ritz marshall

Character Name: Rita Marshall
Nicknames/Alias: Ritz Marshall, Cracka Box
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: March 9th, 1996
Date of Joining: March 12th, 2010
Place of Birth: Columbia, South Carolina
Residence: Frontier
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Race: Meta-Human
Height: 5’3
Weight: 126 lbs | Varies
Hair Color: Platinum Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Languages: English
Role in Justice Teens: Captain
Relatives: George Cane(Step-Father), Claire Marshall(Mother), Henry Marshall(Father)
Relationships: Ada Shepard, Kid Blurr, Fire Teen, Kid Shift, Patrica Nightly, Shadow Albatros, Crocodile Boy, Tesla Effect, Maxima Zero, Maximum Zero, Star Lad, Stereo, Hells Archer, Exo Tornado, Renol, Snowblitz, One Hit, Krusher, Baddle, Burndown, Tact, Tree Frog, Kinetic Teen, Maximus Zero, Kombat, Makeshift, Lady Spectre, Armine, Dog Boy, Charge, Danni Ash, LunaEmber
Education: High School
Background: Rita comes from a rough family, the Marshall family to be exact. Her father, Henry Marshall, wasn’t the best dad. Wanting a boy but instead, he got Rita, but that didn’t change his plans. Instead of playing with dolls, or video games, he had Rita out on the street fighting boys twice her size while he cheered her on. When she wasn’t fighting, she was being taught how to bash someone’s face in. Around eight, her mother divorced Henry and left South Carolina for New Jersey where she met Rita’s step-dad, George. Rita continued to fight, never forgetting what her father put in her system. In a few cases, Rita had been thrown in jail but only for a short period of time. Around the age of twelve, Rita’s meta-gene activated during a fight, giving her super strength and invulnerability. Seen as a danger to the children, Claire contacted Ada Shepard to come help train her. A year later, she would be recruited by Kid Blurr and Fire Teen during their war with the Injustice Teens.
Personality: Ritz is a tomboy with an attitude. Street-smart and heavy-handed, she’s usually the first one to throw a punch and never asks questions. Her ability to take a hit usually has her placed ahead of the team, but her want to protect them places her first on the battlefield. When she’s not fighting she’s either drinking, playing darts, roughhousing, or sparring. She’s got a sweet spot when she’s Rita, but when the gloves are on, Ritz is a different beast.
Quit League: Ritz Marshall would leave the league in 2016 to join First Defense full time
Her longest stay behind a cell was 1 year
Slight alcoholism
Favorite band is Daughtry
Military Brat
Favorite hobby is shopping
Admires the students at Shepard's Academy synergy and teamwork
Has been legally banned from Amsterdam
Can crack a Lantern construct with a single hit
Can often be problematic for the J.T's heroic reputation
Hates traffic and often has the J.T teleport her everywhere
Kid Blurr refuses to spar with her because she wants a no-holds-bar match
Has gone solo with Maximum Zero more than anyone else in the J.T
F.W.B with Sin
Drinks with Makeshift and his band and often gets in trouble with them
Is as strong as Star Lad
Character Summary: A soldier, through and through, Ritz holds morality above all else. She’s willing to do what’s needed for the betterment of everyone around her and places herself between those who can’t protect themselves and the endless waves of threats that are sure to come.
Appearance: Ritz wears dark brown camo pants and a grey sleeveless shirt with military boots and fingerless gloves. Every now and then she can be seen with an olive drab beret.