
Character Name: Amanda Ross
Nicknames/Alias: Trubie
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: April 5th, 1997
Date of Joining: January 5th, 2008
Place of Birth: Toronto, Canada
Residence: Frontier
Ethnicity: Canadian
Race: Meta-Human
Height: 5'5
Weight: 127 lbs
Hair Color: Brunette
Eye Color: Hazel
Languages: English
Powers/Abilities: See Powers and Abilities
Role in Justice Teens: Transportation
Relatives: Florence Ross(Mother), Jeffrey Ross(Brother)
Relationships: Impulse, Cypher, Kid Blurr, Maximum Zero, Star Lad, Frost Teen, Pop, Coffy, Ada Shepard, Tesla Effect, Ravily, Kid Shift, Stereo, Hells Archer, Heavens Archer, Maxima Zero, Maximum Zero, Kinetic Teen, Tech Break, Stratos, Ada Shepard, One Hit, Crocodile Boy, Jermain Lake, Momento, Self Flesh Burning Boy, Burndown, Tact, Prodigyy, Wonder Teen, Atelay, Patric Holmes, Haren, Mirror
Education: High School
Background: Before the league, before the powers and the fame, before there was ever "Trubie", there was Amanda Ross. A scared young girl who just wanted the love of her family and peers. Her day-to-day centered around going to school, coming home to find her mother drunk, and her brother's phone calls from the local jail on the landline. Every day was a struggle, and it took its toll on Amanda's impressionable psyche. So when the 2005 Explosion happened, and she found herself capable of teleporting, it was like a sign from God. With her powers, she would stay around and help at home, often stealing from people and stores, and breaking into cars late at night to jack their radios, all to help her family pay bond and rent, however, it quickly turned sour when she had started noticing that no matter how hard she tried, no matter how many people she was hurting, her own family was destined to stay in the rut they were before she was even born. Unable to bare the stress of seeing her brother hauled off by the police or her mother coming home with another strange man, Amanda left. Without a word, without a trace, leaving only the clothes on her back and the picture of a man who was told to be her father. Since then, taking the alias of Trubie, she began to live on her own with the use of her teleportation powers. For the next 3 years, Trubie had been all over the world, working odd jobs; yard worker, store clerk, carjacker, thief, hacker, and espionage, each job getting increasingly more and more dangerous until she had how managed to get noticed by a single man whom she had never met but communicating with via dead drops. The jobs he sent her on would see Trubie break into government facilities, free prisoners from the cells, and hurt people who needed to be hurt. All along, Trubie was pretty well off financially, but there was a natural feeling for her when she found herself fighting against something, and in this case, that something was several government organizations from around the globe. This all came to a head when a job went south and her contact left her for dead and hunted across Europe by Interpol. The chase lasted several weeks, til the Justice Teens caught up to stop her, Trubie was finally apprehended. Unable to find any other option, besides prison, Trubie joined Kid Blurr and his team. Now, Trubie finds peace in defending Metas among her family, even if she does it with a metal pipe instead of peace.
Personality: Depressed for most of her life before joining the J.T, Amanda felt true freedom the second she cut all ties with her family. Trubie is a cruel and aggressive "bitch" that shows no mercy when fighting an opponent and shows little respect towards authority, going as far as to fight the police after being told to let them handle a robbery, nearly killing two of them in the process. Even through all that, she can grow healthy relationships with a lot of the team, but mostly hanging around the ediger members. As the years went on, Trubie's hate for others, and more importantly herself, slowly disappeared and she would become a level-headed and well-respected captain within the league, often teaching the younger members about self-control with her partner/boyfriend Impulse.
Joined the NYC gang known as Pac before becoming a Justice Teen
Gained powers in 2005
Short temper and lack of respect for outside authorities
Uses a metal pipe as a weapon
Small scars around her mouth and arms
Likes working with Injustice Teens
Wants to be a teacher
Public identity
Chooses not to find her father in case he ruins her expectations
Has a surprisingly beautiful singing voice
Main weapon is a pipe they found in 2008
Anti-Human and Pro-Meta beliefs
Is seen as a badass by a lot of the Academy student body
Eyes turn orange after each teleportation
Dog person
Loves Star Wars
After 2008's major climactic event, Trubie's attitude softens
Impulse's girlfriend
Best friends with Coffy
Doesn't like Star Lad
Character Summary: Trubie was once plagued with self-hate, and unable to stay in one place for too long. Her time on the Justice Teens of America has brought out a more understanding and wise Trubie, using that hate and channeling it into something more destructive, but for the right reasons.