
Character Name: Unknown
Nicknames/Alias: Shiriken, Robin, Morning Sparrow
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: Unknown
Date of Joining: February 26th, 2006
Place of Birth: Unknown
Residence: Sky Front
Ethnicity: Possibly Arabic
Race: Human
Height: 5’7
Weight: 120
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Bluish-Green
Languages: English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Swahili, Russian, Africana, Cherokee, Martian
Powers/Abilities: None
Role in Justice Teens: Leader of the Infiltrators
Relatives: Shiriken(Guardian/Mentor)
Relationships: Shiriken
Education: Unknown
Important Life Events: Being trained by his mentor Shiriken, Traveling the world, Losing his mentor in 2004 and spending the next year tracking him down, Fighting Mr. Freeze, Taking a prototype Robin suit from Batman, Joining the first Justice Teens in 2006, Meeting Kid Blurr, Escaping the destruction of the Justice Teens, Searching for his mentor Shiriken, Meeting back with Kid Blurr after they cross paths chasing Elizabeth Right, Rejoining the Justice Teens, First fight with Sword Peirce, Giving up his student title as Morning Sparrow and the search for his mentor, Seeing the death of Kid Blurr, Training Aliayah Montgomery to take his place as Morning Sparrow, Fighting in the Final Battle
Background: Nothing is known about Shiriken’s life. He once had a master who went by Shiriken that taught him all he knows. One day, his master disappeared, leaving a young boy in Shanghai, China by himself. Sparrow would use years of training to search over the world for his missing mentor only to end up in Gotham City. That night he’d fight Mr. Freeze and nearly kill him, only to be stopped by the Caped Crusader. For unknown reasons, he would take Sparrow back to his cave. Not needing to waste any time, Sparrow took a prototype Robin suit and a few gadgets and ran off. He’d run into Justice Kid and Wonderoa and join their team the Justice Teens, making it his first real family until its demise in 2006. Sparrow would later rejoin Blurr’s Justice Teens.
Personality: Shiriken keeps to himself and speaks a minimum of a hundred words a day. When not on a mission he’s training himself and others. He can be caring, in his own way. On assignment however he is ruthless, normally leading to lethal tactics to achieve his goals. A dangerous assassin, Blurr and Tech RARELY send him on missions with newer members, and hesitate to put him in team missions unless with themselves.
Death: Died in the final battle with Cypher
One of the original Justice Teens
Fourth in Command of original Justice Teens
Leader of the Infiltrators
Expert at hand to hand combat, bow wielding, dual wielding, espionage, forging, theft, investigating, grand theft auto, etc...
Enjoys Stevie Wonder
Favorite breakfast food is waffles
Willing to kill
Loyal to the Original Justice Teens; Kid Blurr, Martian Niro, and Young Fate
Aliyah's Master
Irritated by Frost Teen
Shiriken was one of the original Justice Teens. His multiple skills had proven to be invaluable to the J.T.A, as he leads their secrete team, The Infiltrators. As there are three other surviving J.T members in the current team, Shiriken revolves around them. He is able to take a life without a second thought if it benefits the league, but who chooses what helps and what hurts?
Appearance: Shiriken is a small guy, but he’s built like an athlete. His body’s scarred from years of training and combat. His suit is based on Robin’s design; however the colour has been removed, making it completely black and grey with hints of red and in the chest and green on the braces and knee pads. The cape also has a hood, which is always up, allowing for him to conceal his identity along with a domino mask. Around his waist is a utility belt with two red lines zig-zagging around the front of the belt to mimic a throwing star. He’s lightly armoured and wears some Nth mesh underneath to allow for maneuverability.