
Character Name: Adrian Young
Nicknames/Alias: Mirror
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: March 14th, 1997
Date of Joining: August 9th, 2010
Place of Birth: Macon, Georgia
Residence: Macon, Georgia
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Race: Meta-Human
Height: 5’11
Weight: 158 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Languages: English, French, Spanish, Russian
Role in Justice Teens: Quartermaster
Relatives: Markus Young(Father), Delilah Young(Mother)
Relationships: Mirror, Maximum Zero, Sphereoid, Sword Peirce, Kid Nitrro, Big Buddah, Ice Tile, Nadia Savage, Baddle, Comet, Kid Blurr, Sparky Arrow, David Blackwell, Fire Teen, Star Lad, Frost Teen, Apple Van Jack, Kid Shift, Molly Thunder, Kid Shazam, Nova Pulsar, One Hit, Tesla Effect, Avac, Coating, Makeshift, Lady Spectre, Alicia, Input, Haren, Maxima Zero, Liklik, Antonio Bachhus, Pyran, Doorway, Sonic Siren, Scarab, Teknoh, Coil, Momento, Tatoskr, Parasitix, Bleed Out
Education: High School
Background: Before becoming Mirror, before the battles, and endless hours of tag with friends, Adrian was a simple kid. With few friends, Adrian was known to keep to himself. His meta-gene fully blossomed around the age of 11, giving him the ability to create carbon copies of himself, each clone with a slight difference in personality. He’d use his powers to get out of trouble, usually using them to create alibies for himself while he broke into stores at night. In early 2010, Adrian was approached by Maximum Zero and Kid Nitrro after they had caught word of him. Wanting to see if he’s a Meta-Human, Nitrro threatened to kill him, prompting Adrian to create around forty clones to surround them. Pleased with the result, Zero knocked them all out with a single thunderclap. Once he came to, Adrian was given the option to join a real thrill or stay in his mundane life. Without hesitation, Adrian took his hand and joined the Injustice Teens. Taking the name Mirror, Adrian stayed with the team until his capture in August by the Justice Teens. Not wanting to stay in Belle Reeve, Mirror swapped teams and stayed with the J.T under probation, acting as their quartermaster for Sky Front.
Personality: Mirror is an energetic and happy young man with a bit of a wild side. He loves the thrill of the chase, the explosions, and most importantly, being a Hero. His ability to create clones has a strange side effect, as each clone that comes out is slightly different from him and whatever they learn, when returning to his body, he too learns, allowing him to understand things through their shoes. He’s easy to get along with, being one of the most honest and open members of the team.
Plays video games with himself
Likes RuPaul's Drag Race
Stays under probation until January 1st, 2011
Secretly afraid of Maximum Zero
Clones were used to take care of day to day task in Sky Front
Leaves a clone at home when he's away on assignment
Has a fear that he’s truly a clone of the real Adrian Young
Clones need to be at a three-foot radius to be reabsorbed into him
Most of what he eats is Thai food
Best multitasker in the league
Obsessed with YouTube videos
Photographer in his free time
Has one clone in the Injustice Teens and Shepard's Academy
In charge of the Justice Teen of America wiki page
Plays guitar and does vocals for Makeshift’s band
The first member of the Injustice Teens to switch sides
Hangs out in the club on their base
Plays League of Legends with Alicia
Shares a room with Party Boi
Flirts with the Injustice Teen member, Coating
Character Summary:
It's never been about being a good guy or a bad guy for Mirror, it's the love of being something more than normal! Fun, quick-witted, and a bit of a smartass, Mirror's always down for fun, often taking charge of major outings that the league has or keeping good relations with all three major factions.
Appearance: Mirror’s an attractive young man. Messy black hair, fair skin, and a few ear piercings. His shirts often have abstract designs on them, but nothing else noticeable. His uniform is a purple long-sleeve slimline with mesh running down the sides, black jeans, and black combat boots. For some odd reason, he wears a yellow or white wool poncho over himself while in uniform, using the hood to protect his identity.