Maximus Zero

Character Name: Maxwell Fisher
Nicknames/Alias: Maximus Zero, Max, Z
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: February 4th, 2007
Date of Joining: April 20th, 2009
Place of Birth: Earth 16
Residence: Sky Front
Ethnicity: Meta-Human
Race: Clone
Height: 6'1
Weight: 192 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Languages: English
Powers/Abilities: See Powers and Abilities
Role in Justice Teens: Mechanic
Relatives: Maxima Zero (Cousin)(Deceased), Maximum Zero (Cousin), Jacob (Creating Father)(Deceased)
Relationships: Maxima Zero, Kid Blurr, Maximum Zero, Star Lad, Omega Kid, Jacob, Parasitix, Input, Stereo, Hells Archer, Donut Boy, Sparky Arrow, Wonder Teen, Ravily, Fire Teen, Jack Vesspucci, Snowblitz, Kid Shift, Shiriken, One Hit, Burndown, Martian Niro, Slicin Dice
Education: High School
Background: Created as an experimental weapon to seige new worlds, Maximus Zero was Jacob’s first weapon against New Earth. Once arriving in the world, Jacob and a mentally inert Maximus Zero posed as heroes from another world, however, once the Justice Teens managed to enter Earth 16, they discovered Jacob's plans, forcing him to unleash Maximus and an army of drones to attack the J.T. After battling the second generation of Justice Teens in 2008, Maximus Zero was freed from Jacob’s control and went on to travel his new world and find who he is. The following year, Max would officially join the Justice Teens to help fight back against Jacob and his cousins, Maxima and Maximum Zero.
Personality: Maximus Zero is quiet, compared to Maxima, and cool-headed in battle, compared to Maximum. He’s not against speaking when annoyed, however, and will openly dispute any conflict that comes his way, verbally or physically. His origin is not an issue to him, but he’s not one to embrace or talk about himself being a clone. In battle, he’s both a tactician and rule breaker, usually following through with the plan until something better arises. While being a well-recognized member, Max still has much to learn about himself and being Human.
Has strong opinions on Blurr's "taskforce" The Infiltrators
Main villain is Professor Turnpike
Enjoyed working in the garage behind Water Front
Deep blue eyes
Seen as the big brother of the league
Loves vanilla shakes and cheeseburgers
Dates Julia Arts
Goes to Metropolis High
Known to adventure around the world when not helping the Justice Teens
Loves "Otherside" by Red Hot Chili Peppers
Smokes weed provided by Kid Shift
Hangs out with Stereo
Short black hair
Weaker than Maximum Zero
Finds Star Lad annoying when he compares their strength
Flirts with Danni Ash
Character Summary:
A stranger in a strange world, Maximus Zero was once created to enslave worlds, but fate had other plans. Now, as a Justice Teen, Maximus defends New Earth with his younger cousin Maxima Zero by his side.
Appearance: Max wears a pair of steel-toed combat boots and military pants. Above that he wears a skintight blue suit that thins down as it drops closer to his waist. From the parts the suit doesn’t touch is a red mesh armor padding with three black straps where the ribs are located. Over him is a black trench coat with a high collar and two red buttons on each wrist.