Metahumans: A term coined by the alien Dominators, and used to describe any human being with what are commonly described as "super powers". The prefix "meta-" simply means "beyond", describing persons and abilities beyond human limits.
The Meta-Gene
One of the Dominators discovered that some humans had a "biological variant" he called the meta-gene (also spelled "metagene"). This gene often lay dormant until a moment of extraordinary physiological stress activated it, and upon activation it would use the source of the biostress as a catalyst for "genetic change," resulting in metahuman abilities.
There are also people born with superhuman abilities, suggesting the metagene can activate spontaneously and without any prior appearance in the ancestry. One well-known example involves Dinah Laurel Lance, the second Black Canary. Although her mother (Dinah Drake Lance, the original Black Canary) was a superhero, neither she nor her husband Larry Lance were born with any known metagenes. However, Dinah Laurel was born with a metagene; the famed ultrasonic scream known as the Canary Cry. Some may be born with incredible incomprehensible powers and abilities. The Meta-Gene itself grants an increased in stamina, endurance, and an immunity to most basic illnesses. It is indeed possible to remove a Meta-Gene or deactivate it.
Examples of powers shared by many individuals include telepathy; telekinesis; flight; the ability to project energy, accelerated healing; and enhanced physical strength, agility, or senses; all to variable limits some have a minor to radical alteration in physical appearance from the human norm - wings, gills, a tail, fur, altered skin color, etc. The prefix meta-, in this context, simply means "beyond"—as in metastable, which is beyond regular stability and ready to collapse at the slightest disruption, or metamorphosis, which is the state of going beyond a single shape. It is also possible for the Meta-Gene to activate more dormant powers such as having both the ability to control Ice and Fire, or even greater diversity such as Earth and Blood. Dominators point out that the location of the Meta-gene is somewhere near the brain. (Of course, in reality every cell in the body would contain this gene.).
Meta-Human criminals are incarcerated in special metahuman prisons, like the one built on Alcatraz Island, which outfitted not only with provisions to hold criminals whose powers are science and technology-based, but even mystical dampeners to hold villains (including Homo Magi) whose powers are magic based. Prisoners in this facility are tagged with nano-byte tracers injected into their bloodstream that allows them to be located wherever they are.
The private study of multiple individuals have yet to determine if the Meta-Gene, once activated, is preset or environmental. If a young man is trapped inside a cooler and his Meta-Gene activates due to the stress, will his powers by Pyrokinesis(fire) or Cryokinesis(Ice), or will it be Flight? It is highly possible that the Gene goes through an aggressive mutation when the Host is threatened, changing and developing to suit the situation once activated. If the Host's genes activate while under usual variations of stress, the possibilities could be random. That said, there are those whose parents could also carry an activated Meta-Gene, giving the child a 57% chance of being born Meta. The child may have have either the exact or a variation of the same powers as their parent, or an entirely new reaction of the abilities granted by the Gene.
There are many individuals who strongly believe Meta-Humans are a danger to the world. At the turn of the 21st Century, the age at which a Meta-Gene was to activate dropped from the Mid to Late 30's to around the time one enters puberty. With younger Humans showing Meta abilities, the risk for more wanton destruction increases. Sense the 2005 explosion, there have been a spring in organizations that have pledge themselves to dealing with the surge of Meta-Humans. Some of looked to peaceful ways of understanding the gene through small and harmless genetics while others have gone all out with it; going as far as to abduct children from families and physically tear them apart to find the secrets to their genes. Others have reduced to just killing them outright, believing the "problem" to be irreversible.
Meta-Humans themselves are a danger to the community. A single untrained and powerful, Meta-Humans, or the wrong mental health, can cause close to two-hundred thousand dollars worth in damage. As seen with Superman, two Meta-Humans facing each other can lead to close to 2.8 million dollars in damages and hundreds dead. Abilities gained through the Gene may distort a person's psyche, especially when they physically change into a grotesque monster. Some abilities gained may just be too hard to master, such as Electricity or Earth, causing the Host to lose control and harm/kill themselves and possibly those around them.
S.T.A.R Labs is but one of the few businesses that are dedicated to helping Meta-Humans throughout the World. They specialize in helping contain Meta-Humans and their abilities, as well as understanding the Gene to help those less-fortunate remove it entirely.
Ada Shepard worked for S.T.A.R Labs before completely placing her time in helping the adolescent Meta-Human come to understand and master their abilities, rather than contain. To keep the populace safe, she has used S.T.A.R Lab funds to open a remote base somewhere in the Eastern Hemisphere with a full staff to help keep them under control before being returned as productive members of society.
The terms "meta" and "metahuman" does not only refer to humans born with biological variants. Superman and Martian Manhunter (aliens), as well as Wonder Woman (a near-goddess) and Aquaman (an Atlantean), are referred to in many instances as "metahumans." It can refer to anyone with extranormal powers, no matter the origins and including those not born with such power. There are roughly 1.3 million metahumans on Earth, 99.5% of which are considered "nuisance-level" (such as kids who can bend spoons with their mind and the old lady "who keeps hitting at Powerball"). The other 0.5% is what Checkmate and the O.M.A.Cs consider Alpha and Beta level threats. For example, Superman and Wonder Woman were categorized as Alpha level, while Metamorpho was considered a Beta.
