Star lad

Character Name: Jason "Lucas" Sawyer
Nicknames/Alias: Star Lad, Star, Starry Knight, Star-boy
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: August 22nd, 1997
Date of Joining: February 9th, 2008
Place of Birth: Metropolis, Kansas
Residence: Frontier S.T.A.R Labs
Ethnicity: American
Race: Meta-Human
Height: 5'4
Weight: 150 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Languages: English
Powers/Abilities: See Powers and Abilities
Role in Justice Teens: Captain
Relatives: Unknown(Father), Unknown(Mother)
Relationships: Kid Blurr, Sparky Arrow, Stereo, Hells Archer, Kid Shift, Frost Teen, Prodigyy, Wonder Teen, Fallout Boy, Trebble, Scarab, Black Ignite, Doc Sage, Molly Thunder, Nova Pulsar, Kid Shazam, Star Teen, Carbine, Renol, Psi Lad, Peyton Cross, Column, Donut Boy, Kid Rager, Mockingbirdx, Coffy, Impulse, Trubie, Danni Ash, A. Carson, Maximus Zero, Maxima Zero, Tesla Effect, Statrix, Ada Shepard, Ice Tile, Sword Peirce, Ritz Marshall, Fable, LunaEmber, Martian Niro, Sin, Arkeptu, Gasious, O2, Jaws, Poison Leaf, Parasitix, Mako, One Hit, Snowblitz,
Education: High-school graduate
Important Life Events: Being hit by the rogue solar flare that gave him his powers, Joining S.T.A.R Labs to help master his powers, Meeting Terra Byte, Saving a group of people from a collapsing building, Seeing the Justice Teens on the news, Taking down Grant Gustin for S.T.A.R Labs, Meeting the Justice Teens during a mission, Joining the League after Terra Byte, Fighting the Justice League and losing, Battling against Jacob and his clone, Seeing Kid Rager's death, Being mentally assaulted in Water Front, Helping to stop a crazed Kid Blurr in Detroit, Maximus Zero and Maxima Zero join the league, Dating Maxima Zero for a short time, Seeing Mockingbirdx's death at the hands of the Injustice Teens
Background: Jason's past was a mystery to everyone, even himself, for many years. It would later be revealed he was a normal kid until he was hit by a solar flare from the 2005 explosion, activating his meta-gene, however, the impact was so powerful, he was put into a coma for an entire year and left in the care of S.T.A.R Labs while they studied the effects of the blast. While he appeared normal, genetically he was different, even when compared to the regular meta-gene; for all intents and purposes, he was a mutant. It was due to this, and the fact that when had woken, he had lost his memory, it was impossible to find any record of both him and his family. Wanting to keep him out of the hands of any black-ops organization or shadow government program, the lead researcher at the time, Ada Shepard, kept the boy they called Jason, and trained him to use his powers safely. Placing him under Project S.T.A.R Lad, Star would be sent on small rescue missions when S.T.A.R Labs' own forces weren't enough. Eventually, he would be teamed up with another young Meta-Human known as Terra Byte, and the two would act as security for the Metropolis base, protecting it during Brainiac's attack in 2007. The two would come face to face with the Justice Teens of America in 2008 when the building was attacked by tech thieves. Together, they defended the building and, with the combined might of Wonder Teen and Star Lad, put a stop to the attack altogether. When the dust settled and the smoke cleared, Star Lad was approached by Wonder to join the team. Unsure if he could leave S.T.A.R Labs, Donut Boy reassured him, telling him the J.T was based in the city and that whenever S.T.A.R needed him, he wouldn't be alone to answer the call. With a smile and an aggressive nudge from Terra Byte, both joined the Justice Teens, forever changing the course of history.
Personality: Off the bat, Star Lad can be a kind and strong spirit, showing both love and loyalty towards the league and its members. Funny, charismatic, and brash, Star Lad sometimes views himself as the picture of a true Justice Teen. Having said that, he can be very aggressive when he feels his position is threatened, by a stronger opponent who crosses him. Competitive in spirit, he is willing to battle them and prove his equal or better than them. He slowly became more angry and upset after the appearance of Maximus Zero, releasing that on others and usually wanting to battle them to show dominance. With time, Star Lad had come to terms that he wasn’t always the strongest and became more easygoing. At the end of the day, Star can be called upon to watch your back in any situation.
Technically second in command of the Justice Teens
Goes to a class to make scented candles
Acts as Drill Sargent for new recruits joining the Justice Teens
Eyes glow green when enraged
Once believed himself to be a mutated rock
Has the highest arrest record for Injustice Teens
Took over command of the J.T after Blurr's disappearance in 2011 and 2014
Water disrupts his meta-genetic code, turning his powers off
Tries to prove himself to be the best
Highly involved in league politics
Dates an alien known as Arisha Carsen
Dated Maxima Zero and Danni Ash for a time
Best friends with Kid Blurr, Hells Archer, and Stereo
Did not like Impulse for a while
Bugs Maximus Zero to see who's stronger
Butt heads with Blurr when it comes to leading the Justice Teens
Character Summary: Strength, Freedom, and Justice, the basis that makes up the person who is now Star Lad. Once haunted by the loss of who he once was, he now looks towards a bright future for both himself and the Justice Teens, even if he has to drag them there.