
Character Name: Bayani Dantes
Nickname / Alias: Survivor, Subject 3482
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: May 23, 1997
Date of Joining: February 9th, 2011
Place of Birth: Zambonga City, Philippines
Residence: Mobile
Ethnicity: Filipino
Race: Meta-Human
Height: 5'9
Weight: 162lb
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Languages: Filipino, English, Chinese
Powers/Abilities: Situational Adaptation
Role in Injustice Teens: Public Relations
Relatives: Jestoni Dantes(Father, Deceased), Mayat Dantes(Mother, Deceased), Ernie Dantes(Brother, Deceased)
Relationships: Makeshift Maximum Zero, Kid Blurr, Omega Kid, Cypher, Galen Pillar Potential Teen, Input, Tech Break, Pastel, Martian Niro, Kid Nitrro, Elizabeth Right, Paine, 02
Education: Filipino High-School
Background: Bayani Dantes was born in Zamboanga City, the world's ninth most dangerous city of 2014. Living there, Bayani and his older brother Ernie had to be street smart or end up missing. Around the age of eight, he and Ernie were caught in a drive by from the Moro National Liberation Front. During the attack, Bayani's powers showed themselves by creating a thick armor of skin around his body, saving his life but his brother was not so lucky. Later that year, he found the attack was meant for Ernie as he was dealing with weapons trafficking throughout the city. Bayani continued to live the rest of his life with his family, until the next year where his family was killed and he was taken to a Chinese facility owned by Elizabeth Right where he would spend the next four years, being experimented on until Maximum Zero attacked. Bayani was one of four others who would join Zero's Injustice Teens. As he would get acclimated to freedom, Bayani, now going by Survivor, would learn that it was his own government that sold him to Right. Blaming his country at first, Survivor would realize that America would be the reason that his country's government was so corrupt, and that only it's liberation would bring them to a new era of prosperity.
Personality: Survivor is a strong-willed individual with the ability to adapt to anything that life throws at him; physically and mentally. He is emotionally bothered however by the world's continuing style of allowing one country to control another. He has strong pride towards his country and wishes to see it liberated. When in a mission, he has no problem dropping out of a plane with a blindfold around his eyes, but when the situation is dire, he is serious and has no hesitation in throwing himself between a nuke and what is dear to him.
Fear of heights
Has a disdain for Americans who aren’t in the I.T
Survived being thrown into space
Likes to make jokes
Plays games
Attends freedom rallies
Hates eggplants
Visits opposition-controlled countries
Civil Rights Activist
No hint of an accent but does like to use slang
Was the first person to respond to the M.A.L Massacre
Had 3482 tattooed on his wrist to remind him of who is
Was one of the few rare individuals to meet Cypher way before the Final Battle
Makeshift is his boyfriend
Shares a bond with Gallen Pillar due to their enslavement by Elizabeth Right
Wants to free his home country from America and help Zero create his new world order