To have your work placed, you must submit a copy to the Admin to see if it meets the criteria below.
The Justice Teens comics are placed within the main DC Universe, starting in 2007 on New Earth, and switching to the New 52 in 2011. That being said, the lore is the same, however the Justice Teens, and all their connected actions, act behind the scenes of the main DC lineup, and rarely crossover in a large event. Though, we have our own major events that could be connected to the main ones. Examples given, the Justice Teens will be just another backstory during the Blackest Night event.
If you plan to have your character woven into the main storyline, please note that we Do Not use the DCUO storyline. Therefore, there are No Exobytes within the comic.
If your character, or any dies, they Will Remain Dead. However, there are a few loopholes to pass this blockade. The first is if you have an entire story arch planned out for your return. No less than 6 issues. The next is if one of your abilities can return you from the dead, such as reincarnation, or immortality.
We ask that you date your work; Month, Day, and Year. The reason is so we can keep the storys in line. If someone was to write a comic based on their time of being within the Justice Teens, and adds 2 characters that have been dead, or left the league, since the first year, it would throw everything off.
If you plan to add another character, that is not your own, into a comic you're writing, and plan on killing, maiming, gravely wounding, or removing someone, you Must Ask for Permission.
We do not Own the DC Universe, so altering entire facets of the lore through the comics will be met with a denial of your comic. This means killing the current Batman and taken his position. However, you can kill him in the future, as comics make use of the ever expanding Alternating Timelines.
While writing, please do not try and shape the entire J.T.U(Justice Teen's Universe) to fit your own needs, without consaulting the Lead Director of the comics. An example would be destroying the main base of the Justice Teens, Sky Front, crashing it on to Earth, and leaving it at that. This would upset the balance of where other Justice Teen comics are leading.
If you are planning to write your own Independent comics, or comics based around Alternate Universes/A.Us, they will be place them within the "Independent Comics" tab.