanship (proficient use in firearms) -Enhanced Reflexes (heighten reaction speed to maneuver out of attack paths faster than normal) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Enhanced Healing (increase speed in healing of all wounds) -Enhanced Speed (can move much faster than the average Human) -Enhanced Stamina (body is highly resistant to the build-up of fatigue toxins) -Enhanced Durability (able to take a great deal of external damage)
Heavens ArcherAngelic Physiology -Purification (to completely remove all evil from an object or person) -Divine Grounds (creates a protective aura around a location to ward off any evil entities) -Death Sense (the ability to sense an upcoming or occurring death) -Flight (soars through the air on white angelic ) -Teleportation (burst into light and reforms in at any point in the Multiverse) -Human Disguise (to take on any Human appearance) -Invisibility (becomes invisible to normal humans he chooses to be to) -Telekinesis (divine powers where they can move items without coming into contact) -Subconscious Suggestion (plants hypnotic suggestions in the back of one's mind to use for later) -Archery (proficient in bows and arrows) -Enhanced Durability (able to take a great deal of external damage) -Mind Control (capable of controlling the minds of weaker subjects) -Salvation (to save a lost soul for a second chance) -Resurrection (revives self and others shortly after death) -Divine Power Immunity (immune to all divine powers) -Soul Release (frees souls and spirits trapped in Hell or on Earth) -Angelic Strength (strength of an angel) -Mediumship -Faith Empowerment (strengthened by prayer) -Possession (take over a person's body) -Exile (to banish an individual from a specific place) -Corruption/Evil Immunity (immune to becoming corrupted by evil forces) -Semi-Immortality (unable to age or die) -Wing Dance (juggles an enemy into the air) -Arrow Barrage (summons an air strike from arrows out of Heaven) -Soul Arrow (places angelic power into a single arrow which turns user Human if used)
Hells ArcherDemon Physiology -Human Disguise (to take on any Human appearance) -Mediumship -Semi-Immortality (unable to age or die) -Hell-Fire Control (control of the fires from Hell) -Archery (proficient in bows and arrows) -Flight (lifts and propels with demonic telepathy) -Soul Stealing (removes an individual's soul for either power or trophy) -Invisibility (becomes invisible to normal humans when chooses to be to) -Telekinesis (demonic powers where he can move items with coming into contact) -Subconscious Suggestion (plants hypnotic suggestions in the back of one's mind to use for later) -Demonic Power Immunity (immune to all demonic powers) -Pain Inducement (controls people’s ability to feel pain at will) -Possession (take over a person's body) -Mind Control (capable of controlling the minds of weaker subjects) -Corruption (erodes a person's morality to turn them evil) -Fear (brings your deepest fears to light and manipulates them) -Demonic Strength (strength of a demon) -Enhanced Durability (able to take a great deal of external damage) -Cursing (cast malicious energy to affect a person's karma/luck) -Damnation (sends a person straight to Hell) -Resurrection (revives self and others shortly after death) -Teleportation (burst into fire and reforms in another spot) -Burning Bow (bow sets ablaze and is swung to incinerate enemies) -Fear Strike (arrow strike that brings your worse fears to reality) -Demon Summon (brings demons from Hell to assist)
Ho'olaSpiritual Healing (Using spiritual energy to heal self and others) -Healing (capable of healing most if not all non-mortal wounds) -Spirit Healing (rejuvenates the spirit of those they're focused on)
ImpulseEnhanced Speed (Move at extraordinary speeds) -Molecular Vibration (to move through solid objects) -Peak Human Intelligence (highest limits of the human genius-intellect level for humans their age) -Enhanced Reflexes (heightens reaction speed to maneuver out of attack paths faster than normal) -Accelerated Healing (increase speed in healing of all wounds) -Phase Dodge (phase shift through an enemy attack or incoming object) -G-Force Adaptation (able to withstand G-Forces that most living individuals can't) -Enhanced Endurance (ability to survive without energy for an extended amount of time) -Speed of Sound (maximum speed is sound) -Cyclone Spinning (racing in a circle or spinning arms to create tornadoes) -Enhanced Stamina (able to race at high speeds for long periods of time) -Infinite Mass Punch (building up of kinetic energy while racing over far distances for a single hit) -Accelerated Brain Activity (hyperactive brain functions allowing for quicker planing/deduction)
Jack Vespucci(Powers listed in order of chronological development) Clairvoyance: During combat or in times of stress, Jack’s metagene works like a six sense and gives him premonitions of combat situations and incoming attacks that give him foresight. It is not perfect and success relies on Jack’s reflexes. Illusions: The ability to make Jack’s imagination seem real and often used for trickery or covert operations with high stakes or for an upperhand in battle, however for Jack this and “Telepathic Torture” have ramifications on Jack’s mental well being. Telepathic Torture: An extension of “Illusions”, Jack using enough of his power can trap subjects into a feeling of absolute despair or horror by increasing the brutality of the illusions, making them less trickery and more torment even as going as far making victims feel like they could be trapped for years in their own nightmares. Elaborating on the ramifications: Jack has to actively invest himself into this ability and enable himself to think horrible, inhumane thoughts and “believe” them for the horror to have an effect, this wears him down and could even set the victim and him into a state of long term depression, suicidal thoughts, PTSD or schizophrenia if not carefully handled. Mind Reading: Although not used very much, it partners with his clairvoyance, Jack can tap into weaker, susceptible or tired minds to see what a subject is thinking or intending. Memory Reading: A more thorough version of Mind Reading, Jack can reconstruct the thoughts of a subject to dig into their memory whether it be photographic or auditory. Telepathic Speech: The ability to communicate with others, be it enemies or allies, mentally. This is also a form of deception as Jack can alter the voice of his head to whoever hears him. Emotion Manipulation: Like an illusion Jack can give subjects a new emotion by tampering with their thoughts and while this ability is not always immediate or the strongest, it is effective when given enough time. Telepathic Translation: The ability to translate most if not all languages mentally, also called Omnilingualism, although Jack can translate it in his head, he can not vocalize it easily unless using Telepathic Speech Mental Projection: Like a hallucination, Mental Projection from Jack serves as a way for him to share his clairvoyance and findings with his teammates that otherwise can not be tangibly described without another telepath as testimony to Jack’s reconstructions or clues. Battle Meditation: Can shift the tides of battle using thought alone to deter the power of incoming enemies or encourage the powers and morale of allies Essokinesis: The final stage of Jack’s ability where his thoughts are no longer illusions but can now manifest into reality. At the age of 22, Jack develops this in his last major fight before finally retiring Hero work and refusing to ever use a power like this for any means except take care of his future family and rewrite the world around him very minimally. Jack believes a power like this should never be in the hands of anyone mortal except for God himself. This ability allows him to reshape the world, rewrite fate and thoughts, and manipulate almost any force, but can not manipulate life or death itself.
John WyattPeak Human Accuracy (to have accuracy at the highest limits of human efficiency) -Gunmanship (proficiency in firearms)
Justine TimeChronokinesis (Time Manipulation) -Temporal Forward (moves forward in time) -Temporal Reverse (moves back in time) -Temporal Lock (to exist outside of time) -Temporal Protection (to be immune to changes in the timestream) -Time Acceleration (speeds up time to make self appear faster) -Timestream Shift (access a faster plane of existence where time moves slower or faster) -Time Displacement (to be removed from current time) -Time Deceleration (slows down time to make others nearby slower) -Time Heal (to reverse damage inflicted to the point where it never happened) -Second Chance (can rewind time far enough to save someone from death)
KellyKaCryokinesis (Ice Manipulation) -Ice Sword -Ice Shurikens -Ice Remnant (if downed, body releases a sub arctic blast which covers two miles, making the area unlivable, and forces their body into a comatose state)
Kid BlurrAbsolute Speed (Possesses a limitless level of speed and velocity-based power) -Speed Force (an energy source discovered by Barry Allen that fuels many Speedsters) -Speed Force Sense (senses whenever the Speed Force is tapped) -Speed Detection (senses whenever a specific speed limit is passed) -Speed Demon (transforms into a dangerous living embodiment of Speed Force energy) -Enhanced Stamina (body is highly resistant to the build-up of fatigue toxins) -Enhanced Endurance (able to sustain energy and life through the Speed Force itself) -Enhanced Reflexes (heighten reaction speed to maneuver out of attack paths faster than normal) -Enhanced Agility (uses gained speed to do flips and quick vaults over and around obstacles) -Enhanced Memory (can remember a number of things with detail, even after years later) -Accelerated Healing (increase speed in healing of all wounds) -Accelerated Perception (increased notice while speeding) -Accelerated Brain Activity (hyperactive brain functions allowing for quicker planing/deduction) -Dimensional Awareness (to sense breaches through the dimensional barriers) -Temporal Protection (granted protection to changes in a timeline due to the Speed Force) -Magic (basic level understanding and practice with magic) -Decelerated Aging (slowed down aging by the Speed Force) -Age Manipulation (changes the age of target and self) -Speed Mirage (able to create look illusion look alike while speeding) -Fate Immunity (immune to the hand of fate) -Hyperactive Metabolism (lessens chance of illness, poisoning, and other internal threats) -Molecular Vibration (to move through solid objects) -G-Force Adaptation (able to withstand G-Forces that most living individuals can't) -Leadership (leading teams and groups with high moral and strong determination) -Time Travel (able to move forward/backwards in time at will) -Checkpoint (to be able to return to a specific point in time) -Time Loop (to trap an item or object in a never rewind of time) -Time Trapping (sends and traps others within a different time) -Time Stealing (to steal time and essentially life from people and objects) -Warping (creates a wormhole that allows for instance transportation) -Advanced Homeostasis (body has evolved to handle the stresses that come with G-Forces) -Light Speed (able to reach light speed within 29.89 seconds) -Sound Snap (snapping fingers at a speed and strength to burst the sound barrier) -Sonic Blows (each hit delivered breaks the sound barrier and creates a sonic shock) -Speed Steal (removing speed from living organisms) -Cyclone Spinning (racing in a circle or spinning arms to create tornadoes) -Deoxygenation (removal of air during cyclone spinning) -Speed Force Clones (create solid construct clones using the Speed Force) -Infinite Mass Punch (building up of kinetic energy while racing over far distances for a single hit) -Phase Dodge (phase shift through an enemy attack or incoming object) -Contingency Plans (has memorized each non-lethal version of the J.T contingency plans) -Dimensional Travel (vibrating molecule to reach another frequency to enter a new dimension) -Parkour
Kid FantasmMagic (Power to influence the course of events by using supernatural forces) -Magical Energy Manipulation -Magic Bolt (basic magic blast) -Magic Detection (sensing the presence of magical energy) -Magic Sense (to feel all changes magic throughout the Multiverse) -Hand Seals (performs magic through hand gestures) -Inscription Magic (performs magic through written words or symbols) -Linguistic Magic (performs magic through spoken word) -Flight (levitates self with use of magic) -Teleportation (to transports onesself) -Partner Teleportation (to transport others over a vast distance within seconds) -Astral Projection (separates spirit from body of self and others) -Spell Casting (series of words or thoughts used to manipulate magic forces) -Force Field (cast a magical barrier that protects self and allies) -Magic Sense (to feel all changes magic throughout the Multiverse) -Illusion Awareness (to be able to sense if the viewed reality is false) -Beast Summoning (pulls magical creatures to their aide) -Fantasm Mode (turns into an advanced version which grants a wider variety of magic)
Kid RagerAdrenal Activation (Sends adrenal glands into overdrive) -Peak Human Agility (to possess agility greater than that of normal humans their age) -Peak Human Reflexes (to have advanced reactions better than normal humans their age) -Peak Human Stamina (to generate less fatigue toxins than most other humans their age) -Pain Suppression (ceases the brain's ability to receive pain from nerves) -Dual Wield -Explosive Marbles -Electro Magnetic Pulse Marbles
Kid ShazamDivine Empowerment (Gains power from the wizard Shazam) -Wisdom of Solomon -Strength of Hercules -Power of Zeus -Stamina of Atlas -Courage of Achilles -Speed of Mercury -Supernatural Endurance (to endure physical stress better than what is naturally possible) -Supernatural Durability (to have body-tissue denser than what is naturally possible) -Supernatural Combat (to have better fighting skills than what is naturally possible) -Supernatural Agility (be more agile than what is naturally possible) -Healing (uses the lightning of Shazam to heal self or others) -Semi-Immortality (is unable to age to the point of death but can be killed) -Call of Lightning (using the word "Shazam" they are able to transform) -Magic (power to influence the course of events by using supernatural forces) -Magic Resistance (to be highly immune to magic attacks) -Magic Sense (to feel all changes magic throughout the Multiverse) -Flight (uses sheer will to fly) -Invulnerability (immune to all physical damage lesser than their own) -Power Bestowal (can share abilities with others) -Thunder Storm (forces a barrage of lightning bolts down within a single area) -Pilot -Tactician -Shazam! (calls down a single and powerful bolt of lighting which can incinerate people)
Kid ShiftAnimal Morphing (Turn into almost any animal) -Gunmanship (proficient use in firearms) -Archery (proficient use in bows and arrows) -Heightened Senses (use of animalistic skills) -Peak Human Stamina (to generate less fatigue toxins than most other humans their age) -Peak Human Endurance (to endure more physical discomfort than average humans their age) -Peak Human Accuracy (to have accuracy at the highest limits of human efficiency) -Dermakinesis (changes the color of skin) -Fera Empowerment (uses the power of an ancient power that) -Stalking (predatory stalking skills used by animals) -Throwing Weapons
Kid WickedTBA
Kinetic TeenAtomkinesis (Atom Manipulation) -Impact Absorption (to absorb physical and mechanical damage and turn into energy) -Flight (multiple means of flight) -Teleportation (to transports oneself over a vast distance within seconds) -Self Density Shifting (lowers density to become intangible and invisible) -Dimensional Travel (to move between dimensions at will) -Portal Creation (able to open a physical doorway which links to another location) -Supernatural Strength (be stronger than what is naturally possible) -Enhanced Intelligence (intelligence that passes the normal genius I.Q) -Supernatural Endurance (to endure physical stress better than what is naturally possible) -Supernatural Durability (made of a strong metal alowe and strengthen by own powers) -Supernatural Speed (be faster than what is naturally possible) -Supernatural Stamina (to have a better stamina than what is naturally possible) -Universal Senses (to sense any disturbance in whatever universe present in) -Aura Vision (to see the aura of others) -Astral Vision (to see other overlapping dimensions beyond the physical plane of existance) -Power Detection (sensing supernatural abilities within others) -Illusion Awareness (to be able to sense if the viewed reality is false) -Invisibility Awareness (to be able to see those who are cloaked) -Dimensional Awareness (to sense breaches through the dimensional barriers) -Electromagnetic Spectrum Vision (the ability to see multiple types of E.M lights) -Energy Detection (sensing the presence of other's energy) -Absolute Stamina (limitless physical energy) -invulnerability (immune to all physical damage lesser than their own) -Leadership (leading teams and groups with high moral and strong determination) -Creation (can create anything from nothing) -Destruction (can unmake and destroy anything and anyone into pure nothing) -Kinetikinesis (Kinetic Energy Manipulation) -Kinetic Activation (the ability to make objects move and people move against their will) -Kinetic Energy Steal (removes the kinetic energy out of an object or person) -Kinetic Force Field (uses kinetic energy to create force fields) -Kinetic Charging (turns potential energy into kinetic which causes the object to explode) -Kinetic Conversion (converts kinetic energy into any other type of energy) -Melting (can cause objects to reach their melting point) -Solidification (freezes liquids to a solid) -Molecular Speed Control (controls the speed at which molecules move) -Chronokinesis (Time Manipulation) -Scientikinesis (Science Manipulation) -Autokinesis (Energy Manipulation) -Energy Blast (basic violent/concussive blast of energy) -Energy Absorption (absorbs energy to reuse) -Energy Empowerment (uses the energy absorbed to power self) -Energy Conversion (converts the energy absorbed into any other type of energy) -Energy Generation (releases own unabsorbable energy) -Energy Sense (to be able to sense the presence of any type of energy released) -Energy Negation (causes most energy attacks to be weak enough to plainly ignore) -Atomic Vision (capable to see atoms and molecules) -Atomic Blast (releases pure atomic energy from hands and mouth) -Atomic Cancellation (cancels electric field that keeps atoms together) -Fundamental Forces Manipulation (controls the four fundamental forces of the universe) -Elemental Manipulation (controls the four basic elements; Solid, Liquid, Gas, and Plasma) -Matter Transmutation (to turn matter and energy into anything wanted) -Transmutation (able to alter the physical form of other beings) -Self Explosion (causes self to release either a small portion or entire amount of stored energy) -Time Travel (able to move forward/backwards in time at will) -Time Destruction (able to erase certain points in time) -Time Loop (to trap an item or object in a never rewind of time) -Temporal Reversing (to cause time to go backwards) -Time Travel (able to move forward/backwards in time at will) -Time Trapping (sends and traps others within a different time) -Checkpoint (to be able to return to a specific point in time) -Temporal Protection (to be immune to changes in the timestream) -Wormhole Creation (to create wormholes to move between points) -Nuclear Detonation (explodes at varying levels to the point of becoming a living nuclear warhead) -Fallout (releases fallout from body which can cause damage over a short period of time) -Biokinesis (Manipulates all biological aspects of living things) -Age Manipulation (changes the age of target) -Bio-Energy Absorption (to take and be empowered by the energy of biological life) -Body Modification (to advance the physical form of a target) -Healing (capable of healing most if not all non-mortal wounds) -Resurrection (to bring back someone from the dead) -Telekinesis (Manipulates physical objects with the mind) -Telekinetic Shielding (creates a telekinetic barrier around self to reflect incoming attacks) -Telepathy (Mentally receive information) -Shape Shift (to change into any physical form) -Vitakinesis (Health Manipulation) -Atmokinesis (Atmosphere Manipulation) -Essokinesis (Reality Manipulation) -Mensiokinesis (Quantum Manipulation) -Acoustikinesis (Sound Manipulation) -Iokinesis (Ion Manipulation) -Heliokinesis (Solar Radiation Manipulation) -Leptokinesis (Matter Manipulation at a molecular level) -Thermokinesis (Temperature Manipulation) -Size Alteration (to change the size of oneself) -Disintegration (instantly destroys and turns an object into dust) -Self Replication (ability to clone self) -Partner Replication (ability to clone others) -Plasma Slash (swings hand to release a wave of plasma which will cut through mostly anything) -Ice Age (lowers the temperature of large objects, even planets, to the point of total solidification) -Adjustment (changes a physical characteristic of an individual in order to hide or be better) -Buffer (strengthen allies' will and body for combat) -Deage (reverses age of target to a point where they are no longer a threat) -Silence (removes the sound in a five mile radius) -Remove Gravity (cancels out gravity in an area) -Increase Gravity (raises the pressure of an area, making it near impossible to speed or fly) -Push (to send a telekinetic wave of energy to knock back opponents or topple objects) -Crush (raises pressure to the point of crushing a target) -Levitate (removes gravity to lift ally or items) -Resurrection (able of bringing back only people who were killed, not destroyed, by their energy) -Reform (if the suit is compromised and energy is released, it will take close to a week to reform)
KordiacBitukinesis (Asphalt Manipulation) -Liquefy (capable of heating asphalt back to its sticky and smooth form) -Stone Disc (forms asphalt into a disc for self and others to use as transportation) -Asphalt Wall (pulls asphalt upwards to make into a barrier which bullets bounce or get stuck) -Asphalt Spear (forms asphalt into a thin line weapon) -Sticky Step (heats spots of asphalt for people to step in and trap themselves)
KrusherSize Enhancement (To grow in up to fifteen feet tall and several feet wide) -Self-Mass Manipulation (makes it easier to traverse while larger) -Enhanced Speed (move at extraordinary speeds) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Enhanced Stamina (body is highly resistant to the build-up of fatigue toxins) -Enhanced Durability (able to take a great deal of external damage) -Battering Ram (bum rushes and knocks away multiple targets and go through walls) -Shockwave (able to slam palms together to sound out a glass shattering shockwave)
Ky SantannaGreen Lantern -Flight (manipulation of anti-gravitons and directed molecular movement to reach the speed of light) -Phasing (the power ring allows the wearer to pass through certain solid objects) -Environmental Play (the power ring can recreate a holographic environment based on data in its memory banks) -Invisibility (can render themself invisible by willing the ring to bend light waves around form) -Energy Twin (allows the wearer to create an "energy twin" of themself) -Energy Absorption (the ring can absorb and store other energies without charging itself) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Wormhole (creates wormholes to provide quick travel or remove a target from the area) -Cellular Regeneration (the ring has an ability to heal physical injuries) -Scanning (the ring has a wide range of detection abilities based on the imagination of the user) -Galactic Encyclopedia (each ring functioned as a ready reference on most people's, stellar events and conditions that may have been seen by other rings or other Green Lanterns) -Ring Duplication (most power rings are capable of automatically duplicating themselves) -Homing Beacon (a homing beacon in the power ring can lead one Green Lantern to another) -Pocket Dimension (able to access an entire world within the ring) -Preset Conditions (commands can be stored in the ring to be executed at a later date) -Will Blast (fires an either harmful or concussive blast made of Will energy) -Will Beam (fires an either harmful or concussive beam made of Will energy) -Hardlight Construct (creates solid green objects made of will power using the user's imagination) -Universal Translator -Force Field Generation (to form barriers made of Will energy to withstand attacks)
KyrikComplete Regeneration (Heals from any wound and can come back with a single cell) -Contaminant Immunity (immune to all harmful contaminants) -Disease Immunity (immune to all diseases) -Self-Sustenance (the ability to keep self alive without use of any outside needs) -Toxin Absorption (to turn harmful toxins and poisons into useful protein) -Decelerated Aging (slowed down aging) -Reform (to come back after body's been destroyed) -Regenerative Durability (increased amount of durability due to extreme healing) -Regenerative Stamina (increased amount of energy due to lack of lactic acid)
Lady SpectreIntangibility (Become untouchable) -Flight (lightens weight which allows to glides on atoms) -Invisibility (becomes invisible to normal humans when chooses to be to)
Light TorrentGreen Lantern -Flight (manipulation of anti-gravitons and directed molecular movement to reach the speed of light) -Phasing (the power ring allows the wearer to pass through certain solid objects) -Environmental Play (the power ring can recreate a holographic environment based on data in its memory banks) -Invisibility (can render themself invisible by willing the ring to bend light waves around form) -Energy Twin (allows the wearer to create an "energy twin" of themself) -Energy Absorption (the ring can absorb and store other energies without charging itself) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Cellular Regeneration (the ring has an ability to heal physical injuries) -Scanning (the ring has a wide range of detection abilities based on the imagination of the user) -Galactic Encyclopedia (each ring functioned as a ready reference on most people's, stellar events and conditions that may have been seen by other rings or other Green Lanterns) -Homing Beacon (a homing beacon in the power ring can lead one Green Lantern to another) -Will Blast (fires an either harmful or concussive blast made of Will energy) -Will Beam (fires an either harmful or concussive beam made of Will energy) -Hardlight Construct (creates solid green objects made of will power using the user's imagination) -Universal Translator -Force Field Generation (to form barriers made of Will energy to withstand attacks) -Rifle Construct -M4 Construct -9mm Construct -Artillery Constructs -Tank Construct -Space Mines (creates a number of mines in space to damage starships)
Luna EmberPyrokinesis (Fire Manipulation) -Thermal Immunity (unaffected by high temperatures reaching 3,450 kelvin) -Fire Immunity (unaffected by fires) -Heat Absorption (absorbs heat from anyone or anything around to create fire) -Flight (expel excess solar energy from body which allows for propulsion) -Enhanced Durability (able to take a great deal of external damage) -Gunmanship (proficiency in firearms) -Martial Arts -Firearms -Bow Staff -Fireball (shoots a ball of fire) -Flame Burst (shoots out fire with force at opponents) -Flame Punch (engulfs fist in flame) -Flamethrower (shoots a cone of fire out of hands) -Incinerate (surrounds targets in flames) -Inferno (surrounds self in flames)
Maria RedWhite Magic -Magical Energy Manipulation -Magic Sense (to feel all changes magic throughout the Multiverse) -Magic Resistance (to be highly immune to magic attacks) -Energy Detection (sensing the presence of other's energy) -Magic Detection (sensing the presence of magical energy) -Magic Bolt (basic magic blast) -Hand Seals (performs magic through hand gestures) -Abjuration (can cast a large variety of spells made to protect and heal others) -Flight (levitates self with use of magic) -Aura Reading (to see the auras of others) -Magic Sense (to feel all changes magic throughout the Multiverse) -Summoning (call upon a mystical ally) -White Necromancy (uses magic involved with the life force energy of souls) -Spell Casting (series of words or thoughts used to manipulate magic forces) -Sanctification (blesses individuals and items with holy properties) -Flawless Healing (capable of healing physical, mental, emotional, mystical, and spiritual wounds) -Purification (to completely remove all evil from an object or person) -Teleportation (slowly dissipates into white lights before moving to another location of the Multiverse) -Partner Teleportation (to transport others over a vast distance within seconds) -Divine Grounds (creates a protective aura around a location to ward off any evil entities) -Safe Space (creates a barrier that blocks off all forces that intend to harm them) -Astral Trap (captures the astral form of another while out of its body) -Dimensional Travel (to move between dimensions at will) -Self Replication (ability to clone self) -Dark Magic -Soul Stealing (removes an individual's soul for either) -Demonic Power Immunity (immune to all demonic powers) -Pain Inducement (controls people’s ability to feel pain at will) -Possession (take over a person's body) -Mind Control (capable of controlling the minds of weaker subjects) -Corruption (erodes a person's morality to turn them evil) -Cursing (cast malicious energy to affect a person's karma/luck) -Necromancy (uses magic involved with the dead life force energy of souls) -Magic Absorption (takes the magical energy from a living target to fuel self) -Physical Illusions (powerful illusions that can be felt and cause real pain)
Martian NiroGreen Martian Physiology -Self Density Shifting (lowers density to become intangible and invisible) -Shape Shift (to change into any physical form) -Enhanced Durability (able to take a great deal of external damage) -Enhanced Speed (can move much faster than the average member of their species) -Enhanced Reflexes (heighten reaction speed to maneuver out of attack paths faster than normal) -Enhanced Regenerative Healing (to repair any damage inflicted upon and regrow removed limbs) -Enhanced Flexibility (bends and twist body past average limits) -Invulnerability (immune to all physical damage lesser than their own) -Heat Vision (enhanced thermal vision which builds up heat to a point of expulsion) -Flight (telekinetically lifts self and propels) -Super Strength (strength greatly intensified) -Super Breath (release of air from lungs to create a strong gust of wind) -Super Hearing (perceive sound over a vast distance) -Telekinesis (Manipulates physical objects with the mind) -Telepathy (Mentally receive information) -Invulnerability (immune to all forms of physical damage) -Illusions (manipulate what others perceive) -Illusion Awareness (to be able to sense if the viewed reality is false) -Invisibility Awareness (to be able to see those who are cloaked) -Levitation (lifts objects and people with telekinesis) -Auto-Leptokinesis (Manipulates molecules within own body) -Mind Control (to take over victim's mind and puppeteer) -Mind Prison (places target in a mental prison of the user's own design) -Mind Erase (completely wipes the victim's mind clear to the point of infancy) -Mind Walking (enter and explore another's mind) -Mind Link (connects targets mentally) -Mind Reading (reads intended target's mind for information) -Mind Shift (change how a person's mind thinks) -Memory Erase (remove a target's memory) -Thought Manipulation (the ability to control another's thoughts) -Subconscious Suggestion (plants hypnotic suggestions in the back of one's mind to use for later) -Telepathic Speaking (speaking openly via the mind) -Mental Improvement (enhance the brain in certain ways to better the person) -Consciousness Transfer (moving one's mind into another body) -Thought Manipulation (the ability to control another's thoughts) -Telepathic Speaking (speaking openly via the mind) -Psychic Shield (places a mental shield upon self or others to block out outside telepathic attacks) -Psychic Inhibitor (places mental blocks to limit the target's potential) -Psychic Falsification (altering information perceived by other psychics) -Psychic Shadow (to mask psychic presence from other psychics) -Arm Swipe (elongates arm and swings in a 180 angle) -Phase Dodge (phase shift through an enemy attack or incoming object) -Telekinetic Throw (to pick up and toss an object or person) -Telekinetic Blast (releases a wave of telekinetic energy which can incinerate the enemy) -Mental Shriek (sends a mental shockwave which sends unbearable pain through hostile minds) -Mental Shred (rips apart target's mind essentially making them a vegetable) -Emotion Control (control self and others emotions to keep calm, excite, angry, or scared) -Mental K.O Shockwave (sends a wave of telepathic energy which knocks out multiple targets) -Darkside View (the ability to communicate and force out the darkside of an individual) -Lightside View (the ability to communicate and force out the lightside of an individual)
Mary ClideTemporal Rewind (Goes back in time by two minutes)
Maxima ZeroEnhanced Superpack (Stronger than the usual superpack) -Flight (glides on Earth's protons) -Invulnerability (immune to all physical damage lesser than their own) -Heat Vision (enhanced thermal vision which builds up heat to a point of expulsion) -Freeze Breath (freezes enemies and targets rather than create cold winds) -Super Strength (strength greatly intensified) -Enhanced Super Breath (release of oxygen from lungs to create a powerful gust of wind) -Enhanced Super Hearing (perceive sound over a greater distance) -Enhanced Speed (can move much faster than the average member of their species) -Enhanced Reflexes (heighten reaction speed to maneuver out of attack paths faster than normal) -Enhanced Flexibility (bends and twist body past average limits) -Enhanced X-Ray Vision -Enhanced Stamina (body is highly resistant to the build-up of fatigue toxins) -Enhanced Supervision -Enhanced Healing (increase speed in healing of all wounds) -Enhanced Intelligence (intelligence that passes the normal genius I.Q) -Enhanced Endurance (able to sustain energy and life for a greater period of time)
Maximus ZeroEnhanced Superpack (Stronger than the usual superpack) -Flight (glides on Earth's protons) -Invulnerability (immune to all physical damage lesser than their own) -Heat Vision (enhanced thermal vision which builds up heat to a point of expulsion) -Freeze Breath (freezes enemies and targets rather than create cold winds) -Super Strength (strength greatly intensified) -Enhanced Super Breath (release of oxygen from lungs to create a powerful gust of wind) -Enhanced Super Hearing (perceive sound over a greater distance) -Enhanced Speed (can move much faster than the average member of their species) -Enhanced X-Ray Vision -Enhanced Reflexes (heighten reaction speed to maneuver out of attack paths faster than normal) -Enhanced Stamina (body is highly resistant to the build-up of fatigue toxins) -Enhanced Supervision -Enhanced Healing (increase speed and strength in healing of all wounds) -Enhanced Intelligence (intelligence that passes the normal genius I.Q) -Enhanced Endurance (able to sustain energy and life for a greater period of time)
Metal LadMagnekinesis/Ferrokinesis (Manipulate Magnetic Fields and bits of Electromagnetism) -Self Levitation (controls metal in suit to raise self in the air) -Partner Levitation (controls metal in suit to raise others in the air) -All Metals (able to manipulate all types metals) -Metal Spike (creates metal spikes out of metal) -Electronic Disruption (sends a harmless pulse to disrupt electronics) -Metal Repair (repair all physically damaged metals) -Metal Disc (creates sharp metal disc to either ride on or use as throwing weapons) -Metal Detection (sensing all metal within a seventy mile radius) -Metal Weapon Construct (creates metal weapons) -Magnetic Force Field (creates a force field to reflect only ranged attacks) -Magnetic Field Sensitivity (can feel changes within a magnetic field) -Attract (pulls metals towards) -Repel (tosses all metals away) -Entrapment (trap a target within metal) -Metal Shield (uses nearby metal to protect self and others) -Liquefy Metal (able to make each metal hit a liquid point)
MiasamaSmoke Combat -Smoke Empowerment (absorbs smoke to power devices) -Smoke Screen (uses smoke to shroud a large area and block the view of engulfed targets) -Deoxygenation (removal of air during smoke screen) -Smoke Bomb (throws/drops a concentrated cloud of smoke which then releases intense heat) -Smoke Stream (releases a constant stream of smoke at target to either burn or stun)
Mind WalkerMind Walking (Enters the mind of another person to see their thoughts and memories) -Telepathy (Mentally receive/transmit information) -Mind Reading (reads intended target's mind for information) -Dream Walking (enters the dreams of another person) -Subconscious Control (able to move within the subconscious of the brain and control it) -Talking Inducement (forces the target to say whatever they wanted)
MirrorSelf-Replication (Ability to clone self) -Clone Connection (connected emphatically with clones and able to hear what they say) -Teamwork (work with clones to overcome most if not all instances) -Enhanced Copying (capable of making clones of others with the same abilities) -Jump In (clones attack as one in a gang)
Mister MindtrickPerfect Illusion (Creates illusions so perfect that they're hard to tell) -Peak Human Intelligence (highest limits of the human genius-intellect level for humans their age) -Opinokinesis (Sense Manipulation) -Illusion Awareness (to be able to sense if the viewed reality is false) -Selective Illusions (creates specific illusions for only specific people to see) -Illusive Appearance (creates a constant illusion to hide true form) -Decoy (to create an illusion which is just a copy of self or others for distractions) -Area Illusion (creation of a false area to trick the enemy) -Physical Illusions (powerful illusions that can be felt and cause real pain) -Confusion (capable of confusing the enemy strongly enough to where time cannot be perceived) -Memory Corruption (creates illusionary bits within memories to corrupt and confuse target) -Mind Trick (makes the surrounding minds see a variety of things) -Invisibility (tricks the mind into not being able to hear, smell, feel, or sense them and others) -Death Illusion (can make the mind believe the body is dead and therefore shuts self down) -Fantasy Illusion (creates illusions of the target's deepest dreams and presents them as if were real) -Real Time Effect (illusions are capable of even being seen through live feeds however if replayed, no proof of the illusion happening can be seen) -Hell (removes all five senses from a target, sending them into a state of pure terror) -Red Room (sends individual into a location where they can be tortured or severely harmed without risk of death) -Ignorance is Bliss (to create an illusion powerful enough to affect themself)
MockingbirdxArcher (Proficient in bows and arrows) -Peak Human Agility (to possess agility greater than that of normal humans their age) -Peak Human Senses (to have their senses beyond most humans their age) -Peak Human Reflexes (to have advanced reactions better than normal humans their age) -Peak Human Balance (to have better balance than ordinary humans their age) -Peak Human Accuracy (to have accuracy at the highest limits of human efficiency) -Perception -Street Fighting -Jujitsu -Throwing Weapons -Lie Sense (able to detect when a person lies) -Perception -Stealth -Interrogation -Parkour -Ensnarement -Stalking -Gunmanship (proficiency in firearms) -Tactician -Trick Arrows -Rainbow Bridge (with the use of two arrows is able to create a multicolored hard light bridge)
Molly ThunderDivine Empowerment -Wisdom of Solomon -Strength of Hercules -Power of Zeus -Stamina of Atlas -Courage of Achilles -Speed of Mercury -Supernatural Endurance (to endure physical stress better than what is naturally possible) -Supernatural Durability (to have body-tissue denser than what is naturally possible) -Supernatural Combat (to have better fighting skills than what is naturally possible) -Supernatural Agility (be more agile than what is naturally possible) -Healing (uses the lightning of Shazam to heal self or others) -Semi-Immortality (is unable to age to the point of death but can be killed -Call of Lightning (using the word "Shazam" they are able to transform) -Magic (power to influence the course of events by using supernatural forces) -Magic Resistance (to be highly immune to magic attacks) -Magic Sense (to feel all changes magic throughout the Multiverse) -Flight (uses sheer will to fly) -Invulnerability (immune to all physical damage lesser than their own) -Power Bestowal (can share abilities with others) -Thunder Storm (forces a barrage of lightning bolts down within a single area) -Shazam! (calls down a single and powerful bolt of lighting which can incinerate people)
Morning SparrowSwordsmanship (Proficiency in sword combat) -Peak Human Agility (to possess agility greater than that of normal humans their age) -Peak Human Combat (to have better fighting skills than average human their age) -Peak Human Senses (to have their senses beyond most humans their age) -Peak Human Reflexes (to have advanced reactions better than normal humans their age) -Peak Human Balance (to have better balance than ordinary humans their age) -Bow Staff -Perception -Street Fighting -T'ai Chi -Wing Chun -Jujitsu -Side arm
MurryHacking (Able to break into and then bypass intensively difficult levels of online security) -Codification (creates complex and nearly unbreakable codes within systems) -Code Breaker (able to break through some of the most complicated codes to date) -System Hack (to shut down all electronic and technological powers and uses) -Data Control (manipulate the binary visible computer information) -Cyberliguaism (to intercept electronic, digital, and radio transmissions) -Peak Human Intelligence (highest limits of the human genius-intellect level for humans their age) -Total Control (places a virus/malware within a system which can lay in wait until activated and grants them untested control) -Tracking (uses hacked cameras to locate a target) -Viewing Haze (causes specific on a camera to come out as blurs)
Night SifHigh Tech Exoskeleton (Specialized suit of armor that grant a multitude of uses) -Flight (use of repulsors and jets to lift self off the ground and propel) -Enhanced Speed (move at extraordinary speeds) -Enhanced Stamina (body is highly resistant to the build-up of fatigue toxins) -Enhanced Durability (able to take a great deal of external damage) -Laser Blast -Super Strength (strength greatly intensified) -Rockets
Nova PulsarSuper Strength (Strength greatly intensified) -Flight (creates a personal field in which to fly) -Invulnerability (immune to all physical damage lesser than their own) -Enhanced Senses (posses extremely accurate senses) -Enhanced Super Breath (release of oxygen from lungs to create a powerful gust of wind) -Enhanced Super Hearing (perceive sound over a greater distance) -Enhanced Speed (can move much faster than the average member of their species) -Enhanced Reflexes (heighten reaction speed to maneuver out of attack paths faster than normal) -Enhanced Stamina (body is highly resistant to the build-up of fatigue toxins) -Enhanced Healing (increase speed in healing of all wounds) -Enhanced Endurance (able to sustain energy and life for a greater period of time)
