peyton Cross

Character Name: Peyton Cross
Nicknames/Alias: Green Lantern, Cross
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: March 29th, 1997
Date of Joining: November 17th, 2008
Place of Birth: Los Angeles, California
Residence: Sky Front, Oa
Ethnicity: African-American
Race: Human
Height: 6'0
Weight: 160 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Languages: All recorded languages throughout the universe
Powers/Abilities: Green Lantern
See Powers and Abilities
Role in Justice Teens: Foot Soldier
Relatives: Rose Cross(mother), Will Armstrong(Uncle), Tracy Cross(uncle), Troy Cross(Cousin), Raymond Cross(Father)(Deceased), Nicki Cross(Older Sister)
Relationships: Donut Boy, Ky Santanna, Kid Blurr, Kid Shift, Frost Teen, Tesla Effect, Wonder Teen, Kid Rager, Mockingbirdx, Sparky Arrow, Column, Danni Ash, Abraham Huntley, Fallout Boy, John Stewart
Education: College
Important Life Events: Taking up boxing classes under his father, Seeing his father die, Becoming a Green Lantern, Being taught by John Stewart, Joining the Alphas, Joining the Justice Teens, Meeting Water Shock, Going down to Atlantis, Blackest Night, Kid Blurr's supposed death in 2011, Surviving the final battle in 2014
Background: It is unknown when Peyton was given the ring, however it was sent shortly before the war in outer space. Peyton was Santanna's replacement on Earth as he was called into service, unknown to any, an unknown individual had contacted Peyton Cross first and inducted him into a team known as "Alphas" which were built to fight the Justice Teens. The team had gone rouge for unknown reasons and began destroying Los Angeles before they could reach the team. With the help of Donut Boy and Psi Lad, Peyton was able to beat his team and was, reluctantly, brought into the team.
Personality: Peyton Cross is a strong-hearted individual with a great sense of humor. It would not be unusual for him to make witty remarks during battle. He has a very rigid sense of morality and does the right thing whenever he can. He has an indomitable will and is always the last person to give up. In a leadership position he prefers to improvise rather than creating convoluted strategies. What pisses him off is when someone talks trash about his father or his friends. He is not afraid to speak his mind and to do what he feels is right. He has even been at odds with Blurr a few times.
Likes Steak and potatoes
Hobbies: Boxing
Peyton Cross now attends St. Bartholomew's High school along with his childhood friend Danielle Ross. He now has to balance his school and social life with his secret heroic life.
Trains new members in traditional boxing
Likes rap
Enjoys writing
Keeps league motivation high
Somewhat womanizing style
On and off again with childhood friend, Daniel Orange
Normally hangs out with Shift on and off duty
Dislikes Star Lad even more after Blurr's death in 2011
Even though he and Blurr don't see eye to eye, Peyton trust and considers him a friend
Peyton Cross learned from his father, a professional boxer, about morality. After his death, Peyton took those lessons and turn them into a pushing motivation for life. It was when the Guardians chose him as a new Lantern that those lessons made their greatest dent. Now, as a Justice Teen, Peyton Cross dedicates his Will to the protection of Earth besides his friends and to forge a new path that passes beyond his predecessors.