Sven Gist

Character Name: Sven Gist
Nickname / Alias: Sven / “Grigori Nuccio” (Fake I.D)
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: April 20th, 1996
Date of Joining: October 22nd, 2012
Place of Birth: Virtota
Residence: Temperance, Virtota/Perris, California
Ethnicity: Russo-Virtotian
Race: Meta-Human
Height: 6’2
Weight: 152 lbs
Hair Color: Burgundy
Eye Color: Green
Languages: English, Russian
Powers/Abilities: (Grow stronger and longer term with more influence Sven has)
Blood Manipulation/Constructs: Sven has the ability to manipulate his blood and any other blood he contacts and use it for attacks or defense, such as weapons, snares, or fixing his wounds.
Blood Bank Seal: Sven has the ability to store all and any blood he comes into contact with or steals from victims to a seal located on his back and chest which can be used to summon the amount of blood he wishes to use. These seals also open up around Sven's body where wounds would be, replacing any serious damage with a magic that just regenerates the harmed area.
Ailment Guard: The last of his magic abilities is the ability to repel illnesses and diseases that enter his body, allowing him to never get sick, weak or contract any diseases that could be transmitted through blood or air borne viral attacks.
Demon Summon: Given the power by the Devil himself, Sven in dire times can call in a favor to summon a small fleet of lesser and greater demons either to panic the public so he can brainwash them or to defend himself from incoming threats.
Super Strength/Durability: A very common trait in his late parents and his ancestry, Sven also inherited the ability to be able to lift and fight things much bigger than he is and take a large amount of hits as well.
Nullify: Sven's meta gene which activated during a traumatic experience as a kid, gave him the ability to completely wipe the powers of his enemies when he's faced with copious amounts of worry. Although this does not work on telepaths, it messes with their thoughts and gives them inaccurate information. This ability is passive and short term.
Brainwash: Alongside his nullifying powers, Sven can brainwash and manipulate the wills of weak victims and opponents he's instilled panic into. This gives Sven the chance to defend himself using meat shields or soldiers of people who are now devoted to him, including heroes who feel even a small shock of panic. This ability is offensive and long term and can only be removed with the help of another telepath or meditation and follows the same exception to telepaths as his Nullify.
See Powers and Abilities
Role in the Justice Teens: Strategist/Offense
Relatives: Adrian Gist (Deceased Father), Vera Dominika Amato Gist (Deceased Mother), Astasia Amato (Deceased Grandmother)
Relationships: Hierarchy, Jack V. Vespucci, Maximum Zero (More pending)
Education: High School
Important Life Events: Discovering his meta powers through a traumatic childhood experience. Getting involved with violent Meta protests during youth. Forming a pact with dark forces for more power. Joining the Injustice Teens. Forming a rivalry against the authorities and later Jack after his return. Making a move to the U.S for more influence.
Background: Sven was a parentless child whose only knowledge of his parents were good things he heard from his Grandmother who owned an orphanage. He didn’t care about the other kids in the establishment but made a name for himself within them as he protected them often from racist, and intolerant elders who despised metas and magi for being a “wicked minority”. His powers didn’t settle in until one day trying to protect the orphans he was tossed into a pit full of venomous spiders and while having arachnophobia made it worse, Sven’s metagene finally came into play and with a strange telepathic power rendered the spiders defenseless and scared as well as the genes of the orphans who were forced to watch along with the adults who felt a sudden fear and brainwash. Sven grew to enjoy these powers in the future when he began riots against humans with the older orphans, later forming pacts with evil forces to give him more physical power to make him “untouchable” by opposing forces. After the death of his grandmother, Jack’s disappearance, and the burning down of the orphanage, Sven swore to free Meta and Magi alike from the laws that oppressed them, from people that hated and misunderstood them, and from the world that wanted to limit them when they were capable of so much more, driving him to join the Injustice Teens and come into opposition of the law and his former younger sibling like figure, Jack, who joined the law to stop Sven and his allies from taking over.
Personality: Although Sven is not inherently violent or murderous he is not at all afraid to commit brutal crimes against anyone who faces against him be it Human, Meta or Magi. Sven alone or with friends displays a very vacant attitude half the time, displaying aloofness but will immediately convert to a competitive and intelligent terror machine while on the job. While he does what he can out of selflessness, he is ignorant to the progressive changes around him since he grew up confident humans will never actually like him or his peers. This leads to very violent attitudes when shown disrespect by anyone who thinks is lesser than him and puts them in their place.
Quit League: Dies at the age of 23, after a raging war against him, the evil forces and Jack and his team on their home country of Virtota.
Afraid of Spiders.
Believes Jack is naive and won’t kill him yet.
Doesn’t believe in his losses and isn’t afraid to be set back, “It makes the next victory sweeter.”
Favorite food is Ambrosia
Favorite location is under the pier of Santa Monica.
He wears a black puffer jacket with no shirt underneath and black lipstick and eyeliner to hide his identity, has a fit build but handsome andogynous facial features.
Has to vomit blood at least once or twice a week to throw up any old or congealing blood in his magic blood seals that might not be as effective as fresher blood, vomit can be manipulated.
Not much is known about how much blood he can carry but when Sven doesn’t kill victims for it he prefers sneaking into agricultural areas to drain blood from farm animals like goats or cows but never kills the animal and only siphons until he thinks he has enough for another encounter.