
Character Name: Ayuko Tanner
Nicknames/Alias: Trac, Speed Racer, Form 1, Taillight
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: March 20th, 1995
Date of Joining: June 11th, 2012
Place of Birth: Tokyo, Japan
Ethnicity: Japanese-African American
Race: Human
Height: 5’7
Weight: 136 Ibs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Languages: Japanese and English
Powers/Abilities: Mechanical Engineer
Role in Justice Teens:
Relatives: Elias Tanner(Father), Kazue Yamane(Mother)
Relationships: Speedsterx, Patricia Nightly, Terra Byte, Kid Blurr, Kid Nitrro, Sparky Arrow, Maxima Zero, Renol, The Professor, Ice Tile, Slicin Dice, Jokestroke, Time Out, Tech Break, Doc Sage, Kid Shift, Catipula, Ada Shepard, Kinetic Teen, Carbine
Education: College Undergraduate
Background: Ayuko Tanner was born in Japan to a Japanese woman and an African-American man. She lived a pretty average life up until her 10th birthday when she was allowed to visit where her parents worked, Icarus Labs. There she saw the work they did relating to mechanical engineering and scientific discovery. In awe, her parents were pleased to see her interest in their profession, but it wasn’t until Patricia Nightly came to speak to her that they would see just how deep she was enthralled. After asking a simple question, “What was the coolest thing your mom and dad showed you”, Ayuko answered her by completely explaining the fundamental forces of their universe and the chain reaction their particle accelerator was creating, by fusing Earth’s molecules unknowingly. Seems to say her answer shocked them. Nightly would come to take interest in Ayuko after that, offering to have her placed within a special school for youth like her. After a year of asking, both Elias and Kazue agreed. It was there that Nightly began grooming her as an agent for the idea that would turn to First Defense. Ayuko found herself drawn towards building things and making them go faster. Her first project was building a motorcycle which would one day become Speedsterx’s. For the next several years, Ayuko would continue to build and create until she saw the news of Kid Blurr’s death in 2011. Seeing his death as an opening for villains to take advantage in Atlanta, Ayuko took her masterpiece, a racing car with the ability to hit 500 mph, and a few other gadgets she made and headed down to defend the city. In 2012, after his return, she asked for membership to the Justice Teens and was welcomed with open arms.
Personality: Her father said that Trac was always ahead of her peers. Her birthday, March 20th, is the start of the Aries zodiac sign. To boot, Aries are also known as some of the fastest people in many aspects, and Ayuko couldn’t wait to be born any longer. She’s capable of figuring out complicated situations in a matter of minutes, whether it’s removing a nuclear device from a city, or the ultimate choice: pizza or chicken? Trained by Nightly also means she has some sort of training in tactics and combat. When she’s not out saving the day, Trac is a bubbly young woman who’s always hanging around, teasing Renol or racing Blurr. She upholds the law as much as she can, meaning she’s never willing to take a life and will always try to avoid it.
Trac is the name of her car
Parents divorced when she was 13 and moved to America with her father
Makes fun of Renol’s tech
Her car is capable of slightly channeling energy from the Speed Force thanks to Kid Blurr
Uses concussive pistols
Favorite season is Winter
Hangs out with the Speed Force
Helps Nightly when needed
Dislikes oranges
Had a crush on Kid Blurr when he first showed up to Icarus Labs
Builds devices for Justine Time so he won’t end up getting lost in time again
Goes on joyrides with Slicin Dice
Appearance: Ayuko is a beautiful young woman. At first glance, you wouldn’t even notice her skin tone is slightly darker than the average Japanese woman. As she’s gotten older, it’s gotten more obvious of her mixed heritage. Her hair is usually short and curly, but she’s seen putting it in a single bun with one blue hairpin going through it. Her uniform is an all-white racing suit with blue accents. When out of her car, her leather jacket is zipped all the way down, exposing the black flex suit underneath. On her left shoulder pad, Kid Blurr’s dual lightning bolt emblem can be seen. The front of her helmet is an LCD screen with a HUD to help better control her car. The screen can turn completely black to hide her identity and clear to show her face.