O2Alternative Respiration (Respiratory adjustment to any given environment)
Orbital SpiritIntangibility (Become untouchable) -Flight (lightens weight which allows to glides on atoms)
OspreyPeak Human Combat (To have better fighting skills than average human their age) -Tactician -Escrima Sticks -Swordsmanship (proficiency in sword combat) -Bow Staff
OsseinOsteokinesis (Bone Manipulation) -Spike Toss (removes or ejects sharpened edge bones from almost any point of the body) -Bone Regeneration (grows new bones to be used as weapons or fix damaged ones) -Quill (protrudes bone from almost any point on the body) -Krack (can cause any bone to make the popping sound) -Skull Suit (forms plates of bone over parts of the body for extra protection)
PaPa The PandaFood Size Alteration (To change the size of one's self with the use of eating) -Eating Healing (eats to heal)
Parlor TrixShowmanship -Smoke Pellets -Flashbangs -Fire Crackers -K.O Gas -Throwing Cards
Party BoiParty Inducement (So cause others to party) -Exhaustion (causes the individual's body to overexert itself and reach fatigue quicker) -Dance of Death (able to send the body into overdrive, ending with it burning out and dying)
Patric HolmesMagic (Power to influence the course of events by using supernatural forces) -Magical Energy Manipulation -Magic Sense (to feel all changes magic throughout the Multiverse) -Magic Resistance (to be highly immune to magic attacks) -Energy Detection (sensing the presence of other's energy) -Magic Detection (sensing the presence of magical energy) -Spell Casting (series of words or thoughts used to manipulate magic forces) -Sanctification (blesses individuals and items with holy properties) -Hand Seals (performs magic through hand gestures) -Inscription Magic (performs magic through words and symbols tattooed through their body) -Linguistic Magic (performs magic through spoken word) -Hell-Fire Control (control of the fires from Hell) -Astral Trapping (restrains Astral beings to a specific item) -Exorcism (removes dangerous spirits from people) -Sacrificial Rituals (to gain permanent power they must give the life of another) -Summoning (call upon a mystical ally) -Illusions (manipulate what others perceive) -Mind Control (capable of controlling the minds of weaker subjects) -Corruption (erodes a person's morality to turn them evil) -Cursing (cast malicious energy to affect a person's karma/luck) -Necromancy (uses magic involved with the dead life force energy of souls) -Send Me to Hell (opens a black hole which pulls in whatever's near and drags to Hell) -Force Field (cast a magical barrier that protects self and allies) -Chrysopoeia (to turn matter into gold) -Alchemic Magic (uses scientific magic to create potions and items of magical use) -Emblem Magic (uses a emblems tattooed on their body to manipulate elemental forces) -Blood Magic (performs certain magic feats with the use of blood) -Dimension Loss (bends the current dimension around a target which throws them into another plane of existence) -Telekinesis (divine powers where they can move items without coming into contact) -Vanishing (body turns into purple smoke which signifies they've left the area) -Exile (to banish an individual from a specific place) -Corruption/Evil Immunity (immune to becoming corrupted by evil forces) -Purification (to completely remove all evil from an object or person) -Divine Grounds (creates a protective aura around a location to ward off any evil entities) -Healing Chant (utters a phrase which is used to heal self and others) -Steel Staff (transmute matter into a steel staff which releases a sharp soundwave when hits) -Enchanted Gun (wields a magic pistol which can harm the supernatural) -Lustful Eyes (places lust within others when gazing into his eyes) -Enchanted Strength (grants super strength to self for two minutes) -Reflective Vision (can see other people and locations through reflective surfaces)
Peyton CrossGreen Lantern -Peak Human Combat (to have better fighting skills than average human their age) -Boxing -Flight (manipulation of anti-gravitons and directed molecular movement to reach the speed of light) -Phasing (the power ring allows the wearer to pass through certain solid objects) -Environmental Play (the power ring can recreate a holographic environment based on data in its memory banks) -Invisibility (can render themself invisible by willing the ring to bend light waves around form) -Energy Twin (allows the wearer to create an "energy twin" of themself) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Wormhole (creates wormholes to provide quick travel or remove a target from the area) -Cellular Regeneration (the ring has an ability to heal physical injuries) -Scanning (the ring has a wide range of detection abilities based on the imagination of the user) -Galactic Encyclopedia (each ring functioned as a ready reference on most people's, stellar events and conditions that may have been seen by other rings or other Green Lanterns) -Ring Duplication (most power rings are capable of automatically duplicating themselves) -Homing Beacon (a homing beacon in the power ring can lead one Green Lantern to another) -Pocket Dimension (able to access an entire world within the ring) -Preset Conditions (commands can be stored in the ring to be executed at a later date) -Will Blast (fires an either harmful or concussive blast made of Will energy) -Will Beam (fires an either harmful or concussive beam made of Will energy) -Hardlight Construct (creates solid green objects made of will power using the user's imagination) -Universal Translator -Force Field Generation (to form barriers made of Will energy to withstand attacks) -Chainwhip (forms chains to wrap around a target and thrash around) -Boxing Glove Construct -Training Room Construct (forms an entire room in the shape of a boxing gym) -Chain Wraps (forms chains around forearms to help in combat) -Swinging Bag (constructs a punching bag to swing and knock opponents back)
PlasmicIonikinesis (Plasma Manipulation) -Plasma Katar (creates katars made of plasma) -Plasma Beam (fires a red stream of plasmic energy which can kill or incapacitate) -Pyrokinesis (Fire Manipulation) -Thermal Immunity (unaffected by high temperatures) -Fire Immunity (unaffected by fires) -Electrokinesis (Electricity Manipulation) -Electric Immunity (immune to electrical contact) -Heliokinesis (Solar Manipulation) -Photokinesis (Light Manipulation) -Electricity Generation (creates electricity) -Electric Shield (creates a shield made of electricity which assimilates anything that touches it) -Fire Generation (the ability to create fire from nothing) -Freeze! (creates plasma which absorbs nearby heat) -Solar Empowerment (gains energy from solar rays to increase other abilities) -Blind Shot (fires a flare which temporarily blinds targets) -Holograms (creates four illusions of self made of light) -Solar Radiation Immunity (immune to effects of solar radiation) -Disburse (can turn into the gaseous form of plasma energy then reappear solid)
ProdigyyGreek Olympian Physiology -Supernatural Condition (completely and utterly conditioned through and through) -Semi-Immortality (is unable to age to the point of death but can be killed) -Magic (power to influence the course of events by using supernatural forces) -Magic Resistance (to be highly immune to magic attacks) -Flight (uses sheer will to fly) -The Rift (summons a portal which can take user anywhere in the cosmos) -Invulnerability (immune to all physical damage lesser than their own) -Weather Manipulation -Sky Manipulation -Lightning Manipulation -Archery (proficiency in bows and arrows) -Guardianship (is granted/possess the ability to protect a certain item, place, or person) -Lightning Call (brings down lightning anywhere in the world) -Prayer Empowerment (can be granted extra power by calling upon another God) -Healing Prayer (can ask for healing from the Gods to help self or ally) -Affinity (gains strength when prayed and tributed towards) -Inscription Magic (performs magic through written words or symbols) -Linguistic Magic (performs magic through spoken word) -Spell Casting (series of words or thoughts used to manipulate magic forces) -Cursing (cast malicious energy to affect a person's karma/luck) -Damnation (sends a person straight to Hades) -Magic Sense (to feel all changes magic throughout the Multiverse) -Illusion Awareness (to be able to sense if the viewed reality is false) -Aura Vision (to see the aura of others) -Astral Vision (to see other overlapping dimensions beyond the physical plane of existence) -Energy Detection (sensing the presence of other's energy) -Magic Detection (sensing the presence of magical energy) -Lightning Bow (fires an arrow made of pure lightning which can gravely wound a target's body and hearing)
Psi LadPsionic Manipulation (Control of both Telepathy and Telekinesis) -Telepathy (mentally receive/transmit information) -Telekinesis (manipulates physical objects with the mind) -Flight (telekinetically lifts self and propels) -Mind Control (to take over victim's mind and puppeteer) -Mind Prison (places target in a mental prison of the user's own design) -Mind Erase (completely wipes the victim's mind clear to the point of infancy) -Mind Link (connects targets mentally) -Mind Reading (reads intended target's mind for information) -Mind Shift (change how a person's mind thinks) -Mind Walking (enter and explore another's mind) -Thought Manipulation (the ability to control another's thoughts) -Telepathic Speaking (speaking openly via the mind) -Psychic Inhibitor (places mental blocks to limit the target's potential) -Psychic Shadow (to mask psychic presence from other psychics) -Psychic Shield (places a mental shield upon self or others to block out outside telepathic attacks) -Psychic Falsification (altering information perceived by other psychics) -Illusions (manipulate what others perceive) -Illusion Awareness (to be able to sense if the viewed reality is false) -Memory Erase (remove a target's memory) -Memory Reading (the ability to see other's memories) -Memory Manipulation (to change and warp the memories of a target) -Subconscious Suggestion (plants hypnotic suggestions in the back of one's mind to use for later) -Mental Improvement (enhance the brain in certain ways to better the person) -Telekinetic Shielding (creates a telekinetic barrier around self to deflect incoming attacks) -Telekinetic Blast (releases a wave of telekinetic energy which can push back the enemy) -Telekinetic Cutting (capable of cutting through material) -Vertigo (creates an imbalance within the brain which causes the target to go through extreme nausea) -Stasis (places a telekinetic hold on a target to keep from moving) -Puppet Master (controls the impulses within the brain to control the actions of the target) -Levitation (lifts objects and people with telekinesis) -Consciousness Transfer (moving one's mind into another body) -Regokinesis (Manipulates the magnitude and direction of an object to maneuver it) -Empathy (replicate the mood, feelings, and emotions of another) -Hypnotize (confuse and stuns a target for a controlled period of time) -Bullet Catch (creates a barrier which catches bullets in midair) -Emotion Control (control self and others emotions to keep calm, excite, angry, or scared) -Fear Reduction (lowers the fear within an ally or target) -Retrocognition (can see into the past without mentally entering someone) -Telekinetic Throw (to pick up and toss an object or person) -Shutdown (shuts off a person's brain functions, rendering them unconscious) -Mental K.O Shockwave (sends a wave of telepathic energy which knocks out multiple targets)
Psychic LadTelekinesis (Manipulates physical objects with the mind) -Levitational Slam (to pick up people/objects to bring them down to cause major damage) -Telekinetic Shielding (creates a telekinetic barrier around self to deflect incoming attacks) -Telekinetic Push (propels an object with a simple push) -Flight (able to lift self up to far distances) -Telepathy (mentally receive/transmit information) -Mind Link (connects targets mentally) -Mind Reading (reads intended target's mind for information)
QuixoticAstral Projection (Separates spirit from body of self) -Astral Trapping (restrains Astral beings to a specific item) -Astral Precognition (to see future events while in astral form) -Magic Sense (to feel all changes magic throughout the Multiverse) -Domain Traveling (able to go into other's personal domains without permission) -Plane Traveling (able to go into other planes of existence) -Dimensional Traveling (able to go into other dimensions) -Time Traveling (able to send astral from back and forward in time for short spurts) -Soul Removal (able to remove the soul of a person from their body, killing them) -Soul Liberation (frees souls that are stuck within a location or object, allowing them to pass on) -Exorcism (removes dangerous spirits from people)
RenolHigh Tech Exoskeleton (Specialized suit(s) of armor that grant a multitude of uses) -Flight (use of repulsors and jets to lift self off the ground and propel) -Ingenuity -Engineering -Enhanced Durability (able to take a great deal of external damage) -Enhanced Intelligence (intelligence that passes the normal genius I.Q) -Scanner Vision (complex visual scans on their environment or creatures around them) -Mechanical Intuition -Genius -Technology Scrambler (lowers the working condition of most machines near by) -E.M.P (releases an electronic pulse that scrambles all electronics) -Optic Blast (releases strong energy beams from optical emitters within mask) -Thermal Vision (detects heat from all living life forms) -Aquatic Respirators -Multiple Suits -Armor -Virus Attack (releases a virus into the mainframe of any internet based machine) -Rocket Barrage (fires multiple rockets from shoulder cannon) -Wrist Repulsor Cannon (fires a concussive or lethal blast of repulsor energy) -Laser Blast -Super-Strength (strength greatly intensified) -Firewall
RecallPast Life Awareness -Multiple Lives (live more than one lifetime) -Retrospective Intelligence (randomly requires knowledge from past lives) -Retrocognition (to see into past events)
Ritz MarshallSuper Strength (Strength greatly intensified) -Invulnerability (immune to all physical damage lesser than their own)
Roh'a TalsuRitual Magic -Inscription Magic (performs magic through written words or symbols) -Power Augmentation (can perform a ritual spell which increases another's power) -Enhanced Conditioning (enhanced certain aspects of self or others) -Resurrects (sets a ritual which they bring back the dead) -Magic Sense (to feel all changes magic throughout the Multiverse) -Sacrificial Rituals (to gain permanent power they must give the life of another) -Summoning (call upon a mystical ally) -Fire Seal (allows for slight control of fire) -Water Seal (allows for slight control of water) -Earth Seal (allows for slight control of earth) -Lightning Seal (allows for slight control of lightning) -Teleportation Script (draws the symbol for teleportation which then allows them to travel to other places with the same symbol)
RubixTrap Manipulation (creates a rubix cube like box around a target and traps them)
ScarabHigh Tech Exoskeleton (Specialized suit of armor that grant a multitude of uses) -Flight (use of repulsors and jets to lift self off the ground and propel) -Self Repair -Scanner Vision (complex visual scans on their environment or creatures around them) -Technology Scrambler (lowers the working condition of most machines near by) -E.M.P (releases an electronic pulse that scrambles all electronics) -Aquatic Respiration -Armor -Anti-Lethal Rounds -Repulsor Cannon (either or both arms turn into cannons which let out a powerful repulsive blast) -Enhanced Speed (move at extraordinary speeds) -Enhanced Stamina (body is highly resistant to the build-up of fatigue toxins) -Enhanced Durability (able to take a great deal of external damage) -Enhanced Intelligence (intelligence that passes the normal genius I.Q) -Laser Blast -Super Strength (strength greatly intensified) -Rockets -Gatling Barrage (either arm turns into a gatling gun that quickly fires out beams of energy) -Vibration Cannon (cannon that emits either lethal or harmless amounts of vibration to subdue) -Energy Blast -Energy Conversion (absorbs energy from an attack and turns into the same energy the suit uses) -Force Field -Thermal Vision (detects heat from all living life forms)
ShirikenLethal Weaponry -Enhanced Combat (possesses near superhuman ability when in comes to hand-to hand fighting) -Peak Human Intelligence (highest limits of the human genius-intellect level for humans their age) -Peak Human Agility (to possess agility greater than that of normal humans their age) -Peak Human Strength (to be stronger than most humans their age) -Peak Human Speed (to be faster than the average human their age) -Peak Human Senses (to have their senses beyond most humans their age) -Peak Human Reflexes (to have advanced reactions better than normal humans their age) -Peak Human Stamina (to generate less fatigue toxins than most other humans their age) -Peak Human Balance (to have better balance than ordinary humans their age) -Peak Human Endurance (to endure more physical discomfort than average humans their age) -Peak Human Accuracy (to have accuracy at the highest limits of human efficiency) -Archery (proficient use in bows and arrows) -Lie Sense (able to detect when a person lies) -Truth Sense (able to tell when a person tells the truth) -Detail Intuition (to notice and analyze the smallest details of any situation or action) -Pattern Sense (to pick up and analyze patterns within a person's actions or environment) -Contingency Plans (has memorized both non-lethal version of the J.T contingency plans) -Bow Staff -Swordsmanship (proficiency in sword combat) -Street Fighting -T'ai Chi -Wing Chun -Jujitsu -Throwing Weapons -Stealth -Disguise -Interrogation -Explosive Shuriken Swarm -Trip Wire Trap -Ensnarement -Stalking -Gunmanship (proficiency in firearms) -Tactician
Slicin DiceBladed Weaponry -Throwing Weapons -Swordsmanship (proficiency in sword combat) -Discus Shot (fires sharpened disc from both arm gauntlets) -Plasma Sword (carries a sword made of plasma which can cut through almost any Earth metal)
SmashicaRed Lantern -Flight (manipulation of anti-gravitons and directed molecular movement to reach the speed of light) -Energy Absorption (the ring can absorb and store other energies without charging itself) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Will Blast (fires an harmful blast made of Rage energy) -Will Beam (fires a harmful beam made of Rage energy) -Hardlight Construct (creates solid green objects made of Rage using the user's will) -Universal Translator -Force Field Generation (to form barriers made of Rage energy to withstand attacks)
Solar CombustHeliokinesis (Solar Radiation Manipulation) -Solar Empowerment (gains strength from solar energy) -Solar Energy Absorption (takes in solar energy and uses it) -Nuclear Manipulation (manipulate nuclear radiation) -Focus Blast (to shoot solar radiation at target) -Bright Out (solar flare) -Combustion: (body is engulfed in nuclear energy before releasing into a devastating wave of 25 meters) -Solar Blast (shooting out a tiny solar radiated nuke)
SomasEcokinesis (Nature Manipulation) -Eco-Ergokinesis (manipulates the energy within Nature itself) -Earth Communication (can speak with and hear the forces of Earth) -Agrokinesis (Plant Manipulation) -Atmokinesis (Weather Manipulation) -Fungokinesis (Fungus Manipulation) -Toxikinesis (Poison Manipulation) -Virokinesis (Disease Manipulation) -Thiriokinesis (Animal Manipulation) -Volukinesis (Insect Manipulation) -Pherokinesis (Pheromone Manipulation) -Disaster Manipulation -Environment Manipulation -Environmental Adoption (to adapt and become well suited for any environment) -Environmental Awareness (to sense the condition of the current environment) -Disease Detection (sense and identify diseases within living and dead) -Self-Sustenance (the ability to keep self alive without use of any outside needs) -Nature Unity (to become one with nature) -Nature Invisibility (to become invisible within nature) -Faunal Communication (to be able to communicate with animals) -Regenerative Healing Factor (increased strength in closing of most fatal wounds) -Curing (removes illness, disease, and mutations) -Elemental Healing (capable of healing most wounds with the use of elemental forces) -World Healing (can heal and entire planet and all life on it at the expense of their own) -To Give (able to give and return life to a land long dead) -Super Strength (strength greatly intensified) -Invulnerability (immune to all physical damage lesser than their own) -Immortality
Sonic SirenSoundwave Generation -Karate -Siren Scream (releases a constant sonic scream which harms a group of targets in radius) -Siren Whistle (releases a quick burst of a sharp sonic attack which -Focus Boom (releases a powerful sonic blast which knocks back all in the way) -Vertigo (creates an imbalance within the brain which causes the target to go through extreme nausea) -Countra Vibra (releases a sonic wave that counteracts another's vibrational frequency and destroys them)
Sparky ArrowArchery (Proficient in bows and arrows) -Peak Human Intelligence (highest limits of the human genius-intellect level for humans their age) -Peak Human Accuracy (to have accuracy at the highest limits of human efficiency) -Trick Arrows (special arrows with other uses) -Speed Boots -Karate -Air Strike (fires multiple arrows up into the air at an angle that hits target) -Knee Shot (arrow in the knee) -Goo Arrow (arrow which explodes and covers target in a sticky substance) -Explosive Arrow (arrow which explodes) -N.I.M.R.O.D (an arrow that releases a homing beacon which calls down artillery support from Sky Front) -Taser Arrow (arrow which attaches and releases close to one million volts over five second) -C.H.A.D (personal assistant robot) -Multi Arrow Strike (fires multiple types of arrow in a single strum)
SpeculumVitrikinesis (Glass Manipulation) -Glass Shield (uses shards of glass to create thick surfaces for protection) -Glass Disc (creates sharp glass disc to either ride on or use as throwing weapons) -Glass Spike (creates a double edged rod made of glass) -Glass Repair (places and reforms glass back to the original shape before shattering) -Seidel (forming cylinder shape around target to trap them) -Shard Shower (raining multiple sharpened shards of glass down from above) -Symphony (releases painful sound waves using vibrations that hit glass)
Spirit WalkerSpirit Armor (Creates an armor around individual made of their spirit energy) -Selective Limb Armor (can choose which part of their body can be protected) -Invulnerability (immune to all physical damage lesser than their own) -Flight (capable of adding wings to armor) -Spikes (capable of adding spikes to armor) -Enhanced Speed (can move much faster than the average member of their species) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Enhanced Stamina (body is highly resistant to the build-up of fatigue toxins) -Spirit Drain (able to drain opponent's spirit to strengthen armor) -Spirit Interaction (able to make contact with other spirits)
Star LadSuperpack (Basic powers) -Super Breath (release of air from lungs to create a strong gust of wind) -Super Hearing (perceive sound over a vast distance) -Enhanced Reflexes (heighten reaction speed to maneuver out of attack paths faster than normal) -Enhanced Healing (increase speed in healing of all wounds) -Voluntary Invulnerability (immune to all physical damage lesser than own if the user is in danger) -Flight (glides on Earth's protons) -Heat Vision (enhanced thermal vision which builds up heat to a point of expulsion) -Thermal Vision (detects heat from all living life forms) -Super Strength (strength greatly intensified) -Enhanced Speed (can move much faster than the average member of their species)
Star TeenGravity Staff -Flight (weakens gravity around self which allows for simulated flight) -Remove Gravity (cancels out gravity in an area) -Increase Gravity (raises the pressure of an area, making it near impossible to speed or fly) -Crush (raises pressure to the point of crushing a target) -Levitate (removes gravity to lift ally or items) -Gravity Bolt (fires a controlled ball of gravitational energy) -Push (releases a strong gravitational wave that knocks back opponents and objects) -Pull (creates a strong gravitational force that pulls objects and people) -Singularity (creates a point of gravitational force that pulls in objects and people) -Grav Bomb (completely crushes anything within a fifty yard radius)
StatrixElectrokinesis (Electricity Manipulation) -Electricity Generation (creates electricity) -Electric Blast (fires a dangerous bolt of electricity which could kill or incapacitate) -Electric Beast (turns into electricity and is capable of growing in size due to amount absorbed) -Electricity Absorption (absorbs electricity for own use) -Electric Immunity (immune to electrical contact) -Electrical Enhanced Conditioning (uses electricity to enhance physical and mental abilities) -Electric Shield (creates a shield made of electricity which assimilates anything that touches it) -Electrical Cell Phone (taps into nearby cellphone towers and creates an electronic signal used to communicate via radio frequencies) -Charge (pours energy into an object/person who needs it) -Discharge (releases a powerful burst of electrical energy which assimilates or knocks away) -Shock (releases an electrical current to electrocute target) -Static Cling (can stick to walls using static electricity) -Conduction Travel (turns into electricity to travel along wires or through outlets) -Spark Flare (lets out small sparks to stun or distract) -Tase Skin (creates an electric field on skin which incapacitates whoever comes into contact) -Zzap! (fires a harmless burst of electricity) -Electric Storm (releases electricity to surround a group of enemies)
StereoAcoustikinesis (Sound Manipulation) -Sound Generation (create louder than average sounds) -Sound Amplify (strengthens noises past their usual range) -Sound Nullification (removes sound) -Sound Absorption (to absorb incoming sound waves) -Sound Immunity (immune to all sonic based attacks) -Sonic Whale (powerful sonic scream which renders targets deaf and knocks them back) -Sound Mimicry (mimics sounds of other creatures and people) -Sound Blast (releases a blast of sonic noise from hands) -Soundwave (releases an area affecting sound blast to stun and harm targets in the area) -Speed of Sound (capable of running at the speed of sound) -Banshee Roar (releases a sonic scream powerful enough to completely destroy a target) -Muting (silences movements and actions made by self and targets) -Sonic Pulse Wave (sonic wave that can tear off skin and metal) -Echo (sends sounds in multiple directions to confuse enemies) -Sound Barrier Punch (sends a sound barrier like shock after a single swing)
Steven MitchellsGreen Lantern -Flight (manipulation of anti-gravitons and directed molecular movement to reach the speed of light) -Leadership -Artist -Tactics -Phasing (the power ring allows the wearer to pass through certain solid objects) -Environmental Play (the power ring can recreate a holographic environment based on data in its memory banks) -Invisibility (can render themself invisible by willing the ring to bend light waves around form) -Energy Twin (allows the wearer to create an "energy twin" of themself) -Energy Absorption (the ring can absorb and store other energies without charging itself) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Wormhole (creates wormholes to provide quick travel or remove a target from the area) -Cellular Regeneration (the ring has an ability to heal physical injuries) -Scanning (the ring has a wide range of detection abilities based on the imagination of the user) -Galactic Encyclopedia (each ring functioned as a ready reference on most people's, stellar events and conditions that may have been seen by other rings or other Green Lanterns) -Ring Duplication (most power rings are capable of automatically duplicating themselves) -Homing Beacon (a homing beacon in the power ring can lead one Green Lantern to another) -Pocket Dimension (able to access an entire world within the ring) -Preset Conditions (commands can be stored in the ring to be executed at a later date) -Will Blast (fires an either harmful or concussive blast made of Will energy) -Will Beam (fires an either harmful or concussive beam made of Will energy) -Hardlight Construct (creates solid green objects made of will power using the user's imagination) -Universal Translator -Force Field Generation (to form barriers made of Will energy to withstand attacks) -Toy Army (creates an army of multiple sized toy soldiers to fight for them) -Time Travel (can use enough Will power to send self back or forward in time) -Stargate Construct (able to create a device which can send self and others into different dimensions) -Armour Construct -Caren (an A.I placed within the power ring which acts as a second pair of eyes and advisor) -The End (opens containment unit worn around their neck to hold a sun, which releases its power and destroys all nearby)
StratosFlight (Emits a field which repels gravity) -Sonic Boom (releases a powerful blast of energy and sound which knocks down opponents) -Peak Human Endurance (to endure more physical discomfort than average humans their age) -Peak Human Reflexes (to have advanced reactions better than normal humans their age) -Kinetic Invulnerability (withstands damage from crashing into objects) -Hover (can stay in place off the ground for long periods of time) -Air Dash (can dash without a force acting on them) -Stealth Mode (can fly through the skies at Mach 1 speed without disrupting anything) -Swoop (flies down at high speeds to hit a target and knocking them back for another) -Vacuum Leap (goes straight up at speeds that sucks away the surrounding air)
Tech BreakScanning (To see all information on a person or thing; living or dead) -Enhanced Intelligence (intelligence that passes the normal genius I.Q) -Dual Pistol -Internet Connection (used as point where all data can be traced) -Data Control (manipulate the binary visible computer information) -Computer Perception (process data at incredible speeds) -Hacking (able to break into and then bypass intensively difficult levels of online security) -Leadership (leading teams and groups with high moral and strong determination) -Lie Sense (able to detect when a person lies) -Truth Sense (able to tell when a person tells the truth) -Detail Intuition (to notice and analyze the smallest details of any situation or action) -Body Movement Analysis (read others body language, allowing them to anticipate their actions) -Flaw Detection (can analyze and spot a weakness within an individual's movements, body, or structure) -Contingency Plans (has memorized a number of lethal and non-lethal version of the J.T contingency plans) -Taction -Filipino Stick Fighting
Tech SparkPilot -Enhanced Intelligence (intelligence that passes the normal genius I.Q) -Electrical Engineer -Martial Arts -Spark Grenade (E.M.P) -X-Ray Vision -Tech Staff -Tech Gloves
Teddy HoldingsBlue Lantern -Flight (manipulation of anti-gravitons and directed molecular movement to reach the speed of light) -Phasing (the power ring allows the wearer to pass through certain solid objects) -Environmental Play (the power ring can recreate a holographic environment based on data in its memory banks) -Invisibility (can render themself invisible by willing the ring to bend light waves around form) -Energy Twin (allows the wearer to create an "energy twin" of themself) -Energy Absorption (the ring can absorb and store other energies without charging itself) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Wormhole (creates wormholes to provide quick travel or remove a target from the area) -Cellular Regeneration (the ring has an ability to heal serious physical injuries of self and others) -Rage Removal (if a subject has been infected with rage, they will be able to calm and heal them) -Scanning (the ring has a wide range of detection abilities based on the imagination of the user) -Galactic Encyclopedia (each ring functioned as a ready reference on most people's, stellar events and conditions that may have been seen by other rings or other Blue Lanterns) -Ring Duplication (most power rings are capable of automatically duplicating themselves) -Ring Enhancement (the capacity to re-energize and supercharge the powers of a Green Lantern ring) -Homing Beacon (a homing beacon in the power ring can lead one Blue Lantern to another) -Pocket Dimension (able to access an entire world within the ring) -Preset Conditions (commands can be stored in the ring to be executed at a later date) -Will Blast (fires an either harmful or concussive blast made of blue energy) -Will Beam (fires an either harmful or concussive beam made of blue energy) -Hardlight Construct (creates solid green objects made of blue energy) -Universal Translator -Force Field Generation (to form barriers made of Hope energy to withstand attacks)
Teen EagleDeity Lightning Manipulation -Flight -Archery (proficient in bows and arrows) -Lightning Strike (fires a singular blast of lightning) -Lightning Barrage (drops an group blast of lightning bolts down) -Thunderous Boom (releases a shockwave that can seriously harm a person) -Wolf Spirit (summons the power of the Blue Wolf, a Native-American spirit) -Nature Affinity (becomes one with nature) -Teleportation (turns into a burst of lightning) -Super Strength (strength greatly intensified)
Tesla EffectElectrokinesis (Electricity Manipulation) -Peak Human Intelligence (highest limits of the human genius-intellect level for humans their age) -Peak Human Balance (to have better balance than ordinary humans their age) -Peak Human Endurance (to endure more physical discomfort than average humans their age) -Electricity Generation (creates electricity) -Electricity Absorption (absorbs electricity for own use) -Electric Immunity (immune to electrical contact) -Shock (releases an electrical current to electrocute target) -Electrical Enhanced Conditioning (uses electricity to enhance physical and mental abilities) -Conduction Travel (turns into electricity to travel along wires or through outlets) -Spark Flare (lets out small sparks to stun or distract) -Tactician -Electric Storm (releases electricity to surround a group of enemies)
The ProfessorGenius-Level Intellect (Able to use their mind to its limit) -Advanced Inventing (creates complex machinery and devices) -Mechanical Engineer -Electrical Engineer -Grenades -Force Field Generator (sets up energy fields which can withstand an RPG) -Kinetic Field Generator (sets up a kinetic field which cans power from each attack) -Plasma Pistol (carries a pistol with an unknown munition which can harm Superman) -Telekinetic Implants (allows small burst of telekinetic lifts and throws) -Electro Magnetic Pulse (releases an E.M.P which fries all electronics nearby -Stealth Field (sets up a field which turns self and others invisible) -Poly-Language Translator (allows for communication with all recorded languages) -Electro Gloves (a pair of gauntlets that release enough energy to harm Superman) -Personal Interface (a 3D hologram computer system that can be seen by others) -Nanoshield (uses nanobots to link up and create barriers) -Hacking (able to break into and then bypass intensively difficult levels of online security) -Contingency Plans (has memorized each lethal version of the J.T contingency plans) -Magic Resistance (to be highly immune to magic attacks)
Theodor XaterHalf Human-Half Demon Hybrid -Swordsmanship (proficiency with swords) -Magic Sense (to feel all changes magic throughout the Multiverse) -Magic Resistance (to be highly immune to magic attacks) -Energy Detection (sensing the presence of other's energy) -Magic Detection (sensing the presence of magical energy) -Mediumship -Spell Casting (series of words or thoughts used to manipulate magic forces) -Soul Release (frees souls and spirits trapped in Hell or on Earth) -Pain Inducement (controls people’s ability to feel pain at will) -Demonic Strength (strength of a demon) -Enhanced Durability (able to take a great deal of external damage)
Time OutStasis Fields (creates a field which stops/slows down all things within 9 yards)
TobariousAerokinesis (Air Manipulation)-Flight (uses wind currents to glide)-Gust (a gust of wind that can provide an ice-storm when mixed with shard burst)-Outburst (Sudden burst of wind)-Air Enhancement (use of the wind to push the user around to strengthen blows and speed)-Cyclone (heavy wind used to knock down enemies)-Heavy blow (use of wind to strengthen the blow for a devastating kick)
Top GunArtillery Proficiency -Plasma Cannon -Engineer -Rocket Pistol (holds a handheld device which fires a small rocket) -Peak Human Intelligence (highest limits of the human genius-intellect level for humans their age) -Peak Human Accuracy (to have accuracy at the highest limits of human efficiency) -Cannon Mastery (proficient use in heavy weapons such as cannons) -Gunmanship (proficiency in firearms) -Shark Cannon (a cannon which fires sharks) -Rain the Thunder (fires a barrage strike using Sky Front's weapons)
Torch BearerFire Physiology (Causes both arms to catch on fire) -Heat Generation -Thermal Immunity (unaffected by high temperatures) -Fire Immunity (unaffected by fires) -Flame Manipulation (controls the flames that generates from their arms)
TracRacer (Uses a high tech racing car which can move up to 800 miles per hour) -Mechanical Engineer -Speed Engineer -Enhanced Intelligence (intelligence that passes the normal genius I.Q) -Speed Bomb (causes everything in a four yard radius to dash in whichever it was moving)
TransmutateAbility Transferal (Swaps powers and skills between individuals)
TrubieTeleportation (To transports one’s self over a vast distance within seconds) -Partner Teleportation (to transport others over a vast distance within seconds) -Drop Off (grabs enemy and teleports them high above ground and releases)
TriazPeak Human Accuracy (To have accuracy at the highest limits of human efficiency) -Bowing Knife -Advanced Hunting (extraordinary skill in tracking/hunting all things) -Peak Human Senses (to have their senses beyond most humans their age) -Throwing Weapons
UnityLife Connection (Has a strong bond with all living things) -Anipathy (connects with the emotions of animals) -Environmental Awareness (to sense the condition of the current environment) -Thiriokinesis (Animal Manipulation) -Omnilingualism (speaks and understands the language of any being encountered) -Peace Aura (is so in touch with all life, they create a bond so powerful it calms down all aggression) -Attack! (can cause plant and animal life to defend them)
Valkyrie GirlIce Magic (Cast magical spells feats through ice) -Melee Weaponry -Cold Immunity (unaffected by extreme colds) -Ice Weapon Construct (creates weapons made of ice) -Flight (uses the mystical power of the gem to fly and propel self) -Peak Human Strength (to be stronger than most humans their age)
WarningDanger Intuition (Capable to sense all incoming threats) -Enhanced Awareness (sense of awareness is higher than average) -Flash Precognition (peers a few seconds into the future) -Death Sense (the ability to sense an upcoming death to prevent it) -Threat Identification (to sense anything or anyone that poses as a threat) -Combat Clairvoyance (to predict an incoming attack and evade it)
Warp PadPortal Creation (Creates points where individuals can be teleported) -Teleportation (capable of teleporting self without the use of warp pads) -Trap Pad (creates an unseeable portal which captures and sends targets to a secure location) -Farewell (opens a warp pad to the center of a sun)
Water ShockAtlantean Physiology -Hydrokinesis (Water Manipulation) -Swordsmanship (proficiency with swords) -Spearmanship (proficiency with spears) -Marine Manipulation (telepathically controls marine life) -Hydro-bomb (creates highly compressed ball of water which releases a strong amount of force) -Underwater Cyclone (generates underwater tornadoes to hold enemies) -Hardwater Construct (creates hard water objects with water bearers) -Enhanced Intelligence (intelligence that passes the normal genius I.Q) -Enhanced Healing (increase speed in healing of all wounds) -Enhanced Skin Density (capable of withstanding bullets and most attacks) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Enhanced Durability (able to take a great deal of external damage) -Enhanced Reflexes (heighten reaction speed to maneuver out of attack paths faster than normal) -Enhanced Swimming (swimming at speeds higher than average) -Leadership (leading teams and groups with high moral and strong determination) -Whirlpool (generates currents underwater to pull and tear enemies apart)
WikkiOmniscience (Randomly able to know Everything and Anything)
Wonder TeenAmazonian Physiology -Super Strength (strength greatly intensified) -Flight (granted the power of flight by Aplo) -Enhanced Speed (can move much faster than the average member of their species) -Enhanced Reflexes (heighten reaction speed to maneuver out of attack paths faster than normal) -Enhanced Flexibility (bends and twist body past average limits) -Enhanced Stamina (body is highly resistant to the build-up of fatigue toxins) -Enhanced Intelligence (intelligence that passes the normal genius I.Q) -Enhanced Endurance (able to sustain energy and life for a greater period of time) -Pray Healing (calls upon the healing hand from a Goddess -Semi-Immortality (is unable to age to the point of death but can be killed) -Archery (Proficiency in bows and arrows) -Swordsmanship (proficiency in sword combat)
Wynter LassFrigokinesis (Snow Manipulation) -Snow Generation -Cold Immunity (unaffected by extreme colds) -Cold Air Generation (lowers temperature in the air) -Snow Storm (creates a haze of snow to blind the target) -Blizzard (creates a violent snow storm which lowers surrounding temperature and harms) -Snowslide (pushes a large amount of snow to crush the target or block the path)
XaminIntuitive Perception (analyze and comprehends anything viewed at a detailed level) -Computer Perception (to process information at incredible speeds) -Visualization (able to see a visualize what they are thinkinking on) -Enhanced Intelligence (intelligence that passes the normal genius I.Q) -Enhanced Memory (can remember a number of things with detail, even after years later) -Detail Intuition (to notice and analyze the smallest details of any situation or action) -Pattern Sense (to pick up and analyze patterns within a person's actions or environment)
