The Justice Teen Timeline 2005-2014
2005-Meta Explosion
-Thousands of Humans gain a Meta-Gene
-Leo Young gains Super Speed
-Lucas Sawyer is moved to S.T.A.R Labs
-Martian Niro comes to Earth to inspect the explosion
-Leo Young becomes Kid Blurr
-The Sins Prophecy Begins
-Dimitiros Johnson gains Power Absorption while being taken into custody by S.T.A.R LAbs
-Lucas is trained by S.T.A.R Labs and has lost his memory prior to the explosion
-Shiriken goes missing and Morning Sparrow returns back to the States to find him
2006-Justice Boy makes the Justice Teens made of Wondora, Morning Sparrow, Martian Niro, and Young Fate
-Kid Blurr’s friend is kidnapped by his old friend and he goes to save her
-Bradley brings his nephew, Connor Ottem into a J.R.O.T.C training program at an early age
-Justice Teens recruit Kid Blurr
-Trubie and Renol battle in Tokyo
-Kid Blurr meets vampire scum, Edward Hunnigan
-Cold Snap frees himself from Stryker’s Island and attacks Chinatown
-Theodor Xater declines offer to join the team
-Tommy Steadworth finds a magic crystal in the Rockies that gives him speed powers
-A-Game betrayed the U.S military and went into hiding to become a mercenary organization
-Boeing takes over a new body
-War between the Justice Teens and Cold Snap’s army breaks out killing most of the team
-Kid Blurr, Morning Sparrow, and Martian Niro disband the league
-Kid Blurr becomes a solo hero
-Master thief, William De’Fux takes Tommy as his student and shows him the arts of the underworld
-First Defense places the Parks family under watch
2007-Brainiac War
-Meta-Humans help with a war between Earth and Brainiac
-Ky Santana is inducted into the Corps
-Wonder Teen escapes Paradise Island to help fight against Brainiac in Central City
-Star Lad is given a battle suit to help with the effort
-Psi Lad’s powers are activated after his mother's death
-Ichie is in the distance of a ray from Brainiac's ship which gives him the ability of cell-replication
-Parasitix is taken to the European Belle Reeve
-Steven is inducted into the Corps.
-Brainiac recruits four teenagers to help with his final assault
-Kid Rager moves to Gotham
-Jessie becomes Parasitix and is taken in to a Maximum Security prison
-Mockingbirdx is sent by Patrica Nightly to defend the capitol
-Impulse and William hunt down the rest of the crystal
-Jack Vesspuci steals an apple from the Tree of Knowledge and flees his homeland
-Kid Blurr, Mockingbirdx, Lantern, Wonder Teen, and Kid Rager stop Brainiac's invasion and forms the Justice Teens
-Emily Wilks is empowered with the sin of Sloth
-Mockingbirdx creates the connex and has the team set up signal routers through Metropolis but come under attack by a villain known as Lit Tornado
-Kid Rager meets Tatianna Foeshaw on Facebook
-Justice Teens meet Donut Boy in Miami
-Stagg's tech armor bonds itself on Colin Skik which leads them to a conspiracy of Stagg Industries
-Nancy and some of her friends form the gang, Pac, in New York City
-The witch Killer Magic, cast a spell on the Justice Teens so they'd fight each other, forcing the team to disband
-Killer Magic is apprehended but soon escapes and runs to Mexico
-Prodigyy arrives and removes the spell from the Justice Teens and helps defeat Killer Magic, helping the team get back together
-The Justice Teens battle Ilbi'an
-The apartment building the Justice Teens lived in is attacked by Timithy Walsh
-Water Front is founded
-Connor Ottem is dropped from the program
-Kid Blurr and Wonder Teen meet Valkeri Girl
-Justice Teens meet the Justice League for the first time at Europe's Belle Reeve
-The accommodations in Water Front are made
-Michael Richard's was killed, leaving his cryo suit to his nephew Kyle Stepson, becoming Frost Bat
-Prodigyy meets Frost Bat
-Brainiac attacks Earth once again, however it's to draw out the Justice Teens to Las Vegas Nevada and ultimately losing but kill Night Sif in the process
-The Justice Teens of America are born on Christmas Day
-Impulse meets the Justice Teens in a battle between him and Bismal and joins the team to defeat the Meta-Human
-Cody Brax buys a magic spellbook from E-Bay
-Josh Davidson wakes up from his coma and is brought into the team as Sparky Arrow
-Mockingbirdx learns about a teleporting Meta-Human named Trubie and tracks her
2008-Justice Teens of America are formed
-Star Lad meets Terra Byte during a training program in S.T.A.R Labs
-Trubie is chased through Eastern Europe and joins the league
-Grant Gustin is captured by S.T.A.R Labs
-Prodigyy brings Frost Bat into the Justice Teens
