Sparky Arrow

Character Name: Joshua Davidson
Nicknames/Alias: Sparky Arrow, Cover Shot
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: March 21st, 1998
Date of Joining: December 29th, 2007
Place of Birth: Star City
Residence: Sky Front
Ethnicity: American
Race: Human
Height: 5'8
Weight: 130 lbs
Hair Color: Brunette
Eye Color: Brown
Languages: English, Spanish, German
Powers/Abilities: Archery
See Powers and Abilities
Role in Justice Teens: Infiltrator
Relatives: Tanner Davidson(Adoptive Father), Fray Campos(Adoptive Mother)(Deceased)
Relationships: Kid Blurr, Maxima Zero, Danni Ash, Water Shock, Tech Break, Gadget Break, C.H.A.D, Star Lad, Maximum Zero, Sword Peirce, Pinpoint X, Arbatrare, Brainiac, Hells Archer, Stereo, Star Lad, Frost Bat, Impulse, BronzeCub, Frost Teen, Kid Shift, Ravily
Education: High School
Important Life Events: Being trained at an Oliver Queen archery camp, Meeting Lowben, Losing both his parents during the Brainiac attack, Being saved by Justice Teens after Brainiac machines attack the hospital he was at and joining, Fighting Maximus Zero, Fighting Dimitrios, Losing Kid Rager, Fighting Maximum and Maxima Zero, Meeting Hells and Heavens Archer, Watching Mockingbirdx die to the Injustice Teens, Joining the Infiltrators, Seeing Blurr die, Breaking off from the Justice Teens to find Blurr, Making a team with a few other J.T members and going by Cover Shot, Surviving the battle against Cypher
Background: Joshua Davidson's parents were killed in 2007, during the Brainiac invasion. When he woke from his coma, he was attacked by remaining Brainiac soldiers who had survived, but was quickly saved by the J.T.A. Wanting to join the teen heroes, he took the bow he got from Oliver Queen's archery camp, and tossed on some basic maroon clothes with a mask, and became Sparky Arrow, the Justice Teen's second archer.
Personality: Sparky Arrow likes to believe he's a old fashion hero, where good guys are good, bad guys are bad, and civilians are always rooting for them. After being forced by Blurr, Sparky Arrow saw that the truth was nothing was simple. He is a more likable member due to his time with the J.T before it's first real expansion in 2008. He's not afraid to speak his mind if he feels something's wrong, and will usually fight to prove it, even though he'll lose a few of these spouts.
Ring with a small arrowhead on top
Went by the name Cover Shot during 2011
Lead a team of J.Ts and Baddle against Star Lad and his Justice Teens after Blurr's death in 2011
Small scar under chin and over top of right eye
Hobbies: Archery, swimming, comics
Home Town: Star City
Loved Ones: All of the J.T
Has issues with Kid Blurr and Star Lad on their personal views
Distances himself from Danni Ash after she breaks his heart
Confides in his personal robot, C.H.A.D
Attends gym every Sunday at 5 pm.
Currently attends Star City Tech Academy