Young FateMagic (Power to influence the course of events by using supernatural forces) -Magical Energy Manipulation -Hand Seals (performs magic through hand gestures) -Inscription Magic (performs magic through written words or symbols) -Linguistic Magic (performs magic through spoken word) -Enhanced Intelligence (intelligence that passes the normal genius I.Q) -Flight (levitates self with use of magic) -Teleportation (to transports oneself over a vast distance within seconds) -Partner Teleportation (to transport others over a vast distance within seconds) -Astral Projection (separates spirit from body of self and others) -Spell Casting (series of words or thoughts used to manipulate magic forces) -Spell Destabilization (makes changes within others spells to gain a different result) -Magic Bolt (basic magic blast) -Magic Resistance (to be highly immune to magic attacks) -Astral Trap (captures the astral form of another while out of its body) -Dimensional Travel (to move between dimensions at will) -Premonition (to see the fate of those chosen) -Self Replication (ability to clone self) -Transmutation (able to alter the physical form of other beings) -Essokinesis (Reality Manipulation) -Necromancy (use of death-based magic) -Magical Constructs (to create beast or items out of magical energy) -Intangibility (becomes untouchable by using magic to remove all physical aspects) -Partner Replication (ability to clone others) -Personal Domain (creates a world in which they control) -Force Field (cast a magical Ankh that protects self and allies) -Flawless Healing (capable of healing physical, mental, emotional, mystical, and spiritual wounds) -Containment (to trap and hold people and things within objects) -Evasion (to hide one's self or others out of the view of magic wielders) -Power Negating (capable of weakening others powers or completely nullifying them) -Clairvoyance (to see without seeing with own eyes) -Aura Vision (to see the aura of others) -Astral Vision (to see other overlapping dimensions beyond the physical plane of existence) -Death Sense (the ability to sense an upcoming or occurring death) -Power Detection (sensing supernatural abilities within others) -Illusion Awareness (to be able to sense if the viewed reality is false) -Invisibility Awareness (to be able to see those who are cloaked) -Life Span Vision (the ability to see how long one has to live) -Energy Detection (sensing the presence of other's energy) -Magic Detection (sensing the presence of magical energy) -Dimensional Awareness (to sense breaches through the dimensional barriers) -Paracoronal Vision (to see how time plays out through multiple timelines) -Magic Sense (to feel all changes magic throughout the Multiverse) -Soul Capture (to preserve the soul from a recently dead individual for later use) -Emphatic Shield (immune to all emphatic/emotional powers) -Beast Mode (to turn into any animal of choosing) -Life Drain (to absorb the life energy from any living thing until it is either weak or dead) -Resurrection (to bring back someone from the dead) -Damnation (sends a person straight to Hell) -Telepathy (mentally receive/transmit information) -Telekinetic (manipulates physical objects with the mind) -Portal Creation (able to open a physical doorway which links to another location) -Confusion (cast a spell that confuses target for a set amount of time) -Banishment (to send out and lock an individual from a certain location using magic) -Entrapment (traps an enemy inside a magical box to either hold or crush) -Magical Energy Absorption (absorbs raw magic radiating from spots in any place) -Personal Domain (creates a dimension for self in use of a home/base) -Summoning (call upon a mystical ally) -Elemental Magic Control (able to cast magical spells that involves all four of Earth's elements) -Evocation (able to use varying degrees of nature magic) -Illusions (manipulate what others perceive) -Age Manipulation (changes the age of target) -Out of Time (able to move self and others out of time) -Time Perception Manipulation (to speed or reduce the speed of how others view time) -Magic Circle Combat (to use magic circles of varying abilities) -Concussion Blast -Chronokinesis (Time Manipulation) -Time Loop (to trap an item or object in a never rewind of time) -Temporal Reversing (to cause time to go backwards) -Time Travel (able to move forward/backwards in time at will) -Remote Time Travel (to be able to move people and objects through time) -Checkpoint (to be able to return to a specific point in time) -Temporal Protection (to be immune to changes in the timestream)
ZalethAtlantean Physiology -Swordsmanship (proficiency with swords) -Spearmanship (proficiency with spears) -Hardwater Construct (creates hard water objects with water bearers) -Enhanced Intelligence (intelligence that passes the normal genius I.Q) -Enhanced Healing (increase speed in healing of all wounds) -Enhanced Skin Density (capable of withstanding bullets and most attacks) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Enhanced Durability (able to take a great deal of external damage) -Enhanced Reflexes (heighten reaction speed to maneuver out of attack paths faster than normal) -Enhanced Swimming (swimming at speeds higher than average)
ZephFlight (Emits a field which repels gravity) -Peak Human Endurance (to endure more physical discomfort than average humans their age) -Peak Human Reflexes (to have advanced reactions better than normal humans their age)
AcolyteEnchantment Magic (Places enchantments on people and objects) -Mirror Mirror on the Wall (turns reflective surfaces into a portal to escape through) -Flaming Bullets (enchants an allies bullets to burst into flames after hitting their target) -Super Strength (grants super-strength to any ally which last a total of thirty minutes)
AlchemPotioncraft (Creates potions of varying uses) -Bartending -Mixology -Alchemic Magic (uses scientific magic to create potions and items of magical use) -Strength Potion -Explosive Potion -Demon Side Potion -Love Potion -Transformation Potion -Elemental Transmutation (to change/alter a substance and turn into another one) -Chrysopoeia (to turn matter into gold) -Occamy (to turn matter into silver) -Boom (turns air into methane gas then creates a small spark within the gas) -Freeze Over (turns air into moisture which then quickly turns to ice to capture an individual) -Argile (a Homunculus created to gather ingredients needed for use) -Philosopher's Stone (rarely uses a P.S that's hidden within a universe ruled by Danni Ash)
American Kid IMilitary Training -Throwing Weapons -Peak Human Reflexes (to have advanced reactions better than normal humans their age) -Martial Arts -Shield Throw (uses their shield as a projectile to either incapacitate or harm others) -Stealth -Gunmanship (proficient use in firearms)
American Kid IIEnhanced Combat (Possesses near superhuman ability when in comes to hand-to hand fighting) -Peak Human Agility (to possess agility greater than that of normal humans their age) -Peak Human Strength (to be stronger than most humans their age) -Peak Human Speed (to be faster than the average human their age) -Peak Human Senses (to have their senses beyond most humans their age) -Peak Human Reflexes (to have advanced reactions better than normal humans their age) -Peak Human Stamina (to generate less fatigue toxins than most other humans their age) -Peak Human Balance (to have better balance than ordinary humans their age) -Peak Human Endurance (to endure more physical discomfort than average humans their age) -Peak Human Accuracy (to have accuracy at the highest limits of human efficiency) -Shield -Throwing Weapons -Leadership -Tactician -Martial Arts -Shield Throw (uses their shield as a projectile to either incapacitate or harm others) -Stealth -Gunmanship (proficient use in firearms)
Animal MorphFaunal Imitation (Animal attribute mimicry) -Animal Morphing (turn into almost any animal) -Heightened Senses (use of animalistic skills) -Enhanced Speed (can move much faster than the average member of their species) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Enhanced Stamina (body is highly resistant to the build-up of fatigue toxins) -Regenerative Healing Factor (increased strength in closing of most non-fatal wounds) -Enhanced Agility (possess agility beyond that of a normal member that race) -Clawmanship (proficiency with claws or claw based weaponry) -Claw Retraction (extend or retract claws)
ArmineEnhanced Primate Physiology -Enhanced Intelligence (intelligence that passes the normal genius I.Q) -Mechanical Engineering -Grapple Climbing (uses advanced gauntlets which allows user to climb on metal and rock) -Heightened Senses (use of animalistic skills) -Enhanced Speed (can move much faster than the average member of their species) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Enhanced Stamina (body is highly resistant to the build-up of fatigue toxins) -Enhanced Agility (possess agility beyond that of a normal member that race) -Enhanced Dexterity (precise control of body) -Grappling Hook (fires two steel cables from gauntlet which helps pull upwards or people towards them) -Knowledge Consumption (eats the brains of enemy to gain both abilities and knowledge)
AvacCryogenesis (Ice Generation) -Mixed Martial Artist -Cold Air Generation (lowers temperature in the air) -Cold Immunity (unaffected by extreme colds) -Solidification (freezes liquids to a solid) -Area Freeze (quickly lowers temperature in the surrounded area causing damage to threats) -Frostbite (freezes part of the body that's focused on) -Ice Pillar Drop (freezes the air above to create pillars of ice which can be dropped on the enemy) -Ice Ball (forms a giant ball of ice by freezing the air between hands)
BaddleSuper Strength (Strength greatly intensified) -Flight (glides on Earth's protons) -Invulnerability (immune to all physical damage lesser than their own) -Enhanced Senses (posses extremely accurate senses) -Enhanced Speed (can move much faster than the average member of their species) -Enhanced Reflexes (heighten reaction speed to maneuver out of attack paths faster than normal) -Enhanced Stamina (body is highly resistant to the build-up of fatigue toxins) -Enhanced Healing (increase speed in healing of all wounds) -Enhanced Endurance (able to sustain energy and life for a greater period of time)
Black GhostSuperhuman Strength - Ghost is strong enough to lift cars and kick them very small distances and leap across buildings in a single jump. Superhuman Speed - Ghost can run at speeds up to 100 mph Superhuman Agility- Due to his enhancements, Ghost is also as agile as an Olympic gymnast Superhuman Durability- Ghost can be thrown through cars and buildings with only minor injuries. Superhuman Stamina Superhuman reflexes- Ghost can catch objects in mid-air as small and fast as a fly Expert in Parkour Marksmanship with munitions; mastery of multiple forms of melee and hand-to-hand combat; Superhuman Healing Factor- Ghost can heal a variety of injuries at a rapid rate (the amount of time depends on the severity) Grapnel Line- Ghost holsters a retractable grapnel line within his suit Adept at stealth, Possesses a stealth tech belt that allows for high-grade optical and audial camo.
Black IgnitePyrokinesis (Fire Manipulation) -Magnificently Ignorant (to do the impossible due to just being ignorant -Fire Generation (the ability to create fire from nothing) -Thermal Immunity (unaffected by high temperatures) -Fire Immunity (unaffected by fires) -Fire Vision (shoots flames from eyes) -Fire Ball (shoots a ball of fire from hands) -Fire Breath (breathes out a stream of fire) -Fire Whip (releases a thin line of fire which can cut through metal) -Puff Puff Pass (fires a burst of fire from fist) -Instant Combustion (can cause instant combustion leading to the death of target)
Bomb ShelterFyrosokinesis (Force Field Manipulation) -Force Field Generation (to form barriers made of unknown energy to withstand attacks) -Platform Surfing (creates and levitates fields to help move self and others) -Bullet Storm (creates marble sized projectiles of energy to harm or peirce) -Invisible Forms (creates force fields which are invisible to the naked eyes) -Knockback (uses energy to push away threats) -Force Field Constructs (can create anything needed via the energy they manipulate) -Deoxygenation (removal of air when creating a barrier around an object) -Lift (forms a barrier around an object and lifts)
BronzeCubFaunal Imitation (Animal attribute mimicry) -Peak Human Strength (to be stronger than most humans their age) -Peak Human Speed (to be faster than the average human their age) -Peak Human Senses (to have their senses beyond most humans their age) -Peak Human Reflexes (to have advanced reactions better than normal humans their age) -Peak Human Stamina (to generate less fatigue toxins than most other humans their age) -Peak Human Agility (to possess agility greater than that of normal humans their age) -Regenerative Healing Factor (increased strength in closing of most non-fatal wounds) -Clawmanship (proficiency with claws or claw based weaponry) -Claw Retraction (extend or retract claws) -Swipe (quick swipe with claws at either throat or chest) -Stalking (predatory stalking skills used by animals) -Pounce (jumps on target from a great distance) -Wall Climb (uses claws to cut into objects and move around)
BursterPortal Manipulation (Controls where portal within chest cavity opens up to) -Chest Blast (opens chest portal to an area where energy can be pulled through and fired out)
C.H.A.DBrainiac Scout Droid -Flight -Uzi Cannons -Stealth -Voice Mimic
CannonballForce Field Generation (surrounds self with unknown energy in the fetal position)
CatipulaVertigo (creates an imbalance within the brain which causes the target to go through extreme nausea) -Nausea Generation (creates a sickening feeling within the body of a single or multiple targets) -Confusion (sets target in a state of confusion)
Chandler PriceReincarnation (to pass one's soul and mind into another body after death) -Multiple Lives (live more than one lifetime) -Retrospective Intelligence (regains all knowledge gained from each previous life)
CoffySporakinesis (Spore Manipulation) -Healing Spore (releases spores into the wounds and bodies of injured to speed up healing process and remove dangerous substances) -Medical Training -Paralyzing Spore (releases spores into the area which causes slow and temporary paralysis) -Sleep Spore (releases a spore which renders individuals unconscious) -Concussion Pistols
ColumnGreen Lantern -Flight (manipulation of anti-gravitons and directed molecular movement to reach the speed of light) -Environmental Play (the power ring can recreate a holographic environment based on data in its memory banks) -Invisibility (can render themself invisible by willing the ring to bend light waves around form) -Energy Absorption (the ring can absorb and store other energies without charging itself) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Wormhole (creates wormholes to provide quick travel or remove a target from the area) -Cellular Regeneration (the ring has an ability to heal physical injuries) -Scanning (the ring has a wide range of detection abilities based on the imagination of the user) -Galactic Encyclopedia (each ring functioned as a ready reference on most people's, stellar events and conditions that may have been seen by other rings or other Green Lanterns) -Ring Duplication (most power rings are capable of automatically duplicating themselves) -Homing Beacon (a homing beacon in the power ring can lead one Green Lantern to another) -Pocket Dimension (able to access an entire world within the ring) -Preset Conditions (commands can be stored in the ring to be executed at a later date) -Will Blast (fires an either harmful or concussive blast made of Will energy) -Will Beam (fires an either harmful or concussive beam made of Will energy) -Hardlight Construct (creates solid green objects made of will power using the user's imagination) -Universal Translator -Force Field Generation (to form barriers made of Will energy to withstand attacks) -Will Release (lets out a large wave of Willful energy) -Crushing Defeat (constructs a barrage of different missile types) -The Fighting Irish (creates a Leprechaun as a battle companion)
CorredorEnhanced Leg Strength -Goal!!! (gives an incredibly powerful kick strong enough to break concrete) -Enhanced Speed (can move much faster than the average member of their species) -Enhanced Jump (capable of propelling self higher and farther and land with little to no injury)
Danni AshMagic (Power to influence the course of events by using supernatural forces) -Flight (levitates self with use of magic) -Spell Casting (series of words or thoughts used to manipulate magic forces) -Soul Shield (creation of a highly durable shield made of ones own soul) -Warden Armor -Magic Sense (to feel all changes magic throughout the Multiverse) -Magic Detection (sensing the presence of magical energy) -Summoning (call upon a mystical ally) -Entrapment (traps an enemy inside a magical box to either hold or crush) -Magic Bolt (basic magic blast) -Magic Resistance (to be highly immune to magic attacks) -Flash Step (short burst of limited blinding speed)
David BlackwellPeak Human Combat (to have better fighting skills than average human their age) -Peak Human Agility (to possess agility greater than that of normal humans their age) -Peak Human Reflexes (to have advanced reactions better than normal humans their age) -Peak Human Balance (to have better balance than ordinary humans their age) -Peak Human Accuracy (to have accuracy at the highest limits of human efficiency) -Pain Suppression (ceases the brain's ability to receive pain from nerves) -Gunmanship (proficiency in firearms) -Pressure Point Strike (perfectly strikes an individual's pressure point to hinder their movement) -Sunstone Shard (turns user into a genderless Humanoid shape of space with Kryptonian abilities) -Badassery -Smoke Grenades -K.O Grenades -Tripwire -Tactician -Judo -Krav Maga -Capoeira -Savate -Yawyan -Grappling Hook -Stealth -Disguise -Dual Pistol
DexDetective Skill (Possesses great and finely-tuned investigative ability) -Peak Human Intelligence (highest limits of the human genius-intellect level for humans their age) -Enhanced Deduction (figure out connections during investigation and process them extraordinarily fast) -Enhanced Memory (can remember a number of things with detail, even after years later) -Detail Intuition (to notice and analyze the smallest details of any situation or action) -Pattern Sense (to pick up and analyze patterns within a person's actions or environment) -Lie Sense (able to detect when a person lies) -Truth Sense (able to tell when a person tells the truth) -Stealth -Disguise -Parkour
Doc SageMedication Control (Trained medical professional able to alter the use of drugs) -Medical Training -Chemical-Based Powers (gains powers through the use of certain serums) -Health Serum (heals people once the forum object has been removed) -Strength Serum (grants enhanced strength for a day) -Immunity Adaption Serum (causes the body to adapt to any harmful element) -Truth Serum (forces the individual to tell the truth to their fullest extent) -Possum Serum (causes the body to enter a state of near death until the antidote is used) -Antiserum (an antidote which undoes the effects the serums within the body) -Poison Serum (poisons a target which can slowly kill them for hours) -Enhancement Serums (a number of serums which can grant enhancements in one's body) -Peak Serums (a serum which grants the user peak human conditioning for a few minutes)
Dog BoySpell Casting (Series of words or thoughts used to manipulate magic forces) -Dog Curse (turns target(s) into a dog) -Portal Creation (able to open a physical doorway which links to another location) -Elemental Spell (cast spells that relate to the elements; Earth, Wind, Fire, Air) -PaPa The Panda (Main League Pet which eats anything to grow in size and strength)
Dru IdicDruidic Magic (Nature based mystical-arts) -Evocation (able to use varying degrees of nature magic) -Nature Control -Magic Detection (sensing the presence of magical energy) -Magic Sense (to feel all changes magic throughout the Multiverse) -Environmental Awareness (to sense the condition of the current environment) -Thiriokinesis (Animal Manipulation) -Vine Trap (uses vines to grab a target and strangle to death) -Elemental Healing (uses the elements to heal self and others) -Lightning Strike (manipulates lightning from a storm to strike a target as many times as needed) -Shape Shift (to change into any any animal form) -Fungokinesis (Fungus Manipulation) -Omnivore (creates a cordycep like fungi which is capable of infecting Humans and placing them under their control) -Virokinesis (Disease Manipulation)
DustGargoyle Physiology -Super Strength (strength greatly intensified) -Dermal Armor (turns skin to stone) -Flight (lifts and soars through with use of wings) -Enhanced Speed (can move much faster than the average Human) -Enhanced Endurance ability to survive without energy for an extended amount of time)
EladElastic Powers -Rubber Physiology -Electric Immunity (immune to electrical contact) -Thermal Immunity (unaffected by high temperatures) -Extreme Flexibility (allows for twisting, bending, flattening, of body and bones) -Enhanced Durability (able to take a great deal of external damage) -Enhanced Lung Capacity (can inhale large amounts of oxygen and hold for hours) -Expansion (capable of growing body and individual limbs) -Bounce (bounces off of surfaces when falling or crashing) -Flattening (capable of making self thin by flattening entire body) -Size Alteration (to change the size of one's self) -Reform (to change physical structure at will) -Body Constructs (changes parts of body to create shapes for different uses) -Malleability (to rearrange the physical features of one's self) -Bounce House (to reshape self to appear as a bounce house to catch allies) -Impact Absorption (to absorb physical and mechanical damage) -Puddy (to make self appear boneless and shapeless) -Big Boy (widens self to appear as a spherical shape) -Rolling (shapes self as a circle and pushes self forward reaching 10 miles per hour) -Hammer Slam (both hands form into hammers and brings down on target) -Sligshot-Shot (stretches both arms at angles and pulls back before firing self) -Woundup Blow (twist body numerous times before letting self go to repeatedly strike) -Disguise
EtheralSpatial Displacement (Move a section of space to another area) -Teleportation (moves a target or group from one area to another) -Dimensional Drop (moves enemy target to a hostile zone) -Grand Slam (drops a large body of land on top of someone) -Delete (completely erasing the target or zone from existence) -Safe Space (moving the individual or items to a place outside of time and space)
Exo TornadoWind Generation (Creates/Generates powerful winds) -Cyclone Spinning (spin like a tornado for both offensive and defensive purposes) -Vortex Cannon (blast wind towards a target to knock them back) -Enhanced Durability (able to take a great deal of external damage) -Air Lift (a quick burst of air to knock target off the ground) -Flight (generates winds at a safe speed to lift self) -Enhanced Intelligence (intelligence that passes the normal genius I.Q) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Enhanced Durability (able to take a great deal of external damage)
EzyietEzyiet: Fragokinesis(Explosion Manipulation) -Kinetic Charging (turns potential energy into kinetic which causes the object to explode) -Remote Detonation (can blow up a target from a short distance away) -Explosive wave (sends a wave of explosions in a singular direction) -Glow (causes material to glow a bright orange and become a source of light) -Little Rat (holds an opponent hostage and at their mercy)
FableStory Mimicry: Fable has the ability to adopt the powers/characteristics of any character in any story whether it be a myth, legend, folklore, religious text, or just a post about the epic powers of a superhero. As Fable grows his control over this power, he can choose which powers to take, and whether or not he wants to keep them. However, as he adopted the below abilities when he was young and had no control over his abilities, he has not figured out how to turn them off. Vampirism: In addition to the various mental and physical benefits that vampires are heir to, they also possess the ability to turn others into vampires as well. Each new vampire is traditionally subservient to the one who "turned" them, but some strong-willed vampires have been known to rebel against their masters. (This doesn’t apply to Fable, as nobody turned him, and he does not have the ability to turn others.) Enhanced Senses: A vampire's senses are enhanced far beyond those of a normal human being. Enhanced Vision Enhanced Hearing Enhanced Sense of Smell Immortality: So long as vampires continue to consume blood, they will not age beyond the physical state they were in when they first became a vampire. Invulnerability: Vampires are invulnerable to most forms of injury (certain exceptions apply). Bullets, blades and blunt objects do little to no damage to a vampire's body. Regeneration: In addition to being virtually indestructible, whatever damage a vampire does in fact suffer can be healed through the consumption of human blood. Superhuman Strength: A vampire's strength level is several times that of a normal human being and they are considered superhuman. Superhuman Stamina: So long as they continue to consume human blood, a vampire can function tirelessly without rest or relaxation. However, a vampire's stamina wanes the closer it is to sunrise. Psychokinesis: Most vampires possess some form of psychokinesis. Some are clairvoyant, others can communicate telepathically, some possess mind control. Particularly powerful vampires can control the minds of several people at once. Hypnosis Transformation: Vampires often possess the ability to transform into a variety of creatures or effects such as bats, wolves, rats or even mist. While their physical attributes may fluctuate during such states, a vampire's mental acuity is the same as that when they are in their human shape. A vampire who transforms into an animal may also benefit from that particular animal's attributes including razor-sharp claws, fangs or the ability to fly. Metamorphosis: Vampires often demonstrate the ability to alter their appearance at will. Claws Fangs Phasing Werewolf Abilities: Transformation: Werewolves have the ability to transform their bodies into that of a man/wolf hybrid. Lycanthropy Claws Enhanced Senses: Werewolves have enhanced senses in their human form, such as their sense of smell and hearing, but these and other senses are drastically amplified when in their wolf form. Fangs Invulnerability: Werewolves are invulnerable to most forms of damage, however are incredibly weak to silver. (Upon reading about this weakness, Fable said aloud that it was “foolish”, and thus when he gained the abilities of a werewolf, he subconsciously removed the weakness to silver.) Superhuman Reflexes Superhuman Stamina Superhuman Strength Draconic Abilities: Pyrokinesis: Fable’s abilities are limited to breathing fire. Superhuman Strength Flight: Fable’s ability with this is limited to sprouting dragon wings when he needs to travel great distances. Magic: Telekinesis: Fable can levitate objects towards or away from himself. Teleportation: Though Fable cannot teleport himself, he can teleport objects to himself. Rarely in use. Lockpicking: Fable can unlock any door through his use of magic. Various Spells Abilities: Hand to Hand Combat (Advanced): Fable has spent a very long time traveling around the world learning from the best of the best in hand to hand combat, weaponry, and swordsmanship. Weaponry (Adept) Swordsmanship (Advanced) Occultism Omnilingualism: As Fable was created by a culmination of magic, one of the abilities he inherently possesses is to speak and understand any language he comes across, however, is unable to do it casually. Indomitable Will: Through years of constant abuse at the hands of his mother’s witch coven, Fable has grown the ability to overcome a great many things, including severe physical pain, and keep fighting in the face of obstacles. Enhanced Intellect Limits: Superhuman Strength: Fable’s base strength is that of a vampire and werewolf mixed. His average strength is nearly 20 times that of a human in peak physical condition. (can lift 125,400 pounds/62.7 tons) As such, Fable has to pull his punches to avoid killing average people. Superhuman Durability/Invulnerability: Fable possesses the dual durability/invulnerability of a vampire and werewolf, making most forms of physical attacks ineffective against him. Superhuman Agility: Dual agility of a vampire/werewolf, able to weave circles around several experienced combatants. Superhuman Reflexes: Fable is able to react to a wide variety of things moving at great speeds, such as bullets being fired at him or the slowest run speed of a speedster. Superhuman Stamina: Fable can fight at peak condition for 12 hours straight without tiring. Enhanced Speed: Fable is several times faster than an average person. Constant Change: Due to Fable’s abilities, his powers, strengths, and even weaknesses can constantly vary.
Fallout BoyRadiokinesis (Radiation Manipulation) -Radiation Immunity (unaffected by radiation) -Radiation Generation (releases own unreasonable radiation) -Radiation Sense (can sense dangerous radiation within an area) -Radiation Empowerment (strengthened and healed by radiation) -Radiation Absorption (absorbs radiation released by fallout or explosions) -Radiation Blast (fires a beam of solidified radiation from hands) -Disintegration (instantly destroys and turns an object into dust) -Disease Generation (can cause tumors and other dangerous diseases within a target) -Fallout (releases fallout from body which can cause damage over a short period of time) -Enhanced Durability (able to take a great deal of external damage) -Nuclear Detonation (explodes at varying levels to the point of becoming a living nuclear warhead) -Mutation Inducement (causes mutations to take place within a genetic or physical level) -Heat Generation -Melting (can cause objects to reach their melting point) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Electro Magnetic Pulse (releases a small electronic pulse after each powerful blast)
Felix TaylorPeak Human Agility (to possess agility greater than that of normal humans their age) -Peak Human Combat (to have better fighting skills than average human their age)
Fire TeenFire Physiology (Body burst into flames which can last four hours) -Flight (reaches temperatures in which they can fly using the planet's oxygen) -Heat Generation -Fire Immunity (unaffected by fires) -Thermal Immunity (unaffected by high temperatures) -Flame Manipulation (controls the flames that generates from their body) -Fire Brand (forms two swords made of flames) -Torch (releases a constant stream of fire to hold back or harm target) -Burst (releases a 360 burst of flames reaching 500 degrees) -Melting (can cause objects to reach their melting point)
Fissure LadGeokinesis (Earth Manipulation) -Dermakinesis (creates rock like armor from skin) -Seismic Sense (uses vibrations to hear and feel nearby objects) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Golem (places self within the ground to pull earth around body and comes back up as a hulking brute) -Surface Splitting (to create wide cuts in the earth)
FrayPlasma Generation (Creates plasma) -Plasma Slice (releases a line of plasma which can cut through metal) -Plasma Aura (sets plasma energy around self to deflect most incoming attacks) -Electricity Generation (creates electricity) -Fire Generation (the ability to create fire from nothing) -Electric Blast (fires a dangerous bolt of electricity which could kill or incapacitate) -Fire Stream (lets out a stream of fire to hold back or harm target)
Frost BatIce-Based Weaponry -Ice Genesis Armor (armor which protects its wearer from the effects of the cold) -Ice Pistols -Freeze Blast (fires shards of ice at a target) -Cryo Grenades -Freezing nanites (releases a small army of nanites which release a freezing agent) -Ice Slide (freezes the ground on a slope to move down faster)
Frost BratCryokinesis (Ice Manipulation) -Sculptor -Ice Blast (releases a beam of ice from hands) -Ice Generation (able to create/form ice) -Ice Transmutation (turns anything into ice) -Ice Healing (to be healed by ice) -Ice Slide (slides forward on frozen ground while sitting) -Cold Immunity (unaffected by extreme colds) -Cold Empowerment (strengthened by cold temperature) -Cold Generation (able to create cold temperatures from nothing) -Heat Absorption (turns most heat that comes into contact into cold) -Freezing Rain (causes falling raid to reach freezing cold temperatures) -Ice Figures (creates figurines made of ice mainly used for decorations)
Frost TeenCryokinesis (Ice Manipulation) -Flight (freezing air molecules to push up and forward) -Ice Blast (releases a beam of ice from hands) -Ice Armor (covers themself in a thick armor of ice with high durability) -Ice Spikes (creates spikes made of ice as a trap or fires from hands) -Cold Immunity (unaffected by extreme colds) -Thermokinesis (Temperature Manipulation) -Blizzard (creates a whirlwind of ice particles to block enemy visuals and escape) -Skin Tone Manipulation (skin turns pale blue at control) -Cold Generation (able to create cold temperatures from nothing) -Ice Generation (able to create/form ice) -Heat Absorption (turns most heat that comes into contact into cold) -Ice Bomb (creates a compressed ball which explodes on command)
FuserFusionism (Fuses two items together to create an entirely new entity) -Flight (creates a personal field in which to fly) -Enhanced Speed (can move much faster than the average member of their species) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Enhanced Stamina (body is highly resistant to the build-up of fatigue toxins)
Gadget BreakGadgetry (Usage of high-tech weaponry and gadgets) -Peak Human Intelligence (highest limits of the human genius-intellect level for humans their age) -Missile Strike (hacks into nearby artillery and makes use of its missile load) -Overload (heats up the CPU in equipment, forcing it to short out) -Hacking (able to break into and then bypass intensively difficult levels of online security)
GgalTelekinesis (Manipulates physical objects with the mind) -Flight (telekinetically lifts self and propels) -Push (telekinetically pushes objects and people away) -Telekinetic Throw (to pick up and toss an object or person) -Telekinetic Enhancement (uses abilities to augment physical abilities) -Telekinetic Shielding (creates a telekinetic barrier around self to deflect incoming attacks) -Telekinetic Blast (releases a wave of telekinetic energy which can push back the enemy) -Telekinetic Sense (uses telekinesis to feel the surrounding area)
Ghost BoyMagic (Power to influence the course of events by using supernatural forces) -Flight (levitates and propels self with use of magic) -Possession (invades target's body and manipulate their actions) -Invisibility (distorts light around self) -Intangibility (becomes untouchable by using magic to remove all physical aspects) -Original Form (reverts back to demonic form) -Teleportation (to transports oneself over a vast distance within seconds)
HarenHarenkinesis (Sand Manipulation) -Dust Bowl (creates giant sand tornadoes which pull in anything nearby) -Sandstorm (forms a storm which can block out the enemy vision) -Quicksand (removes five feet of sand from below an area and leaves sand to cap it) -Sand Pit (opens up the sand below the target's feet which then traps them within and kills) -Solidification (causes the sands to stick together, creating a physical object that's as hard as stone) -Dust Swipe (uses sand to violently push and thrash people and items) -Sand Constructs (creates physical objects made of sand) -Sand Deflection (uses sand to deflect incoming blows) -Sand Barrier (forms a wall around self and allies to protect from incoming attacks) -Deoxygenation (sends small particles of sand into target's lungs, slowly choking them) -Sand Surf (rides on sand like a skateboard as transportation)
Hawk TeenThanagarian Physiology -Flight (lifts and propels self with wings) -Swordsmanship (proficiency in sword combat) -Throwing Weapons -Gunmanship (proficient use in firearms) -Enhanced Reflexes (heighten reaction speed to maneuver out of attack paths faster than normal) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Enhanced Healing (increase speed in healing of all wounds) -Enhanced Speed (can move much faster than the average Human) -Enhanced Stamina (body is highly resistant to the build-up of fatigue toxins) -Enhanced Durability (able to take a great deal of external damage)
Heavens ArcherAngelic Physiology -Purification (to completely remove all evil from an object or person) -Divine Grounds (creates a protective aura around a location to ward off any evil entities) -Death Sense (the ability to sense an upcoming or occurring death) -Flight (soars through the air on white angelic ) -Teleportation (burst into light and reforms in at any point in the Multiverse) -Human Disguise (to take on any Human appearance) -Invisibility (becomes invisible to normal humans he chooses to be to) -Telekinesis (divine powers where they can move items without coming into contact) -Subconscious Suggestion (plants hypnotic suggestions in the back of one's mind to use for later) -Archery (proficient in bows and arrows) -Enhanced Durability (able to take a great deal of external damage) -Mind Control (capable of controlling the minds of weaker subjects) -Salvation (to save a lost soul for a second chance) -Resurrection (revives self and others shortly after death) -Divine Power Immunity (immune to all divine powers) -Soul Release (frees souls and spirits trapped in Hell or on Earth) -Angelic Strength (strength of an angel) -Mediumship -Faith Empowerment (strengthened by prayer) -Possession (take over a person's body) -Exile (to banish an individual from a specific place) -Corruption/Evil Immunity (immune to becoming corrupted by evil forces) -Semi-Immortality (unable to age or die) -Wing Dance (juggles an enemy into the air) -Arrow Barrage (summons an air strike from arrows out of Heaven) -Soul Arrow (places angelic power into a single arrow which turns user Human if used)
Hells ArcherDemon Physiology -Human Disguise (to take on any Human appearance) -Mediumship -Semi-Immortality (unable to age or die) -Hell-Fire Control (control of the fires from Hell) -Archery (proficient in bows and arrows) -Flight (lifts and propels with demonic telepathy) -Soul Stealing (removes an individual's soul for either power or trophy) -Invisibility (becomes invisible to normal humans when chooses to be to) -Telekinesis (demonic powers where he can move items with coming into contact) -Subconscious Suggestion (plants hypnotic suggestions in the back of one's mind to use for later) -Demonic Power Immunity (immune to all demonic powers) -Pain Inducement (controls people’s ability to feel pain at will) -Possession (take over a person's body) -Mind Control (capable of controlling the minds of weaker subjects) -Corruption (erodes a person's morality to turn them evil) -Fear (brings your deepest fears to light and manipulates them) -Demonic Strength (strength of a demon) -Enhanced Durability (able to take a great deal of external damage) -Cursing (cast malicious energy to affect a person's karma/luck) -Damnation (sends a person straight to Hell) -Resurrection (revives self and others shortly after death) -Teleportation (burst into fire and reforms in another spot) -Burning Bow (bow sets ablaze and is swung to incinerate enemies) -Fear Strike (arrow strike that brings your worse fears to reality) -Demon Summon (brings demons from Hell to assist)
Ho'olaSpiritual Healing (Using spiritual energy to heal self and others) -Healing (capable of healing most if not all non-mortal wounds) -Spirit Healing (rejuvenates the spirit of those they're focused on)
ImpulseEnhanced Speed (Move at extraordinary speeds) -Molecular Vibration (to move through solid objects) -Peak Human Intelligence (highest limits of the human genius-intellect level for humans their age) -Enhanced Reflexes (heightens reaction speed to maneuver out of attack paths faster than normal) -Accelerated Healing (increase speed in healing of all wounds) -Phase Dodge (phase shift through an enemy attack or incoming object) -G-Force Adaptation (able to withstand G-Forces that most living individuals can't) -Enhanced Endurance (ability to survive without energy for an extended amount of time) -Speed of Sound (maximum speed is sound) -Cyclone Spinning (racing in a circle or spinning arms to create tornadoes) -Enhanced Stamina (able to race at high speeds for long periods of time) -Infinite Mass Punch (building up of kinetic energy while racing over far distances for a single hit) -Accelerated Brain Activity (hyperactive brain functions allowing for quicker planing/deduction)
Jack Vespucci(Powers listed in order of chronological development) Clairvoyance: During combat or in times of stress, Jack’s metagene works like a six sense and gives him premonitions of combat situations and incoming attacks that give him foresight. It is not perfect and success relies on Jack’s reflexes. Illusions: The ability to make Jack’s imagination seem real and often used for trickery or covert operations with high stakes or for an upperhand in battle, however for Jack this and “Telepathic Torture” have ramifications on Jack’s mental well being. Telepathic Torture: An extension of “Illusions”, Jack using enough of his power can trap subjects into a feeling of absolute despair or horror by increasing the brutality of the illusions, making them less trickery and more torment even as going as far making victims feel like they could be trapped for years in their own nightmares. Elaborating on the ramifications: Jack has to actively invest himself into this ability and enable himself to think horrible, inhumane thoughts and “believe” them for the horror to have an effect, this wears him down and could even set the victim and him into a state of long term depression, suicidal thoughts, PTSD or schizophrenia if not carefully handled. Mind Reading: Although not used very much, it partners with his clairvoyance, Jack can tap into weaker, susceptible or tired minds to see what a subject is thinking or intending. Memory Reading: A more thorough version of Mind Reading, Jack can reconstruct the thoughts of a subject to dig into their memory whether it be photographic or auditory. Telepathic Speech: The ability to communicate with others, be it enemies or allies, mentally. This is also a form of deception as Jack can alter the voice of his head to whoever hears him. Emotion Manipulation: Like an illusion Jack can give subjects a new emotion by tampering with their thoughts and while this ability is not always immediate or the strongest, it is effective when given enough time. Telepathic Translation: The ability to translate most if not all languages mentally, also called Omnilingualism, although Jack can translate it in his head, he can not vocalize it easily unless using Telepathic Speech Mental Projection: Like a hallucination, Mental Projection from Jack serves as a way for him to share his clairvoyance and findings with his teammates that otherwise can not be tangibly described without another telepath as testimony to Jack’s reconstructions or clues. Battle Meditation: Can shift the tides of battle using thought alone to deter the power of incoming enemies or encourage the powers and morale of allies Essokinesis: The final stage of Jack’s ability where his thoughts are no longer illusions but can now manifest into reality. At the age of 22, Jack develops this in his last major fight before finally retiring Hero work and refusing to ever use a power like this for any means except take care of his future family and rewrite the world around him very minimally. Jack believes a power like this should never be in the hands of anyone mortal except for God himself. This ability allows him to reshape the world, rewrite fate and thoughts, and manipulate almost any force, but can not manipulate life or death itself.
