kid nitrro

Character Name: N/A
Nicknames/Alias: Kid Nitrro, Kid Blurr, Reverse-Blurr, Zoom
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: N/A
Date of Joining: August 13th, 2009
Place of Birth: N/A
Residence: Mobile
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Race: Meta-Human
Height: 6'1
Weight: 157 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Dark-Red
Languages: English
Powers/Abilities: Super-Speed
Role in Injustice Teens: Assassin
Relatives: N/A
Relationships: Kid Blurr, Maximum Zero, Ice Tile, Feedback, The Speed Force
Education: N/A
Background: Kid Nitrro spent a good amount of effort in destroying all sources to his past. What is known is that at one point he met Blurr and soon ended up in juvenile detention center. It is not known how or when he gained his powers, though some believe it was during the first encounter Blurr had with Dimitiros. Nitrro would be one of the original five members of the Injustice Teens after being found in an abandoned Meta-Human detention center near the CDC in Atlanta.
Personality: It's hard to tell what Nitrro is thinking and doing. His position as the only connection to the Speed Force makes him a powerful member of the Injustice Teens, however his obsession with his own goal often puts him at odds with everyone. He's shown to ruthlessly kill innocents and the enemy, even other I.Ts aren't safe. His hatred of Kid Blurr is what seems to push him forward, though he's been ordered by Zero not to kill him or the entire league unless ordered. As to who Kid Nitrro truly is, the one word most people would describe him is "Monster".
Death: Sacrificed himself to kill Dimitiros during the Final Battle
Known to kill Injustice Teens if his plan calls for it
Speaks too fast and is usually heard in growls or fragments by those with untrained senses
Faster and more powerful than Kid Blurr
Was told not to annihilate the Justice Teens by Maximum Zero
Highly intelligent
Speed Force expert
Can enter and exit the Speed Force at will
Captures men and women from all over and experiments on them
Created the Speed Force Babies
Many of the Justice Teens fear him