Theodore Xater

Character Name: Theodore Xater
Nicknames/Alias: Theo, Kharmak
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: July 19th, 1996
Date of Joining: November 4th, 2009
Place of Birth: Castine, Maine
Residence: Mobile
Ethnicity: White
Race: Human-Demon Hybrid
Height: 6’2
Weight: 189 lbs.
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Yellow
Languages: English, Latin, Spanish
Role in Justice Teens: Monster Hunting Specialist
Relatives: Laufhy(Father), Jennifer Xater(Mother)(Deceased)
Relationships: Veronica, Kid Blurr, Arkeptu, Shiriken, Edward Hunnigan, Friend, Atelay, Axe, Patric Holmes, Stereo, Sparky Arrow, Hells Archer, Stereo, Kid Wicked, The Professor, Crocodile Boy, Teen Eagle, Roh’a Talsu, Star Lad, Prodigyy, Wonder Teen, Parlor Trix, KellyKa, Danni Ash, Combat, Vibra, Poison Leaf, Sword Pierce, Sin, Charm, Warning, Fray, Parlor Trix, Kid Blacklight
Education: N/A
Background: Theodore Xater is the half-breed child of a Human woman raped by the demon known as Laufhy. Xater grew up with his mother hating him until she eventually attempted to kill him, forcing him to run away which would lead him to face similar scrutiny from strangers due to his strange appearance. At some point he would learn to control his inherited powers a bit better, using them to survive by harming others and stealing what they had. With these powers, he slowly succumbed to his darker urgers and became the monster his mother was afraid of. At some point, he came across another victim of his father, a young girl born in the early 1800s named Veronica whose soul was bonded to a steel sword. Their connection to Laufhy allows him to hear Veronica’s spirit through the blade. Together, Xater and Veronica found their purpose; revenge. The two would travel across the East Coast, slaying the same creatures that damned them. In 2005, Xater met the original Justice Teens who attempted to recruit him, but felt he couldn’t trust them to help meet his goals. It wouldn’t be until late 2009 that Xater would once again be asked by a more ruthless Kid Blurr. Seeing the hate in his soul and hearing of Atelay’s involvement in the Justice-Injustice War, Xater accepted, though not without some problems.
Personality: Theodore Xater is a cruel and gruff individual, even to himself. His goal of ridding the world of demons and monsters has formed a one-track mindset in him that’s hard to break. He finds little enjoyment in being around others, especially members that are “less than Human”, which has been the point of several altercations between him and the team. He has no qualms with cold-blooded murder, even when it comes to his fellow man, but would rather maim his opponents. He works better alone, but when he is teamed up, he’s privy to moving to the back, waiting to strike when the time is right, even at the risk of losing a team member in the process. Oddly though, he does have care for the spirit that resides in his sword and is rare to allow anyone else to wield her. As he slowly began to adjust to the Justice Teens, Xater's demeanor notably changed, letting him break free from the pain that pushed him forward. Though he still remains his tough and rude self, there's a new feeling of pride and joy Xater has when it comes to protecting those he considers his friends, even if some of them aren't exactly Human.
Quit League: Xater leaves the Justice Teens in 2018
Looks physically older than he is
Went through an emo phase from 2009-2012
Veronica has the ability to shift her mass, allowing Xater to maneuver faster with her
Killed his mother years later during a Blood Rush
Suffers from narcolepsy
Considers all magical creatures monsters
An extremely good chess player
Member of the Knights of Sorcery
Has small runic tattoos running down his spine
Used to dye his hair and wear colored contacts to look normal
When he first joined, he attempted to kill Hells Archer
Has a Facebook page that only follows American Bully dogs
Is well known, and feared, by many of the Injustice Teen magic members
Believes killing a host is better than exorcising them
Kid Shift once joked about Xater being in love with Veronica
Good friends with Stereo
Worked as muscle for Patric Holmes before forcing him to join the Justice Teens
Acts as a magical assassin for Arkeptu
Character Summary: The hate Xater has for everything else can't compare to the hate he has for himself. It wasn't until joining the Justice Teens of America that he began to view himself as a person instead of the monster his father made him out to be.