martian niro

Character Name: Rahnk Niro'Fwec
Nicknames/Alias: Martian Niro, Adrian, Judith
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: Unknown
Date of Joining: September 3rd, 2009
Place of Birth: Mars
Residence: Frontier
Ethnicity: N/A
Race: Green Martian
Height: 240 lbs; varies
Weight: 6’4; varies
Hair Color: Bald
Eye Color: Red
Languages: Multilingual
Powers/Abilities: See Powers and Abilities
Role in Justice Teens: Mission Adviser
Relatives: None
Relationships: Kid Blurr, Young Fate, Shiriken, Psi Lad, Star Lad, Tesla Effect, Tech Break, Stereo, Kid Shift, Frost Teen, Trubie, David Blackwell, Maximus Zero, Maxima Zero, Impulse, Sparky Arrow, Maximum Zero, Kid Nitrro, Ice Tile, Pyran, Heavy Weight, Breakdown, Mister Mindtrick, Ggal, Psylash, Curve, Thurgood Marshall, Black Powder, FX, Widget, 52
Education: Unknown
Background: How Niro survived the genocide of his people is unknown but at some point in the mid 90’s he made his way to Earth. In 2004 when he would come across Justice Kid and become a founding member of the original Justice Teens and serve on it for two years before they were hunted down and killed, leaving only 3 survivors: Morning Sparrow, Kid Blurr, and Martian Niro. With his faith in Humanity lost, Niro went into hiding back on Mars, roaming the mummified husk of his world. He would later return to Earth after being called to by Young Fate to help fight off Maximum Zero. After defeating him, Niro was surprised that Kid Blurr was now leading a much larger version of the league and was offered to rejoin his old friend.
Personality: After the destruction of his people and the death of his friends, Niro is often cold and uncaring for those around him. And still being considered a child, Niro did not overcome the anger and hate he felt but focused that rage on the enemies of the league. He's often more abrasive when it comes to his telepathy, not believing in any moral/ethical code that would stop him from casually scanning the thoughts and memories of both foe and ally alike, often placing him in a spot of contention with his league mates.
Death: Martian Niro was killed by Cypher during the final battle
Loves watching cheesy 90's alien movies
Claims to have probed a hippy in the early 2000s
Was a background actor during his time before joining the Justice Teens
Spends most of his time on Frontier
Visits his old home of Mars when the world is "quiet"
Took the position of Mission Advisor to avoid going into public
Suffers from PTSD
Dating a human girl named Clarice
Favorite song is "Satellite" by Dave Matthew's Band
Has no issue with killing when necessary
Likes to morph into celebrities and pretend to be them
Places mental shields on every member to protect them from psychic intrusion
Did not like Shiriken when they originally met
Loyal to Kid Blurr, Young Fate, and Shiriken
Keeps Psi Lad's father in check
Works with Donut Boy on space missions when in the area
Character Summary:
A refugee from a dead celestial body, Niro carries the weight and memories of his people, a burden he wishes to leave behind. Now a man without a home to go to, he claims Earth as both his battleground and resting place. Til that day, he'll serve the Justice Teens of America just as he had done before.
Surviving is easy, forgetting is hard.
-Martian Niro