Kid Wicked

Character Name: James Murphy
Nicknames/Alias: Kid Wicked (JT), Duatai Incarnus (Birth Neph name)
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: October 13,1960
Date of Joining: February 18, 2014
Place of Birth: New Babylonia, Bermuda
Residence: Miami; Washington D.C.
Ethnicity: Black (Human form)
Race: Prime Nephalem (Natural-Born Demon/Angel Hybrid)
Height: 6’2
Weight: 200 lbs.
Hair Color: Black (Human), White (Nephalem)
Eye Color: Brown (Human), Purple (Nephalem)
Languages: English, Spanish, French, Latin, Japanese, Korean, Enochian (Angel), Dimoori (Demon), Portuguese
Powers/Abilities: See Powers and Abilities
Role in Justice Teens: Offense
Relatives: Lura Munn Incarnus (Angel Mother), Hic Incarnus (Demon Father); Linda Murphy (adoptive mother, human), Johnathan Murphy (adoptive father, human), Tiana Murphy (adoptive sister, originally human); Golden Sparrow (Cousin)
Relationships: Kid Blurr, Orbital Spirit, Black Ghost, Fable, Johnny Negani, Ravily, Fun Fact, Kid Shift, Golden Sparrow, and Valentine (Apple Van Jack)
Education: Miami/Washington D.C. Public School, Acute Knowledge of the Occult
Background: Long after the Great War of the Angels, a faction of angels known as the Blackwing Order split from Heaven. They believed some of the demons of Hell could be forgiven for their past crimes in order to forge a new order under God to rule and live with mankind. After settling on Earth and recruiting a handful of demons to their cause, a powerful angel named Lura Munn soon fell in love with the fearsome son of a Demon Lord named Yrrah. After fully joining and committing to the Order, Yrrah then changed his name to Hic Incarnus and had a son with Lura named Duatai. Upon Duatai’s birth (along with any other Neph children that were born), the Order took it upon themselves to extract portions of their souls (and thus a large chunk of their powers) from their bodies and seal them deep within the Aether (a dimension outside of time and space). Hic and Lura then continued to work to build their own community on an island deep within The Devil’s Triangle known as New Babylonia. Though he was the first born, Duatai would soon grow up here with other Nephalem children until the 1961 Bay of Pigs Invasion of Cuba. With most of humanity distracted by the impending threat of nuclear war, the demons saw this as an opportunity to end the Order. As a result, Jazarra (Hic’s sister) led a group of demons from Hell and invaded New Babylonia. Lura and Hic then sent Duatai and the other neph children away, smuggling them into East Asia (as the children were still very young). Wicked then spent the next 40 years growing up and learning the history of humans at a monastery in Mount Koya, Japan. However, he left the monastery in 2001 after wanting to go out and see the world and stowed away on a cargo ship headed for the U.S. The boat lands in Washington, D.C. and he’s discovered by local police when he attempts to leave the docks. Being that he has the appearance of a 4 year old, he is then taken into CPS who places him at a group home elsewhere in the city. It is there that he decides to take up the first name James. He also begins reading numerous books to keep himself entertained (some were about war, others about romance, and others about architecture). He spends the next 9 years growing up as a normal human- even enrolling in public school and doing fairly well. However, upon his group foster mother (Mama Dee)’s death, James is taken back into CPS. They find a nice family in a county not far outside the city (the Murphys) to adopt him and he adjusts pretty well there over the course of the next 4 years. He even met his best friend Amaya and almost started a relationship with her. He also became close enough with his older sister Tiana to convince her to accept her offer for a position at the FBI. However, this all changed when Arrazaj (aka Hellscape, daughter of Jazarra) invaded the Murphy home and killed James’ family (including Amaya and Tiana) in 2014. James attempted to kill Hellscape using his powers, but soon realizes that he’s not quite strong enough to kill her. Helpless to stop her and enraged at his inability to take revenge, James then transforms into his Nephalem form for a short time, deeply wounding Hellscape. Hellscape blast James away and escapes, which Kid Blurr notices nearby. Upon the arrival of local authorities, they quickly realize that James has been deeply affected by the ordeal (as the encounter caused his psyche to split into Duatai and James: Wicked’s Nephalem and human sides respectively). James heals up within a few minutes and Blurr snatches him from the scene, making him an offer: go off on his own hunting demons and likely get himself killed (as he clearly does not yet know the full extent of his powers) or join the Justice Teens and hunt demons with both backup and possibly a new family. James chooses the latter and gave himself the codename: Kid Wicked.
Personality: Calm, collected façade, some-what timid (human half) as the human half fears his own power, often loses control on foes he truly despises
Quit League: Left League late 2018
Goes to church quite often due to having grown up in the Murphy’s Baptist household
Always wears glasses in his human form. (Does so due to an enchantment placed upon them by his parents which causes him to believe he has poor eyesight and making him seem more human as a result.)