John WyattPeak Human Accuracy (to have accuracy at the highest limits of human efficiency) -Gunmanship (proficiency in firearms)
Justine TimeChronokinesis (Time Manipulation) -Temporal Forward (moves forward in time) -Temporal Reverse (moves back in time) -Temporal Lock (to exist outside of time) -Temporal Protection (to be immune to changes in the timestream) -Time Acceleration (speeds up time to make self appear faster) -Timestream Shift (access a faster plane of existence where time moves slower or faster) -Time Displacement (to be removed from current time) -Time Deceleration (slows down time to make others nearby slower) -Time Heal (to reverse damage inflicted to the point where it never happened) -Second Chance (can rewind time far enough to save someone from death)
KellyKaCryokinesis (Ice Manipulation) -Ice Sword -Ice Shurikens -Ice Remnant (if downed, body releases a sub arctic blast which covers two miles, making the area unlivable, and forces their body into a comatose state)
Kid BlurrAbsolute Speed (Possesses a limitless level of speed and velocity-based power) -Speed Force (an energy source discovered by Barry Allen that fuels many Speedsters) -Speed Force Sense (senses whenever the Speed Force is tapped) -Speed Detection (senses whenever a specific speed limit is passed) -Speed Demon (transforms into a dangerous living embodiment of Speed Force energy) -Enhanced Stamina (body is highly resistant to the build-up of fatigue toxins) -Enhanced Endurance (able to sustain energy and life through the Speed Force itself) -Enhanced Reflexes (heighten reaction speed to maneuver out of attack paths faster than normal) -Enhanced Agility (uses gained speed to do flips and quick vaults over and around obstacles) -Enhanced Memory (can remember a number of things with detail, even after years later) -Accelerated Healing (increase speed in healing of all wounds) -Accelerated Perception (increased notice while speeding) -Accelerated Brain Activity (hyperactive brain functions allowing for quicker planing/deduction) -Dimensional Awareness (to sense breaches through the dimensional barriers) -Temporal Protection (granted protection to changes in a timeline due to the Speed Force) -Magic (basic level understanding and practice with magic) -Decelerated Aging (slowed down aging by the Speed Force) -Age Manipulation (changes the age of target and self) -Speed Mirage (able to create look illusion look alike while speeding) -Fate Immunity (immune to the hand of fate) -Hyperactive Metabolism (lessens chance of illness, poisoning, and other internal threats) -Molecular Vibration (to move through solid objects) -G-Force Adaptation (able to withstand G-Forces that most living individuals can't) -Leadership (leading teams and groups with high moral and strong determination) -Time Travel (able to move forward/backwards in time at will) -Checkpoint (to be able to return to a specific point in time) -Time Loop (to trap an item or object in a never rewind of time) -Time Trapping (sends and traps others within a different time) -Time Stealing (to steal time and essentially life from people and objects) -Warping (creates a wormhole that allows for instance transportation) -Advanced Homeostasis (body has evolved to handle the stresses that come with G-Forces) -Light Speed (able to reach light speed within 29.89 seconds) -Sound Snap (snapping fingers at a speed and strength to burst the sound barrier) -Sonic Blows (each hit delivered breaks the sound barrier and creates a sonic shock) -Speed Steal (removing speed from living organisms) -Cyclone Spinning (racing in a circle or spinning arms to create tornadoes) -Deoxygenation (removal of air during cyclone spinning) -Speed Force Clones (create solid construct clones using the Speed Force) -Infinite Mass Punch (building up of kinetic energy while racing over far distances for a single hit) -Phase Dodge (phase shift through an enemy attack or incoming object) -Contingency Plans (has memorized each non-lethal version of the J.T contingency plans) -Dimensional Travel (vibrating molecule to reach another frequency to enter a new dimension) -Parkour
Kid FantasmMagic (Power to influence the course of events by using supernatural forces) -Magical Energy Manipulation -Magic Bolt (basic magic blast) -Magic Detection (sensing the presence of magical energy) -Magic Sense (to feel all changes magic throughout the Multiverse) -Hand Seals (performs magic through hand gestures) -Inscription Magic (performs magic through written words or symbols) -Linguistic Magic (performs magic through spoken word) -Flight (levitates self with use of magic) -Teleportation (to transports onesself) -Partner Teleportation (to transport others over a vast distance within seconds) -Astral Projection (separates spirit from body of self and others) -Spell Casting (series of words or thoughts used to manipulate magic forces) -Force Field (cast a magical barrier that protects self and allies) -Magic Sense (to feel all changes magic throughout the Multiverse) -Illusion Awareness (to be able to sense if the viewed reality is false) -Beast Summoning (pulls magical creatures to their aide) -Fantasm Mode (turns into an advanced version which grants a wider variety of magic)
Kid RagerAdrenal Activation (Sends adrenal glands into overdrive) -Peak Human Agility (to possess agility greater than that of normal humans their age) -Peak Human Reflexes (to have advanced reactions better than normal humans their age) -Peak Human Stamina (to generate less fatigue toxins than most other humans their age) -Pain Suppression (ceases the brain's ability to receive pain from nerves) -Dual Wield -Explosive Marbles -Electro Magnetic Pulse Marbles
Kid ShazamDivine Empowerment (Gains power from the wizard Shazam) -Wisdom of Solomon -Strength of Hercules -Power of Zeus -Stamina of Atlas -Courage of Achilles -Speed of Mercury -Supernatural Endurance (to endure physical stress better than what is naturally possible) -Supernatural Durability (to have body-tissue denser than what is naturally possible) -Supernatural Combat (to have better fighting skills than what is naturally possible) -Supernatural Agility (be more agile than what is naturally possible) -Healing (uses the lightning of Shazam to heal self or others) -Semi-Immortality (is unable to age to the point of death but can be killed) -Call of Lightning (using the word "Shazam" they are able to transform) -Magic (power to influence the course of events by using supernatural forces) -Magic Resistance (to be highly immune to magic attacks) -Magic Sense (to feel all changes magic throughout the Multiverse) -Flight (uses sheer will to fly) -Invulnerability (immune to all physical damage lesser than their own) -Power Bestowal (can share abilities with others) -Thunder Storm (forces a barrage of lightning bolts down within a single area) -Pilot -Tactician -Shazam! (calls down a single and powerful bolt of lighting which can incinerate people)
Kid ShiftAnimal Morphing (Turn into almost any animal) -Gunmanship (proficient use in firearms) -Archery (proficient use in bows and arrows) -Heightened Senses (use of animalistic skills) -Peak Human Stamina (to generate less fatigue toxins than most other humans their age) -Peak Human Endurance (to endure more physical discomfort than average humans their age) -Peak Human Accuracy (to have accuracy at the highest limits of human efficiency) -Dermakinesis (changes the color of skin) -Fera Empowerment (uses the power of an ancient power that) -Stalking (predatory stalking skills used by animals) -Throwing Weapons
Kid WickedTBA
Kinetic TeenAtomkinesis (Atom Manipulation) -Impact Absorption (to absorb physical and mechanical damage and turn into energy) -Flight (multiple means of flight) -Teleportation (to transports oneself over a vast distance within seconds) -Self Density Shifting (lowers density to become intangible and invisible) -Dimensional Travel (to move between dimensions at will) -Portal Creation (able to open a physical doorway which links to another location) -Supernatural Strength (be stronger than what is naturally possible) -Enhanced Intelligence (intelligence that passes the normal genius I.Q) -Supernatural Endurance (to endure physical stress better than what is naturally possible) -Supernatural Durability (made of a strong metal alowe and strengthen by own powers) -Supernatural Speed (be faster than what is naturally possible) -Supernatural Stamina (to have a better stamina than what is naturally possible) -Universal Senses (to sense any disturbance in whatever universe present in) -Aura Vision (to see the aura of others) -Astral Vision (to see other overlapping dimensions beyond the physical plane of existance) -Power Detection (sensing supernatural abilities within others) -Illusion Awareness (to be able to sense if the viewed reality is false) -Invisibility Awareness (to be able to see those who are cloaked) -Dimensional Awareness (to sense breaches through the dimensional barriers) -Electromagnetic Spectrum Vision (the ability to see multiple types of E.M lights) -Energy Detection (sensing the presence of other's energy) -Absolute Stamina (limitless physical energy) -invulnerability (immune to all physical damage lesser than their own) -Leadership (leading teams and groups with high moral and strong determination) -Creation (can create anything from nothing) -Destruction (can unmake and destroy anything and anyone into pure nothing) -Kinetikinesis (Kinetic Energy Manipulation) -Kinetic Activation (the ability to make objects move and people move against their will) -Kinetic Energy Steal (removes the kinetic energy out of an object or person) -Kinetic Force Field (uses kinetic energy to create force fields) -Kinetic Charging (turns potential energy into kinetic which causes the object to explode) -Kinetic Conversion (converts kinetic energy into any other type of energy) -Melting (can cause objects to reach their melting point) -Solidification (freezes liquids to a solid) -Molecular Speed Control (controls the speed at which molecules move) -Chronokinesis (Time Manipulation) -Scientikinesis (Science Manipulation) -Autokinesis (Energy Manipulation) -Energy Blast (basic violent/concussive blast of energy) -Energy Absorption (absorbs energy to reuse) -Energy Empowerment (uses the energy absorbed to power self) -Energy Conversion (converts the energy absorbed into any other type of energy) -Energy Generation (releases own unabsorbable energy) -Energy Sense (to be able to sense the presence of any type of energy released) -Energy Negation (causes most energy attacks to be weak enough to plainly ignore) -Atomic Vision (capable to see atoms and molecules) -Atomic Blast (releases pure atomic energy from hands and mouth) -Atomic Cancellation (cancels electric field that keeps atoms together) -Fundamental Forces Manipulation (controls the four fundamental forces of the universe) -Elemental Manipulation (controls the four basic elements; Solid, Liquid, Gas, and Plasma) -Matter Transmutation (to turn matter and energy into anything wanted) -Transmutation (able to alter the physical form of other beings) -Self Explosion (causes self to release either a small portion or entire amount of stored energy) -Time Travel (able to move forward/backwards in time at will) -Time Destruction (able to erase certain points in time) -Time Loop (to trap an item or object in a never rewind of time) -Temporal Reversing (to cause time to go backwards) -Time Travel (able to move forward/backwards in time at will) -Time Trapping (sends and traps others within a different time) -Checkpoint (to be able to return to a specific point in time) -Temporal Protection (to be immune to changes in the timestream) -Wormhole Creation (to create wormholes to move between points) -Nuclear Detonation (explodes at varying levels to the point of becoming a living nuclear warhead) -Fallout (releases fallout from body which can cause damage over a short period of time) -Biokinesis (Manipulates all biological aspects of living things) -Age Manipulation (changes the age of target) -Bio-Energy Absorption (to take and be empowered by the energy of biological life) -Body Modification (to advance the physical form of a target) -Healing (capable of healing most if not all non-mortal wounds) -Resurrection (to bring back someone from the dead) -Telekinesis (Manipulates physical objects with the mind) -Telekinetic Shielding (creates a telekinetic barrier around self to reflect incoming attacks) -Telepathy (Mentally receive information) -Shape Shift (to change into any physical form) -Vitakinesis (Health Manipulation) -Atmokinesis (Atmosphere Manipulation) -Essokinesis (Reality Manipulation) -Mensiokinesis (Quantum Manipulation) -Acoustikinesis (Sound Manipulation) -Iokinesis (Ion Manipulation) -Heliokinesis (Solar Radiation Manipulation) -Leptokinesis (Matter Manipulation at a molecular level) -Thermokinesis (Temperature Manipulation) -Size Alteration (to change the size of oneself) -Disintegration (instantly destroys and turns an object into dust) -Self Replication (ability to clone self) -Partner Replication (ability to clone others) -Plasma Slash (swings hand to release a wave of plasma which will cut through mostly anything) -Ice Age (lowers the temperature of large objects, even planets, to the point of total solidification) -Adjustment (changes a physical characteristic of an individual in order to hide or be better) -Buffer (strengthen allies' will and body for combat) -Deage (reverses age of target to a point where they are no longer a threat) -Silence (removes the sound in a five mile radius) -Remove Gravity (cancels out gravity in an area) -Increase Gravity (raises the pressure of an area, making it near impossible to speed or fly) -Push (to send a telekinetic wave of energy to knock back opponents or topple objects) -Crush (raises pressure to the point of crushing a target) -Levitate (removes gravity to lift ally or items) -Resurrection (able of bringing back only people who were killed, not destroyed, by their energy) -Reform (if the suit is compromised and energy is released, it will take close to a week to reform)
KordiacBitukinesis (Asphalt Manipulation) -Liquefy (capable of heating asphalt back to its sticky and smooth form) -Stone Disc (forms asphalt into a disc for self and others to use as transportation) -Asphalt Wall (pulls asphalt upwards to make into a barrier which bullets bounce or get stuck) -Asphalt Spear (forms asphalt into a thin line weapon) -Sticky Step (heats spots of asphalt for people to step in and trap themselves)
KrusherSize Enhancement (To grow in up to fifteen feet tall and several feet wide) -Self-Mass Manipulation (makes it easier to traverse while larger) -Enhanced Speed (move at extraordinary speeds) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Enhanced Stamina (body is highly resistant to the build-up of fatigue toxins) -Enhanced Durability (able to take a great deal of external damage) -Battering Ram (bum rushes and knocks away multiple targets and go through walls) -Shockwave (able to slam palms together to sound out a glass shattering shockwave)
Ky SantannaGreen Lantern -Flight (manipulation of anti-gravitons and directed molecular movement to reach the speed of light) -Phasing (the power ring allows the wearer to pass through certain solid objects) -Environmental Play (the power ring can recreate a holographic environment based on data in its memory banks) -Invisibility (can render themself invisible by willing the ring to bend light waves around form) -Energy Twin (allows the wearer to create an "energy twin" of themself) -Energy Absorption (the ring can absorb and store other energies without charging itself) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Wormhole (creates wormholes to provide quick travel or remove a target from the area) -Cellular Regeneration (the ring has an ability to heal physical injuries) -Scanning (the ring has a wide range of detection abilities based on the imagination of the user) -Galactic Encyclopedia (each ring functioned as a ready reference on most people's, stellar events and conditions that may have been seen by other rings or other Green Lanterns) -Ring Duplication (most power rings are capable of automatically duplicating themselves) -Homing Beacon (a homing beacon in the power ring can lead one Green Lantern to another) -Pocket Dimension (able to access an entire world within the ring) -Preset Conditions (commands can be stored in the ring to be executed at a later date) -Will Blast (fires an either harmful or concussive blast made of Will energy) -Will Beam (fires an either harmful or concussive beam made of Will energy) -Hardlight Construct (creates solid green objects made of will power using the user's imagination) -Universal Translator -Force Field Generation (to form barriers made of Will energy to withstand attacks)
KyrikComplete Regeneration (Heals from any wound and can come back with a single cell) -Contaminant Immunity (immune to all harmful contaminants) -Disease Immunity (immune to all diseases) -Self-Sustenance (the ability to keep self alive without use of any outside needs) -Toxin Absorption (to turn harmful toxins and poisons into useful protein) -Decelerated Aging (slowed down aging) -Reform (to come back after body's been destroyed) -Regenerative Durability (increased amount of durability due to extreme healing) -Regenerative Stamina (increased amount of energy due to lack of lactic acid)
Lady SpectreIntangibility (Become untouchable) -Flight (lightens weight which allows to glides on atoms) -Invisibility (becomes invisible to normal humans when chooses to be to)
Light TorrentGreen Lantern -Flight (manipulation of anti-gravitons and directed molecular movement to reach the speed of light) -Phasing (the power ring allows the wearer to pass through certain solid objects) -Environmental Play (the power ring can recreate a holographic environment based on data in its memory banks) -Invisibility (can render themself invisible by willing the ring to bend light waves around form) -Energy Twin (allows the wearer to create an "energy twin" of themself) -Energy Absorption (the ring can absorb and store other energies without charging itself) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Cellular Regeneration (the ring has an ability to heal physical injuries) -Scanning (the ring has a wide range of detection abilities based on the imagination of the user) -Galactic Encyclopedia (each ring functioned as a ready reference on most people's, stellar events and conditions that may have been seen by other rings or other Green Lanterns) -Homing Beacon (a homing beacon in the power ring can lead one Green Lantern to another) -Will Blast (fires an either harmful or concussive blast made of Will energy) -Will Beam (fires an either harmful or concussive beam made of Will energy) -Hardlight Construct (creates solid green objects made of will power using the user's imagination) -Universal Translator -Force Field Generation (to form barriers made of Will energy to withstand attacks) -Rifle Construct -M4 Construct -9mm Construct -Artillery Constructs -Tank Construct -Space Mines (creates a number of mines in space to damage starships)
Luna EmberPyrokinesis (Fire Manipulation) -Thermal Immunity (unaffected by high temperatures reaching 3,450 kelvin) -Fire Immunity (unaffected by fires) -Heat Absorption (absorbs heat from anyone or anything around to create fire) -Flight (expel excess solar energy from body which allows for propulsion) -Enhanced Durability (able to take a great deal of external damage) -Gunmanship (proficiency in firearms) -Martial Arts -Firearms -Bow Staff -Fireball (shoots a ball of fire) -Flame Burst (shoots out fire with force at opponents) -Flame Punch (engulfs fist in flame) -Flamethrower (shoots a cone of fire out of hands) -Incinerate (surrounds targets in flames) -Inferno (surrounds self in flames)
Maria RedWhite Magic -Magical Energy Manipulation -Magic Sense (to feel all changes magic throughout the Multiverse) -Magic Resistance (to be highly immune to magic attacks) -Energy Detection (sensing the presence of other's energy) -Magic Detection (sensing the presence of magical energy) -Magic Bolt (basic magic blast) -Hand Seals (performs magic through hand gestures) -Abjuration (can cast a large variety of spells made to protect and heal others) -Flight (levitates self with use of magic) -Aura Reading (to see the auras of others) -Magic Sense (to feel all changes magic throughout the Multiverse) -Summoning (call upon a mystical ally) -White Necromancy (uses magic involved with the life force energy of souls) -Spell Casting (series of words or thoughts used to manipulate magic forces) -Sanctification (blesses individuals and items with holy properties) -Flawless Healing (capable of healing physical, mental, emotional, mystical, and spiritual wounds) -Purification (to completely remove all evil from an object or person) -Teleportation (slowly dissipates into white lights before moving to another location of the Multiverse) -Partner Teleportation (to transport others over a vast distance within seconds) -Divine Grounds (creates a protective aura around a location to ward off any evil entities) -Safe Space (creates a barrier that blocks off all forces that intend to harm them) -Astral Trap (captures the astral form of another while out of its body) -Dimensional Travel (to move between dimensions at will) -Self Replication (ability to clone self) -Dark Magic -Soul Stealing (removes an individual's soul for either) -Demonic Power Immunity (immune to all demonic powers) -Pain Inducement (controls people’s ability to feel pain at will) -Possession (take over a person's body) -Mind Control (capable of controlling the minds of weaker subjects) -Corruption (erodes a person's morality to turn them evil) -Cursing (cast malicious energy to affect a person's karma/luck) -Necromancy (uses magic involved with the dead life force energy of souls) -Magic Absorption (takes the magical energy from a living target to fuel self) -Physical Illusions (powerful illusions that can be felt and cause real pain)
Martian NiroGreen Martian Physiology -Self Density Shifting (lowers density to become intangible and invisible) -Shape Shift (to change into any physical form) -Enhanced Durability (able to take a great deal of external damage) -Enhanced Speed (can move much faster than the average member of their species) -Enhanced Reflexes (heighten reaction speed to maneuver out of attack paths faster than normal) -Enhanced Regenerative Healing (to repair any damage inflicted upon and regrow removed limbs) -Enhanced Flexibility (bends and twist body past average limits) -Invulnerability (immune to all physical damage lesser than their own) -Heat Vision (enhanced thermal vision which builds up heat to a point of expulsion) -Flight (telekinetically lifts self and propels) -Super Strength (strength greatly intensified) -Super Breath (release of air from lungs to create a strong gust of wind) -Super Hearing (perceive sound over a vast distance) -Telekinesis (Manipulates physical objects with the mind) -Telepathy (Mentally receive information) -Invulnerability (immune to all forms of physical damage) -Illusions (manipulate what others perceive) -Illusion Awareness (to be able to sense if the viewed reality is false) -Invisibility Awareness (to be able to see those who are cloaked) -Levitation (lifts objects and people with telekinesis) -Auto-Leptokinesis (Manipulates molecules within own body) -Mind Control (to take over victim's mind and puppeteer) -Mind Prison (places target in a mental prison of the user's own design) -Mind Erase (completely wipes the victim's mind clear to the point of infancy) -Mind Walking (enter and explore another's mind) -Mind Link (connects targets mentally) -Mind Reading (reads intended target's mind for information) -Mind Shift (change how a person's mind thinks) -Memory Erase (remove a target's memory) -Thought Manipulation (the ability to control another's thoughts) -Subconscious Suggestion (plants hypnotic suggestions in the back of one's mind to use for later) -Telepathic Speaking (speaking openly via the mind) -Mental Improvement (enhance the brain in certain ways to better the person) -Consciousness Transfer (moving one's mind into another body) -Thought Manipulation (the ability to control another's thoughts) -Telepathic Speaking (speaking openly via the mind) -Psychic Shield (places a mental shield upon self or others to block out outside telepathic attacks) -Psychic Inhibitor (places mental blocks to limit the target's potential) -Psychic Falsification (altering information perceived by other psychics) -Psychic Shadow (to mask psychic presence from other psychics) -Arm Swipe (elongates arm and swings in a 180 angle) -Phase Dodge (phase shift through an enemy attack or incoming object) -Telekinetic Throw (to pick up and toss an object or person) -Telekinetic Blast (releases a wave of telekinetic energy which can incinerate the enemy) -Mental Shriek (sends a mental shockwave which sends unbearable pain through hostile minds) -Mental Shred (rips apart target's mind essentially making them a vegetable) -Emotion Control (control self and others emotions to keep calm, excite, angry, or scared) -Mental K.O Shockwave (sends a wave of telepathic energy which knocks out multiple targets) -Darkside View (the ability to communicate and force out the darkside of an individual) -Lightside View (the ability to communicate and force out the lightside of an individual)
Mary ClideTemporal Rewind (Goes back in time by two minutes)
Maxima ZeroEnhanced Superpack (Stronger than the usual superpack) -Flight (glides on Earth's protons) -Invulnerability (immune to all physical damage lesser than their own) -Heat Vision (enhanced thermal vision which builds up heat to a point of expulsion) -Freeze Breath (freezes enemies and targets rather than create cold winds) -Super Strength (strength greatly intensified) -Enhanced Super Breath (release of oxygen from lungs to create a powerful gust of wind) -Enhanced Super Hearing (perceive sound over a greater distance) -Enhanced Speed (can move much faster than the average member of their species) -Enhanced Reflexes (heighten reaction speed to maneuver out of attack paths faster than normal) -Enhanced Flexibility (bends and twist body past average limits) -Enhanced X-Ray Vision -Enhanced Stamina (body is highly resistant to the build-up of fatigue toxins) -Enhanced Supervision -Enhanced Healing (increase speed in healing of all wounds) -Enhanced Intelligence (intelligence that passes the normal genius I.Q) -Enhanced Endurance (able to sustain energy and life for a greater period of time)
Maximus ZeroEnhanced Superpack (Stronger than the usual superpack) -Flight (glides on Earth's protons) -Invulnerability (immune to all physical damage lesser than their own) -Heat Vision (enhanced thermal vision which builds up heat to a point of expulsion) -Freeze Breath (freezes enemies and targets rather than create cold winds) -Super Strength (strength greatly intensified) -Enhanced Super Breath (release of oxygen from lungs to create a powerful gust of wind) -Enhanced Super Hearing (perceive sound over a greater distance) -Enhanced Speed (can move much faster than the average member of their species) -Enhanced X-Ray Vision -Enhanced Reflexes (heighten reaction speed to maneuver out of attack paths faster than normal) -Enhanced Stamina (body is highly resistant to the build-up of fatigue toxins) -Enhanced Supervision -Enhanced Healing (increase speed and strength in healing of all wounds) -Enhanced Intelligence (intelligence that passes the normal genius I.Q) -Enhanced Endurance (able to sustain energy and life for a greater period of time)
Metal LadMagnekinesis/Ferrokinesis (Manipulate Magnetic Fields and bits of Electromagnetism) -Self Levitation (controls metal in suit to raise self in the air) -Partner Levitation (controls metal in suit to raise others in the air) -All Metals (able to manipulate all types metals) -Metal Spike (creates metal spikes out of metal) -Electronic Disruption (sends a harmless pulse to disrupt electronics) -Metal Repair (repair all physically damaged metals) -Metal Disc (creates sharp metal disc to either ride on or use as throwing weapons) -Metal Detection (sensing all metal within a seventy mile radius) -Metal Weapon Construct (creates metal weapons) -Magnetic Force Field (creates a force field to reflect only ranged attacks) -Magnetic Field Sensitivity (can feel changes within a magnetic field) -Attract (pulls metals towards) -Repel (tosses all metals away) -Entrapment (trap a target within metal) -Metal Shield (uses nearby metal to protect self and others) -Liquefy Metal (able to make each metal hit a liquid point)
MiasamaSmoke Combat -Smoke Empowerment (absorbs smoke to power devices) -Smoke Screen (uses smoke to shroud a large area and block the view of engulfed targets) -Deoxygenation (removal of air during smoke screen) -Smoke Bomb (throws/drops a concentrated cloud of smoke which then releases intense heat) -Smoke Stream (releases a constant stream of smoke at target to either burn or stun)
Mind WalkerMind Walking (Enters the mind of another person to see their thoughts and memories) -Telepathy (Mentally receive/transmit information) -Mind Reading (reads intended target's mind for information) -Dream Walking (enters the dreams of another person) -Subconscious Control (able to move within the subconscious of the brain and control it) -Talking Inducement (forces the target to say whatever they wanted)
MirrorSelf-Replication (Ability to clone self) -Clone Connection (connected emphatically with clones and able to hear what they say) -Teamwork (work with clones to overcome most if not all instances) -Enhanced Copying (capable of making clones of others with the same abilities) -Jump In (clones attack as one in a gang)
Mister MindtrickPerfect Illusion (Creates illusions so perfect that they're hard to tell) -Peak Human Intelligence (highest limits of the human genius-intellect level for humans their age) -Opinokinesis (Sense Manipulation) -Illusion Awareness (to be able to sense if the viewed reality is false) -Selective Illusions (creates specific illusions for only specific people to see) -Illusive Appearance (creates a constant illusion to hide true form) -Decoy (to create an illusion which is just a copy of self or others for distractions) -Area Illusion (creation of a false area to trick the enemy) -Physical Illusions (powerful illusions that can be felt and cause real pain) -Confusion (capable of confusing the enemy strongly enough to where time cannot be perceived) -Memory Corruption (creates illusionary bits within memories to corrupt and confuse target) -Mind Trick (makes the surrounding minds see a variety of things) -Invisibility (tricks the mind into not being able to hear, smell, feel, or sense them and others) -Death Illusion (can make the mind believe the body is dead and therefore shuts self down) -Fantasy Illusion (creates illusions of the target's deepest dreams and presents them as if were real) -Real Time Effect (illusions are capable of even being seen through live feeds however if replayed, no proof of the illusion happening can be seen) -Hell (removes all five senses from a target, sending them into a state of pure terror) -Red Room (sends individual into a location where they can be tortured or severely harmed without risk of death) -Ignorance is Bliss (to create an illusion powerful enough to affect themself)
MockingbirdxArcher (Proficient in bows and arrows) -Peak Human Agility (to possess agility greater than that of normal humans their age) -Peak Human Senses (to have their senses beyond most humans their age) -Peak Human Reflexes (to have advanced reactions better than normal humans their age) -Peak Human Balance (to have better balance than ordinary humans their age) -Peak Human Accuracy (to have accuracy at the highest limits of human efficiency) -Perception -Street Fighting -Jujitsu -Throwing Weapons -Lie Sense (able to detect when a person lies) -Perception -Stealth -Interrogation -Parkour -Ensnarement -Stalking -Gunmanship (proficiency in firearms) -Tactician -Trick Arrows -Rainbow Bridge (with the use of two arrows is able to create a multicolored hard light bridge)
Molly ThunderDivine Empowerment -Wisdom of Solomon -Strength of Hercules -Power of Zeus -Stamina of Atlas -Courage of Achilles -Speed of Mercury -Supernatural Endurance (to endure physical stress better than what is naturally possible) -Supernatural Durability (to have body-tissue denser than what is naturally possible) -Supernatural Combat (to have better fighting skills than what is naturally possible) -Supernatural Agility (be more agile than what is naturally possible) -Healing (uses the lightning of Shazam to heal self or others) -Semi-Immortality (is unable to age to the point of death but can be killed -Call of Lightning (using the word "Shazam" they are able to transform) -Magic (power to influence the course of events by using supernatural forces) -Magic Resistance (to be highly immune to magic attacks) -Magic Sense (to feel all changes magic throughout the Multiverse) -Flight (uses sheer will to fly) -Invulnerability (immune to all physical damage lesser than their own) -Power Bestowal (can share abilities with others) -Thunder Storm (forces a barrage of lightning bolts down within a single area) -Shazam! (calls down a single and powerful bolt of lighting which can incinerate people)
Morning SparrowSwordsmanship (Proficiency in sword combat) -Peak Human Agility (to possess agility greater than that of normal humans their age) -Peak Human Combat (to have better fighting skills than average human their age) -Peak Human Senses (to have their senses beyond most humans their age) -Peak Human Reflexes (to have advanced reactions better than normal humans their age) -Peak Human Balance (to have better balance than ordinary humans their age) -Bow Staff -Perception -Street Fighting -T'ai Chi -Wing Chun -Jujitsu -Side arm
MurryHacking (Able to break into and then bypass intensively difficult levels of online security) -Codification (creates complex and nearly unbreakable codes within systems) -Code Breaker (able to break through some of the most complicated codes to date) -System Hack (to shut down all electronic and technological powers and uses) -Data Control (manipulate the binary visible computer information) -Cyberliguaism (to intercept electronic, digital, and radio transmissions) -Peak Human Intelligence (highest limits of the human genius-intellect level for humans their age) -Total Control (places a virus/malware within a system which can lay in wait until activated and grants them untested control) -Tracking (uses hacked cameras to locate a target) -Viewing Haze (causes specific on a camera to come out as blurs)
Night SifHigh Tech Exoskeleton (Specialized suit of armor that grant a multitude of uses) -Flight (use of repulsors and jets to lift self off the ground and propel) -Enhanced Speed (move at extraordinary speeds) -Enhanced Stamina (body is highly resistant to the build-up of fatigue toxins) -Enhanced Durability (able to take a great deal of external damage) -Laser Blast -Super Strength (strength greatly intensified) -Rockets
Nova PulsarSuper Strength (Strength greatly intensified) -Flight (creates a personal field in which to fly) -Invulnerability (immune to all physical damage lesser than their own) -Enhanced Senses (posses extremely accurate senses) -Enhanced Super Breath (release of oxygen from lungs to create a powerful gust of wind) -Enhanced Super Hearing (perceive sound over a greater distance) -Enhanced Speed (can move much faster than the average member of their species) -Enhanced Reflexes (heighten reaction speed to maneuver out of attack paths faster than normal) -Enhanced Stamina (body is highly resistant to the build-up of fatigue toxins) -Enhanced Healing (increase speed in healing of all wounds) -Enhanced Endurance (able to sustain energy and life for a greater period of time)
O2Alternative Respiration (Respiratory adjustment to any given environment)
Orbital SpiritIntangibility (Become untouchable) -Flight (lightens weight which allows to glides on atoms)
OspreyPeak Human Combat (To have better fighting skills than average human their age) -Tactician -Escrima Sticks -Swordsmanship (proficiency in sword combat) -Bow Staff
OsseinOsteokinesis (Bone Manipulation) -Spike Toss (removes or ejects sharpened edge bones from almost any point of the body) -Bone Regeneration (grows new bones to be used as weapons or fix damaged ones) -Quill (protrudes bone from almost any point on the body) -Krack (can cause any bone to make the popping sound) -Skull Suit (forms plates of bone over parts of the body for extra protection)
PaPa The PandaFood Size Alteration (To change the size of one's self with the use of eating) -Eating Healing (eats to heal)
Parlor TrixShowmanship -Smoke Pellets -Flashbangs -Fire Crackers -K.O Gas -Throwing Cards
Party BoiParty Inducement (So cause others to party) -Exhaustion (causes the individual's body to overexert itself and reach fatigue quicker) -Dance of Death (able to send the body into overdrive, ending with it burning out and dying)
Patric HolmesMagic (Power to influence the course of events by using supernatural forces) -Magical Energy Manipulation -Magic Sense (to feel all changes magic throughout the Multiverse) -Magic Resistance (to be highly immune to magic attacks) -Energy Detection (sensing the presence of other's energy) -Magic Detection (sensing the presence of magical energy) -Spell Casting (series of words or thoughts used to manipulate magic forces) -Sanctification (blesses individuals and items with holy properties) -Hand Seals (performs magic through hand gestures) -Inscription Magic (performs magic through words and symbols tattooed through their body) -Linguistic Magic (performs magic through spoken word) -Hell-Fire Control (control of the fires from Hell) -Astral Trapping (restrains Astral beings to a specific item) -Exorcism (removes dangerous spirits from people) -Sacrificial Rituals (to gain permanent power they must give the life of another) -Summoning (call upon a mystical ally) -Illusions (manipulate what others perceive) -Mind Control (capable of controlling the minds of weaker subjects) -Corruption (erodes a person's morality to turn them evil) -Cursing (cast malicious energy to affect a person's karma/luck) -Necromancy (uses magic involved with the dead life force energy of souls) -Send Me to Hell (opens a black hole which pulls in whatever's near and drags to Hell) -Force Field (cast a magical barrier that protects self and allies) -Chrysopoeia (to turn matter into gold) -Alchemic Magic (uses scientific magic to create potions and items of magical use) -Emblem Magic (uses a emblems tattooed on their body to manipulate elemental forces) -Blood Magic (performs certain magic feats with the use of blood) -Dimension Loss (bends the current dimension around a target which throws them into another plane of existence) -Telekinesis (divine powers where they can move items without coming into contact) -Vanishing (body turns into purple smoke which signifies they've left the area) -Exile (to banish an individual from a specific place) -Corruption/Evil Immunity (immune to becoming corrupted by evil forces) -Purification (to completely remove all evil from an object or person) -Divine Grounds (creates a protective aura around a location to ward off any evil entities) -Healing Chant (utters a phrase which is used to heal self and others) -Steel Staff (transmute matter into a steel staff which releases a sharp soundwave when hits) -Enchanted Gun (wields a magic pistol which can harm the supernatural) -Lustful Eyes (places lust within others when gazing into his eyes) -Enchanted Strength (grants super strength to self for two minutes) -Reflective Vision (can see other people and locations through reflective surfaces)
Peyton CrossGreen Lantern -Peak Human Combat (to have better fighting skills than average human their age) -Boxing -Flight (manipulation of anti-gravitons and directed molecular movement to reach the speed of light) -Phasing (the power ring allows the wearer to pass through certain solid objects) -Environmental Play (the power ring can recreate a holographic environment based on data in its memory banks) -Invisibility (can render themself invisible by willing the ring to bend light waves around form) -Energy Twin (allows the wearer to create an "energy twin" of themself) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Wormhole (creates wormholes to provide quick travel or remove a target from the area) -Cellular Regeneration (the ring has an ability to heal physical injuries) -Scanning (the ring has a wide range of detection abilities based on the imagination of the user) -Galactic Encyclopedia (each ring functioned as a ready reference on most people's, stellar events and conditions that may have been seen by other rings or other Green Lanterns) -Ring Duplication (most power rings are capable of automatically duplicating themselves) -Homing Beacon (a homing beacon in the power ring can lead one Green Lantern to another) -Pocket Dimension (able to access an entire world within the ring) -Preset Conditions (commands can be stored in the ring to be executed at a later date) -Will Blast (fires an either harmful or concussive blast made of Will energy) -Will Beam (fires an either harmful or concussive beam made of Will energy) -Hardlight Construct (creates solid green objects made of will power using the user's imagination) -Universal Translator -Force Field Generation (to form barriers made of Will energy to withstand attacks) -Chainwhip (forms chains to wrap around a target and thrash around) -Boxing Glove Construct -Training Room Construct (forms an entire room in the shape of a boxing gym) -Chain Wraps (forms chains around forearms to help in combat) -Swinging Bag (constructs a punching bag to swing and knock opponents back)
PlasmicIonikinesis (Plasma Manipulation) -Plasma Katar (creates katars made of plasma) -Plasma Beam (fires a red stream of plasmic energy which can kill or incapacitate) -Pyrokinesis (Fire Manipulation) -Thermal Immunity (unaffected by high temperatures) -Fire Immunity (unaffected by fires) -Electrokinesis (Electricity Manipulation) -Electric Immunity (immune to electrical contact) -Heliokinesis (Solar Manipulation) -Photokinesis (Light Manipulation) -Electricity Generation (creates electricity) -Electric Shield (creates a shield made of electricity which assimilates anything that touches it) -Fire Generation (the ability to create fire from nothing) -Freeze! (creates plasma which absorbs nearby heat) -Solar Empowerment (gains energy from solar rays to increase other abilities) -Blind Shot (fires a flare which temporarily blinds targets) -Holograms (creates four illusions of self made of light) -Solar Radiation Immunity (immune to effects of solar radiation) -Disburse (can turn into the gaseous form of plasma energy then reappear solid)
ProdigyyGreek Olympian Physiology -Supernatural Condition (completely and utterly conditioned through and through) -Semi-Immortality (is unable to age to the point of death but can be killed) -Magic (power to influence the course of events by using supernatural forces) -Magic Resistance (to be highly immune to magic attacks) -Flight (uses sheer will to fly) -The Rift (summons a portal which can take user anywhere in the cosmos) -Invulnerability (immune to all physical damage lesser than their own) -Weather Manipulation -Sky Manipulation -Lightning Manipulation -Archery (proficiency in bows and arrows) -Guardianship (is granted/possess the ability to protect a certain item, place, or person) -Lightning Call (brings down lightning anywhere in the world) -Prayer Empowerment (can be granted extra power by calling upon another God) -Healing Prayer (can ask for healing from the Gods to help self or ally) -Affinity (gains strength when prayed and tributed towards) -Inscription Magic (performs magic through written words or symbols) -Linguistic Magic (performs magic through spoken word) -Spell Casting (series of words or thoughts used to manipulate magic forces) -Cursing (cast malicious energy to affect a person's karma/luck) -Damnation (sends a person straight to Hades) -Magic Sense (to feel all changes magic throughout the Multiverse) -Illusion Awareness (to be able to sense if the viewed reality is false) -Aura Vision (to see the aura of others) -Astral Vision (to see other overlapping dimensions beyond the physical plane of existence) -Energy Detection (sensing the presence of other's energy) -Magic Detection (sensing the presence of magical energy) -Lightning Bow (fires an arrow made of pure lightning which can gravely wound a target's body and hearing)
