Kid Rager

Character Name: Simon Petri
Nickname / Alias: Kid Rager, Killer of the North
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: October 6th, 1997
Date of Joining: June 8th, 2007
Place of Birth: Alberta, Canada
Residence: Water Front
Ethnicity: Canadian
Race: Meta-Human
Height: 5'4
Weight: 123 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Languages: English
Powers/Abilities: Adrenal Activation
See Powers and Abilities
Role in Justice Teens: Drill Captain
Relatives: Jean Thatcher(Mother)(Deceased), Chris Thatcher(Father)(Deceased)
Relationships: Coffy, Kid Blurr, Mockingbirdx, Wonder Teen, Ky Santanna, Trubie, Steven Mitchells, Sparky Arrow, Frost Bat, Frost Teen, Prodigyy, Valkyrie Girl, Tesla Effect, Star Lad, Renol, Psi Lad, Night Sif
Education: Unknown
Important Life Events: Being beaten to near death and having his parents killed by Grundy, Being nursed and trained by a Native American tribe, Going down to Gotham, Helping the others defeat Brainiac during his invasion and creating the Justice Teens, Nearly dying then being brought back to life with the Fountain of Youth, Meeting Coffy over MySpace, Giving his life up to save the Justice Teen
Background: When he was a young boy, Simon's parents were killed by Grundy while returning from the States. Being the only survivor, a tribe of Natives found his body and nursed him back to health. Having no one else, and unable to kill the beast, Simon stayed with the tribe where they trained him to hone his skills. After returning to Gotham during the Brainiac Invasion of 2006, Simon took up the name Kid Rager, and fought alongside Blurr and the others to make the Justice Teens in 2007. Throughout the year of 2008, Kid Rager acted as quartermaster and soul of the league, teaching and keeping the new members alive while Kid Blurr and the others kept their priorities on other problems, until his death at the end of the year.
Personality: Simon Petri was the heart of Blurr’s first Justice Teens generation. He was usually seen around his best-friend, Mockingbirdx, causing mayhem and trouble for anyone who came in their way. When he first joined, Kid Rager was more of a loose cannon than a hero, known for using guerrilla tactics during a fight. As time went on, Kid Rager started to mature, no longer playing petty jokes on members or starting fights with strangers, but it was near in December of 2007 where he met a young girl named Tatiana Forshaw on Facebook, that his life would turn around. Showing compassion and love for Tatiana, Rager was able to use that in his everyday life, keeping that love as a lock for something hidden deeper within him. Even though he was not meant to be a leader, it was stated by Prodigyy, “Just by fighting near Rager, a certain feeling of uncontrollable bliss would take over and killing would become all too easy.”, proving a dreadful fact about the once loved Justice Teen member. Kid Rager gave his life to save everyone he knew and love, after experiencing the “true” Rager; a psychopathic, egomaniac who had been hardwired to kill without remorse. Unknown to most, his death would be the door that would lead his friends and family into a spiral that only he knew about, only he wished to forget, proving that he was always running from his past for a brighter future.
Death: Committed suicide while killing the leader of A-Game.
Mentally disturbed
MySpace page nickname is Killer of the North
Incredible Willpower
Youngest member of the first 5
Master at dual wielding tomahawks
League prankster
Parents killed my Solomon Grundy
Trademark weapons are marbles with multiple uses
Open and very playful, but easily switches to violent and unpredictable
Loved to mess with Mockingbirdx and Sparky Arrow
In love with Tatiana Foeshaw, a.k.a Coffy
Trusted by Psi with a very personal secret about his father
Rager has shown the capacity to create sophisticated and useful items such as E.M.P marbles. Rager is skilled with the use of axes and has shown great agility and seems to be proficient in hand to hand combat.
Rager was the first person to join Blurr when he was in Gotham
With his mental stability in question, everyone had wondered how easy it would've been for Rager to kill them all, before be brought to justice, but they're happy he was able to hold himself back...or was he?
Appearance: Kid Rager is shorter that the members of his time. He wore a maroon and white colored armor. With a red domino mask with white eyes, and dreads that reached past his shoulders. On his waist is a holster for both his tomahawks and a pouch containing his trick marbles. He wears red pants that are rolled up to his knees and red-white hightop Vans.