sword peirce

Character Name: Grant Wilson
Nicknames/Alias: Sword Peirce, Ravager
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: N/A
Date of Joining: August 12, 2009
Place of Birth: N/A
Residence: Mobile
Ethnicity: Human
Race: Caucasian
Height: 6'1
Weight: 220 lbs
Hair Color: Blond
Eye Color: Blue
Languages: English, French, Japanese, Swedish, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Korean
Powers/Abilities: Enhanced
Role in Injustice Teens: Hit Man
Relatives: Slade Wilson(Father), Adeline Wilson(Mother), Wade LaFarge(Uncle)(Deceased), Rose Wilson(Sister), Jericho Wilson(Brother)
Relationships: Maximum Zero, Ice Tile, Kid Nitrro, Curve, Pinpoint X, Kid Blurr, Sparky Arrow, Shiriken, Metal Lad, Krypt, Paine, Ronin, David Blackwell, Shiriken, Patricia Nightly, Kombat, Bleed Out, Crocodile Boy, Jaws, Bowgirl, Suitra, One Hit, Ada Shepard, Boomer, FX, El Venom, Ronin, Thurgood Marshall
Education: N/A
Background: It's unknown how, but Sword Peirce is the son of Slade Wilson. Grant died years before during a battle with the Titans, however since his return he's noticeably younger and more ruthless. He was one of the original members that Maximum Zero recruited to form the league.
Personality: Sword Peirce is the third in command of the Injustice Teens and smartest combat tacticians on Transit. He's willing to sacrifice allies for the success of the mission, however his sense of duty and distain for failure causes him to push the envelope and complete a mission without a single casualty. Not one for words, Peirce would much rather you keep your thoughts to yourself, or he'll silence them forever.
It's unknown how Grant turned into Sword Peirce
Avoids conflict with his family
Has no interest in killing the Titans
Teaches Injustice Teens M.M.A
Leads the main I.T assassin squad
Kills I.T he feels would ruin the league
Considers himself Human instead of Meta
Transit's Quarter Master
Favors swords over guns
Hates G.T.A
Hates War
Favorite place to visit is Siberia, Russia
Made the contingency plans for the Injustice Teens
Spends time alone in the streets of Chicago
Does not like Kid Nitrro
Works with Patricia Nightly and First Defense