Psi LadPsionic Manipulation (Control of both Telepathy and Telekinesis) -Telepathy (mentally receive/transmit information) -Telekinesis (manipulates physical objects with the mind) -Flight (telekinetically lifts self and propels) -Mind Control (to take over victim's mind and puppeteer) -Mind Prison (places target in a mental prison of the user's own design) -Mind Erase (completely wipes the victim's mind clear to the point of infancy) -Mind Link (connects targets mentally) -Mind Reading (reads intended target's mind for information) -Mind Shift (change how a person's mind thinks) -Mind Walking (enter and explore another's mind) -Thought Manipulation (the ability to control another's thoughts) -Telepathic Speaking (speaking openly via the mind) -Psychic Inhibitor (places mental blocks to limit the target's potential) -Psychic Shadow (to mask psychic presence from other psychics) -Psychic Shield (places a mental shield upon self or others to block out outside telepathic attacks) -Psychic Falsification (altering information perceived by other psychics) -Illusions (manipulate what others perceive) -Illusion Awareness (to be able to sense if the viewed reality is false) -Memory Erase (remove a target's memory) -Memory Reading (the ability to see other's memories) -Memory Manipulation (to change and warp the memories of a target) -Subconscious Suggestion (plants hypnotic suggestions in the back of one's mind to use for later) -Mental Improvement (enhance the brain in certain ways to better the person) -Telekinetic Shielding (creates a telekinetic barrier around self to deflect incoming attacks) -Telekinetic Blast (releases a wave of telekinetic energy which can push back the enemy) -Telekinetic Cutting (capable of cutting through material) -Vertigo (creates an imbalance within the brain which causes the target to go through extreme nausea) -Stasis (places a telekinetic hold on a target to keep from moving) -Puppet Master (controls the impulses within the brain to control the actions of the target) -Levitation (lifts objects and people with telekinesis) -Consciousness Transfer (moving one's mind into another body) -Regokinesis (Manipulates the magnitude and direction of an object to maneuver it) -Empathy (replicate the mood, feelings, and emotions of another) -Hypnotize (confuse and stuns a target for a controlled period of time) -Bullet Catch (creates a barrier which catches bullets in midair) -Emotion Control (control self and others emotions to keep calm, excite, angry, or scared) -Fear Reduction (lowers the fear within an ally or target) -Retrocognition (can see into the past without mentally entering someone) -Telekinetic Throw (to pick up and toss an object or person) -Shutdown (shuts off a person's brain functions, rendering them unconscious) -Mental K.O Shockwave (sends a wave of telepathic energy which knocks out multiple targets)
Psychic LadTelekinesis (Manipulates physical objects with the mind) -Levitational Slam (to pick up people/objects to bring them down to cause major damage) -Telekinetic Shielding (creates a telekinetic barrier around self to deflect incoming attacks) -Telekinetic Push (propels an object with a simple push) -Flight (able to lift self up to far distances) -Telepathy (mentally receive/transmit information) -Mind Link (connects targets mentally) -Mind Reading (reads intended target's mind for information)
QuixoticAstral Projection (Separates spirit from body of self) -Astral Trapping (restrains Astral beings to a specific item) -Astral Precognition (to see future events while in astral form) -Magic Sense (to feel all changes magic throughout the Multiverse) -Domain Traveling (able to go into other's personal domains without permission) -Plane Traveling (able to go into other planes of existence) -Dimensional Traveling (able to go into other dimensions) -Time Traveling (able to send astral from back and forward in time for short spurts) -Soul Removal (able to remove the soul of a person from their body, killing them) -Soul Liberation (frees souls that are stuck within a location or object, allowing them to pass on) -Exorcism (removes dangerous spirits from people)
RenolHigh Tech Exoskeleton (Specialized suit(s) of armor that grant a multitude of uses) -Flight (use of repulsors and jets to lift self off the ground and propel) -Ingenuity -Engineering -Enhanced Durability (able to take a great deal of external damage) -Enhanced Intelligence (intelligence that passes the normal genius I.Q) -Scanner Vision (complex visual scans on their environment or creatures around them) -Mechanical Intuition -Genius -Technology Scrambler (lowers the working condition of most machines near by) -E.M.P (releases an electronic pulse that scrambles all electronics) -Optic Blast (releases strong energy beams from optical emitters within mask) -Thermal Vision (detects heat from all living life forms) -Aquatic Respirators -Multiple Suits -Armor -Virus Attack (releases a virus into the mainframe of any internet based machine) -Rocket Barrage (fires multiple rockets from shoulder cannon) -Wrist Repulsor Cannon (fires a concussive or lethal blast of repulsor energy) -Laser Blast -Super-Strength (strength greatly intensified) -Firewall
RecallPast Life Awareness -Multiple Lives (live more than one lifetime) -Retrospective Intelligence (randomly requires knowledge from past lives) -Retrocognition (to see into past events)
Ritz MarshallSuper Strength (Strength greatly intensified) -Invulnerability (immune to all physical damage lesser than their own)
Roh'a TalsuRitual Magic -Inscription Magic (performs magic through written words or symbols) -Power Augmentation (can perform a ritual spell which increases another's power) -Enhanced Conditioning (enhanced certain aspects of self or others) -Resurrects (sets a ritual which they bring back the dead) -Magic Sense (to feel all changes magic throughout the Multiverse) -Sacrificial Rituals (to gain permanent power they must give the life of another) -Summoning (call upon a mystical ally) -Fire Seal (allows for slight control of fire) -Water Seal (allows for slight control of water) -Earth Seal (allows for slight control of earth) -Lightning Seal (allows for slight control of lightning) -Teleportation Script (draws the symbol for teleportation which then allows them to travel to other places with the same symbol)
RubixTrap Manipulation (creates a rubix cube like box around a target and traps them)
ScarabHigh Tech Exoskeleton (Specialized suit of armor that grant a multitude of uses) -Flight (use of repulsors and jets to lift self off the ground and propel) -Self Repair -Scanner Vision (complex visual scans on their environment or creatures around them) -Technology Scrambler (lowers the working condition of most machines near by) -E.M.P (releases an electronic pulse that scrambles all electronics) -Aquatic Respiration -Armor -Anti-Lethal Rounds -Repulsor Cannon (either or both arms turn into cannons which let out a powerful repulsive blast) -Enhanced Speed (move at extraordinary speeds) -Enhanced Stamina (body is highly resistant to the build-up of fatigue toxins) -Enhanced Durability (able to take a great deal of external damage) -Enhanced Intelligence (intelligence that passes the normal genius I.Q) -Laser Blast -Super Strength (strength greatly intensified) -Rockets -Gatling Barrage (either arm turns into a gatling gun that quickly fires out beams of energy) -Vibration Cannon (cannon that emits either lethal or harmless amounts of vibration to subdue) -Energy Blast -Energy Conversion (absorbs energy from an attack and turns into the same energy the suit uses) -Force Field -Thermal Vision (detects heat from all living life forms)
ShirikenLethal Weaponry -Enhanced Combat (possesses near superhuman ability when in comes to hand-to hand fighting) -Peak Human Intelligence (highest limits of the human genius-intellect level for humans their age) -Peak Human Agility (to possess agility greater than that of normal humans their age) -Peak Human Strength (to be stronger than most humans their age) -Peak Human Speed (to be faster than the average human their age) -Peak Human Senses (to have their senses beyond most humans their age) -Peak Human Reflexes (to have advanced reactions better than normal humans their age) -Peak Human Stamina (to generate less fatigue toxins than most other humans their age) -Peak Human Balance (to have better balance than ordinary humans their age) -Peak Human Endurance (to endure more physical discomfort than average humans their age) -Peak Human Accuracy (to have accuracy at the highest limits of human efficiency) -Archery (proficient use in bows and arrows) -Lie Sense (able to detect when a person lies) -Truth Sense (able to tell when a person tells the truth) -Detail Intuition (to notice and analyze the smallest details of any situation or action) -Pattern Sense (to pick up and analyze patterns within a person's actions or environment) -Contingency Plans (has memorized both non-lethal version of the J.T contingency plans) -Bow Staff -Swordsmanship (proficiency in sword combat) -Street Fighting -T'ai Chi -Wing Chun -Jujitsu -Throwing Weapons -Stealth -Disguise -Interrogation -Explosive Shuriken Swarm -Trip Wire Trap -Ensnarement -Stalking -Gunmanship (proficiency in firearms) -Tactician
Slicin DiceBladed Weaponry -Throwing Weapons -Swordsmanship (proficiency in sword combat) -Discus Shot (fires sharpened disc from both arm gauntlets) -Plasma Sword (carries a sword made of plasma which can cut through almost any Earth metal)
SmashicaRed Lantern -Flight (manipulation of anti-gravitons and directed molecular movement to reach the speed of light) -Energy Absorption (the ring can absorb and store other energies without charging itself) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Will Blast (fires an harmful blast made of Rage energy) -Will Beam (fires a harmful beam made of Rage energy) -Hardlight Construct (creates solid green objects made of Rage using the user's will) -Universal Translator -Force Field Generation (to form barriers made of Rage energy to withstand attacks)
Solar CombustHeliokinesis (Solar Radiation Manipulation) -Solar Empowerment (gains strength from solar energy) -Solar Energy Absorption (takes in solar energy and uses it) -Nuclear Manipulation (manipulate nuclear radiation) -Focus Blast (to shoot solar radiation at target) -Bright Out (solar flare) -Combustion: (body is engulfed in nuclear energy before releasing into a devastating wave of 25 meters) -Solar Blast (shooting out a tiny solar radiated nuke)
SomasEcokinesis (Nature Manipulation) -Eco-Ergokinesis (manipulates the energy within Nature itself) -Earth Communication (can speak with and hear the forces of Earth) -Agrokinesis (Plant Manipulation) -Atmokinesis (Weather Manipulation) -Fungokinesis (Fungus Manipulation) -Toxikinesis (Poison Manipulation) -Virokinesis (Disease Manipulation) -Thiriokinesis (Animal Manipulation) -Volukinesis (Insect Manipulation) -Pherokinesis (Pheromone Manipulation) -Disaster Manipulation -Environment Manipulation -Environmental Adoption (to adapt and become well suited for any environment) -Environmental Awareness (to sense the condition of the current environment) -Disease Detection (sense and identify diseases within living and dead) -Self-Sustenance (the ability to keep self alive without use of any outside needs) -Nature Unity (to become one with nature) -Nature Invisibility (to become invisible within nature) -Faunal Communication (to be able to communicate with animals) -Regenerative Healing Factor (increased strength in closing of most fatal wounds) -Curing (removes illness, disease, and mutations) -Elemental Healing (capable of healing most wounds with the use of elemental forces) -World Healing (can heal and entire planet and all life on it at the expense of their own) -To Give (able to give and return life to a land long dead) -Super Strength (strength greatly intensified) -Invulnerability (immune to all physical damage lesser than their own) -Immortality
Sonic SirenSoundwave Generation -Karate -Siren Scream (releases a constant sonic scream which harms a group of targets in radius) -Siren Whistle (releases a quick burst of a sharp sonic attack which -Focus Boom (releases a powerful sonic blast which knocks back all in the way) -Vertigo (creates an imbalance within the brain which causes the target to go through extreme nausea) -Countra Vibra (releases a sonic wave that counteracts another's vibrational frequency and destroys them)
Sparky ArrowArchery (Proficient in bows and arrows) -Peak Human Intelligence (highest limits of the human genius-intellect level for humans their age) -Peak Human Accuracy (to have accuracy at the highest limits of human efficiency) -Trick Arrows (special arrows with other uses) -Speed Boots -Karate -Air Strike (fires multiple arrows up into the air at an angle that hits target) -Knee Shot (arrow in the knee) -Goo Arrow (arrow which explodes and covers target in a sticky substance) -Explosive Arrow (arrow which explodes) -N.I.M.R.O.D (an arrow that releases a homing beacon which calls down artillery support from Sky Front) -Taser Arrow (arrow which attaches and releases close to one million volts over five second) -C.H.A.D (personal assistant robot) -Multi Arrow Strike (fires multiple types of arrow in a single strum)
SpeculumVitrikinesis (Glass Manipulation) -Glass Shield (uses shards of glass to create thick surfaces for protection) -Glass Disc (creates sharp glass disc to either ride on or use as throwing weapons) -Glass Spike (creates a double edged rod made of glass) -Glass Repair (places and reforms glass back to the original shape before shattering) -Seidel (forming cylinder shape around target to trap them) -Shard Shower (raining multiple sharpened shards of glass down from above) -Symphony (releases painful sound waves using vibrations that hit glass)
Spirit WalkerSpirit Armor (Creates an armor around individual made of their spirit energy) -Selective Limb Armor (can choose which part of their body can be protected) -Invulnerability (immune to all physical damage lesser than their own) -Flight (capable of adding wings to armor) -Spikes (capable of adding spikes to armor) -Enhanced Speed (can move much faster than the average member of their species) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Enhanced Stamina (body is highly resistant to the build-up of fatigue toxins) -Spirit Drain (able to drain opponent's spirit to strengthen armor) -Spirit Interaction (able to make contact with other spirits)
Star LadSuperpack (Basic powers) -Super Breath (release of air from lungs to create a strong gust of wind) -Super Hearing (perceive sound over a vast distance) -Enhanced Reflexes (heighten reaction speed to maneuver out of attack paths faster than normal) -Enhanced Healing (increase speed in healing of all wounds) -Voluntary Invulnerability (immune to all physical damage lesser than own if the user is in danger) -Flight (glides on Earth's protons) -Heat Vision (enhanced thermal vision which builds up heat to a point of expulsion) -Thermal Vision (detects heat from all living life forms) -Super Strength (strength greatly intensified) -Enhanced Speed (can move much faster than the average member of their species)
Star TeenGravity Staff -Flight (weakens gravity around self which allows for simulated flight) -Remove Gravity (cancels out gravity in an area) -Increase Gravity (raises the pressure of an area, making it near impossible to speed or fly) -Crush (raises pressure to the point of crushing a target) -Levitate (removes gravity to lift ally or items) -Gravity Bolt (fires a controlled ball of gravitational energy) -Push (releases a strong gravitational wave that knocks back opponents and objects) -Pull (creates a strong gravitational force that pulls objects and people) -Singularity (creates a point of gravitational force that pulls in objects and people) -Grav Bomb (completely crushes anything within a fifty yard radius)
StatrixElectrokinesis (Electricity Manipulation) -Electricity Generation (creates electricity) -Electric Blast (fires a dangerous bolt of electricity which could kill or incapacitate) -Electric Beast (turns into electricity and is capable of growing in size due to amount absorbed) -Electricity Absorption (absorbs electricity for own use) -Electric Immunity (immune to electrical contact) -Electrical Enhanced Conditioning (uses electricity to enhance physical and mental abilities) -Electric Shield (creates a shield made of electricity which assimilates anything that touches it) -Electrical Cell Phone (taps into nearby cellphone towers and creates an electronic signal used to communicate via radio frequencies) -Charge (pours energy into an object/person who needs it) -Discharge (releases a powerful burst of electrical energy which assimilates or knocks away) -Shock (releases an electrical current to electrocute target) -Static Cling (can stick to walls using static electricity) -Conduction Travel (turns into electricity to travel along wires or through outlets) -Spark Flare (lets out small sparks to stun or distract) -Tase Skin (creates an electric field on skin which incapacitates whoever comes into contact) -Zzap! (fires a harmless burst of electricity) -Electric Storm (releases electricity to surround a group of enemies)
StereoAcoustikinesis (Sound Manipulation) -Sound Generation (create louder than average sounds) -Sound Amplify (strengthens noises past their usual range) -Sound Nullification (removes sound) -Sound Absorption (to absorb incoming sound waves) -Sound Immunity (immune to all sonic based attacks) -Sonic Whale (powerful sonic scream which renders targets deaf and knocks them back) -Sound Mimicry (mimics sounds of other creatures and people) -Sound Blast (releases a blast of sonic noise from hands) -Soundwave (releases an area affecting sound blast to stun and harm targets in the area) -Speed of Sound (capable of running at the speed of sound) -Banshee Roar (releases a sonic scream powerful enough to completely destroy a target) -Muting (silences movements and actions made by self and targets) -Sonic Pulse Wave (sonic wave that can tear off skin and metal) -Echo (sends sounds in multiple directions to confuse enemies) -Sound Barrier Punch (sends a sound barrier like shock after a single swing)
Steven MitchellsGreen Lantern -Flight (manipulation of anti-gravitons and directed molecular movement to reach the speed of light) -Leadership -Artist -Tactics -Phasing (the power ring allows the wearer to pass through certain solid objects) -Environmental Play (the power ring can recreate a holographic environment based on data in its memory banks) -Invisibility (can render themself invisible by willing the ring to bend light waves around form) -Energy Twin (allows the wearer to create an "energy twin" of themself) -Energy Absorption (the ring can absorb and store other energies without charging itself) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Wormhole (creates wormholes to provide quick travel or remove a target from the area) -Cellular Regeneration (the ring has an ability to heal physical injuries) -Scanning (the ring has a wide range of detection abilities based on the imagination of the user) -Galactic Encyclopedia (each ring functioned as a ready reference on most people's, stellar events and conditions that may have been seen by other rings or other Green Lanterns) -Ring Duplication (most power rings are capable of automatically duplicating themselves) -Homing Beacon (a homing beacon in the power ring can lead one Green Lantern to another) -Pocket Dimension (able to access an entire world within the ring) -Preset Conditions (commands can be stored in the ring to be executed at a later date) -Will Blast (fires an either harmful or concussive blast made of Will energy) -Will Beam (fires an either harmful or concussive beam made of Will energy) -Hardlight Construct (creates solid green objects made of will power using the user's imagination) -Universal Translator -Force Field Generation (to form barriers made of Will energy to withstand attacks) -Toy Army (creates an army of multiple sized toy soldiers to fight for them) -Time Travel (can use enough Will power to send self back or forward in time) -Stargate Construct (able to create a device which can send self and others into different dimensions) -Armour Construct -Caren (an A.I placed within the power ring which acts as a second pair of eyes and advisor) -The End (opens containment unit worn around their neck to hold a sun, which releases its power and destroys all nearby)
StratosFlight (Emits a field which repels gravity) -Sonic Boom (releases a powerful blast of energy and sound which knocks down opponents) -Peak Human Endurance (to endure more physical discomfort than average humans their age) -Peak Human Reflexes (to have advanced reactions better than normal humans their age) -Kinetic Invulnerability (withstands damage from crashing into objects) -Hover (can stay in place off the ground for long periods of time) -Air Dash (can dash without a force acting on them) -Stealth Mode (can fly through the skies at Mach 1 speed without disrupting anything) -Swoop (flies down at high speeds to hit a target and knocking them back for another) -Vacuum Leap (goes straight up at speeds that sucks away the surrounding air)
Tech BreakScanning (To see all information on a person or thing; living or dead) -Enhanced Intelligence (intelligence that passes the normal genius I.Q) -Dual Pistol -Internet Connection (used as point where all data can be traced) -Data Control (manipulate the binary visible computer information) -Computer Perception (process data at incredible speeds) -Hacking (able to break into and then bypass intensively difficult levels of online security) -Leadership (leading teams and groups with high moral and strong determination) -Lie Sense (able to detect when a person lies) -Truth Sense (able to tell when a person tells the truth) -Detail Intuition (to notice and analyze the smallest details of any situation or action) -Body Movement Analysis (read others body language, allowing them to anticipate their actions) -Flaw Detection (can analyze and spot a weakness within an individual's movements, body, or structure) -Contingency Plans (has memorized a number of lethal and non-lethal version of the J.T contingency plans) -Taction -Filipino Stick Fighting
Tech SparkPilot -Enhanced Intelligence (intelligence that passes the normal genius I.Q) -Electrical Engineer -Martial Arts -Spark Grenade (E.M.P) -X-Ray Vision -Tech Staff -Tech Gloves
Teddy HoldingsBlue Lantern -Flight (manipulation of anti-gravitons and directed molecular movement to reach the speed of light) -Phasing (the power ring allows the wearer to pass through certain solid objects) -Environmental Play (the power ring can recreate a holographic environment based on data in its memory banks) -Invisibility (can render themself invisible by willing the ring to bend light waves around form) -Energy Twin (allows the wearer to create an "energy twin" of themself) -Energy Absorption (the ring can absorb and store other energies without charging itself) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Wormhole (creates wormholes to provide quick travel or remove a target from the area) -Cellular Regeneration (the ring has an ability to heal serious physical injuries of self and others) -Rage Removal (if a subject has been infected with rage, they will be able to calm and heal them) -Scanning (the ring has a wide range of detection abilities based on the imagination of the user) -Galactic Encyclopedia (each ring functioned as a ready reference on most people's, stellar events and conditions that may have been seen by other rings or other Blue Lanterns) -Ring Duplication (most power rings are capable of automatically duplicating themselves) -Ring Enhancement (the capacity to re-energize and supercharge the powers of a Green Lantern ring) -Homing Beacon (a homing beacon in the power ring can lead one Blue Lantern to another) -Pocket Dimension (able to access an entire world within the ring) -Preset Conditions (commands can be stored in the ring to be executed at a later date) -Will Blast (fires an either harmful or concussive blast made of blue energy) -Will Beam (fires an either harmful or concussive beam made of blue energy) -Hardlight Construct (creates solid green objects made of blue energy) -Universal Translator -Force Field Generation (to form barriers made of Hope energy to withstand attacks)
Teen EagleDeity Lightning Manipulation -Flight -Archery (proficient in bows and arrows) -Lightning Strike (fires a singular blast of lightning) -Lightning Barrage (drops an group blast of lightning bolts down) -Thunderous Boom (releases a shockwave that can seriously harm a person) -Wolf Spirit (summons the power of the Blue Wolf, a Native-American spirit) -Nature Affinity (becomes one with nature) -Teleportation (turns into a burst of lightning) -Super Strength (strength greatly intensified)
Tesla EffectElectrokinesis (Electricity Manipulation) -Peak Human Intelligence (highest limits of the human genius-intellect level for humans their age) -Peak Human Balance (to have better balance than ordinary humans their age) -Peak Human Endurance (to endure more physical discomfort than average humans their age) -Electricity Generation (creates electricity) -Electricity Absorption (absorbs electricity for own use) -Electric Immunity (immune to electrical contact) -Shock (releases an electrical current to electrocute target) -Electrical Enhanced Conditioning (uses electricity to enhance physical and mental abilities) -Conduction Travel (turns into electricity to travel along wires or through outlets) -Spark Flare (lets out small sparks to stun or distract) -Tactician -Electric Storm (releases electricity to surround a group of enemies)
The ProfessorGenius-Level Intellect (Able to use their mind to its limit) -Advanced Inventing (creates complex machinery and devices) -Mechanical Engineer -Electrical Engineer -Grenades -Force Field Generator (sets up energy fields which can withstand an RPG) -Kinetic Field Generator (sets up a kinetic field which cans power from each attack) -Plasma Pistol (carries a pistol with an unknown munition which can harm Superman) -Telekinetic Implants (allows small burst of telekinetic lifts and throws) -Electro Magnetic Pulse (releases an E.M.P which fries all electronics nearby -Stealth Field (sets up a field which turns self and others invisible) -Poly-Language Translator (allows for communication with all recorded languages) -Electro Gloves (a pair of gauntlets that release enough energy to harm Superman) -Personal Interface (a 3D hologram computer system that can be seen by others) -Nanoshield (uses nanobots to link up and create barriers) -Hacking (able to break into and then bypass intensively difficult levels of online security) -Contingency Plans (has memorized each lethal version of the J.T contingency plans) -Magic Resistance (to be highly immune to magic attacks)
Theodor XaterHalf Human-Half Demon Hybrid -Swordsmanship (proficiency with swords) -Magic Sense (to feel all changes magic throughout the Multiverse) -Magic Resistance (to be highly immune to magic attacks) -Energy Detection (sensing the presence of other's energy) -Magic Detection (sensing the presence of magical energy) -Mediumship -Spell Casting (series of words or thoughts used to manipulate magic forces) -Soul Release (frees souls and spirits trapped in Hell or on Earth) -Pain Inducement (controls people’s ability to feel pain at will) -Demonic Strength (strength of a demon) -Enhanced Durability (able to take a great deal of external damage)
Time OutStasis Fields (creates a field which stops/slows down all things within 9 yards)
TobariousAerokinesis (Air Manipulation)-Flight (uses wind currents to glide)-Gust (a gust of wind that can provide an ice-storm when mixed with shard burst)-Outburst (Sudden burst of wind)-Air Enhancement (use of the wind to push the user around to strengthen blows and speed)-Cyclone (heavy wind used to knock down enemies)-Heavy blow (use of wind to strengthen the blow for a devastating kick)
Top GunArtillery Proficiency -Plasma Cannon -Engineer -Rocket Pistol (holds a handheld device which fires a small rocket) -Peak Human Intelligence (highest limits of the human genius-intellect level for humans their age) -Peak Human Accuracy (to have accuracy at the highest limits of human efficiency) -Cannon Mastery (proficient use in heavy weapons such as cannons) -Gunmanship (proficiency in firearms) -Shark Cannon (a cannon which fires sharks) -Rain the Thunder (fires a barrage strike using Sky Front's weapons)
Torch BearerFire Physiology (Causes both arms to catch on fire) -Heat Generation -Thermal Immunity (unaffected by high temperatures) -Fire Immunity (unaffected by fires) -Flame Manipulation (controls the flames that generates from their arms)
TracRacer (Uses a high tech racing car which can move up to 800 miles per hour) -Mechanical Engineer -Speed Engineer -Enhanced Intelligence (intelligence that passes the normal genius I.Q) -Speed Bomb (causes everything in a four yard radius to dash in whichever it was moving)
TransmutateAbility Transferal (Swaps powers and skills between individuals)
TrubieTeleportation (To transports one’s self over a vast distance within seconds) -Partner Teleportation (to transport others over a vast distance within seconds) -Drop Off (grabs enemy and teleports them high above ground and releases)
TriazPeak Human Accuracy (To have accuracy at the highest limits of human efficiency) -Bowing Knife -Advanced Hunting (extraordinary skill in tracking/hunting all things) -Peak Human Senses (to have their senses beyond most humans their age) -Throwing Weapons
UnityLife Connection (Has a strong bond with all living things) -Anipathy (connects with the emotions of animals) -Environmental Awareness (to sense the condition of the current environment) -Thiriokinesis (Animal Manipulation) -Omnilingualism (speaks and understands the language of any being encountered) -Peace Aura (is so in touch with all life, they create a bond so powerful it calms down all aggression) -Attack! (can cause plant and animal life to defend them)
Valkyrie GirlIce Magic (Cast magical spells feats through ice) -Melee Weaponry -Cold Immunity (unaffected by extreme colds) -Ice Weapon Construct (creates weapons made of ice) -Flight (uses the mystical power of the gem to fly and propel self) -Peak Human Strength (to be stronger than most humans their age)
WarningDanger Intuition (Capable to sense all incoming threats) -Enhanced Awareness (sense of awareness is higher than average) -Flash Precognition (peers a few seconds into the future) -Death Sense (the ability to sense an upcoming death to prevent it) -Threat Identification (to sense anything or anyone that poses as a threat) -Combat Clairvoyance (to predict an incoming attack and evade it)
Warp PadPortal Creation (Creates points where individuals can be teleported) -Teleportation (capable of teleporting self without the use of warp pads) -Trap Pad (creates an unseeable portal which captures and sends targets to a secure location) -Farewell (opens a warp pad to the center of a sun)
Water ShockAtlantean Physiology -Hydrokinesis (Water Manipulation) -Swordsmanship (proficiency with swords) -Spearmanship (proficiency with spears) -Marine Manipulation (telepathically controls marine life) -Hydro-bomb (creates highly compressed ball of water which releases a strong amount of force) -Underwater Cyclone (generates underwater tornadoes to hold enemies) -Hardwater Construct (creates hard water objects with water bearers) -Enhanced Intelligence (intelligence that passes the normal genius I.Q) -Enhanced Healing (increase speed in healing of all wounds) -Enhanced Skin Density (capable of withstanding bullets and most attacks) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Enhanced Durability (able to take a great deal of external damage) -Enhanced Reflexes (heighten reaction speed to maneuver out of attack paths faster than normal) -Enhanced Swimming (swimming at speeds higher than average) -Leadership (leading teams and groups with high moral and strong determination) -Whirlpool (generates currents underwater to pull and tear enemies apart)
WikkiOmniscience (Randomly able to know Everything and Anything)
Wonder TeenAmazonian Physiology -Super Strength (strength greatly intensified) -Flight (granted the power of flight by Aplo) -Enhanced Speed (can move much faster than the average member of their species) -Enhanced Reflexes (heighten reaction speed to maneuver out of attack paths faster than normal) -Enhanced Flexibility (bends and twist body past average limits) -Enhanced Stamina (body is highly resistant to the build-up of fatigue toxins) -Enhanced Intelligence (intelligence that passes the normal genius I.Q) -Enhanced Endurance (able to sustain energy and life for a greater period of time) -Pray Healing (calls upon the healing hand from a Goddess -Semi-Immortality (is unable to age to the point of death but can be killed) -Archery (Proficiency in bows and arrows) -Swordsmanship (proficiency in sword combat)
Wynter LassFrigokinesis (Snow Manipulation) -Snow Generation -Cold Immunity (unaffected by extreme colds) -Cold Air Generation (lowers temperature in the air) -Snow Storm (creates a haze of snow to blind the target) -Blizzard (creates a violent snow storm which lowers surrounding temperature and harms) -Snowslide (pushes a large amount of snow to crush the target or block the path)
XaminIntuitive Perception (analyze and comprehends anything viewed at a detailed level) -Computer Perception (to process information at incredible speeds) -Visualization (able to see a visualize what they are thinkinking on) -Enhanced Intelligence (intelligence that passes the normal genius I.Q) -Enhanced Memory (can remember a number of things with detail, even after years later) -Detail Intuition (to notice and analyze the smallest details of any situation or action) -Pattern Sense (to pick up and analyze patterns within a person's actions or environment)
Young FateMagic (Power to influence the course of events by using supernatural forces) -Magical Energy Manipulation -Hand Seals (performs magic through hand gestures) -Inscription Magic (performs magic through written words or symbols) -Linguistic Magic (performs magic through spoken word) -Enhanced Intelligence (intelligence that passes the normal genius I.Q) -Flight (levitates self with use of magic) -Teleportation (to transports oneself over a vast distance within seconds) -Partner Teleportation (to transport others over a vast distance within seconds) -Astral Projection (separates spirit from body of self and others) -Spell Casting (series of words or thoughts used to manipulate magic forces) -Spell Destabilization (makes changes within others spells to gain a different result) -Magic Bolt (basic magic blast) -Magic Resistance (to be highly immune to magic attacks) -Astral Trap (captures the astral form of another while out of its body) -Dimensional Travel (to move between dimensions at will) -Premonition (to see the fate of those chosen) -Self Replication (ability to clone self) -Transmutation (able to alter the physical form of other beings) -Essokinesis (Reality Manipulation) -Necromancy (use of death-based magic) -Magical Constructs (to create beast or items out of magical energy) -Intangibility (becomes untouchable by using magic to remove all physical aspects) -Partner Replication (ability to clone others) -Personal Domain (creates a world in which they control) -Force Field (cast a magical Ankh that protects self and allies) -Flawless Healing (capable of healing physical, mental, emotional, mystical, and spiritual wounds) -Containment (to trap and hold people and things within objects) -Evasion (to hide one's self or others out of the view of magic wielders) -Power Negating (capable of weakening others powers or completely nullifying them) -Clairvoyance (to see without seeing with own eyes) -Aura Vision (to see the aura of others) -Astral Vision (to see other overlapping dimensions beyond the physical plane of existence) -Death Sense (the ability to sense an upcoming or occurring death) -Power Detection (sensing supernatural abilities within others) -Illusion Awareness (to be able to sense if the viewed reality is false) -Invisibility Awareness (to be able to see those who are cloaked) -Life Span Vision (the ability to see how long one has to live) -Energy Detection (sensing the presence of other's energy) -Magic Detection (sensing the presence of magical energy) -Dimensional Awareness (to sense breaches through the dimensional barriers) -Paracoronal Vision (to see how time plays out through multiple timelines) -Magic Sense (to feel all changes magic throughout the Multiverse) -Soul Capture (to preserve the soul from a recently dead individual for later use) -Emphatic Shield (immune to all emphatic/emotional powers) -Beast Mode (to turn into any animal of choosing) -Life Drain (to absorb the life energy from any living thing until it is either weak or dead) -Resurrection (to bring back someone from the dead) -Damnation (sends a person straight to Hell) -Telepathy (mentally receive/transmit information) -Telekinetic (manipulates physical objects with the mind) -Portal Creation (able to open a physical doorway which links to another location) -Confusion (cast a spell that confuses target for a set amount of time) -Banishment (to send out and lock an individual from a certain location using magic) -Entrapment (traps an enemy inside a magical box to either hold or crush) -Magical Energy Absorption (absorbs raw magic radiating from spots in any place) -Personal Domain (creates a dimension for self in use of a home/base) -Summoning (call upon a mystical ally) -Elemental Magic Control (able to cast magical spells that involves all four of Earth's elements) -Evocation (able to use varying degrees of nature magic) -Illusions (manipulate what others perceive) -Age Manipulation (changes the age of target) -Out of Time (able to move self and others out of time) -Time Perception Manipulation (to speed or reduce the speed of how others view time) -Magic Circle Combat (to use magic circles of varying abilities) -Concussion Blast -Chronokinesis (Time Manipulation) -Time Loop (to trap an item or object in a never rewind of time) -Temporal Reversing (to cause time to go backwards) -Time Travel (able to move forward/backwards in time at will) -Remote Time Travel (to be able to move people and objects through time) -Checkpoint (to be able to return to a specific point in time) -Temporal Protection (to be immune to changes in the timestream)
ZalethAtlantean Physiology -Swordsmanship (proficiency with swords) -Spearmanship (proficiency with spears) -Hardwater Construct (creates hard water objects with water bearers) -Enhanced Intelligence (intelligence that passes the normal genius I.Q) -Enhanced Healing (increase speed in healing of all wounds) -Enhanced Skin Density (capable of withstanding bullets and most attacks) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Enhanced Durability (able to take a great deal of external damage) -Enhanced Reflexes (heighten reaction speed to maneuver out of attack paths faster than normal) -Enhanced Swimming (swimming at speeds higher than average)
ZephFlight (Emits a field which repels gravity) -Peak Human Endurance (to endure more physical discomfort than average humans their age) -Peak Human Reflexes (to have advanced reactions better than normal humans their age)
AcolyteEnchantment Magic (Places enchantments on people and objects) -Mirror Mirror on the Wall (turns reflective surfaces into a portal to escape through) -Flaming Bullets (enchants an allies bullets to burst into flames after hitting their target) -Super Strength (grants super-strength to any ally which last a total of thirty minutes)
AlchemPotioncraft (Creates potions of varying uses) -Bartending -Mixology -Alchemic Magic (uses scientific magic to create potions and items of magical use) -Strength Potion -Explosive Potion -Demon Side Potion -Love Potion -Transformation Potion -Elemental Transmutation (to change/alter a substance and turn into another one) -Chrysopoeia (to turn matter into gold) -Occamy (to turn matter into silver) -Boom (turns air into methane gas then creates a small spark within the gas) -Freeze Over (turns air into moisture which then quickly turns to ice to capture an individual) -Argile (a Homunculus created to gather ingredients needed for use) -Philosopher's Stone (rarely uses a P.S that's hidden within a universe ruled by Danni Ash)
American Kid IMilitary Training -Throwing Weapons -Peak Human Reflexes (to have advanced reactions better than normal humans their age) -Martial Arts -Shield Throw (uses their shield as a projectile to either incapacitate or harm others) -Stealth -Gunmanship (proficient use in firearms)
American Kid IIEnhanced Combat (Possesses near superhuman ability when in comes to hand-to hand fighting) -Peak Human Agility (to possess agility greater than that of normal humans their age) -Peak Human Strength (to be stronger than most humans their age) -Peak Human Speed (to be faster than the average human their age) -Peak Human Senses (to have their senses beyond most humans their age) -Peak Human Reflexes (to have advanced reactions better than normal humans their age) -Peak Human Stamina (to generate less fatigue toxins than most other humans their age) -Peak Human Balance (to have better balance than ordinary humans their age) -Peak Human Endurance (to endure more physical discomfort than average humans their age) -Peak Human Accuracy (to have accuracy at the highest limits of human efficiency) -Shield -Throwing Weapons -Leadership -Tactician -Martial Arts -Shield Throw (uses their shield as a projectile to either incapacitate or harm others) -Stealth -Gunmanship (proficient use in firearms)
Animal MorphFaunal Imitation (Animal attribute mimicry) -Animal Morphing (turn into almost any animal) -Heightened Senses (use of animalistic skills) -Enhanced Speed (can move much faster than the average member of their species) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Enhanced Stamina (body is highly resistant to the build-up of fatigue toxins) -Regenerative Healing Factor (increased strength in closing of most non-fatal wounds) -Enhanced Agility (possess agility beyond that of a normal member that race) -Clawmanship (proficiency with claws or claw based weaponry) -Claw Retraction (extend or retract claws)
ArmineEnhanced Primate Physiology -Enhanced Intelligence (intelligence that passes the normal genius I.Q) -Mechanical Engineering -Grapple Climbing (uses advanced gauntlets which allows user to climb on metal and rock) -Heightened Senses (use of animalistic skills) -Enhanced Speed (can move much faster than the average member of their species) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Enhanced Stamina (body is highly resistant to the build-up of fatigue toxins) -Enhanced Agility (possess agility beyond that of a normal member that race) -Enhanced Dexterity (precise control of body) -Grappling Hook (fires two steel cables from gauntlet which helps pull upwards or people towards them) -Knowledge Consumption (eats the brains of enemy to gain both abilities and knowledge)
AvacCryogenesis (Ice Generation) -Mixed Martial Artist -Cold Air Generation (lowers temperature in the air) -Cold Immunity (unaffected by extreme colds) -Solidification (freezes liquids to a solid) -Area Freeze (quickly lowers temperature in the surrounded area causing damage to threats) -Frostbite (freezes part of the body that's focused on) -Ice Pillar Drop (freezes the air above to create pillars of ice which can be dropped on the enemy) -Ice Ball (forms a giant ball of ice by freezing the air between hands)
BaddleSuper Strength (Strength greatly intensified) -Flight (glides on Earth's protons) -Invulnerability (immune to all physical damage lesser than their own) -Enhanced Senses (posses extremely accurate senses) -Enhanced Speed (can move much faster than the average member of their species) -Enhanced Reflexes (heighten reaction speed to maneuver out of attack paths faster than normal) -Enhanced Stamina (body is highly resistant to the build-up of fatigue toxins) -Enhanced Healing (increase speed in healing of all wounds) -Enhanced Endurance (able to sustain energy and life for a greater period of time)
Black GhostSuperhuman Strength - Ghost is strong enough to lift cars and kick them very small distances and leap across buildings in a single jump. Superhuman Speed - Ghost can run at speeds up to 100 mph Superhuman Agility- Due to his enhancements, Ghost is also as agile as an Olympic gymnast Superhuman Durability- Ghost can be thrown through cars and buildings with only minor injuries. Superhuman Stamina Superhuman reflexes- Ghost can catch objects in mid-air as small and fast as a fly Expert in Parkour Marksmanship with munitions; mastery of multiple forms of melee and hand-to-hand combat; Superhuman Healing Factor- Ghost can heal a variety of injuries at a rapid rate (the amount of time depends on the severity) Grapnel Line- Ghost holsters a retractable grapnel line within his suit Adept at stealth, Possesses a stealth tech belt that allows for high-grade optical and audial camo.
