Basement: Location of the Training Center for the league to prepare them for any type of situation they would deal with in the future. Kid Blurr decided to use it also as a storage unit for unneeded supplies or if Water Front it over stocked with said, object/supplies. The Training Center is complete with a pool, sparring mat, twenty foot long swimming pool, basketball court, a gym, environment simulator and a Zero Gravity Chamber.
First Floor: Known as, The Lobby, Kid Blurr uses it too show new members that the league is more than a social club, but a place of work. A rule placed in, The Lobby, is that no foolishness shall take place on that floor.
Second Floor: The Snack Room. Wonder Teen has made sure that all snacks that enters Water Front, is placed and stays in the Snack Room.
Fifth and Sixth Floor: Both rooms were turned into a research lab. All computers were placed in the rooms to let anyone inside Water Front, Justice Teen or visitor use them.
Seventh and Eighth Floor: Guest Rooms for Visitors
Ninth Floor: Medic
Tenth Room: This room has a special elevator only members of the Justice Teens can access. Once you go past the Tenth Room, your view on the team and how they live, will change.
Thirteen Floor: The Library
Fourteenth Floor: Connected to the Library by grand stairs, The Feed is located at the top where Kid Blurr and Martian Niro to watch the world
Fifteenth Floor: After the death of Rager, Donut Boy saw how her death affected the entire team. He reconfigured the Rest and Relaxation room and turned it into a therapy room, where Martian Niro can help people coop with psychological problems they are dealing with.
Seventeenth Floor: Impulse thought that some members of the league would begin to lose the knowledge they had sense most could not return to school. Too fix this problem, he made an entire floor nothing but class rooms for each subject. Biology, Social Studies, Science, Math, L.A, and Spanish. He also placed class rooms on other floors sense there would not be enough room on the seventeenth.
Twentieth Floor: Morgue made to hold body of dead J.T.A members. Created after Kid Rager, found out that someone stole Night Sif's battle armor from his grave.
Twenty First-Twenty Sixth Floor: Rooms for the Justice Teen members. Each floor consists of eight rooms, four on each side of the hall.
Twenty-Seventh Floor: Blurr's Room
Twenty-Eighth Floor: Blurr's Office
Thirtieth Floor: Once on the Thirty-First Floor, the Kitchen was moved a level below because of all the rough housing that takes place in the Recreational Hall.
Thirty-First Floor: The Recreational Hall. Sparky Arrow and Kid Rager, spent much of their free time, working on the Hall, which now consist of: Two pool tables, a flat screen TV in the back of the room, complete with three video game consoles, a root beer bar with a TV installed in the top corner, a movie room, and a Dance Room.
Thirty-Fifth Floor: Where the Justice Teens of America hold their gear and weapons. To save time, Impulse created each room to hold a specific type of gear and to save room, created secret compartments to hold them.
Fourty-Ninth Floor: Meeting Room, where the Justice Teens discuss all matters that are felt they should deal. Too use up the entire room, Prodigyy made all eight rooms one big section of the base.
Ninety-Seventh Floor: Control Center for Water Front. In the Control Center, a Self Destruct System was downloaded by Kid Blurr as "insurance".
Founded in mid-2007 after the destruction of their apartment room, the Justice Teens spent years renovating the once Water Treatment Facility into their base of operations. Using the recourses already owned, items stolen, and gifts given to them as reward, the J.T were able to update the building to house some of the most powerful teens on Earth. In 2010, Water Front is attacked and destroyed as members of the Justice Teens are captured for experimentation by Ada Shepard.
Even though Kid Blurr was the one to find it, Mockingbirdx was the one who named it
Kid Rager's homemade Watch Tower, "The Feed", was constructed using TVs, computer screens, and other material he stole from a nearby Wal-Mart
The rule where only people of the same gender could share a room was started by Impulse
The main building was located near the street, which was fixed to look similar to the Daily Planet from Smallville but was only used by visitors
The main building was also used as a storage space for the vehicals owned by the J.Ts
The water in the Aquarium, located above the basement, is purified each day
Each window in Water Front was replaced with plexy glass, a strong, seethrough substance which can disburst the shockwaves of explosions, lessening the damage
To protect it from invaders coming from the water, Renol set up cannons out on pillars connected to the Aquarium known as A.W.S(Anti-Water Secruity)
Donut Boy planted a tree of his own outside of Water Front and is known for napping on the branches
Kid Blurr allows quick missions for people to return to Water Front and regain lost data files from surviving computers
Items of Interest
Items that have been used or founded interest of other factions
Star Jet
Environment Simulator
Anti Gravity Chamber
New Genesis Weapons
Apokoliptian Weapons
Fallen Villain equipment
Legion Ring
Magma 6
Oni Books
Scarlet Atom
Alien Translator
Alien Tech
Fallen Member equipment
A number of defenses that have been identified in Water Front's 3 buildings
Defensive Towers
E-M-P pulse wave
Anti Water Security: A.W.S
Sonar Wave
Mini Drones
Power Deliberators
Plexy Glass