Molly Thunder

Character Name: Molly Shant
Nicknames/Alias: Molly Thunder
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: June 3rd, 1999
Date of Joining: April 11th, 2011
Place of Birth: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Residence: Parents Home
Ethnicity: American
Race: Homo Magi
Height: 5’3
Weight: 98 lbs | 180 lbs
Hair Color: Black | Red when Transformed
Eye Color: Blue
Languages: English
Role in Justice Teens: Tank
Relatives: Martin Shant(Father), Tamia Shant(Mother)
Relationships: Kid Shazam, Kid Blurr, Jack Vespucci, Danni Ash, Maria White, Stereo, Top Gun, Dru Idic, Patric Holmes, Theodore Xater, Maxima Zero, Comet, Black Marvel, Young Fate, Star Teen, Tech Break, Maximus Zero, Atelay, Axe, Sin, Star Lad, Sparky Arrow, Nova Pulsar, Stereo, Dru Idic, Handsome John
Education: Middle School
Background: Molly Shant lived a normal life until she was eleven years old. In a last-ditch effort to save himself and his team, Kid Shazam sent out a fraction of his power to find someone worthy and capable of wielding the strength of the Wizard. The bolt of lightning chose Molly, striking her on the walk back from school. The power turned Molly’s hair red, slightly changed her facial features to appear a few years older, and gave her all the abilities of Shazam. As a result of the transformation, Molly lost consciousness but her body went to complete the mission and save the team. After saving the Shazam and his team, Molly’s body returned home and reverted to her Human form, removing all memories of the event. Using their connection, Kid Shazam was able to locate her to regain his power. Not believing him, Shazam showed her his memory of Molly coming to their aide. This made Molly want to become the hero again, instead of freely giving her power away. With a single word, Molly transformed into her demi-god form. The two fought for a short while before Shazam gave up and allowed her to keep her powers, but only if she would follow his lead. Without hesitation, Molly joined Shazam’s cause and the Justice Teens of America.
Personality: Molly is the youngest in the league, added on she’s got a happy-go-lucky and bubbly personality. Unlike the others who wield the power of Shazam, Molly’s personality doesn’t change, however, with the Wisdom of Solomon, she is notably more reasonable and understanding than any youth. She’s very trusting and her views on morality lead her to hold her teammates to a higher standard. Selfless, powerful, and loving, Molly Thunder is the next generation of J.T
Replaced Frost Teen as the “League baby”
Last name means lightning
Can bench press 3 tons
Is not considered part of the Marvel Family
Keeps her identity as Molly Thunder a secret
Never hits anyone who she thinks is fragile
Her father is a music producer
Usually one of the first sent out to fight magical opponents
Born prematurely
Treated like a baby Van
Blurr refuses to curse while she’s around
Member of Arkeptu's Knights of Sorcery
Character Summary: Molly Thunder is fully aware of the dangers she's putting herself in front of, but she also knows she's one of the few beings who stands between those same dangers and those who can't fight for themselves. Valor and strength aren't reserved for the old and grizzled.
Appearance: Molly Shant has looks younger than when she’s Thunder. Her hair is black and usually in a ponytail. When Molly Thunder, she looks a few years older and slightly different, her hair is short and bright red and she have a few freckles on her face. Molly Thunder’s uniform is oddly like Mary Marvel’s. It’s unknown if female warriors of Shazam are given the same costume, just how when Captain Marvel Jr.’s costume turned into Captain Marvel once he was given the title. The only difference, which is most likely a trait gained from Kid Shazam, the lightning bolt on her chest is white and so is the lightning she can manipulate.