Black IgnitePyrokinesis (Fire Manipulation) -Magnificently Ignorant (to do the impossible due to just being ignorant -Fire Generation (the ability to create fire from nothing) -Thermal Immunity (unaffected by high temperatures) -Fire Immunity (unaffected by fires) -Fire Vision (shoots flames from eyes) -Fire Ball (shoots a ball of fire from hands) -Fire Breath (breathes out a stream of fire) -Fire Whip (releases a thin line of fire which can cut through metal) -Puff Puff Pass (fires a burst of fire from fist) -Instant Combustion (can cause instant combustion leading to the death of target)
Bomb ShelterFyrosokinesis (Force Field Manipulation) -Force Field Generation (to form barriers made of unknown energy to withstand attacks) -Platform Surfing (creates and levitates fields to help move self and others) -Bullet Storm (creates marble sized projectiles of energy to harm or peirce) -Invisible Forms (creates force fields which are invisible to the naked eyes) -Knockback (uses energy to push away threats) -Force Field Constructs (can create anything needed via the energy they manipulate) -Deoxygenation (removal of air when creating a barrier around an object) -Lift (forms a barrier around an object and lifts)
BronzeCubFaunal Imitation (Animal attribute mimicry) -Peak Human Strength (to be stronger than most humans their age) -Peak Human Speed (to be faster than the average human their age) -Peak Human Senses (to have their senses beyond most humans their age) -Peak Human Reflexes (to have advanced reactions better than normal humans their age) -Peak Human Stamina (to generate less fatigue toxins than most other humans their age) -Peak Human Agility (to possess agility greater than that of normal humans their age) -Regenerative Healing Factor (increased strength in closing of most non-fatal wounds) -Clawmanship (proficiency with claws or claw based weaponry) -Claw Retraction (extend or retract claws) -Swipe (quick swipe with claws at either throat or chest) -Stalking (predatory stalking skills used by animals) -Pounce (jumps on target from a great distance) -Wall Climb (uses claws to cut into objects and move around)
BursterPortal Manipulation (Controls where portal within chest cavity opens up to) -Chest Blast (opens chest portal to an area where energy can be pulled through and fired out)
C.H.A.DBrainiac Scout Droid -Flight -Uzi Cannons -Stealth -Voice Mimic
CannonballForce Field Generation (surrounds self with unknown energy in the fetal position)
CatipulaVertigo (creates an imbalance within the brain which causes the target to go through extreme nausea) -Nausea Generation (creates a sickening feeling within the body of a single or multiple targets) -Confusion (sets target in a state of confusion)
Chandler PriceReincarnation (to pass one's soul and mind into another body after death) -Multiple Lives (live more than one lifetime) -Retrospective Intelligence (regains all knowledge gained from each previous life)
CoffySporakinesis (Spore Manipulation) -Healing Spore (releases spores into the wounds and bodies of injured to speed up healing process and remove dangerous substances) -Medical Training -Paralyzing Spore (releases spores into the area which causes slow and temporary paralysis) -Sleep Spore (releases a spore which renders individuals unconscious) -Concussion Pistols
ColumnGreen Lantern -Flight (manipulation of anti-gravitons and directed molecular movement to reach the speed of light) -Environmental Play (the power ring can recreate a holographic environment based on data in its memory banks) -Invisibility (can render themself invisible by willing the ring to bend light waves around form) -Energy Absorption (the ring can absorb and store other energies without charging itself) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Wormhole (creates wormholes to provide quick travel or remove a target from the area) -Cellular Regeneration (the ring has an ability to heal physical injuries) -Scanning (the ring has a wide range of detection abilities based on the imagination of the user) -Galactic Encyclopedia (each ring functioned as a ready reference on most people's, stellar events and conditions that may have been seen by other rings or other Green Lanterns) -Ring Duplication (most power rings are capable of automatically duplicating themselves) -Homing Beacon (a homing beacon in the power ring can lead one Green Lantern to another) -Pocket Dimension (able to access an entire world within the ring) -Preset Conditions (commands can be stored in the ring to be executed at a later date) -Will Blast (fires an either harmful or concussive blast made of Will energy) -Will Beam (fires an either harmful or concussive beam made of Will energy) -Hardlight Construct (creates solid green objects made of will power using the user's imagination) -Universal Translator -Force Field Generation (to form barriers made of Will energy to withstand attacks) -Will Release (lets out a large wave of Willful energy) -Crushing Defeat (constructs a barrage of different missile types) -The Fighting Irish (creates a Leprechaun as a battle companion)
CorredorEnhanced Leg Strength -Goal!!! (gives an incredibly powerful kick strong enough to break concrete) -Enhanced Speed (can move much faster than the average member of their species) -Enhanced Jump (capable of propelling self higher and farther and land with little to no injury)
Danni AshMagic (Power to influence the course of events by using supernatural forces) -Flight (levitates self with use of magic) -Spell Casting (series of words or thoughts used to manipulate magic forces) -Soul Shield (creation of a highly durable shield made of ones own soul) -Warden Armor -Magic Sense (to feel all changes magic throughout the Multiverse) -Magic Detection (sensing the presence of magical energy) -Summoning (call upon a mystical ally) -Entrapment (traps an enemy inside a magical box to either hold or crush) -Magic Bolt (basic magic blast) -Magic Resistance (to be highly immune to magic attacks) -Flash Step (short burst of limited blinding speed)
David BlackwellPeak Human Combat (to have better fighting skills than average human their age) -Peak Human Agility (to possess agility greater than that of normal humans their age) -Peak Human Reflexes (to have advanced reactions better than normal humans their age) -Peak Human Balance (to have better balance than ordinary humans their age) -Peak Human Accuracy (to have accuracy at the highest limits of human efficiency) -Pain Suppression (ceases the brain's ability to receive pain from nerves) -Gunmanship (proficiency in firearms) -Pressure Point Strike (perfectly strikes an individual's pressure point to hinder their movement) -Sunstone Shard (turns user into a genderless Humanoid shape of space with Kryptonian abilities) -Badassery -Smoke Grenades -K.O Grenades -Tripwire -Tactician -Judo -Krav Maga -Capoeira -Savate -Yawyan -Grappling Hook -Stealth -Disguise -Dual Pistol
DexDetective Skill (Possesses great and finely-tuned investigative ability) -Peak Human Intelligence (highest limits of the human genius-intellect level for humans their age) -Enhanced Deduction (figure out connections during investigation and process them extraordinarily fast) -Enhanced Memory (can remember a number of things with detail, even after years later) -Detail Intuition (to notice and analyze the smallest details of any situation or action) -Pattern Sense (to pick up and analyze patterns within a person's actions or environment) -Lie Sense (able to detect when a person lies) -Truth Sense (able to tell when a person tells the truth) -Stealth -Disguise -Parkour
Doc SageMedication Control (Trained medical professional able to alter the use of drugs) -Medical Training -Chemical-Based Powers (gains powers through the use of certain serums) -Health Serum (heals people once the forum object has been removed) -Strength Serum (grants enhanced strength for a day) -Immunity Adaption Serum (causes the body to adapt to any harmful element) -Truth Serum (forces the individual to tell the truth to their fullest extent) -Possum Serum (causes the body to enter a state of near death until the antidote is used) -Antiserum (an antidote which undoes the effects the serums within the body) -Poison Serum (poisons a target which can slowly kill them for hours) -Enhancement Serums (a number of serums which can grant enhancements in one's body) -Peak Serums (a serum which grants the user peak human conditioning for a few minutes)
Dog BoySpell Casting (Series of words or thoughts used to manipulate magic forces) -Dog Curse (turns target(s) into a dog) -Portal Creation (able to open a physical doorway which links to another location) -Elemental Spell (cast spells that relate to the elements; Earth, Wind, Fire, Air) -PaPa The Panda (Main League Pet which eats anything to grow in size and strength)
Dru IdicDruidic Magic (Nature based mystical-arts) -Evocation (able to use varying degrees of nature magic) -Nature Control -Magic Detection (sensing the presence of magical energy) -Magic Sense (to feel all changes magic throughout the Multiverse) -Environmental Awareness (to sense the condition of the current environment) -Thiriokinesis (Animal Manipulation) -Vine Trap (uses vines to grab a target and strangle to death) -Elemental Healing (uses the elements to heal self and others) -Lightning Strike (manipulates lightning from a storm to strike a target as many times as needed) -Shape Shift (to change into any any animal form) -Fungokinesis (Fungus Manipulation) -Omnivore (creates a cordycep like fungi which is capable of infecting Humans and placing them under their control) -Virokinesis (Disease Manipulation)
DustGargoyle Physiology -Super Strength (strength greatly intensified) -Dermal Armor (turns skin to stone) -Flight (lifts and soars through with use of wings) -Enhanced Speed (can move much faster than the average Human) -Enhanced Endurance ability to survive without energy for an extended amount of time)
EladElastic Powers -Rubber Physiology -Electric Immunity (immune to electrical contact) -Thermal Immunity (unaffected by high temperatures) -Extreme Flexibility (allows for twisting, bending, flattening, of body and bones) -Enhanced Durability (able to take a great deal of external damage) -Enhanced Lung Capacity (can inhale large amounts of oxygen and hold for hours) -Expansion (capable of growing body and individual limbs) -Bounce (bounces off of surfaces when falling or crashing) -Flattening (capable of making self thin by flattening entire body) -Size Alteration (to change the size of one's self) -Reform (to change physical structure at will) -Body Constructs (changes parts of body to create shapes for different uses) -Malleability (to rearrange the physical features of one's self) -Bounce House (to reshape self to appear as a bounce house to catch allies) -Impact Absorption (to absorb physical and mechanical damage) -Puddy (to make self appear boneless and shapeless) -Big Boy (widens self to appear as a spherical shape) -Rolling (shapes self as a circle and pushes self forward reaching 10 miles per hour) -Hammer Slam (both hands form into hammers and brings down on target) -Sligshot-Shot (stretches both arms at angles and pulls back before firing self) -Woundup Blow (twist body numerous times before letting self go to repeatedly strike) -Disguise
EtheralSpatial Displacement (Move a section of space to another area) -Teleportation (moves a target or group from one area to another) -Dimensional Drop (moves enemy target to a hostile zone) -Grand Slam (drops a large body of land on top of someone) -Delete (completely erasing the target or zone from existence) -Safe Space (moving the individual or items to a place outside of time and space)
Exo TornadoWind Generation (Creates/Generates powerful winds) -Cyclone Spinning (spin like a tornado for both offensive and defensive purposes) -Vortex Cannon (blast wind towards a target to knock them back) -Enhanced Durability (able to take a great deal of external damage) -Air Lift (a quick burst of air to knock target off the ground) -Flight (generates winds at a safe speed to lift self) -Enhanced Intelligence (intelligence that passes the normal genius I.Q) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Enhanced Durability (able to take a great deal of external damage)
EzyietEzyiet: Fragokinesis(Explosion Manipulation) -Kinetic Charging (turns potential energy into kinetic which causes the object to explode) -Remote Detonation (can blow up a target from a short distance away) -Explosive wave (sends a wave of explosions in a singular direction) -Glow (causes material to glow a bright orange and become a source of light) -Little Rat (holds an opponent hostage and at their mercy)
FableStory Mimicry: Fable has the ability to adopt the powers/characteristics of any character in any story whether it be a myth, legend, folklore, religious text, or just a post about the epic powers of a superhero. As Fable grows his control over this power, he can choose which powers to take, and whether or not he wants to keep them. However, as he adopted the below abilities when he was young and had no control over his abilities, he has not figured out how to turn them off. Vampirism: In addition to the various mental and physical benefits that vampires are heir to, they also possess the ability to turn others into vampires as well. Each new vampire is traditionally subservient to the one who "turned" them, but some strong-willed vampires have been known to rebel against their masters. (This doesn’t apply to Fable, as nobody turned him, and he does not have the ability to turn others.) Enhanced Senses: A vampire's senses are enhanced far beyond those of a normal human being. Enhanced Vision Enhanced Hearing Enhanced Sense of Smell Immortality: So long as vampires continue to consume blood, they will not age beyond the physical state they were in when they first became a vampire. Invulnerability: Vampires are invulnerable to most forms of injury (certain exceptions apply). Bullets, blades and blunt objects do little to no damage to a vampire's body. Regeneration: In addition to being virtually indestructible, whatever damage a vampire does in fact suffer can be healed through the consumption of human blood. Superhuman Strength: A vampire's strength level is several times that of a normal human being and they are considered superhuman. Superhuman Stamina: So long as they continue to consume human blood, a vampire can function tirelessly without rest or relaxation. However, a vampire's stamina wanes the closer it is to sunrise. Psychokinesis: Most vampires possess some form of psychokinesis. Some are clairvoyant, others can communicate telepathically, some possess mind control. Particularly powerful vampires can control the minds of several people at once. Hypnosis Transformation: Vampires often possess the ability to transform into a variety of creatures or effects such as bats, wolves, rats or even mist. While their physical attributes may fluctuate during such states, a vampire's mental acuity is the same as that when they are in their human shape. A vampire who transforms into an animal may also benefit from that particular animal's attributes including razor-sharp claws, fangs or the ability to fly. Metamorphosis: Vampires often demonstrate the ability to alter their appearance at will. Claws Fangs Phasing Werewolf Abilities: Transformation: Werewolves have the ability to transform their bodies into that of a man/wolf hybrid. Lycanthropy Claws Enhanced Senses: Werewolves have enhanced senses in their human form, such as their sense of smell and hearing, but these and other senses are drastically amplified when in their wolf form. Fangs Invulnerability: Werewolves are invulnerable to most forms of damage, however are incredibly weak to silver. (Upon reading about this weakness, Fable said aloud that it was “foolish”, and thus when he gained the abilities of a werewolf, he subconsciously removed the weakness to silver.) Superhuman Reflexes Superhuman Stamina Superhuman Strength Draconic Abilities: Pyrokinesis: Fable’s abilities are limited to breathing fire. Superhuman Strength Flight: Fable’s ability with this is limited to sprouting dragon wings when he needs to travel great distances. Magic: Telekinesis: Fable can levitate objects towards or away from himself. Teleportation: Though Fable cannot teleport himself, he can teleport objects to himself. Rarely in use. Lockpicking: Fable can unlock any door through his use of magic. Various Spells Abilities: Hand to Hand Combat (Advanced): Fable has spent a very long time traveling around the world learning from the best of the best in hand to hand combat, weaponry, and swordsmanship. Weaponry (Adept) Swordsmanship (Advanced) Occultism Omnilingualism: As Fable was created by a culmination of magic, one of the abilities he inherently possesses is to speak and understand any language he comes across, however, is unable to do it casually. Indomitable Will: Through years of constant abuse at the hands of his mother’s witch coven, Fable has grown the ability to overcome a great many things, including severe physical pain, and keep fighting in the face of obstacles. Enhanced Intellect Limits: Superhuman Strength: Fable’s base strength is that of a vampire and werewolf mixed. His average strength is nearly 20 times that of a human in peak physical condition. (can lift 125,400 pounds/62.7 tons) As such, Fable has to pull his punches to avoid killing average people. Superhuman Durability/Invulnerability: Fable possesses the dual durability/invulnerability of a vampire and werewolf, making most forms of physical attacks ineffective against him. Superhuman Agility: Dual agility of a vampire/werewolf, able to weave circles around several experienced combatants. Superhuman Reflexes: Fable is able to react to a wide variety of things moving at great speeds, such as bullets being fired at him or the slowest run speed of a speedster. Superhuman Stamina: Fable can fight at peak condition for 12 hours straight without tiring. Enhanced Speed: Fable is several times faster than an average person. Constant Change: Due to Fable’s abilities, his powers, strengths, and even weaknesses can constantly vary.
Fallout BoyRadiokinesis (Radiation Manipulation) -Radiation Immunity (unaffected by radiation) -Radiation Generation (releases own unreasonable radiation) -Radiation Sense (can sense dangerous radiation within an area) -Radiation Empowerment (strengthened and healed by radiation) -Radiation Absorption (absorbs radiation released by fallout or explosions) -Radiation Blast (fires a beam of solidified radiation from hands) -Disintegration (instantly destroys and turns an object into dust) -Disease Generation (can cause tumors and other dangerous diseases within a target) -Fallout (releases fallout from body which can cause damage over a short period of time) -Enhanced Durability (able to take a great deal of external damage) -Nuclear Detonation (explodes at varying levels to the point of becoming a living nuclear warhead) -Mutation Inducement (causes mutations to take place within a genetic or physical level) -Heat Generation -Melting (can cause objects to reach their melting point) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Electro Magnetic Pulse (releases a small electronic pulse after each powerful blast)
Felix TaylorPeak Human Agility (to possess agility greater than that of normal humans their age) -Peak Human Combat (to have better fighting skills than average human their age)
Fire TeenFire Physiology (Body burst into flames which can last four hours) -Flight (reaches temperatures in which they can fly using the planet's oxygen) -Heat Generation -Fire Immunity (unaffected by fires) -Thermal Immunity (unaffected by high temperatures) -Flame Manipulation (controls the flames that generates from their body) -Fire Brand (forms two swords made of flames) -Torch (releases a constant stream of fire to hold back or harm target) -Burst (releases a 360 burst of flames reaching 500 degrees) -Melting (can cause objects to reach their melting point)
Fissure LadGeokinesis (Earth Manipulation) -Dermakinesis (creates rock like armor from skin) -Seismic Sense (uses vibrations to hear and feel nearby objects) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Golem (places self within the ground to pull earth around body and comes back up as a hulking brute) -Surface Splitting (to create wide cuts in the earth)
FrayPlasma Generation (Creates plasma) -Plasma Slice (releases a line of plasma which can cut through metal) -Plasma Aura (sets plasma energy around self to deflect most incoming attacks) -Electricity Generation (creates electricity) -Fire Generation (the ability to create fire from nothing) -Electric Blast (fires a dangerous bolt of electricity which could kill or incapacitate) -Fire Stream (lets out a stream of fire to hold back or harm target)
Frost BatIce-Based Weaponry -Ice Genesis Armor (armor which protects its wearer from the effects of the cold) -Ice Pistols -Freeze Blast (fires shards of ice at a target) -Cryo Grenades -Freezing nanites (releases a small army of nanites which release a freezing agent) -Ice Slide (freezes the ground on a slope to move down faster)
Frost BratCryokinesis (Ice Manipulation) -Sculptor -Ice Blast (releases a beam of ice from hands) -Ice Generation (able to create/form ice) -Ice Transmutation (turns anything into ice) -Ice Healing (to be healed by ice) -Ice Slide (slides forward on frozen ground while sitting) -Cold Immunity (unaffected by extreme colds) -Cold Empowerment (strengthened by cold temperature) -Cold Generation (able to create cold temperatures from nothing) -Heat Absorption (turns most heat that comes into contact into cold) -Freezing Rain (causes falling raid to reach freezing cold temperatures) -Ice Figures (creates figurines made of ice mainly used for decorations)
Frost TeenCryokinesis (Ice Manipulation) -Flight (freezing air molecules to push up and forward) -Ice Blast (releases a beam of ice from hands) -Ice Armor (covers themself in a thick armor of ice with high durability) -Ice Spikes (creates spikes made of ice as a trap or fires from hands) -Cold Immunity (unaffected by extreme colds) -Thermokinesis (Temperature Manipulation) -Blizzard (creates a whirlwind of ice particles to block enemy visuals and escape) -Skin Tone Manipulation (skin turns pale blue at control) -Cold Generation (able to create cold temperatures from nothing) -Ice Generation (able to create/form ice) -Heat Absorption (turns most heat that comes into contact into cold) -Ice Bomb (creates a compressed ball which explodes on command)
FuserFusionism (Fuses two items together to create an entirely new entity) -Flight (creates a personal field in which to fly) -Enhanced Speed (can move much faster than the average member of their species) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Enhanced Stamina (body is highly resistant to the build-up of fatigue toxins)
Gadget BreakGadgetry (Usage of high-tech weaponry and gadgets) -Peak Human Intelligence (highest limits of the human genius-intellect level for humans their age) -Missile Strike (hacks into nearby artillery and makes use of its missile load) -Overload (heats up the CPU in equipment, forcing it to short out) -Hacking (able to break into and then bypass intensively difficult levels of online security)
GgalTelekinesis (Manipulates physical objects with the mind) -Flight (telekinetically lifts self and propels) -Push (telekinetically pushes objects and people away) -Telekinetic Throw (to pick up and toss an object or person) -Telekinetic Enhancement (uses abilities to augment physical abilities) -Telekinetic Shielding (creates a telekinetic barrier around self to deflect incoming attacks) -Telekinetic Blast (releases a wave of telekinetic energy which can push back the enemy) -Telekinetic Sense (uses telekinesis to feel the surrounding area)
Ghost BoyMagic (Power to influence the course of events by using supernatural forces) -Flight (levitates and propels self with use of magic) -Possession (invades target's body and manipulate their actions) -Invisibility (distorts light around self) -Intangibility (becomes untouchable by using magic to remove all physical aspects) -Original Form (reverts back to demonic form) -Teleportation (to transports oneself over a vast distance within seconds)
HarenHarenkinesis (Sand Manipulation) -Dust Bowl (creates giant sand tornadoes which pull in anything nearby) -Sandstorm (forms a storm which can block out the enemy vision) -Quicksand (removes five feet of sand from below an area and leaves sand to cap it) -Sand Pit (opens up the sand below the target's feet which then traps them within and kills) -Solidification (causes the sands to stick together, creating a physical object that's as hard as stone) -Dust Swipe (uses sand to violently push and thrash people and items) -Sand Constructs (creates physical objects made of sand) -Sand Deflection (uses sand to deflect incoming blows) -Sand Barrier (forms a wall around self and allies to protect from incoming attacks) -Deoxygenation (sends small particles of sand into target's lungs, slowly choking them) -Sand Surf (rides on sand like a skateboard as transportation)
Hawk TeenThanagarian Physiology -Flight (lifts and propels self with wings) -Swordsmanship (proficiency in sword combat) -Throwing Weapons -Gunmanship (proficient use in firearms) -Enhanced Reflexes (heighten reaction speed to maneuver out of attack paths faster than normal) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Enhanced Healing (increase speed in healing of all wounds) -Enhanced Speed (can move much faster than the average Human) -Enhanced Stamina (body is highly resistant to the build-up of fatigue toxins) -Enhanced Durability (able to take a great deal of external damage)
Heavens ArcherAngelic Physiology -Purification (to completely remove all evil from an object or person) -Divine Grounds (creates a protective aura around a location to ward off any evil entities) -Death Sense (the ability to sense an upcoming or occurring death) -Flight (soars through the air on white angelic ) -Teleportation (burst into light and reforms in at any point in the Multiverse) -Human Disguise (to take on any Human appearance) -Invisibility (becomes invisible to normal humans he chooses to be to) -Telekinesis (divine powers where they can move items without coming into contact) -Subconscious Suggestion (plants hypnotic suggestions in the back of one's mind to use for later) -Archery (proficient in bows and arrows) -Enhanced Durability (able to take a great deal of external damage) -Mind Control (capable of controlling the minds of weaker subjects) -Salvation (to save a lost soul for a second chance) -Resurrection (revives self and others shortly after death) -Divine Power Immunity (immune to all divine powers) -Soul Release (frees souls and spirits trapped in Hell or on Earth) -Angelic Strength (strength of an angel) -Mediumship -Faith Empowerment (strengthened by prayer) -Possession (take over a person's body) -Exile (to banish an individual from a specific place) -Corruption/Evil Immunity (immune to becoming corrupted by evil forces) -Semi-Immortality (unable to age or die) -Wing Dance (juggles an enemy into the air) -Arrow Barrage (summons an air strike from arrows out of Heaven) -Soul Arrow (places angelic power into a single arrow which turns user Human if used)
Hells ArcherDemon Physiology -Human Disguise (to take on any Human appearance) -Mediumship -Semi-Immortality (unable to age or die) -Hell-Fire Control (control of the fires from Hell) -Archery (proficient in bows and arrows) -Flight (lifts and propels with demonic telepathy) -Soul Stealing (removes an individual's soul for either power or trophy) -Invisibility (becomes invisible to normal humans when chooses to be to) -Telekinesis (demonic powers where he can move items with coming into contact) -Subconscious Suggestion (plants hypnotic suggestions in the back of one's mind to use for later) -Demonic Power Immunity (immune to all demonic powers) -Pain Inducement (controls people’s ability to feel pain at will) -Possession (take over a person's body) -Mind Control (capable of controlling the minds of weaker subjects) -Corruption (erodes a person's morality to turn them evil) -Fear (brings your deepest fears to light and manipulates them) -Demonic Strength (strength of a demon) -Enhanced Durability (able to take a great deal of external damage) -Cursing (cast malicious energy to affect a person's karma/luck) -Damnation (sends a person straight to Hell) -Resurrection (revives self and others shortly after death) -Teleportation (burst into fire and reforms in another spot) -Burning Bow (bow sets ablaze and is swung to incinerate enemies) -Fear Strike (arrow strike that brings your worse fears to reality) -Demon Summon (brings demons from Hell to assist)
Ho'olaSpiritual Healing (Using spiritual energy to heal self and others) -Healing (capable of healing most if not all non-mortal wounds) -Spirit Healing (rejuvenates the spirit of those they're focused on)
ImpulseEnhanced Speed (Move at extraordinary speeds) -Molecular Vibration (to move through solid objects) -Peak Human Intelligence (highest limits of the human genius-intellect level for humans their age) -Enhanced Reflexes (heightens reaction speed to maneuver out of attack paths faster than normal) -Accelerated Healing (increase speed in healing of all wounds) -Phase Dodge (phase shift through an enemy attack or incoming object) -G-Force Adaptation (able to withstand G-Forces that most living individuals can't) -Enhanced Endurance (ability to survive without energy for an extended amount of time) -Speed of Sound (maximum speed is sound) -Cyclone Spinning (racing in a circle or spinning arms to create tornadoes) -Enhanced Stamina (able to race at high speeds for long periods of time) -Infinite Mass Punch (building up of kinetic energy while racing over far distances for a single hit) -Accelerated Brain Activity (hyperactive brain functions allowing for quicker planing/deduction)
Jack Vespucci(Powers listed in order of chronological development) Clairvoyance: During combat or in times of stress, Jack’s metagene works like a six sense and gives him premonitions of combat situations and incoming attacks that give him foresight. It is not perfect and success relies on Jack’s reflexes. Illusions: The ability to make Jack’s imagination seem real and often used for trickery or covert operations with high stakes or for an upperhand in battle, however for Jack this and “Telepathic Torture” have ramifications on Jack’s mental well being. Telepathic Torture: An extension of “Illusions”, Jack using enough of his power can trap subjects into a feeling of absolute despair or horror by increasing the brutality of the illusions, making them less trickery and more torment even as going as far making victims feel like they could be trapped for years in their own nightmares. Elaborating on the ramifications: Jack has to actively invest himself into this ability and enable himself to think horrible, inhumane thoughts and “believe” them for the horror to have an effect, this wears him down and could even set the victim and him into a state of long term depression, suicidal thoughts, PTSD or schizophrenia if not carefully handled. Mind Reading: Although not used very much, it partners with his clairvoyance, Jack can tap into weaker, susceptible or tired minds to see what a subject is thinking or intending. Memory Reading: A more thorough version of Mind Reading, Jack can reconstruct the thoughts of a subject to dig into their memory whether it be photographic or auditory. Telepathic Speech: The ability to communicate with others, be it enemies or allies, mentally. This is also a form of deception as Jack can alter the voice of his head to whoever hears him. Emotion Manipulation: Like an illusion Jack can give subjects a new emotion by tampering with their thoughts and while this ability is not always immediate or the strongest, it is effective when given enough time. Telepathic Translation: The ability to translate most if not all languages mentally, also called Omnilingualism, although Jack can translate it in his head, he can not vocalize it easily unless using Telepathic Speech Mental Projection: Like a hallucination, Mental Projection from Jack serves as a way for him to share his clairvoyance and findings with his teammates that otherwise can not be tangibly described without another telepath as testimony to Jack’s reconstructions or clues. Battle Meditation: Can shift the tides of battle using thought alone to deter the power of incoming enemies or encourage the powers and morale of allies Essokinesis: The final stage of Jack’s ability where his thoughts are no longer illusions but can now manifest into reality. At the age of 22, Jack develops this in his last major fight before finally retiring Hero work and refusing to ever use a power like this for any means except take care of his future family and rewrite the world around him very minimally. Jack believes a power like this should never be in the hands of anyone mortal except for God himself. This ability allows him to reshape the world, rewrite fate and thoughts, and manipulate almost any force, but can not manipulate life or death itself.