Powers shared by many individuals include Telepathy, Telekinesis, Flight, the ability to Project Energy, Accelerated Healing, and Enhanced Physical Strength, Super Speed, Heightened Senses, Pyrokinesis, Cryokinesis, Geokinesis, Nature, Teleportation, Possession, Wind Powers, Water Manipulation, Transformation, Electric Conduit, Invincibility, Turning Invisible, Invisibility; All to variable limits some have a minor to radical physical change such as Skin Color, Texture, Gills, Wings, Tail, Fur, Etc.
Classification System
There are three levels in which a Meta-Human and Homo Magi's ability can be examined using: Alpha, Beta, and Delta. Alongside, each level is backed by a number of factors, such as years of training/experience, Intelligence, Age, Access to power, Weaknesses, etc...
Alpha(α) leveled Meta-Humans/Homo Magi are individuals whose abilities are taken to the extreme. These individuals are practically Gods, the top Tier of Meta-Humanity and Magic Mastery, capable of Effecting an entire Planet, Warping reality, Passing through dimensions with ease, Surviving the death of a past version of themselves.
Meta-Humans/Homo Magi ranking at the Beta(β) level is seen as the middle ground of Meta-Humans and Homo Magi. Such Meta-Humans/Homo Magi are seen as those with astonishing powers, however, they have their limits. Such powers can be used in both Defense and Offence in combat; ranging from Flight to Ice Manipulation, a Beta's ability can come in a large variety.
The lowest Meta-Human/Homo Magi level is Delta(δ). Metas and Magi who count as this, lack abilities to affect anyone negatively or positively. These individuals powers are minuscule in comparison to those of the Beta level. The abilities shown can be as small as changing one's eye color, to being able to perform a "double jump". A Delta Meta-Human/Homo Magi would rarely be placed within battle, mainly acting as support from a safe distance.
Final Level, which also counts as the highest rank, is the Omnicron(ο) Meta-Human/Homo Magi. These individuals have transcended beyond Alpha, acting as beings that defend and weave the fabrics of the Multiverse. There's only a handful of Omnicron Homo Magi and Meta-Humans in the Multiverse, being one of the rarest of the classes.
Known Justice Teen Metas
•Kid Blurr-Alpha
•Star Lad-Alpha
•Power Teen-Beta
•Maxima Zero-Beta
•Maximus Zero-Beta
•Torch Beaer-Beta
•Bronze Cub-Beta
•Kid Gantastar-Beta
•Tesla Effect-Beta
•Water Shock-Beta
•Party Boi-Beta
•Ritz Marshall-Beta
•Martian Niro-Alpha
•Nova Pulsar-Beta
•Fire Teen-Beta
•Teen Eagle-Beta
•Kinetic Teen-Omnicron
•Sonic Siren-Beta
•Metal Lad-Beta
•Frost Brat-Beta
•Psi Lad-Alpha
•Spirit Walker-Beta
•Bomb Shelter-Beta
•Fallout Boy-Alpha
•Fissure Lad-Beta
•Frost Teen-Beta
•Animal Morph-Beta
•Hawk Teen-Beta
•Falecia Nicole-Delta
•PaPa The Panda-Beta
•Ceres McFarlane-Beta
•Mento Minto-?
•Mind Walker-Beta
•Warp Pad-Beta
•Mary Clide-Beta
•Wynter Lass-Beta
•Solar Combust-Beta
•Psychic Lad-Beta
•Justine Time-Beta
•Lady Spectre-Beta
•Mister Mindtrick-Alpha
Homo Magi
Some humans have inherent ability to utilize magic, and these humans are part of a branch or offshoot of humanity referred to as the "Homo Magi", who have interbred with normal humans. As with aliens and mutants with superhuman powers, homo magi are also often classed together as Metas by the general public.
Known Justice Teen Homo Magi
•Theodor Xater-Beta
•A. Carsen-Beta
•Danni Ash-Beta
•Kid Shazam-Alpha
•Hells Archer-Beta
•Kid Fantasm-Beta
•Valkyrie Girl-Beta
•Wonder Teen-Beta
•Kid Shift-Beta
•Heavens Archer-Alpha
•Young Fate-Omnicron
•Dog Boy-Delta
•Ghost Boy-Beta
•Molly Thunder-Beta
•Chandler Price-Beta
•Maria Red-Beta
•Dru Idic-Beta
•Apple Van Jack-Beta
•Roh'a Talsu-Dleta
•Patric Holmes-Beta
An individual who uses/builds devices to carry out his or her own needs. Most non-meta and Homo Magi Heroes and Villains do not use gadgets but those who do are most likely born without powers. Robots are also gadgeteers seeing as how they do not possess the necessary atoms to gain a Meta-Gene.
Throwing Knives, Hidden Gun, Batarang, Shotgun Umbrella, Tracking Devices, Suits of Armor, Robots, Turrets, Agility, Sleep Darts, Trick Shot Arrows, Alien Tech, Taser, Grappling Hook, Blade, Hack Tools, Scanners, Speed Boots, Anti Gravity Devices, Etc.
Known Justice Teen Gadgeteers
•Sparky Arrow
•Shadow Albatros
•Frost Bat
•Slicin Dice
•Peyton Cross
•Exo Torndao
•Parlor Trix
•Kid Rager
•Steven Mitchells
•Night Sif
•Morning Sparrow
•Gadget Break
•Light Torrent
•American Kid I
•American Kid II
•The Professor
•Tech Spark
•Teddy Holdings
•John Wyatt
•Felix Taylor
•Tech Break
•Star Teen
•Time Out
•Doc Sage
•Orbital Spirit
•Top Gun
•Ky Santanna