Young Fate

Character Name: Jedidiah Crose
Nicknames/Alias: Young Fate, Arkeptu, The Last Guy
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: May 5th, 1997
Date of Joining: April 2nd, 2011
Place of Birth: Jerusalem, Israel
Residence: Mobile
Ethnicity: Israeli
Race: Homo-Magi
Height: 5'9
Weight: 148 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Languages: Omnilinguial
See Powers and Abilities
Role in Justice Teens: Master Sorcerer
Relatives: Daniel Crose(Father)(Deceased), Amanda Crose(Mother)
Relationships: Arkeptu, Kid Fantasm, Kid Blurr, Shiriken, Star Lad, Danni Ash, Maria Red, Apple Van Jack, Wonder Teen, Sin, Impulse, Dog Boy, Theodore Xater, Parlor Trix, Alchem, Mister Mindtrick, Dru Idic, Ice Tile, Atelay, Axe, Heavens Archer
Education: High School
Important Life Events: The death of his father during a bombing, Mother being permanently comatose, Being called to by the helmet of Arkeptu, Taking the responsibility of Young Fate, Joining the Justice Teens, Battling with Kid Fantasm, Creating the Knights of Sorcery, Freeing Danni Ash, Recruting Dru Idic, Fighting in the Final Battle
Y.F Background: Arkeptu is an ancient sorcerer from a time before man. Obsessed with obtaining power, he would train under some of the most powerful beings in history to be able to master and control magic. However, his power would thrust him into a long war he wanted no part of, the war between The Knights of Sorcery and The Sleepless Army. Being the victor, Arkeptu would be haunted by what he saw and had to do, but he would come out wiser. Seeing how power could corrupt those with a weaker mind, he would begin to acquire knowledge to balance out the power he held within. Over the next few millennia, he would learn that The Sleepless Army would return, someday, somehow. Fearing that any major event throughout time and space would allow the return of the King and his flock, Arkeptu destroyed his mortal body and sent countless versions of himself to scour the multiverse, each holding a small portion of his power. To better acclimate to each new world, each form would be sent out as an object of power to be found by a worthy champion who would then be a champion of Arkeptu, taking part in wars, conflicts, genocides, and the like. Within his own universe, Arkeptu would do the same, meeting several heroes of their own generation and gaining a new champion when his current one had met its end. In 2004, Arkeptu joined the Justice Teens until his host’s untimely death. He was then placed in the Smithsonian Museum until his liberation in 2009 by the new Justice Teens of America.
Y.F Personality: Arkeptu is a prideful being. Cold and cruel to those he views as an inconvenience, which is most, he often stays out of league affairs unless either needed or it somehow catches his interest. Even to his closest friends, he can be distant. The war he fought so long ago still holds a tight grasp on his soul, which causes him not to create strong personal attachments.
J.C Background: Jedidiah Crose lived a normal life until a random bombing in a nearby town. The attack resulted in his father dying and his mother being placed in a coma. Distraught and angry, a being calling itself Arkeptu reached out to him several times over the course of a year, filling his head with symbols and prior events. In 2011, a year after the bombing, while visiting his father's grave, Jedidiah was visited by Impulse and Dog Boy and handed Arkeptu's amulet. For accepting the sacrifice, Arkeptu allowed Jedidiah to heal his mother before disappearing to continue his silent war.
J.C Personality: Jedidiah is a strong-willed young man. Unlike Arkeptu, he would rather do battle with the enemy head-on. When not wearing the helmet, he's your average teen, however, it's easy to notice that he holds a dark secret that Arkeptu has forbidden him from sharing. Jedidiah often makes it known that he regrets taking Arkeptu's power, and it's made him spiteful and quick to lash out in anger until he's brought back under control.
Death: Jedidiah Crose dies in the Final Battle
Arkeptu is one of the few sorcerers capable of manipulating time without an item
Gets into more physical fights after taking over Jedidiah
Has had two hosts while in the current Justice Teens: Kyle Mc’Coy and Jedidiah Crose
Each host has their own look
Wings and aura are created by the helmet, not a separate piece of his outfit
Anyone who becomes a champion of Arkeptu is given a power boost
All champions chosen were destined to become a powerful sorcerer
Was present for all incarnations of the Knights of Sorcery
Is known by most of the older magic users of the world
Often completely takes over a host and rarely lets them free
Leader of Knights of Sorcery
Befriends, Mentors, and even forms a short romantic relationship with Danni Ash
Trusted and Friends with Kid Blurr, Shiriken, and Martian Niro
Views Kinetic Teen as an actual threat
Character Summary: Not being held back by morality or a sense of righteousness, Arkeptu keeps the balance of good and evil in check, never allowing either side to grow too powerful, lucky for him, and horrible for everyone else, evil continues to grow and so he fights with the Justice Teens of America to battle the darkness back into oblivion.
Appearance: Favoring a more neutral stance compared to his master, Arkeptu's armor is a black and white cloth with enchanted steel armor. The magic cloth is mainly black with white covering his chest and ending at a peak pointing at his abs. Around his waist is a white strap with a single flap that covers his crotch. On this flap is his symbol of order; yin and yang. His legs are covered in similar cloth but with indents on the outer thigh down to the knees. His inner thighs are white and cover the back of his legs down to his knees. He wears steel leg bracers with black boots that have white bases. Around his wrist are similar bracers. His gloves are black on the back but a white line runs down the sides of the fingers to separate the white palms. Up on his shoulders are double-placed pads on both sides. To protect his neck, the uniform has a metal neck protector. There's a medieval barbuta helmet with glowing eyes glows red. Finally, his black cape reaches his ankles. The edges of the cape have multiple symbols sewn into it.