
Character Name: Thomas Steadworth
Nicknames/Alias: Impulse, Tommy, De'Fux
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: February 28th, 1995
Date of Joining: December 27th, 2007
Place of Birth: Denver, Colorado
Residence: Lima, Peru
Ethnicity: American
Race: Homo Magi
Height: 6'3
Weight: 162 lbs
Hair Color: Brunette
Eye Color: Blue
Languages: English and Portuguese
See Powers and Abilities
Role in Justice Teens: Teacher
Relatives: Henry Steadworth(Father), Mother(Unknown)
Relationships: Trubie, Kid Blurr, Sparky Arrow, Frost Teen, Tech Break, Martian Niro, Star Lad, Maxima, Prodigyy, Young Fate, Wonder Teen, Sparky Arrow, Renol, Frost Bat, Psi Lad, Coffy, Tesla Effect, BronzeCub, Maximus Zero, Frost Brat, Kinetic Teen, Stratos, Carbine, Statrix, Kid Shift
Education: High School
Background: Born in Denver, Thomas Steadworth lived a mundane life until one summer, he found a magic crystal in the Rocky Mountains on a family vacation which granted him the power of super-speed. He would keep his powers a secret for the next year while training himself to better handle them until he met William De'Fux, a self-proclaimed master thief, and con artist who had a special interest in the crystals. After Thomas absorbed the crystal's energy, De'Fux had somehow tracked traces of its energy to Denver and therefore the Steadworth house. Once he saw that it had indeed been absorbed, William had no reason to stay around and planned to league, but not before Thomas asked to go with him. Seeing his life as boring and uninteresting, Thomas was enamored with De'Fux and his adventuristic lifestyle. Though William declined, Thomas would follow him with the help of his powers, forcing William to take on the young boy as his war and leaving his old life behind. The two would travel together, searching for other remaining crystals until they separated after William attempted to take his powers from him. Sometime later. Impulse would be in Smallville when a Doomsday clone attacked the town. Thomas attempted to stop the monster and keep the people safe, but it wasn't until after the arrival of the Justice Teens that the tides had changed. Once the beast was dead, he would be offered membership to the team, taking the name Impulse.
Personality: Coming in 2007, Tommy’s relationship with the league would forever bind him to the mysteries of the world. His charming personality and warm energy were the remedy for Blurr’s harsh and complex system in the league. Often seen as a daredevil and quick to jump into something, Impulse slowly mellowed out as he got older. When Frost Teen joined in 2008, Impulse was open about expressing his dislike to adding younger than thirteen-year-olds to the league, worried they’d be scarred from the experiences the Justice Teens dealt with on a regular basis. As the years passed and the J.T.A added more members, Impulse created a study room where members who couldn’t be seen in public would be taught all that needed to be known. Tommy was loyal to the Justice Teens and those who served beside them.
Death: Dies in the Final Battle
Dropped out of school to explore America
Fastest speed is March 1
A tech wiz, able to develop and use E.M.Ps and other devices such
Loves to pull pranks
Drinks coffee, even though warned not too
Expert con artist
Use to train to keep up with Kid Blurr
Seen as the heart of the Justice Teens
Possible kleptomaniac
Is uneasy with the idea of working with any Injustice Teen
Stopped being a full-time hero in 2010 to work as an intern for Archaeologist in South America
The most easy-going member of 2008
Is in the longest-lasting relationship with Trubie
Was denied enrollment to Shepard's Academy due to his magic origins
Usually "trolls" Star on a daily basis, whether it's locking him in the simulator or drowning him in the pool and then throwing a toaster in. Impulse will always see Star as that kid that needs to loosen up
Character Summary: From leaving his family just to explore the world, to being a teacher for the new generation of heroes, Impulse is one of the few to let it be known he, ironically, grew too fast. A Justice Teen through and through, and he's been around long enough to see the changes in the world's tide, and prepares the Justice Teens to take each wave when it comes.