jermain lake

Character Name: Jermain Lake
Nicknames/Alias: N/A
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: September 9th, 1998
Date of Joining: January 24th, 2010
Place of Birth: N/A
Residence: Mobile
Ethnicity: Swedish
Race: Meta-Human
Height: 5’7
Weight: 155 lbs
Hair Color: Reddish-Brown
Eye Color: Green
Languages: Swedish and English
Powers/Abilities: Teleportation
Role in Injustice Teens: Messenger
Relatives: N/A
Relationships: Trubie, Kid Nitrro, Maximum Zero, Top Gun, Kid Blurr, Ada Shepard, Mad Dash, Atelay, Ax, Sparky Arrow, Fallout Boy, Sven
Education: High School
Background: Raised in the foster care system, Jermain Lake had his fair share of horror stories. The abuse he suffered during his second family added to the explosion of 2005 activated his meta-gene much sooner than the average kid. His power allowed him to teleport great distances, but even then, he had nowhere to go. It was in 2007, the year Brainiac attacked, that he finally ran away after leaving the foster home to be destroyed. He would spend the next three years on the street, stealing and doing odd jobs to survive until he was found by Maximum Zero and Kid Nitrro. He would attempt to run, only to be caught by the crimson devil and Zero. Instead of harming him Jermain was offered a place in Zero’s Injustice Teens as a messenger and spy.
Personality: With the years of abuse he suffered in foster care, Jermain’s created a bubble around himself, making it hard for people to get close to him. He’s usually by himself unless needed. Due to his introverted nature, he will rarely get into a fight, but will come to Zero’s aid whenever he, and he alone, calls.
Likes dubstep and country music
Favors reading
Can be found scavenging
Doesn’t like having his personal space intruded
Given additional high-school education on Transit
Punches his shoulder when he messes up
Nail biting when nervous
Favorite restaurant is Subway
Homeless for a period of his life
Would rather work alone
Stole most of what he owns
Most don’t know where he is until he’s called on
Was invited to Shepard’s Academy for Mastery and Learning
Likes the rain
Is deeply ingrained in the Meta-Euro nightclub life
Grateful to Zero for giving him a home
Had multiple fights with Trubie during retrieval missions
His handler is Kid Nitrro