Roh’a Talsu

Character Name: Cedric Afumba
Nicknames/Alias: Roh’a Talsu
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: June 16th, 1996
Date of Joining: August 4th, 2011
Place of Birth: Keren, Eritrea
Residence: Village, Frontier
Ethnicity: African
Race: Homo Magi
Height: 6’0
Weight: 154 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Languages: Bilen, English, French
Role in Justice Teens: Magical Offense
Relatives: Tomas Afumba(Father), Bayo Afumba(Mother), Chris Afumba(Older Brother), Chioma Afumba(Sister), Roh’a Talsu(Grandfather)(Deceased)
Relationships: Star Lad, Tech Break, Stereo, Jokestroke, Atelay, Axe, Sin, Maximum Zero, Kid Blurr, Young Fate, Danni Ash, Dex, Theodore Xater, Quixotic, Spirit Walker, Parlor Trix, Kid Shazam, Statrix, Heavens Archer, Alchem, Contour, Sin, Friend, Ice Tile, Carbine, Pyran
Education: High School
Background: Son of a high priestess, Cedric’s power stems from a long line of magic users. Born and raised on the outskirts of Keren, Africa, Cedric’s life revolved around his tribe and the people within it. His father Tomas acted as one of their leaders, in charge of protecting them from any threats, whether it be people or animals, while his mother did the same, only for the supernatural. His mother’s bloodline, Afumba, had long been hunted due to their magical powers, whether to be enslaved or murdered, so Cedric was often kept close to his mother, protected within the village. In 2007, when Brainiac invaded Earth, the Afumba’s acted as the village defenders, using their powers to protect their people while hell rained all around them, but also put Cedric on the frontlines of war. It was there that his family saw the true raw power that dwelled within him, amazing them but bringing fear to those around him. This fear brought a nearby warlord to come for him years later. Not wanting any more blood to be spilled, Bayo traded herself so the warlord would leave her family and tribe. Before Cedric could rebel, Tomas slammed the but of his staff against the nape of his neck, knocking him out and allowing his mother to be taken. He would come to hate his father for many years until he came to understand the sacrifices that Tomas had to make. Up until 2011, Cedric acted as the high priest of his village until the Injustice Teens Maximum Zero and Jokestroke made their way to them. While Zero’s soul showed no evil, Cedric could sense the evil emanating from Jokestroke, prompting him to fight the two. This caught the attention of Star Lad and Tech Break. For some reason, Cedric’s village had been placed within Frontier’s scanners as a place of interest. When the two made their way there, they were shocked to see Maximum Zero knelt on one knee, smoke rising from his body. All around them, the skies were gray, and the wind blew hard, nearly pulling trees around them from the ground. Cedric stood tall, his father’s staff in hand. Once Zero noticed the Justice Teens, he grabbed Jokestroke and flew off into the storming clouds above. It was this feat that prompted Star to attempt to bring Cedric into the league, and while he refused at first, it was the mention of his mother’s name by Tech Break that piqued his interest. After scanning through Frontier’s files a bit more, he found that Blurr had noted his mother’s disappearance years ago. It would be a month before Cedric would agree to join the Justice Teens in hopes of picking up the tracks to find his mother.
Personality: Roh’a Talsu is a funny guy, often making jokes to other members of the team to lighten the mood. His reasoning behind this is that his emotions help channel his powers. When he was happy and calm, he could perform miracles and heal those around him, but when angered, he could create hell on Earth. He’s very family-oriented, putting his people before himself. He’s strong-willed and strong-headed but knows what it means to sacrifice for the greater good.
Quits: Leaves the Justice Teens in 2019 and returns to his village as its Chief during its move
Prefers his hair grown out and in short locs
When out of his home, he’s less combative and will not attack based on a person’s aura
Wants to go to college and study Physical Science
Has a girlfriend named Nyala
Thinks all American food tastes too sweet
Can hide his accent
Likes the Harry Potter movies more than the books
Roh’a Talsu is the name of his grandfather, the last of his ancestors to hold the name Talsu
Is a member of the Knights of Sorcery
Can read French
Social drinker
Maximum Zero does not like him
Good friends with Party Boi
Does not trust Arkeptu
After meeting Kid Blurr when he returned, he told him his aura “fragmented to everyone here”
Character Summary: Only a few are born in a generation with the power that Cedric holds, and even fewer wield that power out of love. His friends, his mother, and his people, all act as the reason that Roh'a Talsu fights, not to hurt but to protect.