
Character Name: Marina Sokolov
Nickname / Alias: Suitra, Sniper of the Border
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: August 16, 1996
Date of joining
Place of Birth: Kyiv, Ukraine
Residence: Border between Ukraine and Russia
Race: Human
Height: 5'6
Weight: 126lb
Hair Color: Black with dark red lines dyed
Eye Color: Hazel
Languages: Multilingual
Powers: None
Role in Injustice Teens: Assassin
Relatives: Mikihal Sokolov(father)(Deceased), Katerina Lenschi(Mother)(Deceased)
Relationships: Ice Tile, Ronin, Sword Peirce, Pinpoint X, Contour, Galen Pillar, Boeing
Education: College Undergraduate
Background: Born in the Ukraine, Marina was only five when her mother Katerina shot her father in the head. Her mother was the daughter of a K.G.B spy who had trained her, and in turn Katerina would train Marina. Marina would be taught in multiple aspects of the world, along with languages, and fighting styles and ways to kill. Right before her 13th birthday, she killed her first target. He was a detective that would've broken a sex ring run by the Russian Mob. A year later she was after a target that Ice Tile was sent after. Instead of fighting as she prepared, Ice Tile allowed her to go after the target with his help, telling her that there was no money involved for him, only a mission. Respecting him for having a purpose more than money, she joined him in his mission to break a Human trafficking ring in West Africa, then joined the Injustice Teens.
Personality: Though a trained assassin, Marina does not favor the path that her mother had set her on. She's one of the more intelligent members of the Injustice Teens, using what she's learned over the years to train members to better themselves. She is afraid of allowing someone else get close to her out of fear that they would use her as her mother once did, however Contour had taught her a lesson from their love. "I don't wanna use you, I'm stronger than you. I can drop the sun on you whenever! I actually want your company, your soul...not like that.".
Has a fear of failure
Is capable of seducing both genders
Untrusting of others
Failed to assassinate the Justice Teen Renol
Killed her mother shortly after joining the Injustice Teens
Does not like killing
Uses the Injustice Teens to reach greater targets
Has a body count of 352 confirmed kills
Speaks in perfect accents for each one of her known languages
Was dating Sword Peirce for a time before ending up with Contour
Nearly killed Sparky Arrow during their first encounter
While single, has sexual encounters with Ronin