-Kid Rager discovers Tatianna’s powers and brings her into the team
-Terra Byte and Star Lad meet the Justice Teens during an investigation
-Chloe Durbin is molested by her Uncle
-Terra Byte joins the Justice Teens
-Star Lad joins the Justice Teens
-Impulse continues to build up Water Front
-Chloe Durbin's powers manifest
-Amazo's presence calls the more experienced members away from the base
-Newer members bring down Bismal after he attacks a base
-Riddler takes City Hall
-Cryogenic villain, Ice Tile, arrives in Metropolis
-Donut Boy sends the newer members to the Canadian mountains to defeat a Yagtzi
-Josh Davidson meets a teen with metal powers named Zac Waterson and brings him into the team
-Josh Vinson is experimented on after an accident and hunts down the scientist as Tech Break, after being forced to kill his own parents
-Galen Pillar is captured by Elizabeth Right
-The Justice Teens travel to Tokyo to find mechanical-engineer genius, Ronald Tetmore
-During a night on the town of Gotham, Sparky Arrow and Frost Bat run across the two villains, Hush and Clayface, learning they planned to kill Batman
-The Justice League plans two ambushes on the Justice Teens but Coffy is severely harmed
-Mockingbirdx and Star Lad, with the help of Patricia Nightly, break into the Watch Tower and free the other Justice Teens
-Patricia Nightly sends the Justice Teens on a campaign against teenaged super-villains
-Cryogenic villain, Ice Tile, arrives in Metropolis
-Justice Teens fight Ice Tile and end up losing him
-Michael Lincoln in brought to help defuse Ice Tile's bomb and joins after Ice Tile once again escapes
-Psi Lad and Kid Rager learn of a bomb threat in San Francisco and go to deal with it
-Wonder Teen is invited to a party and brings Kid Blurr along with her, however they are soon met by the creature Chemo, and are able to take it down with the help of the Blue Beetle
-Stagg begins development on a new scarab
-A scientist from another dimension named Jacob and his son arrive to New Earth and help with some of the problems
-Jack Vespucci joins the German Military as the Drummer Boy
-Meta-Humans around the world go missing
-Donut Boy and Kid Blurr travel to Jacob's dimension and learn that Jacob's son is a clone made from New Earth Kryptonian and Meta D.N.A
-Jacob traps the Justice League in his dimension then sends his clone to destroy Metropolis but his plans are thwarted by the Justice Teens and the clone gains self-conciseness and disappears with the city, and the team, partly intact
-Sword Peirce tracks a target to Chicago
-Cody Brax goes out on an adventure as Dog Boy
-Heroes begin the reconstruction of Metropolis after the attack, but soon find a mercenary group trained to fight Metas, raiding S.T.A.R Labs
-Mockingbirdx alerts the Justice Teens that Night Sif's body has been stolen
-Lantern searches an old Soviet base in hopes of finding Night Sif's body, but is soon attacked by mutated survivors of the Chernoyblle incident
-Prodigyy and Valkiery Girl check with the Gods of Olympus on finding Night Sif
-Kid Rager tracks lead to Chicago to find an assassin but runs into the same group that attacked S.T.A.R Labs who call themselves A-Game
-The Justice Teens plan an ambush for A-Game but it goes horribly wrong with Kid Rager killing two of them, and the team being attacked by weapons that could damage Star Lad
-A series of fights between Law Enforcement, A-Game, and the Justice Teens lead to the team knowing the whereabouts of the main A-Game base
-Elisabeth Right captures Fortis Richardson and nine other Meta-Humans
-The Justice Teens attack A-Game office building in Central City which leads to the true Kid Rager showing himself, Impulse breaking his leg, and Kid Rager's self-sacrifice to kill the leader of A-Game and save everyone in the building
-The Justice Teens build a morgue to store Night Sif and Kid Rager's body
-Connor hears of his his uncle Bradley's death and begins plotting revenge
-Impulse fights the Meta-Human teen, Poison Leaf
-Stephen Taylor and Courtney Agnst are hit with an experimental power source that turns them into pure energy
-Justice Teens meet Pac
-Unable to cope with it, Courtney began destroying the city, leading to an epic battle with Stephen and his supposed death
-Trubie and Impulse begin going out
-Meta-Human teen, BronzeCub is denied membership to the Justice Teens
-Green Lantern Peyton Cross battles his team, Alphas, in Los Angles and brings Peyton into the Justice Teens
-Lantern and Donut Boy are called out to help with a war with the Sinestro Corps.
