Valkyrie Girl

Character Name: Sikkerninnguaq
Nicknames/Alias: Valkyrie Girl
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: December 19th, 1996
Date of Joining: December 25th, 2007
Place of Birth: Greenland
Residence: Greenland, Sky Front
Ethnicity: Greenlandic
Race: Homo Magi
Height: 5'8
Weight: 140 lbs
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Sky Blue
Languages: Greenlandic Inuit and English
See Powers and Abilities
Role in Justice Teens: Diplomat
Relatives: Hniut(father)(deceased), (mother)(unknown)
Relationships: Kid Blurr, Wonder Teen, Impulse, Frost Teen, Psi Lad, Ice, William De'Fux, Arcaic
Education: Unknown
Important Life Events: Mastering her powers to protect Greenland, Meeting Kid Blurr and Wonder Teen, Joining the Justice Teens of America after the battle of Las Vegas, Training Frost Teen, Fighting A-Game, The Death of Kid Rager, Helping William De'Fux and Impulse look for more Crystals
Background: Valkyrie Girl has been the protector of Greenland for many years, taking the position of her father after his death. Though not much happened during this time, she would meet the Justice Teens during one of their missions to her home in 2007. When Brainiac trapped the J.T in Las Vegas later that year, Valkyrie would come to their aid, becoming an official member.
Personality: Valkyrie Girl is a well-mannered warrior from Greenland. She is not one to push unless forced. Though kind and respectful, she would very much like to be placed in battle, though she will not show it.
Stays in her home Country as a Justice Teen
Enjoys 80's American music
Helps William De'Fux and Impulse look for more crystals
Declined Arkeptu's invitation to joining the Knights of Sorcery
Trained Frost Teen
Has a crush on Impulse
Character Summary: Granted her powers through a magical crystal, Valkyrie Girl protects her home and Earth from magical threats.