
Character Name: Ezekiel Dedmon
Nicknames/Alias: Ezyiet, Eze
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: May 13th, 1995
Date of Joining: November 23rd, 2011
Place of Birth: Brooklyn, New York
Residence: Brooklyn, New York
Ethnicity: Spanish-Italian
Race: Meta-Human
Height: 5’9
Weight: 190 lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green
Languages: English
Role in Justice Teens:
Relatives: Mario Dedmon(Father), Julia Dedmon(Mother), Rose Dedmon(Sister)
Relationships: Maximum Zero, Sword Peirce, Kid Blurr, Bomb Shelter, Boomer, Black Ignite, Kid Nitrro
Education: High School
Background: Ezekiel’s powers manifested themselves after chasing down a kid from his neighborhood for calling him a slur. When he caught him, his meta-gene activated as he was throttling him, causing the other kid's shirt to start to glow bright orange. Luckily, the boy was able to remove and toss it away before it exploded. Ezekiel stood there, looking at his hands, not noticing the other kid running away in terror. Ezekiel spent the next few months mastering his ability, mainly by using them to get even with those who he felt wronged him, before being approached by Ice Tile and joining the Injustice Teens. With them, Ezyiet was allowed to push the limits of his abilities, taking pleasure in the destruction he could cause. However, after barely surviving an unwarranted attack by Kid Nitrro, Ezyiet switched sides and joined the Justice Teens in the hopes to get even with the speedster.
Personality: Ezyiet is very proud of his heritage. Being a Jewish, Spanish-Italian, Meta-Human is something he’ll always go above and beyond to defend. He’s easy to get along with, but his smart mouth has gotten him into trouble on numerous occasions, however, if he’s acting this way with you, it only means he’s comfortable with your presence. Or he doesn’t respect you. A street-smart pain in the ass, Eze is not above playing dirty to win, even if that means putting innocents at risk.
Strong Brooklyn accent
Agrees with Maximum Zero's ideology of Meta Supremacy
Favorite sports are Football and “Street Basketball”
Killed Jack Ramsey
Goes by Eze for short
Pronounces his code name Eh-Z-It
Takes boxing classes
Short temper
Is afraid of Kid Nitrro
Doesn’t agree with Star Lad and Sparky Arrow’s sense of Justice
Flirts with KellyKa
Appearance: Ezyiet wears average clothing. Under them however, he wears shock absorbing pads developed during his time in the Injustice Teens.