
Character Name: Nadeen Anand
Nicknames/Alias: Quixotic
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: December 12th, 1996
Date of Joining: August 26th, 2010
Place of Birth: Kolkata, India
Residence: Garia, Kolkata
Ethnicity: Indian
Race: Homo Magi
Height: 5’9
Weight: 139 Ibs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Languages: English
Role in Justice Teens: Scout
Relatives: Aadi Anand(Father)(Deceased), Kadru Anand(Mother), Rajit Anand(Uncle), Qumla (Cousin), Edi(Cousin)(Deceased), Dalbah(Grandfather)(Deceased)
Relationships: Danni Ash, Theodore Xater, Arkeptu, Maria Red, Hells Archer, Spirit Walker, Kid Blurr, Parlor Trix, PaPa The Panda, BronzeCub, Tech Break, Patric Holmes, Martian Niro, Heavens Archer, Axe, Brony, Self Flesh Burning Boy, Dobson, Frost Brat
Education: High School
Background: Nadeen comes from a large family with a strong mystical background. At the age of 7, she gained the ability of spiritual healing, a power passed down through her mother’s side of the family. One day, while practicing cleansing an old shed with her cousin Qumla, a demon took notice of Nadeen, tricking Nadeen into unlocking the dangerous ability of astral projection, an ability that ran on her father's side. The moment she had separated from her body, the demon kidnapped her, leaving her body to be found by her family. To save her, her cousin Edi and her father entered the astral plane to battle the spirit. Nadeen’s soul was freed and returned to her body, but her father was killed in the battle, and her cousin was lost in the ether. The experience scarred Nadeen. She blamed herself for years for the loss of both her father and cousin. To cope, she dedicated her time to mastering her powers, pushing herself further and further in the hopes of one day saving her cousin’s soul. She would use her powers to help those in her city, helping those who were at the mercy of beings beyond their understanding. In 2010, Nadeen came across another spirit who had mentioned her cousin, saying that the only way to save him was to find Arkeptu, now known as Young Fate. After researching who Arkeptu was, Nadeen would travel to America alone, and join the Justice Teens later that year.
Personality: Quixotic’s abilities allow her to help her comrades with incorporeal entities along with some spiritual healing. However, her many years of dealing with death have made her somewhat of a fatalist. She accepts the end when it comes for many and rarely steps in the way of what she deems to be “destiny”, however, she has her own opinions and won’t stop to save a city from an oncoming nuclear warhead if she feels she has a chance.
Anime Nerd
Sikhism faith
Enjoys reading “Lemons”
Roommates with Alchem
Her uniform only forms when she’s in A.P form
Proficient in Odissi and Kathak dancing
Favorite book series is Winnie the Pooh
When entering her body, her spirit will usually go straight through her Bindi
Character Summary: One of many whose powers started as a gift, and quickly turned into a curse. Now Quixotic uses that same curse to protect the children around the world from the same monsters that came for her.
Appearance: When Nadeen, wears a style that’s a mix of Indian and Western culture. When her spirit leaves her body, she turns slightly opaque and glows a navy blue. Her casual clothing will disappear and her official J.T uniform will appear in dark blue. The shirt is a short-sleeved crop top. Around both wrists are two interlocked bracelets. Her pants are traditional tights with symbols from ancient Indian cultures inscribed down in white light. Finally, on her feet are traditional open-toed sandals. Her Bindi glows white.