Top Gun

Character Name: Willgott Kosti
Nicknames/Alias: Top Gun
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: February 9th, 1996
Date of Joining: June 25th, 2010
Place of Birth: Junsele, Sweden
Residence: Sky Front
Ethnicity: Swedish
Race: Human
Height: 6'1
Weight: 150 lbs
Hair Color: Brunette
Eye Color: Dull Blue
Languages: Swedish
Powers/Abilities: Heavy Weapons
See Powers and Abilities
Role in Justice Teens: Ballistics
Relatives: Yuri Kosti(Mother), Father(Unknown)
Relationships: Sparky Arrow, David Blackwell, Sword Peirce, Gadget Break, Metal Lad, Renol, The Professor, Maximus Zero, Prism
Education: College Freshmen
Important Life Events: Collecting weapons from fallen Brainiac bots and re-purposing them, Making rockets in his backyard, Firing his cannon at Transit as it attacked the J.T in his town, Joining the Justice Teens, Developing weapons for Sky Front, Teamed up with Gadget Break to help better him in battle
Background: Willgott Kosti was born in Sweden to a single mother and deadbeat father. During the attack in 2006 by Brainiac, Kosti collected anything he could from the fallen bots. In the end, he began tinkering with their weapons, developing his own versions. In 2010, the Injustice Teens planned a surprise attack against the Justice Teens in his home town, where Kosti had fired a cannon that used ammo similar, but more volatile, than those of Transit's. Seeing the use of his weapons mastery, Renol recruited him to the Justice Teens as their Weapons Developer/Specialist
Personality: Top Gun is the main weapons developer for the Justice Teens. His interest in guns raised his confidence, and has sense showed him the dangers of putting weapons in the wrong hands. He's good in a fight, and good in a pub. One of the nicer European members, Top Gun's always ready to lend a helping hand, or rocket, whenever called on.
Roots for his countries Sports teams
Advocate for Meta-Humanity
Gun Specailist
Listens to Tracy Chapman
Hates when explosions don't go off correctly
Afraid of squids and sharks
Uses overly powered weapons in simple situations
Doesn't like Star Lad
Uses Renol's tech to enhcnace his weapons
Flirts with Academy student Prism