Character Name: Ilene Witt
Nicknames/Alias: Lady Spectre, Ghost
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: April 18th, 1995
Date of Joining: September 4th, 2011
Place of Birth: Tampa, Florida
Residence: Tampa, Florida
Ethnicity: White
Race: Meta-Human
Height: 6’0
Weight: 146 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Hazel
Languages: English
See Powers and Abilities:
Role in Justice Teens: Scout
Relatives: Iris Witt(Mother), Conner Witt(Father), Jakob Witt(Little Brother), Ana Witt(Little Sister), Connor Witt Jr.(Little Brother), Zeke Witt(Brother)
Relationships: Maximum Zero, Psi Lad, Kid Nitrro, Star Lad, Peyton Cross, Orbital Spirit, Kid Blurr, Doctor Kitten, Patricia Nightly, Fire Teen, Danni Ash, Snowblitz, One Punch, Trebble, Lilly, Makeshift, Martian Niro, Psylash
Education: High School
Background: Ilene was adopted at the age of three by the Witt family. Over the years the family would bring more children into their lives until the birth of their only blood child Connor Witt Jr., CJ. Ilene lived a normal life until the explosion of 2005 which activated her meta-gene, granting her the rare power to be both tangible and intangible and also fly. After showing her parents, they forbade her from using them which she would, slightly. For the next few years, Ilene and her family would live a normal suburban life, and Ilene would secretly use her powers to keep her siblings safe and out of trouble. And the occasional vigilantism from time to time. In the summer of 2011, while the Witts were visiting Mount Rushmore, they were approached by Maximum Zero and Kid Nitrro. Recognizing them from the news, the Witts ran, all except Ilene who used her powers to distract the two I.Ts. Combing Zero’s enhanced vision and Nitrro’s speed, the two were able to apprehend Ilene until the arrival of Psi Lad who managed to throw Nitrro off into the distance, giving him enough time to speak with Zero. After learning that Zero was not after Ilene and that she attacked him first, the leader of the I.T released the girl and left as police sirens were heard blaring in the distance. Commending Ilene on her courage, and scolding her stupidity, Psi Lad disappeared, blocking his presence mentally from her and everyone nearby. Two months later, in class, Ilene heard Psi Lad in her head after connecting her to a few occurrences in her city that matched her powers. He saw that she had a “hero’s touch” and invited her to the Justice Teens of America.
Personality: As the oldest of four siblings, Ilene has a protective mentality. She’s one of the more responsible members of the league, often being the one to diffuse a situation with her words, but when it comes to fighting, she can often hold her own, powers or no powers. Whenever in a group, she’s either set as a leader or second in command, often keeping her team in check. While off being Ilene however, she’s known to be a bit hardheaded and a party girl, all to relieve the stress of a sister-mom and a superhero.
Teaches at Ada Shepard’s Academy of Mastery and Learning
When Maximum Zero approached the Witts on vacation, he came to recruit Zeke, not knowing of Ilene’s powers
Took karate and gymnastic classes in middle school
Orbital Spirit once described her as a “Snow Bunny”
Siblings do not know of her powers
Works at a local grocery store
Parents know of their membership in the Justice Teens and often reluctantly allow her to help them
Joined during the era of internal conflict with the J.Ts
Loves Tyler the Creator
Wants to go to school for Architecture
Often flirts with Trebble from the Injustice Teens
Goes to raves with Makeshift and Doctor Kitten
Does not like Fire Teen or Baddle
Character Summary:
Ilene’s always been recognized for her courage and ability to shoulder the burdens of others, always seen as the best of us. Lady Spectre is the armor that protects Ilene when those burdens get too heavy, and the expectations get to be too much. A shield for those around her, Spectre is thankful that the J.T acts as one for her too.