John WyattPeak Human Accuracy (to have accuracy at the highest limits of human efficiency) -Gunmanship (proficiency in firearms)
Justine TimeChronokinesis (Time Manipulation) -Temporal Forward (moves forward in time) -Temporal Reverse (moves back in time) -Temporal Lock (to exist outside of time) -Temporal Protection (to be immune to changes in the timestream) -Time Acceleration (speeds up time to make self appear faster) -Timestream Shift (access a faster plane of existence where time moves slower or faster) -Time Displacement (to be removed from current time) -Time Deceleration (slows down time to make others nearby slower) -Time Heal (to reverse damage inflicted to the point where it never happened) -Second Chance (can rewind time far enough to save someone from death)
KellyKaCryokinesis (Ice Manipulation) -Ice Sword -Ice Shurikens -Ice Remnant (if downed, body releases a sub arctic blast which covers two miles, making the area unlivable, and forces their body into a comatose state)
Kid BlurrAbsolute Speed (Possesses a limitless level of speed and velocity-based power) -Speed Force (an energy source discovered by Barry Allen that fuels many Speedsters) -Speed Force Sense (senses whenever the Speed Force is tapped) -Speed Detection (senses whenever a specific speed limit is passed) -Speed Demon (transforms into a dangerous living embodiment of Speed Force energy) -Enhanced Stamina (body is highly resistant to the build-up of fatigue toxins) -Enhanced Endurance (able to sustain energy and life through the Speed Force itself) -Enhanced Reflexes (heighten reaction speed to maneuver out of attack paths faster than normal) -Enhanced Agility (uses gained speed to do flips and quick vaults over and around obstacles) -Enhanced Memory (can remember a number of things with detail, even after years later) -Accelerated Healing (increase speed in healing of all wounds) -Accelerated Perception (increased notice while speeding) -Accelerated Brain Activity (hyperactive brain functions allowing for quicker planing/deduction) -Dimensional Awareness (to sense breaches through the dimensional barriers) -Temporal Protection (granted protection to changes in a timeline due to the Speed Force) -Magic (basic level understanding and practice with magic) -Decelerated Aging (slowed down aging by the Speed Force) -Age Manipulation (changes the age of target and self) -Speed Mirage (able to create look illusion look alike while speeding) -Fate Immunity (immune to the hand of fate) -Hyperactive Metabolism (lessens chance of illness, poisoning, and other internal threats) -Molecular Vibration (to move through solid objects) -G-Force Adaptation (able to withstand G-Forces that most living individuals can't) -Leadership (leading teams and groups with high moral and strong determination) -Time Travel (able to move forward/backwards in time at will) -Checkpoint (to be able to return to a specific point in time) -Time Loop (to trap an item or object in a never rewind of time) -Time Trapping (sends and traps others within a different time) -Time Stealing (to steal time and essentially life from people and objects) -Warping (creates a wormhole that allows for instance transportation) -Advanced Homeostasis (body has evolved to handle the stresses that come with G-Forces) -Light Speed (able to reach light speed within 29.89 seconds) -Sound Snap (snapping fingers at a speed and strength to burst the sound barrier) -Sonic Blows (each hit delivered breaks the sound barrier and creates a sonic shock) -Speed Steal (removing speed from living organisms) -Cyclone Spinning (racing in a circle or spinning arms to create tornadoes) -Deoxygenation (removal of air during cyclone spinning) -Speed Force Clones (create solid construct clones using the Speed Force) -Infinite Mass Punch (building up of kinetic energy while racing over far distances for a single hit) -Phase Dodge (phase shift through an enemy attack or incoming object) -Contingency Plans (has memorized each non-lethal version of the J.T contingency plans) -Dimensional Travel (vibrating molecule to reach another frequency to enter a new dimension) -Parkour
Kid FantasmMagic (Power to influence the course of events by using supernatural forces) -Magical Energy Manipulation -Magic Bolt (basic magic blast) -Magic Detection (sensing the presence of magical energy) -Magic Sense (to feel all changes magic throughout the Multiverse) -Hand Seals (performs magic through hand gestures) -Inscription Magic (performs magic through written words or symbols) -Linguistic Magic (performs magic through spoken word) -Flight (levitates self with use of magic) -Teleportation (to transports onesself) -Partner Teleportation (to transport others over a vast distance within seconds) -Astral Projection (separates spirit from body of self and others) -Spell Casting (series of words or thoughts used to manipulate magic forces) -Force Field (cast a magical barrier that protects self and allies) -Magic Sense (to feel all changes magic throughout the Multiverse) -Illusion Awareness (to be able to sense if the viewed reality is false) -Beast Summoning (pulls magical creatures to their aide) -Fantasm Mode (turns into an advanced version which grants a wider variety of magic)
Kid RagerAdrenal Activation (Sends adrenal glands into overdrive) -Peak Human Agility (to possess agility greater than that of normal humans their age) -Peak Human Reflexes (to have advanced reactions better than normal humans their age) -Peak Human Stamina (to generate less fatigue toxins than most other humans their age) -Pain Suppression (ceases the brain's ability to receive pain from nerves) -Dual Wield -Explosive Marbles -Electro Magnetic Pulse Marbles
Kid ShazamDivine Empowerment (Gains power from the wizard Shazam) -Wisdom of Solomon -Strength of Hercules -Power of Zeus -Stamina of Atlas -Courage of Achilles -Speed of Mercury -Supernatural Endurance (to endure physical stress better than what is naturally possible) -Supernatural Durability (to have body-tissue denser than what is naturally possible) -Supernatural Combat (to have better fighting skills than what is naturally possible) -Supernatural Agility (be more agile than what is naturally possible) -Healing (uses the lightning of Shazam to heal self or others) -Semi-Immortality (is unable to age to the point of death but can be killed) -Call of Lightning (using the word "Shazam" they are able to transform) -Magic (power to influence the course of events by using supernatural forces) -Magic Resistance (to be highly immune to magic attacks) -Magic Sense (to feel all changes magic throughout the Multiverse) -Flight (uses sheer will to fly) -Invulnerability (immune to all physical damage lesser than their own) -Power Bestowal (can share abilities with others) -Thunder Storm (forces a barrage of lightning bolts down within a single area) -Pilot -Tactician -Shazam! (calls down a single and powerful bolt of lighting which can incinerate people)
Kid ShiftAnimal Morphing (Turn into almost any animal) -Gunmanship (proficient use in firearms) -Archery (proficient use in bows and arrows) -Heightened Senses (use of animalistic skills) -Peak Human Stamina (to generate less fatigue toxins than most other humans their age) -Peak Human Endurance (to endure more physical discomfort than average humans their age) -Peak Human Accuracy (to have accuracy at the highest limits of human efficiency) -Dermakinesis (changes the color of skin) -Fera Empowerment (uses the power of an ancient power that) -Stalking (predatory stalking skills used by animals) -Throwing Weapons
Kid WickedTBA
Kinetic TeenAtomkinesis (Atom Manipulation) -Impact Absorption (to absorb physical and mechanical damage and turn into energy) -Flight (multiple means of flight) -Teleportation (to transports oneself over a vast distance within seconds) -Self Density Shifting (lowers density to become intangible and invisible) -Dimensional Travel (to move between dimensions at will) -Portal Creation (able to open a physical doorway which links to another location) -Supernatural Strength (be stronger than what is naturally possible) -Enhanced Intelligence (intelligence that passes the normal genius I.Q) -Supernatural Endurance (to endure physical stress better than what is naturally possible) -Supernatural Durability (made of a strong metal alowe and strengthen by own powers) -Supernatural Speed (be faster than what is naturally possible) -Supernatural Stamina (to have a better stamina than what is naturally possible) -Universal Senses (to sense any disturbance in whatever universe present in) -Aura Vision (to see the aura of others) -Astral Vision (to see other overlapping dimensions beyond the physical plane of existance) -Power Detection (sensing supernatural abilities within others) -Illusion Awareness (to be able to sense if the viewed reality is false) -Invisibility Awareness (to be able to see those who are cloaked) -Dimensional Awareness (to sense breaches through the dimensional barriers) -Electromagnetic Spectrum Vision (the ability to see multiple types of E.M lights) -Energy Detection (sensing the presence of other's energy) -Absolute Stamina (limitless physical energy) -invulnerability (immune to all physical damage lesser than their own) -Leadership (leading teams and groups with high moral and strong determination) -Creation (can create anything from nothing) -Destruction (can unmake and destroy anything and anyone into pure nothing) -Kinetikinesis (Kinetic Energy Manipulation) -Kinetic Activation (the ability to make objects move and people move against their will) -Kinetic Energy Steal (removes the kinetic energy out of an object or person) -Kinetic Force Field (uses kinetic energy to create force fields) -Kinetic Charging (turns potential energy into kinetic which causes the object to explode) -Kinetic Conversion (converts kinetic energy into any other type of energy) -Melting (can cause objects to reach their melting point) -Solidification (freezes liquids to a solid) -Molecular Speed Control (controls the speed at which molecules move) -Chronokinesis (Time Manipulation) -Scientikinesis (Science Manipulation) -Autokinesis (Energy Manipulation) -Energy Blast (basic violent/concussive blast of energy) -Energy Absorption (absorbs energy to reuse) -Energy Empowerment (uses the energy absorbed to power self) -Energy Conversion (converts the energy absorbed into any other type of energy) -Energy Generation (releases own unabsorbable energy) -Energy Sense (to be able to sense the presence of any type of energy released) -Energy Negation (causes most energy attacks to be weak enough to plainly ignore) -Atomic Vision (capable to see atoms and molecules) -Atomic Blast (releases pure atomic energy from hands and mouth) -Atomic Cancellation (cancels electric field that keeps atoms together) -Fundamental Forces Manipulation (controls the four fundamental forces of the universe) -Elemental Manipulation (controls the four basic elements; Solid, Liquid, Gas, and Plasma) -Matter Transmutation (to turn matter and energy into anything wanted) -Transmutation (able to alter the physical form of other beings) -Self Explosion (causes self to release either a small portion or entire amount of stored energy) -Time Travel (able to move forward/backwards in time at will) -Time Destruction (able to erase certain points in time) -Time Loop (to trap an item or object in a never rewind of time) -Temporal Reversing (to cause time to go backwards) -Time Travel (able to move forward/backwards in time at will) -Time Trapping (sends and traps others within a different time) -Checkpoint (to be able to return to a specific point in time) -Temporal Protection (to be immune to changes in the timestream) -Wormhole Creation (to create wormholes to move between points) -Nuclear Detonation (explodes at varying levels to the point of becoming a living nuclear warhead) -Fallout (releases fallout from body which can cause damage over a short period of time) -Biokinesis (Manipulates all biological aspects of living things) -Age Manipulation (changes the age of target) -Bio-Energy Absorption (to take and be empowered by the energy of biological life) -Body Modification (to advance the physical form of a target) -Healing (capable of healing most if not all non-mortal wounds) -Resurrection (to bring back someone from the dead) -Telekinesis (Manipulates physical objects with the mind) -Telekinetic Shielding (creates a telekinetic barrier around self to reflect incoming attacks) -Telepathy (Mentally receive information) -Shape Shift (to change into any physical form) -Vitakinesis (Health Manipulation) -Atmokinesis (Atmosphere Manipulation) -Essokinesis (Reality Manipulation) -Mensiokinesis (Quantum Manipulation) -Acoustikinesis (Sound Manipulation) -Iokinesis (Ion Manipulation) -Heliokinesis (Solar Radiation Manipulation) -Leptokinesis (Matter Manipulation at a molecular level) -Thermokinesis (Temperature Manipulation) -Size Alteration (to change the size of oneself) -Disintegration (instantly destroys and turns an object into dust) -Self Replication (ability to clone self) -Partner Replication (ability to clone others) -Plasma Slash (swings hand to release a wave of plasma which will cut through mostly anything) -Ice Age (lowers the temperature of large objects, even planets, to the point of total solidification) -Adjustment (changes a physical characteristic of an individual in order to hide or be better) -Buffer (strengthen allies' will and body for combat) -Deage (reverses age of target to a point where they are no longer a threat) -Silence (removes the sound in a five mile radius) -Remove Gravity (cancels out gravity in an area) -Increase Gravity (raises the pressure of an area, making it near impossible to speed or fly) -Push (to send a telekinetic wave of energy to knock back opponents or topple objects) -Crush (raises pressure to the point of crushing a target) -Levitate (removes gravity to lift ally or items) -Resurrection (able of bringing back only people who were killed, not destroyed, by their energy) -Reform (if the suit is compromised and energy is released, it will take close to a week to reform)
KordiacBitukinesis (Asphalt Manipulation) -Liquefy (capable of heating asphalt back to its sticky and smooth form) -Stone Disc (forms asphalt into a disc for self and others to use as transportation) -Asphalt Wall (pulls asphalt upwards to make into a barrier which bullets bounce or get stuck) -Asphalt Spear (forms asphalt into a thin line weapon) -Sticky Step (heats spots of asphalt for people to step in and trap themselves)
KrusherSize Enhancement (To grow in up to fifteen feet tall and several feet wide) -Self-Mass Manipulation (makes it easier to traverse while larger) -Enhanced Speed (move at extraordinary speeds) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Enhanced Stamina (body is highly resistant to the build-up of fatigue toxins) -Enhanced Durability (able to take a great deal of external damage) -Battering Ram (bum rushes and knocks away multiple targets and go through walls) -Shockwave (able to slam palms together to sound out a glass shattering shockwave)
Ky SantannaGreen Lantern -Flight (manipulation of anti-gravitons and directed molecular movement to reach the speed of light) -Phasing (the power ring allows the wearer to pass through certain solid objects) -Environmental Play (the power ring can recreate a holographic environment based on data in its memory banks) -Invisibility (can render themself invisible by willing the ring to bend light waves around form) -Energy Twin (allows the wearer to create an "energy twin" of themself) -Energy Absorption (the ring can absorb and store other energies without charging itself) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Wormhole (creates wormholes to provide quick travel or remove a target from the area) -Cellular Regeneration (the ring has an ability to heal physical injuries) -Scanning (the ring has a wide range of detection abilities based on the imagination of the user) -Galactic Encyclopedia (each ring functioned as a ready reference on most people's, stellar events and conditions that may have been seen by other rings or other Green Lanterns) -Ring Duplication (most power rings are capable of automatically duplicating themselves) -Homing Beacon (a homing beacon in the power ring can lead one Green Lantern to another) -Pocket Dimension (able to access an entire world within the ring) -Preset Conditions (commands can be stored in the ring to be executed at a later date) -Will Blast (fires an either harmful or concussive blast made of Will energy) -Will Beam (fires an either harmful or concussive beam made of Will energy) -Hardlight Construct (creates solid green objects made of will power using the user's imagination) -Universal Translator -Force Field Generation (to form barriers made of Will energy to withstand attacks)
KyrikComplete Regeneration (Heals from any wound and can come back with a single cell) -Contaminant Immunity (immune to all harmful contaminants) -Disease Immunity (immune to all diseases) -Self-Sustenance (the ability to keep self alive without use of any outside needs) -Toxin Absorption (to turn harmful toxins and poisons into useful protein) -Decelerated Aging (slowed down aging) -Reform (to come back after body's been destroyed) -Regenerative Durability (increased amount of durability due to extreme healing) -Regenerative Stamina (increased amount of energy due to lack of lactic acid)
Lady SpectreIntangibility (Become untouchable) -Flight (lightens weight which allows to glides on atoms) -Invisibility (becomes invisible to normal humans when chooses to be to)
Light TorrentGreen Lantern -Flight (manipulation of anti-gravitons and directed molecular movement to reach the speed of light) -Phasing (the power ring allows the wearer to pass through certain solid objects) -Environmental Play (the power ring can recreate a holographic environment based on data in its memory banks) -Invisibility (can render themself invisible by willing the ring to bend light waves around form) -Energy Twin (allows the wearer to create an "energy twin" of themself) -Energy Absorption (the ring can absorb and store other energies without charging itself) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Cellular Regeneration (the ring has an ability to heal physical injuries) -Scanning (the ring has a wide range of detection abilities based on the imagination of the user) -Galactic Encyclopedia (each ring functioned as a ready reference on most people's, stellar events and conditions that may have been seen by other rings or other Green Lanterns) -Homing Beacon (a homing beacon in the power ring can lead one Green Lantern to another) -Will Blast (fires an either harmful or concussive blast made of Will energy) -Will Beam (fires an either harmful or concussive beam made of Will energy) -Hardlight Construct (creates solid green objects made of will power using the user's imagination) -Universal Translator -Force Field Generation (to form barriers made of Will energy to withstand attacks) -Rifle Construct -M4 Construct -9mm Construct -Artillery Constructs -Tank Construct -Space Mines (creates a number of mines in space to damage starships)
Luna EmberPyrokinesis (Fire Manipulation) -Thermal Immunity (unaffected by high temperatures reaching 3,450 kelvin) -Fire Immunity (unaffected by fires) -Heat Absorption (absorbs heat from anyone or anything around to create fire) -Flight (expel excess solar energy from body which allows for propulsion) -Enhanced Durability (able to take a great deal of external damage) -Gunmanship (proficiency in firearms) -Martial Arts -Firearms -Bow Staff -Fireball (shoots a ball of fire) -Flame Burst (shoots out fire with force at opponents) -Flame Punch (engulfs fist in flame) -Flamethrower (shoots a cone of fire out of hands) -Incinerate (surrounds targets in flames) -Inferno (surrounds self in flames)
Maria RedWhite Magic -Magical Energy Manipulation -Magic Sense (to feel all changes magic throughout the Multiverse) -Magic Resistance (to be highly immune to magic attacks) -Energy Detection (sensing the presence of other's energy) -Magic Detection (sensing the presence of magical energy) -Magic Bolt (basic magic blast) -Hand Seals (performs magic through hand gestures) -Abjuration (can cast a large variety of spells made to protect and heal others) -Flight (levitates self with use of magic) -Aura Reading (to see the auras of others) -Magic Sense (to feel all changes magic throughout the Multiverse) -Summoning (call upon a mystical ally) -White Necromancy (uses magic involved with the life force energy of souls) -Spell Casting (series of words or thoughts used to manipulate magic forces) -Sanctification (blesses individuals and items with holy properties) -Flawless Healing (capable of healing physical, mental, emotional, mystical, and spiritual wounds) -Purification (to completely remove all evil from an object or person) -Teleportation (slowly dissipates into white lights before moving to another location of the Multiverse) -Partner Teleportation (to transport others over a vast distance within seconds) -Divine Grounds (creates a protective aura around a location to ward off any evil entities) -Safe Space (creates a barrier that blocks off all forces that intend to harm them) -Astral Trap (captures the astral form of another while out of its body) -Dimensional Travel (to move between dimensions at will) -Self Replication (ability to clone self) -Dark Magic -Soul Stealing (removes an individual's soul for either) -Demonic Power Immunity (immune to all demonic powers) -Pain Inducement (controls people’s ability to feel pain at will) -Possession (take over a person's body) -Mind Control (capable of controlling the minds of weaker subjects) -Corruption (erodes a person's morality to turn them evil) -Cursing (cast malicious energy to affect a person's karma/luck) -Necromancy (uses magic involved with the dead life force energy of souls) -Magic Absorption (takes the magical energy from a living target to fuel self) -Physical Illusions (powerful illusions that can be felt and cause real pain)
Martian NiroGreen Martian Physiology -Self Density Shifting (lowers density to become intangible and invisible) -Shape Shift (to change into any physical form) -Enhanced Durability (able to take a great deal of external damage) -Enhanced Speed (can move much faster than the average member of their species) -Enhanced Reflexes (heighten reaction speed to maneuver out of attack paths faster than normal) -Enhanced Regenerative Healing (to repair any damage inflicted upon and regrow removed limbs) -Enhanced Flexibility (bends and twist body past average limits) -Invulnerability (immune to all physical damage lesser than their own) -Heat Vision (enhanced thermal vision which builds up heat to a point of expulsion) -Flight (telekinetically lifts self and propels) -Super Strength (strength greatly intensified) -Super Breath (release of air from lungs to create a strong gust of wind) -Super Hearing (perceive sound over a vast distance) -Telekinesis (Manipulates physical objects with the mind) -Telepathy (Mentally receive information) -Invulnerability (immune to all forms of physical damage) -Illusions (manipulate what others perceive) -Illusion Awareness (to be able to sense if the viewed reality is false) -Invisibility Awareness (to be able to see those who are cloaked) -Levitation (lifts objects and people with telekinesis) -Auto-Leptokinesis (Manipulates molecules within own body) -Mind Control (to take over victim's mind and puppeteer) -Mind Prison (places target in a mental prison of the user's own design) -Mind Erase (completely wipes the victim's mind clear to the point of infancy) -Mind Walking (enter and explore another's mind) -Mind Link (connects targets mentally) -Mind Reading (reads intended target's mind for information) -Mind Shift (change how a person's mind thinks) -Memory Erase (remove a target's memory) -Thought Manipulation (the ability to control another's thoughts) -Subconscious Suggestion (plants hypnotic suggestions in the back of one's mind to use for later) -Telepathic Speaking (speaking openly via the mind) -Mental Improvement (enhance the brain in certain ways to better the person) -Consciousness Transfer (moving one's mind into another body) -Thought Manipulation (the ability to control another's thoughts) -Telepathic Speaking (speaking openly via the mind) -Psychic Shield (places a mental shield upon self or others to block out outside telepathic attacks) -Psychic Inhibitor (places mental blocks to limit the target's potential) -Psychic Falsification (altering information perceived by other psychics) -Psychic Shadow (to mask psychic presence from other psychics) -Arm Swipe (elongates arm and swings in a 180 angle) -Phase Dodge (phase shift through an enemy attack or incoming object) -Telekinetic Throw (to pick up and toss an object or person) -Telekinetic Blast (releases a wave of telekinetic energy which can incinerate the enemy) -Mental Shriek (sends a mental shockwave which sends unbearable pain through hostile minds) -Mental Shred (rips apart target's mind essentially making them a vegetable) -Emotion Control (control self and others emotions to keep calm, excite, angry, or scared) -Mental K.O Shockwave (sends a wave of telepathic energy which knocks out multiple targets) -Darkside View (the ability to communicate and force out the darkside of an individual) -Lightside View (the ability to communicate and force out the lightside of an individual)
Mary ClideTemporal Rewind (Goes back in time by two minutes)
Maxima ZeroEnhanced Superpack (Stronger than the usual superpack) -Flight (glides on Earth's protons) -Invulnerability (immune to all physical damage lesser than their own) -Heat Vision (enhanced thermal vision which builds up heat to a point of expulsion) -Freeze Breath (freezes enemies and targets rather than create cold winds) -Super Strength (strength greatly intensified) -Enhanced Super Breath (release of oxygen from lungs to create a powerful gust of wind) -Enhanced Super Hearing (perceive sound over a greater distance) -Enhanced Speed (can move much faster than the average member of their species) -Enhanced Reflexes (heighten reaction speed to maneuver out of attack paths faster than normal) -Enhanced Flexibility (bends and twist body past average limits) -Enhanced X-Ray Vision -Enhanced Stamina (body is highly resistant to the build-up of fatigue toxins) -Enhanced Supervision -Enhanced Healing (increase speed in healing of all wounds) -Enhanced Intelligence (intelligence that passes the normal genius I.Q) -Enhanced Endurance (able to sustain energy and life for a greater period of time)
Maximus ZeroEnhanced Superpack (Stronger than the usual superpack) -Flight (glides on Earth's protons) -Invulnerability (immune to all physical damage lesser than their own) -Heat Vision (enhanced thermal vision which builds up heat to a point of expulsion) -Freeze Breath (freezes enemies and targets rather than create cold winds) -Super Strength (strength greatly intensified) -Enhanced Super Breath (release of oxygen from lungs to create a powerful gust of wind) -Enhanced Super Hearing (perceive sound over a greater distance) -Enhanced Speed (can move much faster than the average member of their species) -Enhanced X-Ray Vision -Enhanced Reflexes (heighten reaction speed to maneuver out of attack paths faster than normal) -Enhanced Stamina (body is highly resistant to the build-up of fatigue toxins) -Enhanced Supervision -Enhanced Healing (increase speed and strength in healing of all wounds) -Enhanced Intelligence (intelligence that passes the normal genius I.Q) -Enhanced Endurance (able to sustain energy and life for a greater period of time)
Metal LadMagnekinesis/Ferrokinesis (Manipulate Magnetic Fields and bits of Electromagnetism) -Self Levitation (controls metal in suit to raise self in the air) -Partner Levitation (controls metal in suit to raise others in the air) -All Metals (able to manipulate all types metals) -Metal Spike (creates metal spikes out of metal) -Electronic Disruption (sends a harmless pulse to disrupt electronics) -Metal Repair (repair all physically damaged metals) -Metal Disc (creates sharp metal disc to either ride on or use as throwing weapons) -Metal Detection (sensing all metal within a seventy mile radius) -Metal Weapon Construct (creates metal weapons) -Magnetic Force Field (creates a force field to reflect only ranged attacks) -Magnetic Field Sensitivity (can feel changes within a magnetic field) -Attract (pulls metals towards) -Repel (tosses all metals away) -Entrapment (trap a target within metal) -Metal Shield (uses nearby metal to protect self and others) -Liquefy Metal (able to make each metal hit a liquid point)
MiasamaSmoke Combat -Smoke Empowerment (absorbs smoke to power devices) -Smoke Screen (uses smoke to shroud a large area and block the view of engulfed targets) -Deoxygenation (removal of air during smoke screen) -Smoke Bomb (throws/drops a concentrated cloud of smoke which then releases intense heat) -Smoke Stream (releases a constant stream of smoke at target to either burn or stun)
Mind WalkerMind Walking (Enters the mind of another person to see their thoughts and memories) -Telepathy (Mentally receive/transmit information) -Mind Reading (reads intended target's mind for information) -Dream Walking (enters the dreams of another person) -Subconscious Control (able to move within the subconscious of the brain and control it) -Talking Inducement (forces the target to say whatever they wanted)
MirrorSelf-Replication (Ability to clone self) -Clone Connection (connected emphatically with clones and able to hear what they say) -Teamwork (work with clones to overcome most if not all instances) -Enhanced Copying (capable of making clones of others with the same abilities) -Jump In (clones attack as one in a gang)
Mister MindtrickPerfect Illusion (Creates illusions so perfect that they're hard to tell) -Peak Human Intelligence (highest limits of the human genius-intellect level for humans their age) -Opinokinesis (Sense Manipulation) -Illusion Awareness (to be able to sense if the viewed reality is false) -Selective Illusions (creates specific illusions for only specific people to see) -Illusive Appearance (creates a constant illusion to hide true form) -Decoy (to create an illusion which is just a copy of self or others for distractions) -Area Illusion (creation of a false area to trick the enemy) -Physical Illusions (powerful illusions that can be felt and cause real pain) -Confusion (capable of confusing the enemy strongly enough to where time cannot be perceived) -Memory Corruption (creates illusionary bits within memories to corrupt and confuse target) -Mind Trick (makes the surrounding minds see a variety of things) -Invisibility (tricks the mind into not being able to hear, smell, feel, or sense them and others) -Death Illusion (can make the mind believe the body is dead and therefore shuts self down) -Fantasy Illusion (creates illusions of the target's deepest dreams and presents them as if were real) -Real Time Effect (illusions are capable of even being seen through live feeds however if replayed, no proof of the illusion happening can be seen) -Hell (removes all five senses from a target, sending them into a state of pure terror) -Red Room (sends individual into a location where they can be tortured or severely harmed without risk of death) -Ignorance is Bliss (to create an illusion powerful enough to affect themself)
MockingbirdxArcher (Proficient in bows and arrows) -Peak Human Agility (to possess agility greater than that of normal humans their age) -Peak Human Senses (to have their senses beyond most humans their age) -Peak Human Reflexes (to have advanced reactions better than normal humans their age) -Peak Human Balance (to have better balance than ordinary humans their age) -Peak Human Accuracy (to have accuracy at the highest limits of human efficiency) -Perception -Street Fighting -Jujitsu -Throwing Weapons -Lie Sense (able to detect when a person lies) -Perception -Stealth -Interrogation -Parkour -Ensnarement -Stalking -Gunmanship (proficiency in firearms) -Tactician -Trick Arrows -Rainbow Bridge (with the use of two arrows is able to create a multicolored hard light bridge)
Molly ThunderDivine Empowerment -Wisdom of Solomon -Strength of Hercules -Power of Zeus -Stamina of Atlas -Courage of Achilles -Speed of Mercury -Supernatural Endurance (to endure physical stress better than what is naturally possible) -Supernatural Durability (to have body-tissue denser than what is naturally possible) -Supernatural Combat (to have better fighting skills than what is naturally possible) -Supernatural Agility (be more agile than what is naturally possible) -Healing (uses the lightning of Shazam to heal self or others) -Semi-Immortality (is unable to age to the point of death but can be killed -Call of Lightning (using the word "Shazam" they are able to transform) -Magic (power to influence the course of events by using supernatural forces) -Magic Resistance (to be highly immune to magic attacks) -Magic Sense (to feel all changes magic throughout the Multiverse) -Flight (uses sheer will to fly) -Invulnerability (immune to all physical damage lesser than their own) -Power Bestowal (can share abilities with others) -Thunder Storm (forces a barrage of lightning bolts down within a single area) -Shazam! (calls down a single and powerful bolt of lighting which can incinerate people)
Morning SparrowSwordsmanship (Proficiency in sword combat) -Peak Human Agility (to possess agility greater than that of normal humans their age) -Peak Human Combat (to have better fighting skills than average human their age) -Peak Human Senses (to have their senses beyond most humans their age) -Peak Human Reflexes (to have advanced reactions better than normal humans their age) -Peak Human Balance (to have better balance than ordinary humans their age) -Bow Staff -Perception -Street Fighting -T'ai Chi -Wing Chun -Jujitsu -Side arm
MurryHacking (Able to break into and then bypass intensively difficult levels of online security) -Codification (creates complex and nearly unbreakable codes within systems) -Code Breaker (able to break through some of the most complicated codes to date) -System Hack (to shut down all electronic and technological powers and uses) -Data Control (manipulate the binary visible computer information) -Cyberliguaism (to intercept electronic, digital, and radio transmissions) -Peak Human Intelligence (highest limits of the human genius-intellect level for humans their age) -Total Control (places a virus/malware within a system which can lay in wait until activated and grants them untested control) -Tracking (uses hacked cameras to locate a target) -Viewing Haze (causes specific on a camera to come out as blurs)
Night SifHigh Tech Exoskeleton (Specialized suit of armor that grant a multitude of uses) -Flight (use of repulsors and jets to lift self off the ground and propel) -Enhanced Speed (move at extraordinary speeds) -Enhanced Stamina (body is highly resistant to the build-up of fatigue toxins) -Enhanced Durability (able to take a great deal of external damage) -Laser Blast -Super Strength (strength greatly intensified) -Rockets
Nova PulsarSuper Strength (Strength greatly intensified) -Flight (creates a personal field in which to fly) -Invulnerability (immune to all physical damage lesser than their own) -Enhanced Senses (posses extremely accurate senses) -Enhanced Super Breath (release of oxygen from lungs to create a powerful gust of wind) -Enhanced Super Hearing (perceive sound over a greater distance) -Enhanced Speed (can move much faster than the average member of their species) -Enhanced Reflexes (heighten reaction speed to maneuver out of attack paths faster than normal) -Enhanced Stamina (body is highly resistant to the build-up of fatigue toxins) -Enhanced Healing (increase speed in healing of all wounds) -Enhanced Endurance (able to sustain energy and life for a greater period of time)
O2Alternative Respiration (Respiratory adjustment to any given environment)
Orbital SpiritIntangibility (Become untouchable) -Flight (lightens weight which allows to glides on atoms)
OspreyPeak Human Combat (To have better fighting skills than average human their age) -Tactician -Escrima Sticks -Swordsmanship (proficiency in sword combat) -Bow Staff
OsseinOsteokinesis (Bone Manipulation) -Spike Toss (removes or ejects sharpened edge bones from almost any point of the body) -Bone Regeneration (grows new bones to be used as weapons or fix damaged ones) -Quill (protrudes bone from almost any point on the body) -Krack (can cause any bone to make the popping sound) -Skull Suit (forms plates of bone over parts of the body for extra protection)
PaPa The PandaFood Size Alteration (To change the size of one's self with the use of eating) -Eating Healing (eats to heal)
Parlor TrixShowmanship -Smoke Pellets -Flashbangs -Fire Crackers -K.O Gas -Throwing Cards
Party BoiParty Inducement (So cause others to party) -Exhaustion (causes the individual's body to overexert itself and reach fatigue quicker) -Dance of Death (able to send the body into overdrive, ending with it burning out and dying)
Patric HolmesMagic (Power to influence the course of events by using supernatural forces) -Magical Energy Manipulation -Magic Sense (to feel all changes magic throughout the Multiverse) -Magic Resistance (to be highly immune to magic attacks) -Energy Detection (sensing the presence of other's energy) -Magic Detection (sensing the presence of magical energy) -Spell Casting (series of words or thoughts used to manipulate magic forces) -Sanctification (blesses individuals and items with holy properties) -Hand Seals (performs magic through hand gestures) -Inscription Magic (performs magic through words and symbols tattooed through their body) -Linguistic Magic (performs magic through spoken word) -Hell-Fire Control (control of the fires from Hell) -Astral Trapping (restrains Astral beings to a specific item) -Exorcism (removes dangerous spirits from people) -Sacrificial Rituals (to gain permanent power they must give the life of another) -Summoning (call upon a mystical ally) -Illusions (manipulate what others perceive) -Mind Control (capable of controlling the minds of weaker subjects) -Corruption (erodes a person's morality to turn them evil) -Cursing (cast malicious energy to affect a person's karma/luck) -Necromancy (uses magic involved with the dead life force energy of souls) -Send Me to Hell (opens a black hole which pulls in whatever's near and drags to Hell) -Force Field (cast a magical barrier that protects self and allies) -Chrysopoeia (to turn matter into gold) -Alchemic Magic (uses scientific magic to create potions and items of magical use) -Emblem Magic (uses a emblems tattooed on their body to manipulate elemental forces) -Blood Magic (performs certain magic feats with the use of blood) -Dimension Loss (bends the current dimension around a target which throws them into another plane of existence) -Telekinesis (divine powers where they can move items without coming into contact) -Vanishing (body turns into purple smoke which signifies they've left the area) -Exile (to banish an individual from a specific place) -Corruption/Evil Immunity (immune to becoming corrupted by evil forces) -Purification (to completely remove all evil from an object or person) -Divine Grounds (creates a protective aura around a location to ward off any evil entities) -Healing Chant (utters a phrase which is used to heal self and others) -Steel Staff (transmute matter into a steel staff which releases a sharp soundwave when hits) -Enchanted Gun (wields a magic pistol which can harm the supernatural) -Lustful Eyes (places lust within others when gazing into his eyes) -Enchanted Strength (grants super strength to self for two minutes) -Reflective Vision (can see other people and locations through reflective surfaces)
Peyton CrossGreen Lantern -Peak Human Combat (to have better fighting skills than average human their age) -Boxing -Flight (manipulation of anti-gravitons and directed molecular movement to reach the speed of light) -Phasing (the power ring allows the wearer to pass through certain solid objects) -Environmental Play (the power ring can recreate a holographic environment based on data in its memory banks) -Invisibility (can render themself invisible by willing the ring to bend light waves around form) -Energy Twin (allows the wearer to create an "energy twin" of themself) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Wormhole (creates wormholes to provide quick travel or remove a target from the area) -Cellular Regeneration (the ring has an ability to heal physical injuries) -Scanning (the ring has a wide range of detection abilities based on the imagination of the user) -Galactic Encyclopedia (each ring functioned as a ready reference on most people's, stellar events and conditions that may have been seen by other rings or other Green Lanterns) -Ring Duplication (most power rings are capable of automatically duplicating themselves) -Homing Beacon (a homing beacon in the power ring can lead one Green Lantern to another) -Pocket Dimension (able to access an entire world within the ring) -Preset Conditions (commands can be stored in the ring to be executed at a later date) -Will Blast (fires an either harmful or concussive blast made of Will energy) -Will Beam (fires an either harmful or concussive beam made of Will energy) -Hardlight Construct (creates solid green objects made of will power using the user's imagination) -Universal Translator -Force Field Generation (to form barriers made of Will energy to withstand attacks) -Chainwhip (forms chains to wrap around a target and thrash around) -Boxing Glove Construct -Training Room Construct (forms an entire room in the shape of a boxing gym) -Chain Wraps (forms chains around forearms to help in combat) -Swinging Bag (constructs a punching bag to swing and knock opponents back)
