
Character Name: Sin
Nickname / Alias: N/A
Gender: Unisex
Date of Birth: October 7th, 2010
Date of Joining: November 22nd, 2010
Place of Birth: Metropolis
Residence: Mobile
Ethnicity: Light-skin
Race: Unknown
Height: 6'0; varies
Weight: 167 lbs; varies
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Completely Black
Languages: All
Powers/Abilities: All 7 Sins Combined
Role in Injustice Teens: Game Ender
Relatives: N/A
Relationships: Ax, Young Fate, Atelay, Donut Boy, Danni Ash, Kid Blurr, Maximum Zero, Ada Shepard, Michael Keeton, Kid Shift, , Sparky Arrow, Star Lad, Clay Dezmerak, David Blackwell, Ice Tile, Parasitix, Wallex, Patricia Nightly, Kinetic Teen, Chandler Price, Teddy Holding, Masokiss, Tech Break, Thugger, Shrikien, Impulse, Ghost Boy, Valentine, Raven, Sons of Trigon, Maria White, Renol, Psi Lad, Sonic Siren, Hells Archer, Armine, Patric Holmes, Ray Palmer, Handsome John Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen, Superman, Snowblitz, Vibra, Cancer, Kid Nitrro, Boeing, Mr. Death, Lucifer, John Constantine, Elizabeth Right, One Above All
Education: N/A
Background: Sin’s origin is…complicated. To make a long story short, Sin is an ancient creature who can only form on Earth if seven individuals who are strongly connected to one of the original seven sins are sacrificed in a ritual which then Sin can physically exist on the planet. This exact event happened in 2012 and, using a female form, she would eventually join Zero due to having an interest in him.
Personality: Sin’s a complex creature. She feels and acts just like a Human would but understands why she does. Understanding is complicated all on its own.
Is weak to the effects of The Orb
The Grey Lantern Power Battery can weaken them
Listening with enhanced ears you can hear several voices speaking in unison
Is currently in a Female body
She takes almost nothing seriously unless it involves Trigon.
Has sex with members of both Injustice and Justice Teens
Likes Sea and Tai Food
Will not kill a Justice Teen unless Maximum Zero orders it
Enjoys using social media
Loves a good fight
Hates Trigon and his kin
Ax has been their faithful servant for several millennia
Follows Maximum Zero out of interest in his plan
Likes Kid Blurr because she claims that an older version of him would meet her an eon prior