Tesla Effect

Character Name: Eva Jules
Nicknames/Alias: Tesla Effect, Terra Byte, Ethereal Light
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: July 6th, 1997
Date of Joining: February 9th, 2008
Place of Birth: Metropolis, Delaware
Residence: Los Angels, California
Ethnicity: American
Race: Meta-Human
Height: 5'4
Weight: 122 lbs
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Languages: English
Powers/Abilities: See Powers and Abilities
Role in Justice Teens: Defense
Relatives: Michael Jules(Step-Father), Sharen Jules(Mother)(Deceased)
Relationships: Star Lad, Donut Boy, Ada Shepard, Michael Keeton, Statrix, Kid Blurr, Wonder Teen, Patricia Nightly, David Blackwell, Crocodile Boy, Snowblitz One Hit, Combat, Tree Frog, Regan, Aiden Izzet, Kid Steel, Ventat, Self Flesh Burning Boy, Psi Lad, Stereo, Hells Archer, Kid Shift, Sparky Arrow, Scarab, Tree Frog, Oil Spill
Education: High school
Background: Eva Jules' abilities of geokinesis appeared not long after the 2005 Explosion. Her parents, both being S.T.A.R Labs engineers, left her in the care of the Metropolis branch to help control her abilities. She would come to study the art of war, as her powers allowed her to change the battlefield literally. During her time there, she befriended another young Meta-Human, Jason Lucas, aka Star Lad. For years, the two would train together, honing their powers til the day S.T.A.R Labs was attacked. With the aid of the Justice Teens, they would defend the facility. Having already read files on the team, and knowing the impact they've had during their short few years, Eva, going by Terra Byte at the time, persuaded Star to join the team with her. After her first year, she would move to the west coast for a few months to establish a foothold, while staying with her parents. In late 2009, Star Lad and Terra Byte would see S.T.A.R Lab’s new invention, The TrancFerr, which allowed Metas to transfer their powers to another. Volunteering himself, Statrix was strapped into the cylinder but freaked out during the powering-up sequence of the device. While attempting to get people out of the room, Terra Byte was hit with a blast from the TranceFerr, and her genetic code was rewritten, giving her the same powers of electricity as Grant. For the next year, the two would train with each other until he would join the Justice Teens of America after helping save the team from Elizabeth Right.
Personality: Tesla Effect has spent most of her young life studying combat, whether from video games for inspiration or training with her team to learn new tactics, or reading public war documents. With that, she is an avid combatant and strategist, usually relying on her intelligence to help boost her abilities. She can come off a bit odd but is friendly once you get to know her. Strong-willed and independent, she's not known for giving up, and has, an infectious can do attitude. Dedicated to the J.T.A, she views many of the members as her family and would die protecting them.
Loves to go camping
Had hard light powers at a point and went Whoby Ethereal Light
Has an easy time mastering new powers
Agreed to work alone on the West Coast cause of Rager's death
Gone through the TranceFerr device twice, taking the powers of enemies of the J.T
Dyes hair in different colors to hide her identity
Knows how to code
Loves jarred pickles
Knows Martial Arts
Christian Faith
Avid Gamer
Talks to herself during combat to plan out her next attack
Works as a carpenter's apprentice on the side
Mentor to Category 9
Joined First Defense after Kid Blurr's death in 2011
Strong Willed
Allowed to freely visit Shepard's Academy
Respects Blurr
Friends with Wonder Teen
Went to a book club with Donut Boy
Her career as a hero is one filled with many changes, but her dedication to the Justice Teens has never wavered.