Tech Break

Character Name: Josh Vinson
Nicknames/Alias: Tech Break
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: December 18th, 1997
Date of Joining: May 7th, 2009
Place of Birth: Tulsa, Oklahoma
Residence: Sky Front
Ethnicity: America
Race: Human
Height: 6'0
Weight: 155 lbs
Hair Color: Brunette
Eye Color: Brown(normal); Icy blue with three white dots that rotate around iris when in use(post-chip)
Languages: All recorded
Powers/Abilities: Scanning
See Powers and Abilities
Role in Justice Teens: Tech Support
Relatives: Carrie Vinson(Mother)(Deceased), Joshua Vinson(Father)(Deceased)
Relationships: Kinetic Teen, Kid Blurr, Sparky Arrow, Gadget Break, Martian, Niro
Education: College Graduate
Important Life Events: Being in an accident and nearly died, Had a chip placed in his head by a man who forced him to kill his own parents, Hunting the doctor, Joining Supreme Justice, Quitting Supreme Justice, Joining the Justice Teens of America, Finding that there were more subjects, Fighting Massacre, Fighting Trigon 1 on 1 and winning, Nearly being shot to death, Learning Filipino Stick Fighting
Background: Josh Vinson was in an accident that rendered him comatose. Out of desperation, his parents allowed an experimental procedure on him by Professor Ragner where a data chip would be inserted into his brain. The procedure worked, however Ragner began experimenting with the chip's capabilities which caused both of Josh's parents to react. Ragner forced Josh to kill his parents, then disappeared, leaving Josh angry and broken. After taken the name Tech Break, he began hunting Ragner, and eventually joined Supreme Justice and the Justice Teens to increase his view.
Personality: Tech Break can easily be seen as a straight to the point individual with his peers.Usually realistic with probabilities and failures with each instance. With his friends, he can be more collective, acting more as the voice of sanity and less of a careless asshole. He's one of the hardest Humans to surprise as the chip in his head allows him to read reactions and see things coming from almost any angle.
Expert hacker
Personality profiler
Speaks all known languages
Known to by the aliases Big Brother and Skynet
Smartest member of the league
Trained in Filipino Stick Fighting
Dual weapons expert
Works at the Government facility Airforce 5 to hunt down dangerous Meta-Criminals that have gone off the radar
Keeps to himself
Fan of horror films
Suffers from Depression
College Graduate
Spends free time searching for the doctor who gave him the chip
Loves Thai food
Second in command of Nightly's Justice Teens
Tech support for the league
Trusted by Kid Blurr and Kinetic Teen
Normally bothered by Sparky Arrow on who's smarter
Has issues with Gadget Break
Tech Break's past is clouded, his future the same, but with the chip implanted in his brain, Tech Break is one of the Justice Teens most deadliest supporters. His skill with in Filipino Stick Fighting can only be measured by Nightwing, while his aim with a gun is greatly increased by his enhanced senses. Known for outsmarting his targets, Tech Break will use his chip to hack into any type of technology, giving him an advantage on the battle field, on Earth or in Space.