-Coffy quits the Justice Teens and goes to live with her Uncle
-Atlantean, Nyeusi and Zaleth arrive in Metropolis then Zaleth joins the Justice Teens
-After Zaleth was killed by a shape-shifter who looked like Blurr, Nyeusi takes his place and becomes Water Shock
-Kid Blurr makes a deal with leader of the Pac, Nancy
-The Helm is found in a desert and sent to the Smithsonian Museum in Washington
-Patricia Nightly begins recruiting for Supreme Justice
-Conner joins the team as American Kid
-Kinetic Teen and Tech Break join Supreme Justice
-Frost Teen spends Christmas at Frost Bat's house
2009-Psi Lad unlocks Catherine Joys' mind, giving her Telekinetic powers
-Grayson Knight gains Cryokinesis and becomes Snowblitz
-Renol is trapped in his girlfriend’s dimension
-Catherin Joy becomes Ggal and joins the Justice Teens
-Renol returns with Teleporter schematics
-BronzeCub joins Supreme Justice
-Wonder Teen and Prodigyy go to Olympus to question the Gods about Rager’s death
-Psi Lad becomes Ggal’s mentor
-Morning Sparrow enters Gotham to find Batman for answers of his missing Master
-New Adolescent Meta-Genes are activated and the Justice Teens search for them
-Ada Shepard begins her school to train New Metas in Old S.T.A.R Labs and recruits Psi Lad
-Elizabeth Right captures Metas world-wide and brings them to her prisons in the
-Chris Nedza’s powers activate in New York and the Justice Teens are sent only to get into a fight with Pac and hand him over
-Ada Shepard recruits Peace and Titan to help bring in students
-Most of the experienced members leave on personal missions
-Marina Sokolov takes her first life
-Chris Lobenz survives the Ilbi'an attack on his mother's lab and takes the H.A.E.S
-Blurr meets with his old Vampire friend, Edward in Detroit in hopes of reviving the young girl and ends up going back to Atlanta
-Chris Lobenz becomes Ronin
-Dog Boy locates abandoned Russian outpost and finds an abandoned baby Meta-Panda who he calls PaPa The Panda
-Peyton Cross visits Atlantis and helps Water Shock fight off an ancient creature
-Trubie and Impulse go to Florida and end up meeting BronzeCub and helping save the daughter of one of Trubie's old victims
-Blurr’s future and past are told and soon is attacked by Edward and his Vampire clan but with the help of Theodore Xater, repel the attack
-Blurr loses control of his mind, body, and powers
-An unknown force mentally attacked the Water Front but was stopped by Frost Bat
-Awake Justice Teens and Supreme Justice are brought to Detroit where Blurr is destroying the city for unknown reasons
-Blurr goes into a coma
-Prodigyy and Wonder Teen goes to investigate the problems at Murnir Island
-Two teams are sent after two Meta-Humans only to lose one and have the other die
-Renol and Mockingbirdx are alerted to Blurr’s condition and make their way to the old S.T.A.R Labs facility only to discover that the Meta-Human Teens they had been going for had been lead to Ada Shepard by Psi Lad
-Prodigyy and Wonder Teen are told of the split between the Demi-Gods started by Prodigyy's brother, Ezac
-Dillon Hicks' Meta-Gene activates and joins Ada's school
-News about a machine attacking European villages brings Mockingbird to deal with it alone for the next few days
-Impulse takes the J.T to Europe to help Mockingbird defeat the android piloted by infamous mechanic, Ramsey
-Dimitiros escapes from S.T.A.R Labs and wreaks havoc until stopped in Atlanta, Georgia by Kid Blurr
-Someone is hit by a lightning bolt which is made from the aftermath of Blurr vs. Dimitiros and gains super-speed from the Speed Force
-Kid Blurr runs into Morning Sparrow and is soon captured by Elizabeth Right and experimented on
-Kid Blurr meets Subject 138 and is forced to fight other Subjects
-The Justice Teens stage an assualt on Right's facility and free all the Metas
-Subject 138 joins the Justice Teens as Kid Shift
-Maximus Zero returns to Metropolis and a battle between Supreme Justice and Justice Teens ensue
-Maximus Zero joins the Justice Teens
-Jacob returns and begins an assualt on Earth, resulting in him kidnapping Sparky Arrow
-The Justice Teens, First Defence, and Supreme Justice work together to bring down Jacob's two main clones
-Maxima Zero joins the Justice Teens