too cool

Character Name: Clinton Redcliff
Nickname / Alias: Too Cool
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: December 1st, 1996
Date of Joining: June 7th, 2011
Place of Birth: Alaska, United States
Residence: Mobile
Ethnicity: Alaskan
Race: Meta-Human
Height: 5'9
Weight: 157 Ibs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Icey grey
Languages: English
Powers/Abilities: Cryokinesis
Role in Justice Teens: Guy
Relatives: Christopher Redcliff(Father), Cynthia Redcliff(Mother), Mic Redcliff(Older Brother)
Relationships: Maximum Zero, Frost Teen, Fire Teen, Danni Ash, Impulse
Education: High-School
Background: Clinton was born in the cold, harsh environment of Alaska. After gaining his powers due to the 2005 Explosion, Clinton became headstrong. In 2010, Clinton gained notoriety for saving two crashing planes and that's when the Too Cool persona was created. Seeing that he fit the criteria, both Zero and Blurr attempted to recruit him, which they both found out was more trouble than it was worth and decided to leave him alone. Zero soon found the extent of Too Cool's powers and knew that if he was to leave him to roam without supervision, Too Cool could end up freezing over Alaska, killing all its people. In 2011, he recruited Too Cool into the Injustice Teens.
Personality: He can be easily described as an egotistical narcist. Though not always first on the field, Too Cool is still a powerful Meta-Human, but waste his potential on trying to get the next golden ticket.
Goes hunting with his aunt
Saved two crashing planes
Was taken into the Injustice Teens due to Kid Blurr being dead at the time
Nearly caused W.W III between Switzerland and South America
Known to showboat
Is afraid of getting his ass kicked on camera
Speaks with a lot of bs, mainly to portray himself as bigger, badder, and more dangerous
Does a lot of public speaking
Main goal is to get fame and fortune off being a superhero
Is never told about the more negative side of the Injustice Teens
Has beef with Frost Teen
Impulse hates him for an issue that involved nuclear warheads being lost in South America
Kid Nitrro almost killed them on their first encounter