
Character Name: Omar Tsong
Nicknames/Alias: Stereo, Reo, Ster
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: March 12, 1997
Date of Joining: August 3rd, 2010
Place of Birth: West Covina, California, USA
Residence: Frontier
Ethnicity: Half Mexican, Half Taiwanese
Race: Meta-Human
Height: 5’10
Weight: 155 lb
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Languages: English, Spanish, Mandarin
Powers/Abilities: Acoustikinesis (Sound Manipulation)
Role in Justice Teens: Infiltrator
Relatives: Godmother, Amada (Mother)(Deceased), Fu Tsong(Father)
Relationships: Kenia Diaz, Ice Tile, Hells Archer, Kid Blurr, Star Lad, Danni Ash, Kid Shift, Sparky Arrow, Maximus Zero, Maxima Zero, Donut Boy, Gadget Break, Frost Teen, Ravily, Sonic Siren, Black Ignite, Maxima Zero, Psi Lad, KellyKa, Prodgiyy, Wonder Teen, Felecia Nicole, Mirror, Comet, LunaEmber, Poison Leaf, Trebble, Kid Nitrro, Molly Thunder, Orbital Spirit, Disterminal, Scarab, Star Teen, Kinetic Teen, Makeshift, Doctor Kitten, Breakdown
Education: High School
Background: Omar Tsar’s powers activated during a school field trip to a new S.T.A.R Labs facility built in Central City. For unforeseen reasons, one of the few experiments going on in the building went awry, causing half the building to collapse, killing hundreds of innocent people and putting Stereo into a three-day coma. When he woke, instead of finding himself in a hospital bed, Omar was laid in his bed, wearing a medical gown and an I.V in his arm. As he laid there, he could hear his dad Fu yelling downstairs about the medical bills. After calling for him the yelling stop, followed by loud stomping approaching his room. When the door open, his dad shouted his name happily, causing Omar to ask why he was yelling and making all that noise, which confused Fu as he told his son he had been on the phone in the garage, never once raising his voice. Over the next week, Omar would slowly discover his new powers, simply believing himself able to have incredible hearing, catching the snide remarks other students at his school would say about him, the construction on the S.T.A.R Labs facility on the other side of town, or people’s conversations in the lunch room while in his classroom, things would take a more dangerous turn while at home. During one of his father’s rants against Omar, the two would get into an argument, causing Omar to shout back at his father which sent a sonic wave that sent the dining room table flying against the wall, splintering into millions of little pieces. Shocked and scared, Omar would run out the house crying, making his way to his best friend Chad Burnswhick’s house. While on the run, a car speeds around the corner and jumps the sidewalk, nearly hitting Omar but not before he let out another scream which knocked the car off course and sent it spinning in circles around him. He watched as the car hit the streetlamp, coming to a complete stop. One by one, five men exited the car, one of them not noticing Omar. Without a word, the man reached in his back pocket and pulled out a 9mm handgun, claiming the kid’s a witness. In the back, Omar could hear sirens in the distance, but unsure if they were two blocks away or just leaving the station. He screams at them, ripping clothes and skin off two of them. They, however, swarm him as his powers fail to activate, allowing them to beat him savagely. As they dragged him over to the sidewalk and placed his face over the edge, preparing the snapped his jaw off, a black blur swooped from the skies above, snatching each thug up one by one and throwing them around. With one eye swollen up and the other blacked, Omar struggled to see a young man walking up to him, asking if he was the one doing all the screaming before blacking out. When he came to, Omar found himself on a space station known as Sky Front, surrounded by what appeared to be the same guy in scrubs. Sitting beside him was the young man who had saved him before. Going by Maximus Zero, he explained what had happened and where Omar was currently. At the end of their conversation, Max sends Omar home, but not before giving him a beacon. Several months had passed before Omar activated the device; another bad fight between him and his dad and the betrayal of his best friend forced him to leave his old life behind, knowing that if he were to stay, someone would die. In August of 2010, Omar would join the Justice Teens of America as Stereo.
Personality: Slow to trust and quick to berate, Omar is said to be cold and nonchalant when it comes to people. From an outsider’s perspective, he’s lazy and unwilling to do anything, and quick to hold a grudge if you ever cross him in the slightest. Once you’ve broken down his walls however, Stereo is one of the most loyal friends you could ever have, willing to move the Earth to make you smile. His quick wit and smart mouth often make him the source of comedic relief, and his carefree nature helps draw younger, less experienced members to him. He’s not a fan of making decisions, being in charge, or getting into conflicts with the people he knows, but is often there to support the actions of his friends.
Suffers from depression and anxiety
Has mild ADHD
Attends Metropolis High
Worked at Big Belly Burger and later at Sundollar as a barista.
Is almost always listening to music
Reconciled with his father after the Final Battle
Huge Ariana Grande fan
Wears a prosthetic ring finger after Ice Tile froze the real one off
Swears a lot
Can be hard of hearing unless focused in
Revealed that Cypher was behind the reason for the accident
Became second in command of the Infiltrators after Sparky Arrow left
Carries a collapsible crossbow that he stole from the I.T member, Lowben
Goes to therapy
After Kenia’s death he accepts his homosexuality
His once best friend Chad Burnswhick was secretly the Injustice Teen, Ice Tile
Was taught to control his powers by Star Lad
Character Summary: Loud and proud of his place in the Justice Teens, Stereo serves amongst the only people he still considers family in a world that cries out in pain.