PlasmicIonikinesis (Plasma Manipulation) -Plasma Katar (creates katars made of plasma) -Plasma Beam (fires a red stream of plasmic energy which can kill or incapacitate) -Pyrokinesis (Fire Manipulation) -Thermal Immunity (unaffected by high temperatures) -Fire Immunity (unaffected by fires) -Electrokinesis (Electricity Manipulation) -Electric Immunity (immune to electrical contact) -Heliokinesis (Solar Manipulation) -Photokinesis (Light Manipulation) -Electricity Generation (creates electricity) -Electric Shield (creates a shield made of electricity which assimilates anything that touches it) -Fire Generation (the ability to create fire from nothing) -Freeze! (creates plasma which absorbs nearby heat) -Solar Empowerment (gains energy from solar rays to increase other abilities) -Blind Shot (fires a flare which temporarily blinds targets) -Holograms (creates four illusions of self made of light) -Solar Radiation Immunity (immune to effects of solar radiation) -Disburse (can turn into the gaseous form of plasma energy then reappear solid)
ProdigyyGreek Olympian Physiology -Supernatural Condition (completely and utterly conditioned through and through) -Semi-Immortality (is unable to age to the point of death but can be killed) -Magic (power to influence the course of events by using supernatural forces) -Magic Resistance (to be highly immune to magic attacks) -Flight (uses sheer will to fly) -The Rift (summons a portal which can take user anywhere in the cosmos) -Invulnerability (immune to all physical damage lesser than their own) -Weather Manipulation -Sky Manipulation -Lightning Manipulation -Archery (proficiency in bows and arrows) -Guardianship (is granted/possess the ability to protect a certain item, place, or person) -Lightning Call (brings down lightning anywhere in the world) -Prayer Empowerment (can be granted extra power by calling upon another God) -Healing Prayer (can ask for healing from the Gods to help self or ally) -Affinity (gains strength when prayed and tributed towards) -Inscription Magic (performs magic through written words or symbols) -Linguistic Magic (performs magic through spoken word) -Spell Casting (series of words or thoughts used to manipulate magic forces) -Cursing (cast malicious energy to affect a person's karma/luck) -Damnation (sends a person straight to Hades) -Magic Sense (to feel all changes magic throughout the Multiverse) -Illusion Awareness (to be able to sense if the viewed reality is false) -Aura Vision (to see the aura of others) -Astral Vision (to see other overlapping dimensions beyond the physical plane of existence) -Energy Detection (sensing the presence of other's energy) -Magic Detection (sensing the presence of magical energy) -Lightning Bow (fires an arrow made of pure lightning which can gravely wound a target's body and hearing)
Psi LadPsionic Manipulation (Control of both Telepathy and Telekinesis) -Telepathy (mentally receive/transmit information) -Telekinesis (manipulates physical objects with the mind) -Flight (telekinetically lifts self and propels) -Mind Control (to take over victim's mind and puppeteer) -Mind Prison (places target in a mental prison of the user's own design) -Mind Erase (completely wipes the victim's mind clear to the point of infancy) -Mind Link (connects targets mentally) -Mind Reading (reads intended target's mind for information) -Mind Shift (change how a person's mind thinks) -Mind Walking (enter and explore another's mind) -Thought Manipulation (the ability to control another's thoughts) -Telepathic Speaking (speaking openly via the mind) -Psychic Inhibitor (places mental blocks to limit the target's potential) -Psychic Shadow (to mask psychic presence from other psychics) -Psychic Shield (places a mental shield upon self or others to block out outside telepathic attacks) -Psychic Falsification (altering information perceived by other psychics) -Illusions (manipulate what others perceive) -Illusion Awareness (to be able to sense if the viewed reality is false) -Memory Erase (remove a target's memory) -Memory Reading (the ability to see other's memories) -Memory Manipulation (to change and warp the memories of a target) -Subconscious Suggestion (plants hypnotic suggestions in the back of one's mind to use for later) -Mental Improvement (enhance the brain in certain ways to better the person) -Telekinetic Shielding (creates a telekinetic barrier around self to deflect incoming attacks) -Telekinetic Blast (releases a wave of telekinetic energy which can push back the enemy) -Telekinetic Cutting (capable of cutting through material) -Vertigo (creates an imbalance within the brain which causes the target to go through extreme nausea) -Stasis (places a telekinetic hold on a target to keep from moving) -Puppet Master (controls the impulses within the brain to control the actions of the target) -Levitation (lifts objects and people with telekinesis) -Consciousness Transfer (moving one's mind into another body) -Regokinesis (Manipulates the magnitude and direction of an object to maneuver it) -Empathy (replicate the mood, feelings, and emotions of another) -Hypnotize (confuse and stuns a target for a controlled period of time) -Bullet Catch (creates a barrier which catches bullets in midair) -Emotion Control (control self and others emotions to keep calm, excite, angry, or scared) -Fear Reduction (lowers the fear within an ally or target) -Retrocognition (can see into the past without mentally entering someone) -Telekinetic Throw (to pick up and toss an object or person) -Shutdown (shuts off a person's brain functions, rendering them unconscious) -Mental K.O Shockwave (sends a wave of telepathic energy which knocks out multiple targets)
Psychic LadTelekinesis (Manipulates physical objects with the mind) -Levitational Slam (to pick up people/objects to bring them down to cause major damage) -Telekinetic Shielding (creates a telekinetic barrier around self to deflect incoming attacks) -Telekinetic Push (propels an object with a simple push) -Flight (able to lift self up to far distances) -Telepathy (mentally receive/transmit information) -Mind Link (connects targets mentally) -Mind Reading (reads intended target's mind for information)
QuixoticAstral Projection (Separates spirit from body of self) -Astral Trapping (restrains Astral beings to a specific item) -Astral Precognition (to see future events while in astral form) -Magic Sense (to feel all changes magic throughout the Multiverse) -Domain Traveling (able to go into other's personal domains without permission) -Plane Traveling (able to go into other planes of existence) -Dimensional Traveling (able to go into other dimensions) -Time Traveling (able to send astral from back and forward in time for short spurts) -Soul Removal (able to remove the soul of a person from their body, killing them) -Soul Liberation (frees souls that are stuck within a location or object, allowing them to pass on) -Exorcism (removes dangerous spirits from people)
RenolHigh Tech Exoskeleton (Specialized suit(s) of armor that grant a multitude of uses) -Flight (use of repulsors and jets to lift self off the ground and propel) -Ingenuity -Engineering -Enhanced Durability (able to take a great deal of external damage) -Enhanced Intelligence (intelligence that passes the normal genius I.Q) -Scanner Vision (complex visual scans on their environment or creatures around them) -Mechanical Intuition -Genius -Technology Scrambler (lowers the working condition of most machines near by) -E.M.P (releases an electronic pulse that scrambles all electronics) -Optic Blast (releases strong energy beams from optical emitters within mask) -Thermal Vision (detects heat from all living life forms) -Aquatic Respirators -Multiple Suits -Armor -Virus Attack (releases a virus into the mainframe of any internet based machine) -Rocket Barrage (fires multiple rockets from shoulder cannon) -Wrist Repulsor Cannon (fires a concussive or lethal blast of repulsor energy) -Laser Blast -Super-Strength (strength greatly intensified) -Firewall
RecallPast Life Awareness -Multiple Lives (live more than one lifetime) -Retrospective Intelligence (randomly requires knowledge from past lives) -Retrocognition (to see into past events)
Ritz MarshallSuper Strength (Strength greatly intensified) -Invulnerability (immune to all physical damage lesser than their own)
Roh'a TalsuRitual Magic -Inscription Magic (performs magic through written words or symbols) -Power Augmentation (can perform a ritual spell which increases another's power) -Enhanced Conditioning (enhanced certain aspects of self or others) -Resurrects (sets a ritual which they bring back the dead) -Magic Sense (to feel all changes magic throughout the Multiverse) -Sacrificial Rituals (to gain permanent power they must give the life of another) -Summoning (call upon a mystical ally) -Fire Seal (allows for slight control of fire) -Water Seal (allows for slight control of water) -Earth Seal (allows for slight control of earth) -Lightning Seal (allows for slight control of lightning) -Teleportation Script (draws the symbol for teleportation which then allows them to travel to other places with the same symbol)
RubixTrap Manipulation (creates a rubix cube like box around a target and traps them)
ScarabHigh Tech Exoskeleton (Specialized suit of armor that grant a multitude of uses) -Flight (use of repulsors and jets to lift self off the ground and propel) -Self Repair -Scanner Vision (complex visual scans on their environment or creatures around them) -Technology Scrambler (lowers the working condition of most machines near by) -E.M.P (releases an electronic pulse that scrambles all electronics) -Aquatic Respiration -Armor -Anti-Lethal Rounds -Repulsor Cannon (either or both arms turn into cannons which let out a powerful repulsive blast) -Enhanced Speed (move at extraordinary speeds) -Enhanced Stamina (body is highly resistant to the build-up of fatigue toxins) -Enhanced Durability (able to take a great deal of external damage) -Enhanced Intelligence (intelligence that passes the normal genius I.Q) -Laser Blast -Super Strength (strength greatly intensified) -Rockets -Gatling Barrage (either arm turns into a gatling gun that quickly fires out beams of energy) -Vibration Cannon (cannon that emits either lethal or harmless amounts of vibration to subdue) -Energy Blast -Energy Conversion (absorbs energy from an attack and turns into the same energy the suit uses) -Force Field -Thermal Vision (detects heat from all living life forms)
ShirikenLethal Weaponry -Enhanced Combat (possesses near superhuman ability when in comes to hand-to hand fighting) -Peak Human Intelligence (highest limits of the human genius-intellect level for humans their age) -Peak Human Agility (to possess agility greater than that of normal humans their age) -Peak Human Strength (to be stronger than most humans their age) -Peak Human Speed (to be faster than the average human their age) -Peak Human Senses (to have their senses beyond most humans their age) -Peak Human Reflexes (to have advanced reactions better than normal humans their age) -Peak Human Stamina (to generate less fatigue toxins than most other humans their age) -Peak Human Balance (to have better balance than ordinary humans their age) -Peak Human Endurance (to endure more physical discomfort than average humans their age) -Peak Human Accuracy (to have accuracy at the highest limits of human efficiency) -Archery (proficient use in bows and arrows) -Lie Sense (able to detect when a person lies) -Truth Sense (able to tell when a person tells the truth) -Detail Intuition (to notice and analyze the smallest details of any situation or action) -Pattern Sense (to pick up and analyze patterns within a person's actions or environment) -Contingency Plans (has memorized both non-lethal version of the J.T contingency plans) -Bow Staff -Swordsmanship (proficiency in sword combat) -Street Fighting -T'ai Chi -Wing Chun -Jujitsu -Throwing Weapons -Stealth -Disguise -Interrogation -Explosive Shuriken Swarm -Trip Wire Trap -Ensnarement -Stalking -Gunmanship (proficiency in firearms) -Tactician
Slicin DiceBladed Weaponry -Throwing Weapons -Swordsmanship (proficiency in sword combat) -Discus Shot (fires sharpened disc from both arm gauntlets) -Plasma Sword (carries a sword made of plasma which can cut through almost any Earth metal)
SmashicaRed Lantern -Flight (manipulation of anti-gravitons and directed molecular movement to reach the speed of light) -Energy Absorption (the ring can absorb and store other energies without charging itself) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Will Blast (fires an harmful blast made of Rage energy) -Will Beam (fires a harmful beam made of Rage energy) -Hardlight Construct (creates solid green objects made of Rage using the user's will) -Universal Translator -Force Field Generation (to form barriers made of Rage energy to withstand attacks)
Solar CombustHeliokinesis (Solar Radiation Manipulation) -Solar Empowerment (gains strength from solar energy) -Solar Energy Absorption (takes in solar energy and uses it) -Nuclear Manipulation (manipulate nuclear radiation) -Focus Blast (to shoot solar radiation at target) -Bright Out (solar flare) -Combustion: (body is engulfed in nuclear energy before releasing into a devastating wave of 25 meters) -Solar Blast (shooting out a tiny solar radiated nuke)
SomasEcokinesis (Nature Manipulation) -Eco-Ergokinesis (manipulates the energy within Nature itself) -Earth Communication (can speak with and hear the forces of Earth) -Agrokinesis (Plant Manipulation) -Atmokinesis (Weather Manipulation) -Fungokinesis (Fungus Manipulation) -Toxikinesis (Poison Manipulation) -Virokinesis (Disease Manipulation) -Thiriokinesis (Animal Manipulation) -Volukinesis (Insect Manipulation) -Pherokinesis (Pheromone Manipulation) -Disaster Manipulation -Environment Manipulation -Environmental Adoption (to adapt and become well suited for any environment) -Environmental Awareness (to sense the condition of the current environment) -Disease Detection (sense and identify diseases within living and dead) -Self-Sustenance (the ability to keep self alive without use of any outside needs) -Nature Unity (to become one with nature) -Nature Invisibility (to become invisible within nature) -Faunal Communication (to be able to communicate with animals) -Regenerative Healing Factor (increased strength in closing of most fatal wounds) -Curing (removes illness, disease, and mutations) -Elemental Healing (capable of healing most wounds with the use of elemental forces) -World Healing (can heal and entire planet and all life on it at the expense of their own) -To Give (able to give and return life to a land long dead) -Super Strength (strength greatly intensified) -Invulnerability (immune to all physical damage lesser than their own) -Immortality
Sonic SirenSoundwave Generation -Karate -Siren Scream (releases a constant sonic scream which harms a group of targets in radius) -Siren Whistle (releases a quick burst of a sharp sonic attack which -Focus Boom (releases a powerful sonic blast which knocks back all in the way) -Vertigo (creates an imbalance within the brain which causes the target to go through extreme nausea) -Countra Vibra (releases a sonic wave that counteracts another's vibrational frequency and destroys them)
Sparky ArrowArchery (Proficient in bows and arrows) -Peak Human Intelligence (highest limits of the human genius-intellect level for humans their age) -Peak Human Accuracy (to have accuracy at the highest limits of human efficiency) -Trick Arrows (special arrows with other uses) -Speed Boots -Karate -Air Strike (fires multiple arrows up into the air at an angle that hits target) -Knee Shot (arrow in the knee) -Goo Arrow (arrow which explodes and covers target in a sticky substance) -Explosive Arrow (arrow which explodes) -N.I.M.R.O.D (an arrow that releases a homing beacon which calls down artillery support from Sky Front) -Taser Arrow (arrow which attaches and releases close to one million volts over five second) -C.H.A.D (personal assistant robot) -Multi Arrow Strike (fires multiple types of arrow in a single strum)
SpeculumVitrikinesis (Glass Manipulation) -Glass Shield (uses shards of glass to create thick surfaces for protection) -Glass Disc (creates sharp glass disc to either ride on or use as throwing weapons) -Glass Spike (creates a double edged rod made of glass) -Glass Repair (places and reforms glass back to the original shape before shattering) -Seidel (forming cylinder shape around target to trap them) -Shard Shower (raining multiple sharpened shards of glass down from above) -Symphony (releases painful sound waves using vibrations that hit glass)
Spirit WalkerSpirit Armor (Creates an armor around individual made of their spirit energy) -Selective Limb Armor (can choose which part of their body can be protected) -Invulnerability (immune to all physical damage lesser than their own) -Flight (capable of adding wings to armor) -Spikes (capable of adding spikes to armor) -Enhanced Speed (can move much faster than the average member of their species) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Enhanced Stamina (body is highly resistant to the build-up of fatigue toxins) -Spirit Drain (able to drain opponent's spirit to strengthen armor) -Spirit Interaction (able to make contact with other spirits)
Star LadSuperpack (Basic powers) -Super Breath (release of air from lungs to create a strong gust of wind) -Super Hearing (perceive sound over a vast distance) -Enhanced Reflexes (heighten reaction speed to maneuver out of attack paths faster than normal) -Enhanced Healing (increase speed in healing of all wounds) -Voluntary Invulnerability (immune to all physical damage lesser than own if the user is in danger) -Flight (glides on Earth's protons) -Heat Vision (enhanced thermal vision which builds up heat to a point of expulsion) -Thermal Vision (detects heat from all living life forms) -Super Strength (strength greatly intensified) -Enhanced Speed (can move much faster than the average member of their species)
Star TeenGravity Staff -Flight (weakens gravity around self which allows for simulated flight) -Remove Gravity (cancels out gravity in an area) -Increase Gravity (raises the pressure of an area, making it near impossible to speed or fly) -Crush (raises pressure to the point of crushing a target) -Levitate (removes gravity to lift ally or items) -Gravity Bolt (fires a controlled ball of gravitational energy) -Push (releases a strong gravitational wave that knocks back opponents and objects) -Pull (creates a strong gravitational force that pulls objects and people) -Singularity (creates a point of gravitational force that pulls in objects and people) -Grav Bomb (completely crushes anything within a fifty yard radius)
StatrixElectrokinesis (Electricity Manipulation) -Electricity Generation (creates electricity) -Electric Blast (fires a dangerous bolt of electricity which could kill or incapacitate) -Electric Beast (turns into electricity and is capable of growing in size due to amount absorbed) -Electricity Absorption (absorbs electricity for own use) -Electric Immunity (immune to electrical contact) -Electrical Enhanced Conditioning (uses electricity to enhance physical and mental abilities) -Electric Shield (creates a shield made of electricity which assimilates anything that touches it) -Electrical Cell Phone (taps into nearby cellphone towers and creates an electronic signal used to communicate via radio frequencies) -Charge (pours energy into an object/person who needs it) -Discharge (releases a powerful burst of electrical energy which assimilates or knocks away) -Shock (releases an electrical current to electrocute target) -Static Cling (can stick to walls using static electricity) -Conduction Travel (turns into electricity to travel along wires or through outlets) -Spark Flare (lets out small sparks to stun or distract) -Tase Skin (creates an electric field on skin which incapacitates whoever comes into contact) -Zzap! (fires a harmless burst of electricity) -Electric Storm (releases electricity to surround a group of enemies)
StereoAcoustikinesis (Sound Manipulation) -Sound Generation (create louder than average sounds) -Sound Amplify (strengthens noises past their usual range) -Sound Nullification (removes sound) -Sound Absorption (to absorb incoming sound waves) -Sound Immunity (immune to all sonic based attacks) -Sonic Whale (powerful sonic scream which renders targets deaf and knocks them back) -Sound Mimicry (mimics sounds of other creatures and people) -Sound Blast (releases a blast of sonic noise from hands) -Soundwave (releases an area affecting sound blast to stun and harm targets in the area) -Speed of Sound (capable of running at the speed of sound) -Banshee Roar (releases a sonic scream powerful enough to completely destroy a target) -Muting (silences movements and actions made by self and targets) -Sonic Pulse Wave (sonic wave that can tear off skin and metal) -Echo (sends sounds in multiple directions to confuse enemies) -Sound Barrier Punch (sends a sound barrier like shock after a single swing)
Steven MitchellsGreen Lantern -Flight (manipulation of anti-gravitons and directed molecular movement to reach the speed of light) -Leadership -Artist -Tactics -Phasing (the power ring allows the wearer to pass through certain solid objects) -Environmental Play (the power ring can recreate a holographic environment based on data in its memory banks) -Invisibility (can render themself invisible by willing the ring to bend light waves around form) -Energy Twin (allows the wearer to create an "energy twin" of themself) -Energy Absorption (the ring can absorb and store other energies without charging itself) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Wormhole (creates wormholes to provide quick travel or remove a target from the area) -Cellular Regeneration (the ring has an ability to heal physical injuries) -Scanning (the ring has a wide range of detection abilities based on the imagination of the user) -Galactic Encyclopedia (each ring functioned as a ready reference on most people's, stellar events and conditions that may have been seen by other rings or other Green Lanterns) -Ring Duplication (most power rings are capable of automatically duplicating themselves) -Homing Beacon (a homing beacon in the power ring can lead one Green Lantern to another) -Pocket Dimension (able to access an entire world within the ring) -Preset Conditions (commands can be stored in the ring to be executed at a later date) -Will Blast (fires an either harmful or concussive blast made of Will energy) -Will Beam (fires an either harmful or concussive beam made of Will energy) -Hardlight Construct (creates solid green objects made of will power using the user's imagination) -Universal Translator -Force Field Generation (to form barriers made of Will energy to withstand attacks) -Toy Army (creates an army of multiple sized toy soldiers to fight for them) -Time Travel (can use enough Will power to send self back or forward in time) -Stargate Construct (able to create a device which can send self and others into different dimensions) -Armour Construct -Caren (an A.I placed within the power ring which acts as a second pair of eyes and advisor) -The End (opens containment unit worn around their neck to hold a sun, which releases its power and destroys all nearby)
StratosFlight (Emits a field which repels gravity) -Sonic Boom (releases a powerful blast of energy and sound which knocks down opponents) -Peak Human Endurance (to endure more physical discomfort than average humans their age) -Peak Human Reflexes (to have advanced reactions better than normal humans their age) -Kinetic Invulnerability (withstands damage from crashing into objects) -Hover (can stay in place off the ground for long periods of time) -Air Dash (can dash without a force acting on them) -Stealth Mode (can fly through the skies at Mach 1 speed without disrupting anything) -Swoop (flies down at high speeds to hit a target and knocking them back for another) -Vacuum Leap (goes straight up at speeds that sucks away the surrounding air)
Tech BreakScanning (To see all information on a person or thing; living or dead) -Enhanced Intelligence (intelligence that passes the normal genius I.Q) -Dual Pistol -Internet Connection (used as point where all data can be traced) -Data Control (manipulate the binary visible computer information) -Computer Perception (process data at incredible speeds) -Hacking (able to break into and then bypass intensively difficult levels of online security) -Leadership (leading teams and groups with high moral and strong determination) -Lie Sense (able to detect when a person lies) -Truth Sense (able to tell when a person tells the truth) -Detail Intuition (to notice and analyze the smallest details of any situation or action) -Body Movement Analysis (read others body language, allowing them to anticipate their actions) -Flaw Detection (can analyze and spot a weakness within an individual's movements, body, or structure) -Contingency Plans (has memorized a number of lethal and non-lethal version of the J.T contingency plans) -Taction -Filipino Stick Fighting
Tech SparkPilot -Enhanced Intelligence (intelligence that passes the normal genius I.Q) -Electrical Engineer -Martial Arts -Spark Grenade (E.M.P) -X-Ray Vision -Tech Staff -Tech Gloves
Teddy HoldingsBlue Lantern -Flight (manipulation of anti-gravitons and directed molecular movement to reach the speed of light) -Phasing (the power ring allows the wearer to pass through certain solid objects) -Environmental Play (the power ring can recreate a holographic environment based on data in its memory banks) -Invisibility (can render themself invisible by willing the ring to bend light waves around form) -Energy Twin (allows the wearer to create an "energy twin" of themself) -Energy Absorption (the ring can absorb and store other energies without charging itself) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Wormhole (creates wormholes to provide quick travel or remove a target from the area) -Cellular Regeneration (the ring has an ability to heal serious physical injuries of self and others) -Rage Removal (if a subject has been infected with rage, they will be able to calm and heal them) -Scanning (the ring has a wide range of detection abilities based on the imagination of the user) -Galactic Encyclopedia (each ring functioned as a ready reference on most people's, stellar events and conditions that may have been seen by other rings or other Blue Lanterns) -Ring Duplication (most power rings are capable of automatically duplicating themselves) -Ring Enhancement (the capacity to re-energize and supercharge the powers of a Green Lantern ring) -Homing Beacon (a homing beacon in the power ring can lead one Blue Lantern to another) -Pocket Dimension (able to access an entire world within the ring) -Preset Conditions (commands can be stored in the ring to be executed at a later date) -Will Blast (fires an either harmful or concussive blast made of blue energy) -Will Beam (fires an either harmful or concussive beam made of blue energy) -Hardlight Construct (creates solid green objects made of blue energy) -Universal Translator -Force Field Generation (to form barriers made of Hope energy to withstand attacks)
Teen EagleDeity Lightning Manipulation -Flight -Archery (proficient in bows and arrows) -Lightning Strike (fires a singular blast of lightning) -Lightning Barrage (drops an group blast of lightning bolts down) -Thunderous Boom (releases a shockwave that can seriously harm a person) -Wolf Spirit (summons the power of the Blue Wolf, a Native-American spirit) -Nature Affinity (becomes one with nature) -Teleportation (turns into a burst of lightning) -Super Strength (strength greatly intensified)
Tesla EffectElectrokinesis (Electricity Manipulation) -Peak Human Intelligence (highest limits of the human genius-intellect level for humans their age) -Peak Human Balance (to have better balance than ordinary humans their age) -Peak Human Endurance (to endure more physical discomfort than average humans their age) -Electricity Generation (creates electricity) -Electricity Absorption (absorbs electricity for own use) -Electric Immunity (immune to electrical contact) -Shock (releases an electrical current to electrocute target) -Electrical Enhanced Conditioning (uses electricity to enhance physical and mental abilities) -Conduction Travel (turns into electricity to travel along wires or through outlets) -Spark Flare (lets out small sparks to stun or distract) -Tactician -Electric Storm (releases electricity to surround a group of enemies)
The ProfessorGenius-Level Intellect (Able to use their mind to its limit) -Advanced Inventing (creates complex machinery and devices) -Mechanical Engineer -Electrical Engineer -Grenades -Force Field Generator (sets up energy fields which can withstand an RPG) -Kinetic Field Generator (sets up a kinetic field which cans power from each attack) -Plasma Pistol (carries a pistol with an unknown munition which can harm Superman) -Telekinetic Implants (allows small burst of telekinetic lifts and throws) -Electro Magnetic Pulse (releases an E.M.P which fries all electronics nearby -Stealth Field (sets up a field which turns self and others invisible) -Poly-Language Translator (allows for communication with all recorded languages) -Electro Gloves (a pair of gauntlets that release enough energy to harm Superman) -Personal Interface (a 3D hologram computer system that can be seen by others) -Nanoshield (uses nanobots to link up and create barriers) -Hacking (able to break into and then bypass intensively difficult levels of online security) -Contingency Plans (has memorized each lethal version of the J.T contingency plans) -Magic Resistance (to be highly immune to magic attacks)
Theodor XaterHalf Human-Half Demon Hybrid -Swordsmanship (proficiency with swords) -Magic Sense (to feel all changes magic throughout the Multiverse) -Magic Resistance (to be highly immune to magic attacks) -Energy Detection (sensing the presence of other's energy) -Magic Detection (sensing the presence of magical energy) -Mediumship -Spell Casting (series of words or thoughts used to manipulate magic forces) -Soul Release (frees souls and spirits trapped in Hell or on Earth) -Pain Inducement (controls people’s ability to feel pain at will) -Demonic Strength (strength of a demon) -Enhanced Durability (able to take a great deal of external damage)
Time OutStasis Fields (creates a field which stops/slows down all things within 9 yards)
TobariousAerokinesis (Air Manipulation)-Flight (uses wind currents to glide)-Gust (a gust of wind that can provide an ice-storm when mixed with shard burst)-Outburst (Sudden burst of wind)-Air Enhancement (use of the wind to push the user around to strengthen blows and speed)-Cyclone (heavy wind used to knock down enemies)-Heavy blow (use of wind to strengthen the blow for a devastating kick)
Top GunArtillery Proficiency -Plasma Cannon -Engineer -Rocket Pistol (holds a handheld device which fires a small rocket) -Peak Human Intelligence (highest limits of the human genius-intellect level for humans their age) -Peak Human Accuracy (to have accuracy at the highest limits of human efficiency) -Cannon Mastery (proficient use in heavy weapons such as cannons) -Gunmanship (proficiency in firearms) -Shark Cannon (a cannon which fires sharks) -Rain the Thunder (fires a barrage strike using Sky Front's weapons)
Torch BearerFire Physiology (Causes both arms to catch on fire) -Heat Generation -Thermal Immunity (unaffected by high temperatures) -Fire Immunity (unaffected by fires) -Flame Manipulation (controls the flames that generates from their arms)
TracRacer (Uses a high tech racing car which can move up to 800 miles per hour) -Mechanical Engineer -Speed Engineer -Enhanced Intelligence (intelligence that passes the normal genius I.Q) -Speed Bomb (causes everything in a four yard radius to dash in whichever it was moving)
TransmutateAbility Transferal (Swaps powers and skills between individuals)
TrubieTeleportation (To transports one’s self over a vast distance within seconds) -Partner Teleportation (to transport others over a vast distance within seconds) -Drop Off (grabs enemy and teleports them high above ground and releases)
TriazPeak Human Accuracy (To have accuracy at the highest limits of human efficiency) -Bowing Knife -Advanced Hunting (extraordinary skill in tracking/hunting all things) -Peak Human Senses (to have their senses beyond most humans their age) -Throwing Weapons
UnityLife Connection (Has a strong bond with all living things) -Anipathy (connects with the emotions of animals) -Environmental Awareness (to sense the condition of the current environment) -Thiriokinesis (Animal Manipulation) -Omnilingualism (speaks and understands the language of any being encountered) -Peace Aura (is so in touch with all life, they create a bond so powerful it calms down all aggression) -Attack! (can cause plant and animal life to defend them)
Valkyrie GirlIce Magic (Cast magical spells feats through ice) -Melee Weaponry -Cold Immunity (unaffected by extreme colds) -Ice Weapon Construct (creates weapons made of ice) -Flight (uses the mystical power of the gem to fly and propel self) -Peak Human Strength (to be stronger than most humans their age)
WarningDanger Intuition (Capable to sense all incoming threats) -Enhanced Awareness (sense of awareness is higher than average) -Flash Precognition (peers a few seconds into the future) -Death Sense (the ability to sense an upcoming death to prevent it) -Threat Identification (to sense anything or anyone that poses as a threat) -Combat Clairvoyance (to predict an incoming attack and evade it)
Warp PadPortal Creation (Creates points where individuals can be teleported) -Teleportation (capable of teleporting self without the use of warp pads) -Trap Pad (creates an unseeable portal which captures and sends targets to a secure location) -Farewell (opens a warp pad to the center of a sun)
Water ShockAtlantean Physiology -Hydrokinesis (Water Manipulation) -Swordsmanship (proficiency with swords) -Spearmanship (proficiency with spears) -Marine Manipulation (telepathically controls marine life) -Hydro-bomb (creates highly compressed ball of water which releases a strong amount of force) -Underwater Cyclone (generates underwater tornadoes to hold enemies) -Hardwater Construct (creates hard water objects with water bearers) -Enhanced Intelligence (intelligence that passes the normal genius I.Q) -Enhanced Healing (increase speed in healing of all wounds) -Enhanced Skin Density (capable of withstanding bullets and most attacks) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Enhanced Durability (able to take a great deal of external damage) -Enhanced Reflexes (heighten reaction speed to maneuver out of attack paths faster than normal) -Enhanced Swimming (swimming at speeds higher than average) -Leadership (leading teams and groups with high moral and strong determination) -Whirlpool (generates currents underwater to pull and tear enemies apart)
WikkiOmniscience (Randomly able to know Everything and Anything)
Wonder TeenAmazonian Physiology -Super Strength (strength greatly intensified) -Flight (granted the power of flight by Aplo) -Enhanced Speed (can move much faster than the average member of their species) -Enhanced Reflexes (heighten reaction speed to maneuver out of attack paths faster than normal) -Enhanced Flexibility (bends and twist body past average limits) -Enhanced Stamina (body is highly resistant to the build-up of fatigue toxins) -Enhanced Intelligence (intelligence that passes the normal genius I.Q) -Enhanced Endurance (able to sustain energy and life for a greater period of time) -Pray Healing (calls upon the healing hand from a Goddess -Semi-Immortality (is unable to age to the point of death but can be killed) -Archery (Proficiency in bows and arrows) -Swordsmanship (proficiency in sword combat)
Wynter LassFrigokinesis (Snow Manipulation) -Snow Generation -Cold Immunity (unaffected by extreme colds) -Cold Air Generation (lowers temperature in the air) -Snow Storm (creates a haze of snow to blind the target) -Blizzard (creates a violent snow storm which lowers surrounding temperature and harms) -Snowslide (pushes a large amount of snow to crush the target or block the path)
XaminIntuitive Perception (analyze and comprehends anything viewed at a detailed level) -Computer Perception (to process information at incredible speeds) -Visualization (able to see a visualize what they are thinkinking on) -Enhanced Intelligence (intelligence that passes the normal genius I.Q) -Enhanced Memory (can remember a number of things with detail, even after years later) -Detail Intuition (to notice and analyze the smallest details of any situation or action) -Pattern Sense (to pick up and analyze patterns within a person's actions or environment)
Young FateMagic (Power to influence the course of events by using supernatural forces) -Magical Energy Manipulation -Hand Seals (performs magic through hand gestures) -Inscription Magic (performs magic through written words or symbols) -Linguistic Magic (performs magic through spoken word) -Enhanced Intelligence (intelligence that passes the normal genius I.Q) -Flight (levitates self with use of magic) -Teleportation (to transports oneself over a vast distance within seconds) -Partner Teleportation (to transport others over a vast distance within seconds) -Astral Projection (separates spirit from body of self and others) -Spell Casting (series of words or thoughts used to manipulate magic forces) -Spell Destabilization (makes changes within others spells to gain a different result) -Magic Bolt (basic magic blast) -Magic Resistance (to be highly immune to magic attacks) -Astral Trap (captures the astral form of another while out of its body) -Dimensional Travel (to move between dimensions at will) -Premonition (to see the fate of those chosen) -Self Replication (ability to clone self) -Transmutation (able to alter the physical form of other beings) -Essokinesis (Reality Manipulation) -Necromancy (use of death-based magic) -Magical Constructs (to create beast or items out of magical energy) -Intangibility (becomes untouchable by using magic to remove all physical aspects) -Partner Replication (ability to clone others) -Personal Domain (creates a world in which they control) -Force Field (cast a magical Ankh that protects self and allies) -Flawless Healing (capable of healing physical, mental, emotional, mystical, and spiritual wounds) -Containment (to trap and hold people and things within objects) -Evasion (to hide one's self or others out of the view of magic wielders) -Power Negating (capable of weakening others powers or completely nullifying them) -Clairvoyance (to see without seeing with own eyes) -Aura Vision (to see the aura of others) -Astral Vision (to see other overlapping dimensions beyond the physical plane of existence) -Death Sense (the ability to sense an upcoming or occurring death) -Power Detection (sensing supernatural abilities within others) -Illusion Awareness (to be able to sense if the viewed reality is false) -Invisibility Awareness (to be able to see those who are cloaked) -Life Span Vision (the ability to see how long one has to live) -Energy Detection (sensing the presence of other's energy) -Magic Detection (sensing the presence of magical energy) -Dimensional Awareness (to sense breaches through the dimensional barriers) -Paracoronal Vision (to see how time plays out through multiple timelines) -Magic Sense (to feel all changes magic throughout the Multiverse) -Soul Capture (to preserve the soul from a recently dead individual for later use) -Emphatic Shield (immune to all emphatic/emotional powers) -Beast Mode (to turn into any animal of choosing) -Life Drain (to absorb the life energy from any living thing until it is either weak or dead) -Resurrection (to bring back someone from the dead) -Damnation (sends a person straight to Hell) -Telepathy (mentally receive/transmit information) -Telekinetic (manipulates physical objects with the mind) -Portal Creation (able to open a physical doorway which links to another location) -Confusion (cast a spell that confuses target for a set amount of time) -Banishment (to send out and lock an individual from a certain location using magic) -Entrapment (traps an enemy inside a magical box to either hold or crush) -Magical Energy Absorption (absorbs raw magic radiating from spots in any place) -Personal Domain (creates a dimension for self in use of a home/base) -Summoning (call upon a mystical ally) -Elemental Magic Control (able to cast magical spells that involves all four of Earth's elements) -Evocation (able to use varying degrees of nature magic) -Illusions (manipulate what others perceive) -Age Manipulation (changes the age of target) -Out of Time (able to move self and others out of time) -Time Perception Manipulation (to speed or reduce the speed of how others view time) -Magic Circle Combat (to use magic circles of varying abilities) -Concussion Blast -Chronokinesis (Time Manipulation) -Time Loop (to trap an item or object in a never rewind of time) -Temporal Reversing (to cause time to go backwards) -Time Travel (able to move forward/backwards in time at will) -Remote Time Travel (to be able to move people and objects through time) -Checkpoint (to be able to return to a specific point in time) -Temporal Protection (to be immune to changes in the timestream)
ZalethAtlantean Physiology -Swordsmanship (proficiency with swords) -Spearmanship (proficiency with spears) -Hardwater Construct (creates hard water objects with water bearers) -Enhanced Intelligence (intelligence that passes the normal genius I.Q) -Enhanced Healing (increase speed in healing of all wounds) -Enhanced Skin Density (capable of withstanding bullets and most attacks) -Enhanced Strength (strength higher than average) -Enhanced Durability (able to take a great deal of external damage) -Enhanced Reflexes (heighten reaction speed to maneuver out of attack paths faster than normal) -Enhanced Swimming (swimming at speeds higher than average)
ZephFlight (Emits a field which repels gravity) -Peak Human Endurance (to endure more physical discomfort than average humans their age) -Peak Human Reflexes (to have advanced reactions better than normal humans their age)
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