Maxima Zero

Character Name: Maxine Fisher
Nicknames/Alias: Maxima Zero, Max, Z, G-Z
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: September 18th, 2008
Date of Joining: April 20th, 2009
Place of Birth: Earth 16
Residence: Frontier
Ethnicity: Meta-Human
Race: Clone
Height: 5'8
Weight: 150 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese
Powers/Abilities: See Powers and Abilities
Role in Justice Teens: Tank
Relatives: Maximus Zero(Cousin), Maximum Zero(Cousin), Jacob(Creator) (Deceased)
Relationships: Dex, Maximus Zero, Maximum Zero, Star Lad, Jacob, Kid Blurr, Ravily, Stereo, Hells Archer, Water Shock, Morning Sparrow, Parasitix, Baddle, Dex, Kid Shift, Frost Teen, Wonder Teen, Crocodile Boy, Nova Pulsar, Donut Boy, Tesla Effect
Education: High School
Background: Created on Earth 16, Maxima Zero was created using Meta-Human DNA from New Earth after her older cousin Maximus Zero broke free from Jacob’s control. Needing a warrior who could compete with Maximus' abilities, Jacob created Maxima Zero while Maximum Zero was made to surpass his raw strength. After arriving on New Earth in 2009, Maxima and Maximum Zero were instructed to attack the planet with a small army of clones to draw out the Justice Teens and Maximus Zero. On the 20th of April, the Justice Teens, Supreme Justice, and First Defense staged an assault against the two clones, leading to the supposed death of Maximum Zero, and freeing Maxima Zero from her handlers. Now stuck on a planet with unlimited possibilities, she joined her cousin and the Justice Teens of America.
Personality: Maxima Zero is much more lighthearted than her cousins. She acts with both heart and mind, rarely out of anger. A youthful spirit, Maxima is a friendly young woman who is fiercely loyal to the league, more so to the ideals it stands for. Her love for all life drives her to give her all when it comes to protecting those who can't protect themselves.
Death: In 2013, during a battle with her creator's apprentice, Eliot
Wears a PaPa The Panda backpack to school
Long black hair that goes past her shoulders if kept unchecked
Favorite food is french fries
Owns a bunny named Reginald
Secretly Bisexual until 2012
Dyes hair blonde when going to school
Thinks wearing shoes without socks is gross
Uses an ancient Mayan temple in South America as a home when visiting
Favorite subjects are Math and Science
IQ of 210
Had a relationship with Star Lad for a time
Abides the laws closer than most Justice Teens
Hates secrets
Afraid of spiders
Loves her cousin Maximum Zero, despite what one does
Likes to box with Peyton Cross
In a relationship with Dex
Character Summary:
Made for war, but born for love, Maxima Zero's existence and purpose are dichotomies of one another. Her selfless nature and acts of heroism make her the ideal hero that others in the league strive to be, and more importantly, what gives her what she strives to protect.
Appearance: Maxima Zero wears black cargo pants and black low-top Vans with white bases. Her top is a white T underneath a biker jacket with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows. The jacket is usually zipped up halfway and the flaps are put down like triangles. The jacket is pretty big for her so she wears a white belt around her stomach to keep it all together. She also wears a black belt for her pants. On both hands are black fingerless gloves. She likes to keep her hair long.