ice tile

Character Name: Chad Burnwhick
Nicknames/Alias: Ice Tile
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: June 9th, 1997
Date of Joining: August 9th, 2009
Place of Birth: Central City
Residence: Transit
Ethnicity: Human
Race: Caucasian
Height: 6'0
Weight: 162 lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Ice Blue
Languages: English, Spanish, Cherokee
Powers/Abilities: None
Role in Injustice Teens: Second in Command
Relatives: N/A
Relationships: Michael Stepson, Maximum Zero, Stereo, Sword Peirce, Kid Nitrro, Kid Blurr, Frost Bat, Pyran, Carbine, Parasitix, Reflect, Door Way, Feedback, Pinpoint X
Education: N/A
Background: Little is known about Chad's life, however at one point he was approached to be an apprentice to Michael Stepson, a widely known cryogenics scientist. When not in his classes, he hung out with his friend Omar Tsair and Kenia Diaz. After his mentor was found dead, Chad slowly became more cynical and distant, only coming out of his shell when he asked Kenia to be his girlfriend. Slowly things turned back to normal until during a class trip he saw Omar and Kenia kiss. Something inside Chad died then. That night, he planned to kill his best friend during the trip to the Flash museum, however an accident happened when the Rogues ended up robbing the building and Omar was left comatose. Robbed of his revenge, Chad ran away, only to resurface some time later as Ice Tile.
Personality: Ice Tile is a made leader, being placed second in command of the I.Ts. Unlike Sword and Zero though, Ice is dangerously distant from the normal moral code. He comes off somewhat quiet and introverted, however quickly shows his psychotic tendencies when killing people without mercy or question, even when not ordered. His hate for Stereo made him put a team of other I.Ts together just to hurt him, so he's not shy of holding grudges. Manipulative, motivated, methodical, and a genius to boot, Ice Tile is one of the most dangerous I.T humans to date.
Favorite band is Flobots
Leader of the Rogue Boys
Known to kill recruits for insubordination
Child genius
Is hard to kill
Stood his ground against Maximum Zero for five minutes
Says each individual word when he speaks
Visits Kenia's grave every year
Knows the irony between him and Captain Cold
Pretends to be a nice guy
Hates Stereo
Views Frost Bat as a disgrace to his uncle's legacy
Can immobilize speedsters with ease
Favorite holiday is Christmas
Wants to kill Pyran
Finds Makeshift annoying
Favors to work with Nadia Savage
Loyal to Maximum Zero only