Patric Holmes

Character Name: Patric Holmes
Nicknames/Alias: Leo Young, Michael Lincoln, Joseph Winchester, Conner Madden, William “H” Dewey, James Teach, James Murphy, John Harrison,
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: May 1st, 1996
Date of Joining: June 9th, 2012
Place of Birth: Commerce, Georgia
Residence: Mobile
Ethnicity: American
Race: Homo Magi
Height: 6’0
Weight: 159 lbs
Hair Color: Brunet
Eye Color: Blue
Languages: English, Latin, Spanish, French
See Powers & Abilities:
Role in Justice Teens: Monster Hunter Expert
Relatives: David Holmes(Father)(Deceased), Cassandra Holmes(Mother)(Deceased), David Holmes Jr.(Brother)
Relationships: Theodore Xater, Edward Hunnigan, Axe, Sin, Kid Blurr, Arkeptu, Danni Ash, Atelay, Maximum Zero, Crocodile Boy, Kid Shift, Frost Teen, Ghost Boy, Hells Archer, Heavens Archer, Spirit Walker, Alchem, Satan, God, Cuthulu, The Ancient Ones, Mama Toussaint, Renol, Alicia, Richard Gains, Molly Thunder, Impulse, Kid Blacklight, Med-Kid, Chandler Price,
Education: Unknown
Background: Patric Holmes was born to a family of hunters, one of hundreds of individuals who had devoted their lives to protecting Humanity from the creatures that threaten life on Earth. His parents started training Patric early on, teaching him about their family lineage, the types of monsters, and the ways to kill them. In 2006, his mother tragically passed away while giving birth to his younger brother, David. Stricken with grief, his father moved the boys and himself to Alabama to run from the pain. He was later eaten alive by a pack of Ghouls during a failed hunt with his partners. Patric was broken and hurt, young and unable to support himself and his brother. Either through luck or chance, Brainiac’s invasion gave him the chance to save the only good thing his parents made; his brother. With the high death toll, Patric was able to fake his own death while assuring his brother would be found and taken in by the state. For years, Patric traveled up and down the East Coast, practicing magic, meeting other hunters, and killing the creatures his parents read to him about when he was going to bed. Once mentally ready, he went back to Alabama to slay the entire pack of Ghouls who murdered his father. While tearing through their numbers and finding their lair, Patric discovered that one of the other hunters who had been there that day had turned on his father Angered, Patric anhiliated the remaining Ghouls and began backtracking, finding other Hunters to find a man named John Harrison. During his search, Patric would slowly discover a plot involving a few hunter families that would end up putting a target on his back. By the year 2012, Patric had gained a reputation for killing both monsters and hunters without prejudice, all to find the man who both killed his father and ruined his life. That year, he would come across Star Lad and Renol while hunting Christine Delphine, a witch, and girlfriend to Renol. The three of them would end up traveling to Hell to save Hells Archer from Satan himself, the plan only going smoothly due to Patric's experience with traveling that realm. After seeing the raw magical power and knowledge he possessed, Patric would be invited to join the Justice Teens of America as a type of consultant, only agreeing to join after being forced by Theodore Xater.
Personality: Holmes can sometimes come off as an asshole, but in truth, he’s just an ass. He works better on his own due to the nature of his work but does appreciate the company. Seeing as others can cause more harm than good when facing the supernatural, he plays a protective role when with allies, usually placing himself ahead of the group. He’ll crack jokes when the moment isn’t heated but places a lot of anger into a fight. His control of magic and darker nature give him abilities that can negatively affect things around him. Years of living on his own have given Holmes a wellspring of knowledge to survive on the streets, and his hunter skills combined allow him to survive any situation. If placed against a wall, he’s known for famously sucking in a group of I.T, J.T and demons into Hell.
Takes freelance jobs to kill, capture, or identify creatures
Holmes is known for using the real-life names of other superheroes to help create his I.Ds
Though he left his brother, he keeps a watchful eye on him with Tech Break’s help
Drives a 1990’s muscle car
Has an arsenal of weapons meant to help fight and slay both Human and Supernatural
Left handed
Is being watched personally by God
Studied alchemy under Mama Toussaint
Met Theodore Xater years before joining the Justice Teens
Doesn't care much for Meta-Humans
Tries not to kill innocent Humans
Killed a necromancer Priestess and stole her powers
Has been trying to find a way to destroy Sin
Favorite holiday is Thanksgiving for odd reasons
Arkeptu watched him as a baby
Member of the Knights of Sorcery
Tricked Trigon into attacking the wrong Earth
Has a love-hate friendship with Chandler Price
Respect Theodore Xater and Danni Ash for both being hunters like him
Has a platonic relationship with Maria Red
Character Summary: Born to fight a war that nobody lived long enough to train him for, Holmes made himself into a monster for the creatures that go bump in the night.
Appearance: Holmes likes to keep his hair short and well-kept. His eyes are full of life, but around his face, you can see the wear and tear. He wears normal clothes unless using a disguise. He’s well-toned, taking regular exercise to keep himself up. Around his body can be found multiple tattoos such as the Christian Cross, Star of David, an Anti-Possession symbol, and other signs as a way of protection.