maximum zero

Character Name: Maximum Zero
Nicknames/Alias: Zero, Commander, Messiah, Max
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: February 4th, 2007
Date of Joining: August 12th, 2009
Place of Birth: Earth-28
Residence: Transit
Ethnicity: Meta
Race: Meta
Height: 6'2
Weight: 200 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue; Always glowing crimson red
Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Latin, Russian, German, French, Slavic
Powers/Abilities: Enhanced Superpack
Role in Injustice Teens: Leader
Relatives: Jacob(Creator), Maximus Zero(Cousin), Maxima Zero(Deceased)(Cousin)
Relationships: Maximus Zero, Maxima Zero, Jacob, Kid Blurr, Ice Tile, Ada Shepard, Kid Nitrro, Sword Peirce, Carbine, Parasitix, Krypt, Breakdown, Txt, Dobson, One Hit, Snowblitz, Kid Omega, Pyran, Kinetic Teen, Potential Teen, Star Lad, Prodigyy, Poison Leaf, 52, Talon, Other Wordler, Reflect, Glider, Sky Course, Lobe, Handsome John, Sin, Ax, Galen Pillar, Survivor, Trig, Suitra, Frost Teen, Stereo, Teknoh, Buzz Kill, Big Biddah, Cyberwar, Sillk, Alicia, Thurgood Marshall, Fuser, Breakdown, Kid Banshee, Little Big, Aug, Doctor Kitten, Bomb Shelter, Ink Script, Clay, Clay Dezmerak, Gut, Nadia Savage, Donut Boy, Bleed Out, Makeshift, KellyKa
Education: College Graduate
Background: Zero comes from Earth-28 like his two cousins, Maximum and Maxima Zero. In 2009, Zero came with Maxima and an army of clones to fight off the heroes. After his defeat, the desertion of Jacob, and the turning of Maxima, Zero was believed dead until Brainiac retrieved his body. He acted as a soldier for Brainiac, gaining self-intelligence while fighting the J.Ts. One day, Zero took life into his own hands and betrayed Brainiac, stealing his ship and raising his own army to rival the Justice Teens. During their war, Zero came to see the plight Humanity was on Earth and Meta-Humans and pledged himself to being the shepherd for Metas to a better world.
Personality: Unlike Maximus and Maxima Zero, Maximum Zero has a single mistake in his design. Zero's amygdala degraded during his creation, causing him to easily become enraged in combat. Other than that, Zero comes off as a calm and intimidating young man. Amongst others, Zero is considered a Meta-Human terrorist, however those who have had an intelligent conversation with him can tell you that his actions come from love and fear for his people and that he just wants the best for them. That being said, he can be ruthless when getting what he wants and has complete devotion from Metas he has never even met.
Has no Human D.N.A
Viewed as a hero to thousands of Meta-Humans across the planet
Is one of a kind and has no other Earth version
When fused with any other I.T, Zero is always the dominant trait
Enjoys Bach and Daughtry
Released a novel in 2015
Respects the value of family
Is in a silent war with S.T.A.R Labs
Hunts Elizabeth Right whenever he's free
Trains others in battle tactics
Eyes are always glowing red
Can lift New York City
Can fight the entirety of the Justice Teens by himself
Told Kid Nitrro not to kill Kid Blurr or any of his J.Ts unless ordered
Spends Christmas with Maxima Zero
Kinetic Teen cannot erase him