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The Orb, or Meta-Bomb, contains powers and levels of energy of multiple Meta-Humans located around Earth and in Space. The original design of the Orb was unknown to most, if anyone, working outside of Michael Keeton's team, and used the powers of Dimitiros power as a way to absorb. With the use of the Earth's energy and the Sun's solar power, along with Speed Force and Green Lantern energy, the Orb is capable of augmenting the user's power beyond level.
An unseen ability of the Orb itself is the ability to grant individuals powers, both Meta and Human alike. The dangers however, are that the Orb is able to take the powers from a Meta, and the life of a Human as they have no power.
The Orb is a scientific marvel, created by a coalition of individuals who'd be able to gain the necessary materials needed. The Flash was sent back to the crash at Roswell to retrieve what could only be described as black hole grenades. Oan technology was also used, however only an extremely small portion of it. However, Keeton only wanted the Will power emanating off. Unknown to Flash, his contact with the device as it was made allowed the Orb to collect Speed Force energy off of him, just as it had to the Oan tech.
In 2010, the Orb was near completion, however it still needed to collect energy from outside sources. Using power from the city, Keeton hooked up wires, which traveled through coolant systems, to keep the Orb active. It was the size of a soccer ball, and warm to the touch. When closed, it looked like an ordinary metal sphere, which would be seen as the normal appearance until Maximum Zero had used Potential Teen's energy to unlock the Orb, revealing the inside to be a purple light or unending energy. After this discovery, the Orb was able to travel without connection as it was its own energy source.
Effects on Meta-Humans
For Meta-Humans, the Orb can have a small number of outcomes for them. The Orb could easily remove their powers from the wielder, or target, rendering them Human. There's also the chance that their own powers could be augmented to an upper level. From jumping tall buildings in a single bound, to jumping high enough to reach the Atmosphere. In the rarest result, the Orb grants an completely new ability to the wielder. Worse case scenario is the Orb would kill the individual, ripping them apart, atom by atom, and absorbing them whole, adding it to its vast, unlimited energy.
Powers Contained
The Orb holds a multitude of powers ranging from the Flash's speed, to Superman's heat vision. The Orb is unable to absorb Magical abilities, however it can take magical energy and channel it to individuals or objects. Known powers range:
Super Speed
Super Strength
Heat Vision
Limb Addition
Animal Senses
Fear Induction
Power Absorption
Reality Warping
Environmental Adaptation
Time Travel
Future Vision
Magic Bolt
Some powers gained could be a single ability, such as releasing fire from your hands. However, there's the chance that you'd gain a farther expansion into your powers. Instead of just releasing fire from your hands, you'll be able to control outside sources of fire as well, leading all the way to Pyrokinesis.
Effects on Humans
For a Human to come into contact with the Orb could result in some regular results. The basic is that they'd gain a power from the Orb. The second is they'd be absorbed into the Orb, adding into its vast energy source. The only issue with gaining a power, is the Orb would turn the individual into a Meta-Human, along with a Meta-Gene. In most cases, this would result in Death as not every Human body would survive the change.
An experimental procedure by Michael Keeton, was using the Orb to switch the powers between two Meta-Humans. The process was a sucess on it's fourth try, as the first three tries would end up taking the powers of one Meta and giving them the other's power, resulting in both Metas with the same abilities. The device is known as the TransFerr. With the Orb in the center, on a pedestal, both Metas are placed across from each other with their arms placed inside vices above their bodies. The process could go from a surge to excruciatingly painful; it is unknown as to what factors this depends on.

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