
Character Name: Zaleth
Nicknames/Alias: N/A
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: March 28th, 1995
Date of Joining: November 4th, 2008
Place of Birth: Atlantis
Residence: Atlantis
Ethnicity: Atlantean
Race: Atlantean
Height: 6’2
Weight: 160 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Yellow
Languages: Atlantean, Greek, English
Role in Justice Teens: N/A
Relatives: Unkown
Relationships: Water Shock, Kid Blurr, Star Lad, Mockingbirdx
Education: Unknown
Background: Following in the footsteps of his father, Zaleth enrolled in the Atlantean guard at an extremely young age. His physical prowess and critical thinking skills made him one of a few Atlanteans that passed the trials to train as a Royal Guard, completing his training in 2007 and working with fellow Atlantean, Water Shock. In 2008, the two of them were tasked with locating and destroying a signal that was emitting a frequency that had taken the lives of several Atlanteans. The pair made traced the signal back to the surface world only to find the Justice Teens of America. While Water Shock wanted to attack and interrogate them, Zaleth took point and defused the situation, asking them for assistance in finding the signal. The teams found and destroyed the device, and Zaleth joined the Justice Teens, seeing the integration of both cultures as a victory in itself, though Water Shock thought very differently. Sometime later, during a routine trip back from the surface, Zaleth was attacked and killed by an unknown assailant using the same frequency they hunted for months prior. The killer was never found but his partner Water Shock swore to avenge his death while keeping his promise to help the Justice Teens.
Personality: For the little time they knew Zaleth, it was evident that he was the complete opposite of Water Shock. He was kind and fair, acting as a defender more than a fighter. The two complemented one another. He was known to take it one day at a time and worry about tomorrow’s problem when he faced it and not before. A capable warrior and even wiser Atlantean, Zaleth saw that the Humans would one day become as he is to the average Atlantean, referring to the Metas as he himself stems from a magical branch of his species. With that knowledge, he offered to help Blurr and his team with hopes that it would create a stronger bond between their people in the future and finally put an end to the constant fear of war.
Death: Was killed during his decent home in 2008
Favorite food was crab
Left handed
Member of the Atlantean Royal Guard
Partner to Water Shock
Character Summary: A hopeful visionary, Zaleth joined the Justice Teens in hopes of building bridges with the next generation of surface dwellers to grow both respect and an understanding of both cultures.