
Character Name: Gyro Parks
Nickname / Alias: Makeshift
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: April 10, 1997
Date of Joining: March 14th, 2010
Place of Birth: Naples, Italy
Residence: Mobile
Ethnicity: Italian-American
Race: Meta-Human
Height: 6'0
Weight: 156 lbs
Hair Color: Blond
Eye Color: Brown
Languages: English
Powers: Physical telekinetic constructs
Role in Injustice Teens: Telekinetic Combat Specialist
Relatives: William Parks(Father), Hannah Parks(Mother) Keke Parks(Older Sister), Akio Parks(Brother), Bob Parks(Older Brother), Mai'la Parks(Younger sister)
Relationships: LikLik, Akio, Parasitix, Maximum Zero, Survivor, Kid Shift, Crocodile Boy, Bleed Out, Psi Lad
Education: High School
Background: Gyro Parks was born in Italy as the second son of the Parks family during a vacation. With two American parents, he was raised back in Memphis, Tennessee. When the 2005 Explosion went off, Gyro Parks was on the First Defense algorithm for potential Meta-Humans. After being placed under watch, he grew to despise the government. He got involved in rock after a Korn concert and created the punk-rocker persona he's known for and formed a small rock band. During one of the concerts, Gyro's guitar was broken in half when his bass player "accidentally" knocked into it on stage. With his brain under extreme stress and anger, his powers manifested, and Gyro created a seeable telekinetic guitar; the crowd went wild, believing it all to be special effects. In the stage, one of the viewers was Injustice Teen member, Parasitix, who could tell what he was. After the show, the Parasitix introduced himself and invited the young Meta to the team, to which he quickly joined.
Personality: Makeshift is a very clever and creative young man. Though most view him as the “bad boy rocker with a chip on his shoulder”, he is also a very lighthearted person towards his family and closest friends. When he isn't however, Makeshift is considered a dick who will probably beat you with his real guitar rather than a mentally constructed one. Being born in a large family, Makeshift is used to playing with others, and usually works well in team missions.
He was born in Italy during a family vacation but raised in the U.S
His main goal is to fuck shit up and get infamous
Musically talented
Creates his dreams when asleep
Hates the government
Not a fan of the Justice Teens or Shepard’s Academy
Hates sharing soder
His favorite band growing up was Korn
Despises Anti-LGBT groups
Was a member of an anarchist group
His sister Mia’la is Liklik of Shepard’s Academy
His brother Akio has powers
Buys weed from Kid Shift
Openly calls his team the Injustice Teens
Loves hanging out with Parasitix and Bleed Out
Dates fellow I.T member Survivor
Loyal to Maximum Zero