Character Name: Melina “Waki” Mockta
Nicknames/Alias: Spirit Walker, Shelter
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: June 3, 1997
Date of Joining: January 23rd, 2012
Place of Birth: Hopi Reservation, Arizona
Residence: Hopi Reservation
Ethnicity: Hopi
Race: Meta-Human
Height: 5’5; 8’9
Weight: 124 lbs; 500 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Hazel
Languages: Hopi and English
Powers/Abilities: See Powers and Abilities
Role in Justice Teens: Tank
Relatives: Joseph Mockta(Father), Renee Mockta(Mother), Minotwani(Brother)
Relationships: Kid Blurr, Maximum Zero, John Wyatt, Morning Sparrow, Iris, One Hit, David Blackwell, Donut Boy, Catipula, Light Torrent, Gut, Frost Teen
Education: High School
Important Life Events: Going to school, Learning her heritage, Reaching 13 years of age and going through the “Stage ceremony”, Gaining her powers which lead to her family disconnecting from the rest of the Mockta’s, Learning how to form a spirit gauntlet, Learning her to form her entire spirit armor, Being saved by Maximum Zero and Kid Blurr, Joining the Justice Teens, Learning more of her abilities by Light Torrent, Draining Gut of the anger in his soul, Training Tai-kwan do from Morning Sparrow, Learning how to expand her spirit armor, Making friends with Catipula, Fighting One Hit in Tampa, Florida, Surviving the Final Battle
Background: Born on the Hopi reservation, Melina, mainly known as Waki, gained her powers due to a ceremony her tribe had carried out for centuries. In 2010, Waki had just turned 13 years old, prompting her family to go ahead and prepare her for the ritual. The ceremony was told to take five hours but abruptly ended after a blue hard light monster surrounded her unconscious body and began attacking her family until her father destroyed the totem the family had used for every ceremony, leaving Melina to be the last of her people to withgo this ritual. Two years later, Kid Blurr and Maximum Zero would arrive on Joseph’s doorstep after rumors of a giant blue creature whose description matched more of a hard light construct, was seen in the nearby forest. With some research, both were able to deduct what, and who, the creature was. And Blurr and Zero’s goals were simply to recruit Waki, things took a turn when they had gotten word that Elizabeth Right’s armed soldiers were approaching the complex. After seeing how they both fought to protect her, Waki intervened, activating her abilities, and easily tearing through Right’s men. Zero felt Waki would be better suited for Blurr’s protection after noticing she had managed not to kill a single man. Waki and her father would agree to allow her to train alongside the J.T in hopes to help her better control her power so she could protect herself and her people if Right ever returned.
Personality: Waki was raised on the Hopi reservation, limiting her knowledge of the outside world. After joining the Justice Teens, she would often be awestruck when visiting new locations, often enjoying her time as a tourist more than being a hero. She keeps to herself unless called upon but is easy to get to know. In combat, her role is clear and she knows it, break and take EVERYTHING. She will allow herself to go into a frenzy if it’s needed but can pull back before completely losing herself to her abilities. She usually tries to keep herself calm or happy to help manage her powers, however, when angered her soul spirit does activate and usually in a more aggressive manner, often taking control and attacking anything in sight.
Obsessed with the video game, Fallout 3
Listens to Kendrick Lamar
Loves Chicago the most
As time passed, the soul armor's design changed and became more defined
Favorite hobby is swimming
Drives a dirt bike
When excited or angry, is known to revert back to her native language
Teen Eagle was the one who told Kid Blurr about them
Loves to travel and often stays at Watchpoints
Wears hearing aids
Takes photographs of every new area she goes to
Has a crush on Maximum Zero
Best friends with Catipula
Trained to fight by Tech Break
Character Summary: When you think of the phrase "True strength comes from within", make sure Spirit Walker's the first person who comes to mind. From living in a small town to defending the planet on a regular basis, Spirit smiles in the face of any threat she comes across, knowing damn well she's bigger and more dangerous than any foe.
Appearance: Waki’s uniform is whatever she was wearing that day. Her spirit armor is capable of manifesting itself in many forms, however, it is usually humanoid. A large, blue hard light, hulking creature, its presence is to inspire either safety to her friends or fear in her enemies. Depending on the situation, and her mood, her armor can add on other features such as wings and spiked shoulders.