
Character Name: Θαύμα
Nicknames/Alias: Prodigyy, God of Demi-Gods, King of Murniur
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: N/A
Date of Joining: December 25, 2007
Place of Birth: Mount Olympus
Residence: Murniur Island
Ethnicity: Olympian
Race: Olympian
Height: 6'3(varies)
Weight: 200 lbs(varies)
Hair Color: Brunette(varies)
Eye Color: Blue(varies)
Languages: Greek, English, Italian
See Powers and Abilities
Role in Justice Teens: Ambassador
Relatives: Zeus(Father), Hera(Mother), Mathaon(Son), Ezec(Brother)
Relationships: Kid Blurr, Star Lad, Wonder Teen, Maximus Zero, Atelay, Kid Shift, Sin, Omega Kid, Ezec, Patric Holmes, Arkeptu, Acolyte, Danni Ash, Star Lad, Sparky Arrow, Kid Rager, Mockingbirdx, Donut Boy, Night Sif, Crocodile Boy, Ice Tile, Martian Niro, KellyKa, Stereo, Hells Archer, Kinetic Teen,
Education: N/A
Background: Θαύμα, pronounced as Prodigyy, was born to the Greek Gods Zeus and Hera at some point in the 20th century. Raised and trained on Mount Olympus, Prodigyy was wise beyond his years, often using diplomacy instead of violence; though when it came down he proved to be a fierce warrior. Around his 30th birthday, he and his brother Ezec were sent down to Murniur Island, an island stuck in time that houses the many Demi-Gods. While there, the brothers were tasked with disrupting the transportation system between the island and Olympus, thus trapping the Demi-Gods there for all eternity. Prodigyy was against the plan as he had fallen in love with the city and the people there which caused a small battle between him and Ezec. In the end, Prodigyy would end up taking the power of the transporter and leaving for Olympus, stranding his brother on Murniur for a time. Over the next decade, he would be sent by his father to Earth to deal with threats they deemed dangerous for all life. In 2006, Prodigyy was sent by his father to join and protect the Justice Teens, which would involve Prodigyy in the chase after Killer Magic.
Personality: Nobody is fully sure what force had scared Zeus enough to send Prodigyy to Earth to protect the Justice Teens, but Prodigyy is unquestioning of his father’s actions. He is an even-tempered and well-minded member of the league, able to defuse a situation before it escalates. Under all the wisdom and peace, is a warrior with the power to shake worlds, giving Prodigyy a spot as one of the most powerful members of the Justice Teens. After Donut Boy left the league, it was Prodigyy who took the spot of second in command in 2009. However, it would be short-lived as he returned to Muniur Island to protect and rule it as king. Now, he leads several thousand Demi-Gods, using all the experience in his relatively short life to help guide his people. And though he now sits on a gold throne in another world entirely, Prodigyy’s original mission remains the same as he continues to protect the Justice Teens in any way he can.
Became God of the Demi-Gods and King of Murnir Island in 2009
Is unsure if he can beat Maximum Zero in a real fight
Cried after hearing of Mockingbirdx's death
Brilliant strategist
Has a son named Mathaon
Can see the future, but rarely does it
Was stabbed by Hera and tossed from Olympus
Has killed other Gods
Resents their mother
Fought the Nazi's
Has battled Sin before and was the one to force them apart prior to 2011
Never found interest in creating a Human Identity
Likes the band Snow Patrol
Writes letters to Sparky Arrow to get updates on the Justice Teens
Is in a relationship with Wonder Teen
High respect for Kid Blurr, Maxmius Zero, and Peyton Cross
Character Summary: An Olympian, a God, a Justice Teen, a friend. Prodigyy's arrival and tenure with the J.T has always been looked back with favor and nostalgia. A beacon of hope and a leader, he will always be there for the Justice Teens when they need him.