
Character Name: Chloe Durbin
Nickname / Alias: Txt, Lol(Lawl), Rolf(Rolph)
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: February 28, 1996
Date of Joining: October 17th, 2010
Place of Birth: Toronto, Canada
Residence: Toronto, Canada
Ethnicity: Canadian
Race: Meta-Human
Height: 5'4
Weight: 146lb
Hair Color: Blonde with pastel blue streaks
Eye Color: Blue
Languages: English and some French
Powers/Abilities: Controls cellular devices
Role in Injustice Teens: Tracker
Relatives: Joshua Durbin(Father)
Relationships: Tech Break, Kid Blurr, Dex, Curve Star Lad, Sparky Arrow, Danni Ash, KellyKa, Morning Sparrow, Ice Tile, Crocodile Boy, Teknoh, Suitra, Boomer, FX
Education: High-School
Background: Chole Durbin was born in Toronto Canada and raised by a single father. At the age of ten, she was molested by her uncle, but was too scared to tell anyone and he was left free to talk. The event caused her to keep to herself and become more introverted, her only way of communication being online gaming, and texting. Another result of her uncle is her powers activating. After learning of her abilities, Chole contacted and then joined the Justice Teens where she helped Tech Break with surveillance. It wasn't long after that Dex found out about her Uncle, and no longer before Blurr found out and went after him with Dex; Txt tagged along for closure. During the incident, Txt nearly killed her uncle, but failed. Feeling ashamed, she quit the team and returned to her father. Learning about it from the news, Zero sent Curve to bring her uncle to her, giving her a chance to finish what she started. In the end, her uncle's lifeless body laid limp with a throwing knife in his back, and Txt was then an Injustice Teen.
Personality: Txt isn't a particularly angry young girl as much as she is annoyed. She is more comfortable around her female team members as opposed to her male ones, save for Dex, Blurr, and Zero. She's known for using her abilities to control cellular devices and track down targets for a strike team to move in and intercept. She is also incredibly lazy, and usually hangs around Transit, playing video games or sleeping Zero's chair.
Plays video-games
Likes to shop on Amazon
Untrusting of men
Thinks wearing a costume is “fucking stupid”
Fear of drowning
Cracks her knuckles constantly
Yawns during meetings
Very independent
Refers to the I.T as the Injustice Teens
One of the few members to switch teams
Uses acronyms while talking
Listens to Falling in Reverse
Has a crush on Kid Blurr
Ice Tile does not trust her
Curve protects her from any hate she gets from within the I.T